 * Set Lock Info and Row Class strings
 * for the usage in Article list tables.
 * @param object $p_articleObj
 * @param string $p_lockInfo
 * @param string $p_rowClass
 * @param boolean $p_color
function camp_set_article_row_decoration(&$p_articleObj, &$p_lockInfo, &$p_rowClass, &$p_color)
    global $g_user;
    $p_lockInfo = '';
    $translator = \Zend_Registry::get('container')->getService('translator');
    $timeDiff = camp_time_diff_str($p_articleObj->getLockTime());
    if ($p_articleObj->isLocked() && $timeDiff['days'] <= 0) {
        $lockUserObj = new User($p_articleObj->getLockedByUser());
        if ($timeDiff['hours'] > 0) {
            $p_lockInfo = $translator->trans('The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.', array('$1' => htmlspecialchars($lockUserObj->getRealName()), '$2' => htmlspecialchars($lockUserObj->getUserName()), '$3' => $timeDiff['hours'], '$4' => $timeDiff['minutes']), 'home');
        } else {
            $p_lockInfo = $translator->trans('The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.', array('$1' => htmlspecialchars($lockUserObj->getRealName()), '$2' => htmlspecialchars($lockUserObj->getUserName()), '$3' => $timeDiff['minutes']), 'home');
    if ($p_articleObj->isLocked() && $timeDiff['days'] <= 0 && $p_articleObj->getLockedByUser() != $g_user->getUserId()) {
        $p_rowClass = "article_locked";
    } else {
        if ($p_color) {
            $p_rowClass = "list_row_even";
        } else {
            $p_rowClass = "list_row_odd";
    $p_color = !$p_color;
 * Set Lock Info and Row Class strings
 * for the usage in Article list tables.
 * @param object $p_articleObj
 * @param string $p_lockInfo
 * @param string $p_rowClass
 * @param boolean $p_color
function camp_set_article_row_decoration(&$p_articleObj, &$p_lockInfo, &$p_rowClass, &$p_color)
    global $g_user;
    $p_lockInfo = '';
    $timeDiff = camp_time_diff_str($p_articleObj->getLockTime());
    if ($p_articleObj->isLocked() && $timeDiff['days'] <= 0) {
        $lockUserObj = new User($p_articleObj->getLockedByUser());
        if ($timeDiff['hours'] > 0) {
            $p_lockInfo = getGS('The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.', htmlspecialchars($lockUserObj->getRealName()), htmlspecialchars($lockUserObj->getUserName()), $timeDiff['hours'], $timeDiff['minutes']);
        } else {
            $p_lockInfo = getGS('The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.', htmlspecialchars($lockUserObj->getRealName()), htmlspecialchars($lockUserObj->getUserName()), $timeDiff['minutes']);
    if ($p_articleObj->isLocked() && $timeDiff['days'] <= 0 && $p_articleObj->getLockedByUser() != $g_user->getUserId()) {
        $p_rowClass = "article_locked";
    } else {
        if ($p_color) {
            $p_rowClass = "list_row_even";
        } else {
            $p_rowClass = "list_row_odd";
    $p_color = !$p_color;
  * Process item
  * @param  Article $article
  * @return array
 public function processItem($article)
     global $g_user, $Campsite;
     $translator = \Zend_Registry::get('container')->getService('translator');
     $editorService = \Zend_Registry::get('container')->getService('newscoop.editor');
     $articleLink = $editorService->getLink($article);
     $articleLinkParams = $editorService->getLinkParameters($article);
     $articleLinkParamsTranslate = $articleLinkParams . '&amp;f_action=translate&amp;f_action_workflow=' . $article->getWorkflowStatus() . '&amp;f_article_code=' . $article->getArticleNumber() . '_' . $article->getLanguageId();
     $previewLink = $Campsite['WEBSITE_URL'] . '/admin/articles/preview.php' . $editorService->getLinkParameters($article);
     $htmlPreviewLink = '<a href="' . $previewLink . '" target="_blank" title="' . $translator->trans('Preview') . '">' . $translator->trans('Preview') . '</a>';
     $translateLink = $Campsite['WEBSITE_URL'] . '/admin/articles/translate.php' . $articleLinkParamsTranslate;
     $htmlTranslateLink = '<a href="' . $translateLink . '" target="_blank" title="' . $translator->trans('Translate') . '">' . $translator->trans('Translate') . '</a>';
     $lockInfo = '';
     $lockHighlight = false;
     $timeDiff = camp_time_diff_str($article->getLockTime());
     if ($article->isLocked() && $timeDiff['days'] <= 0) {
         $lockUser = new User($article->getLockedByUser());
         if ($timeDiff['hours'] > 0) {
             $lockInfo = $translator->trans('The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.', array('$1' => htmlspecialchars($lockUser->getRealName()), '$2' => htmlspecialchars($lockUser->getUserName()), '$3' => $timeDiff['hours'], '$4' => $timeDiff['minutes']), 'articles');
         } else {
             $lockInfo = $translator->trans('The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.', array('$1' => htmlspecialchars($lockUser->getRealName()), '$2' => htmlspecialchars($lockUser->getUserName()), '$3' => $timeDiff['minutes']), 'articles');
         if ($article->getLockedByUser() != $g_user->getUserId()) {
             $lockHighlight = true;
     $tmpUser = new User($article->getCreatorId());
     $tmpArticleType = new ArticleType($article->getType());
     $tmpAuthor = new Author();
     $articleAuthors = ArticleAuthor::GetAuthorsByArticle($article->getArticleNumber(), $article->getLanguageId());
     foreach ((array) $articleAuthors as $author) {
         if (strtolower($author->getAuthorType()->getName()) == 'author') {
             $tmpAuthor = $author;
     if (!$tmpAuthor->exists() && isset($articleAuthors[0])) {
         $tmpAuthor = $articleAuthors[0];
     $onFrontPage = $article->onFrontPage() ? $translator->trans('Yes') : $translator->trans('No');
     $onSectionPage = $article->onSectionPage() ? $translator->trans('Yes') : $translator->trans('No');
     $imagesNo = (int) ArticleImage::GetImagesByArticleNumber($article->getArticleNumber(), true);
     $topicsNo = (int) ArticleTopic::GetArticleTopics($article->getArticleNumber(), true);
     $commentsNo = '';
     if ($article->commentsEnabled()) {
         global $controller;
         $repositoryComments = $controller->getHelper('entity')->getRepository('Newscoop\\Entity\\Comment');
         $filter = array('thread' => $article->getArticleNumber(), 'language' => $article->getLanguageId());
         $params = array('sFilter' => $filter);
         $commentsNo = $repositoryComments->getCount($params);
     } else {
         $commentsNo = 'No';
     // get language code
     $language = new Language($article->getLanguageId());
     return array($article->getArticleNumber(), $article->getLanguageId(), $article->getOrder(), sprintf('%s <a href="%s" title="%s %s">%s</a>', $article->isLocked() ? '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-locked' . (!$lockHighlight ? ' current-user' : '') . '" title="' . $lockInfo . '"></span>' : '', $articleLink, $translator->trans('Edit'), htmlspecialchars($article->getName() . " ({$article->getLanguageName()})"), htmlspecialchars($article->getName() . (empty($_REQUEST['language']) ? " ({$language->getCode()})" : ''))), htmlspecialchars($article->getSection()->getName()), $article->getWebcode(), htmlspecialchars($tmpArticleType->getDisplayName()), htmlspecialchars($tmpUser->getRealName()), htmlspecialchars($tmpAuthor->getName()), $article->getWorkflowStatus(), $onFrontPage, $onSectionPage, $imagesNo, $topicsNo, $commentsNo, (int) $article->getReads(), Geo_Map::GetArticleMapId($article) != null ? $translator->trans('Yes') : $translator->trans('No'), (int) sizeof(Geo_Map::GetLocationsByArticle($article)), $article->getCreationDate(), $article->getPublishDate(), $article->getLastModified(), $htmlPreviewLink, $htmlTranslateLink);
// If the article is locked say so to the user
if ($articleObj->userCanModify($g_user) && $locked && !$inViewMode) {
<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="main-content-wrapper">
    <div class="ui-widget-content big-block block-shadow padded-strong" style="text-align:center;">
      <h3 class="alert"><?php 
    putGS('Article is locked');
      <fieldset class="plain">
    $timeDiff = camp_time_diff_str($articleObj->getLockTime());
    if ($timeDiff['hours'] > 0) {
        putGS('The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.', '<b>' . htmlspecialchars($lockUserObj->getRealName()), htmlspecialchars($lockUserObj->getUserName()) . '</b>', $timeDiff['hours'], $timeDiff['minutes']);
    } else {
        putGS('The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.', '<b>' . htmlspecialchars($lockUserObj->getRealName()), htmlspecialchars($lockUserObj->getUserName()) . '</b>', $timeDiff['minutes']);
            <input type="button" name="Yes" value="<?php 
" class="button" onclick="location.href='<?php 
    echo camp_html_article_url($articleObj, $f_language_id, "do_unlock.php", '', null, true);
'" />
	 * Process item
	 * @param Article $article
	 * @return array
	public function processItem(Article $article)
		global $g_user, $Campsite;

		$articleLinkParams = '?f_publication_id=' . $article->getPublicationId()
		. '&amp;f_issue_number=' . $article->getIssueNumber() . '&amp;f_section_number=' . $article->getSectionNumber()
		. '&amp;f_article_number=' . $article->getArticleNumber() . '&amp;f_language_id=' . $article->getLanguageId()
		. '&amp;f_language_selected=' . $article->getLanguageId();
		$articleLink = $Campsite['WEBSITE_URL'].'/admin/articles/edit.php' . $articleLinkParams;
		$previewLink = $Campsite['WEBSITE_URL'].'/admin/articles/preview.php' . $articleLinkParams;

		$lockInfo = '';
		$lockHighlight = false;
		$timeDiff = camp_time_diff_str($article->getLockTime());
		if ($article->isLocked() && ($timeDiff['days'] <= 0)) {
			$lockUser = new User($article->getLockedByUser());
			if ($timeDiff['hours'] > 0) {
				$lockInfo = getGS('The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.',
				$timeDiff['hours'], $timeDiff['minutes']);
			} else {
				$lockInfo = getGS('The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.',
			if ($article->getLockedByUser() != $g_user->getUserId()) {
				$lockHighlight = true;

		$tmpUser = new User($article->getCreatorId());
		$tmpArticleType = new ArticleType($article->getType());

		$tmpAuthor = new Author();
		$articleAuthors = ArticleAuthor::GetAuthorsByArticle($article->getArticleNumber(), $article->getLanguageId());
		foreach((array) $articleAuthors as $author) {
			if (strtolower($author->getAuthorType()->getName()) == 'author') {
				$tmpAuthor = $author;
		if (!$tmpAuthor->exists() && isset($articleAuthors[0])) {
			$tmpAuthor = $articleAuthors[0];

		$onFrontPage = $article->onFrontPage() ? getGS('Yes') : getGS('No');
		$onSectionPage = $article->onSectionPage() ? getGS('Yes') : getGS('No');

		$imagesNo = (int) ArticleImage::GetImagesByArticleNumber($article->getArticleNumber(), true);
		$topicsNo = (int) ArticleTopic::GetArticleTopics($article->getArticleNumber(), true);
		$commentsNo = '';
		if ($article->commentsEnabled()) {
			$commentsNo = (int) ArticleComment::GetArticleComments($article->getArticleNumber(), $article->getLanguageId(), null, true);
		} else {
			$commentsNo = 'No';

		// get language code
		$language = new Language($article->getLanguageId());

		return array(
		sprintf('%s <a href="%s" title="%s %s">%s</a>',
		$article->isLocked() ? '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-locked' . (!$lockHighlight ? ' current-user' : '' ) . '" title="' . $lockInfo . '"></span>' : '',
		getGS('Edit'), $article->getName() . " ({$article->getLanguageName()})",
		$article->getName() . (empty($_REQUEST['language']) ? " ({$language->getCode()})" : '')),
		(int) $article->getReads(),
		Geo_Map::GetArticleMapId($article) != NULL ? getGS('Yes') : getGS('No'),
		(int) sizeof(Geo_Map::GetLocationsByArticle($article)),