function price_to_currency_from_btc($tocurrency, $fromprice)
    $round = 3;
    $mtgoxrate = cachemtGoxRate($tocurrency);
    $toprice = $fromprice * $mtgoxrate;
    $toprice = round($toprice, $round, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
    $messageline = $fromprice . " BTC =  " . $toprice . " " . $tocurrency;
    return $messageline;
function btcprice_from_currency($fromcurrency, $fromprice)
    $round = 3;
    $mtgoxrate = cachemtGoxRate($fromcurrency);
    $btcprice = $fromprice / $mtgoxrate;
    $btcprice = round($btcprice, $round, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
    $messageline = $fromprice . " " . $fromcurrency . " = " . $btcprice . " BTC ";
    return $messageline;

//require_once ( dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib/mtgoxrate.php");
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib/cachemtgoxrate.php";
echo cachemtGoxRate();

$link = "{$timestamp}";
$exchangename = " mtgox ";
$exchangelink = "";
// input rss header
//if ( $image == true )
//addfeedimage(imageurl, imagelink,imagetitle)
//echo $format;
$link = "";
$title = "bitcoin price feed";
$description = "RSS feed providing the latest bitcoin price, from " . $exchangename . " API, provided by";
$self = "";
$rssfeed = feedheader($date, $ttl, $format, $title, $link, $description, $self);
// add data / RSS items
if ($format == "short") {
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib/cachemtgoxrate.php";
    $ticker = cachemtGoxRate($fromcurrency = "USD", "last_local");
    $title = $ticker;
    //$link .= "&amp;format=short";
    $description = "bitcoin price at date " . $date . " ";
if ($format == "fullticker") {
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib/cacheticker.php";
    $ticker = cachegetBitcoinPrice("text", "vertical");
    $title = $ticker;
    //$link .= "&amp;format=fullticker";
    $description = "bitcoin price at date " . $date . " ";
$rssfeed .= addfeeditem($title, $link, $description, $timestamp, $ticker);
// add RSS footer
$rssfeed .= feedfooter();
// echo the full RSS feed