function switch_cache($nsid = 0) { global $channels, $catalogs, $cnodes, $commus, $mtpls, $sptpls, $btags, $utags, $ctags, $ptags, $rtags, $sid, $subsites, $templatedir; if ($nsid == $sid) { return; } load_cache('catalogs,cnodes,mtpls,sptpls,utags,ctags,ptags,rtags', $nsid); foreach (array('channels', 'btags', 'commus') as $var) { cache_merge(${$var}, $var, $nsid); } $nsid && ($templatedir = $subsites[$nsid]['templatedir']); }
function arcid($aid) { global $db, $tblprefix; $this->init(); $aid = max(0, intval($aid)); if (!($this->archive = $db->fetch_one("SELECT a.*,s.*,r.* FROM {$tblprefix}archives a LEFT JOIN {$tblprefix}archives_sub s ON s.aid=a.aid LEFT JOIN {$tblprefix}archives_rec r ON r.aid=a.aid WHERE a.aid='{$aid}'"))) { return false; } $this->channel = read_cache('channel', $this->archive['chid']); $this->fields = read_cache('fields', $this->archive['chid']); cache_merge($this->channel, 'channel', $this->archive['sid']); arc_checkend($this->archive); $this->aid = $this->archive['aid']; return true; }
<?php @set_time_limit(0); load_cache('btags,channels,cotypes,fchannels,fcatalogs,commus,mcommus,currencys,permissions,votes,vcps,mchannels,dbsources,vcatalogs,acatalogs,freeinfos'); load_cache('catalogs,sptpls', $sid); cache_merge($channels, 'channels', $sid); cache_merge($btags, 'btags', $sid); include_once M_ROOT . './include/'; include_once M_ROOT . "./include/"; include_once M_ROOT . "./include/parse/general.php"; include_once M_ROOT . "./include/parse/func.php"; function _aenter(&$v, $init = 0, $add = array()) { global $_actid, $_midarr, $grouptypes, $cotypes; if ($init) { $_actid = $_midarr = array(); } $arr = array('aid', 'mid', 'sid', 'ucid', 'chid', 'mchid', 'mcaid', 'fcaid', 'vid', 'addid', 'fid', 'matid', 'rgid'); foreach ($grouptypes as $x => $y) { $arr[] = 'grouptype' . $x; } if ($add) { $arr = array_merge($arr, $add); } foreach ($arr as $x) { if (isset($v[$x])) { $_midarr[$x] = $v[$x]; } } $arr = array('caid'); foreach ($cotypes as $x => $y) {
<?php (!defined('M_COM') || !defined('M_ADMIN')) && exit('No Permission'); aheader(); load_cache('mconfigs,currencys,commus,channels,cotypes'); load_cache('mtpls', $sid); cache_merge($channels, 'channels', $sid); include_once M_ROOT . "./include/upload.cls.php"; include_once M_ROOT . "./include/fields.cls.php"; if ($sid) { $subsite = $subsites[$sid]; } $action = $action ? $action : 'zh'; if ($action == 'xzly') { if (!submitcheck('bmconfigs')) { tabheader('选择TCBY的理由', 'cfsite', "?entry=extend&extend={$extend}&action=save", 2, 1); trspecial('图片1', 'mconfigsnew[xzly_1]', $mconfigs['xzly_1'], 'image', '显示大小: 宽 - 1200px 高 - 655px', '显示大小: 宽 - 1200px 高 - 655px'); trbasic('文字1', 'mconfigsnew[xzly_2]', $mconfigs['xzly_2'], 'btext'); trbasic('文字2', 'mconfigsnew[xzly_3]', $mconfigs['xzly_3'], 'textarea'); trspecial('图片2', 'mconfigsnew[xzly_4]', $mconfigs['xzly_4'], 'image', '', '显示大小: 宽 - 1200px 高 - 470px'); trbasic('文字3', 'mconfigsnew[xzly_5]', $mconfigs['xzly_5'], 'textarea'); tabfooter('bmconfigs'); } } if ($action == 'qxmd') { if (!submitcheck('bmconfigs')) { tabheader('旗下门店', 'cfsite', "?entry=extend&extend={$extend}&action=save", 2, 1); trspecial('', 'mconfigsnew[qxmd]', $mconfigs['qxmd'], 'htmltext'); tabfooter('bmconfigs'); } }
$adds = $db->result_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tblprefix}archives WHERE mid='{$memberid}' AND chid='{$chid}'"); if ($adds >= $curuser->info['arcallowance']) { message('arcallowance'); } } foreach (array('ccoids', 'citems', 'additems', 'coidscp', 'cpkeeps') as $var) { ${$var} = $channel[$var] ? explode(',', $channel[$var]) : array(); } $forward = empty($forward) ? M_REFERER : $forward; $forwardstr = '&forward=' . rawurlencode($forward); $fields = read_cache('fields', $chid); if (!submitcheck('barchiveadd')) { $nsid = isset($nsid) ? max(-1, intval($nsid)) : -1; if ($nsid > 0) { switch_cache($nsid); cache_merge($channel, 'channel', $nsid); $sid = $nsid; } if (!($tplname = @$channel['addtpl'])) { _header(); $pre_cns = array(); $pre_cns['caid'] = empty($caid) ? 0 : max(0, intval($caid)); foreach ($cotypes as $k => $v) { if (!$v['self_reg'] && !in_array($k, $ccoids) && !in_array($k, $additems)) { $pre_cns['ccid' . $k] = empty(${'ccid' . $k}) ? '' : trim(${'ccid' . $k}); } } //如果指定在某个合辑内添加,需要分析继承类目 $pid = empty($pid) ? 0 : max(0, intval($pid)); if ($pid && ($p_album = $db->fetch_one("SELECT * FROM {$tblprefix}archives WHERE aid={$pid}"))) { //指定合辑内添加文档的信息提示
} if (!$arc->archive['checked']) { message('poinarcnoche'); } if ($commu['allowance'] && @$curuser->info['cuallowance'] <= @$curuser->info['cuaddmonth']) { message('owancecommuamooverlim'); } if (empty($commu['setting']['repeat']) || !empty($commu['setting']['repeattime'])) { if (!empty($m_cookie['08cms_cuid_' . $commu['cuid'] . '_' . $aid])) { message(empty($commu['setting']['repeat']) ? 'norepeatoper' : 'overquick'); } } switch_cache($arc->archive['sid']); $sid = $arc->archive['sid']; if_siteclosed($sid); cache_merge($commu, 'commu', $sid); if (!($tplname = @$commu['addtpl'])) { unset($arc); load_cache('mlangs,rfields,ucotypes'); include_once M_ROOT . "./include/fields.cls.php"; include_once M_ROOT . "./include/arcedit.cls.php"; include_once M_ROOT . "./include/"; _header(); $aedit = new cls_arcedit(); $aedit->set_aid($aid); $aedit->detail_data(); $citems = empty($commu['setting']['citems']) ? array() : explode(',', $commu['setting']['citems']); if (!($oldmsg = $db->fetch_one("SELECT * FROM {$tblprefix}replys WHERE mid='{$memberid}' AND cuid='{$commu['cuid']}' ORDER BY cid DESC LIMIT 0,1"))) { $oldmsg = array(); } tabheader(lang('add') . $commu['cname'], 'replyadd', "?aid={$aid}" . ($qtid ? "&qtid={$qtid}" : '') . "{$forwardstr}", 2, 1, 1);
a_guide('tplmchannel'); } else { $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}mchannels SET\n\t\t\taddtpl='{$mchannelnew['addtpl']}', \n\t\t\tsrhtpl='{$mchannelnew['srhtpl']}' \n\t\t\tWHERE mchid='{$mchid}'"); adminlog(lang('det_modify_mchannel')); updatecache('mchannels'); amessage('channelmodifyfinish', M_REFERER); } } elseif ($action == 'tplcommu') { url_nav(lang('tplallconfig'), $urlsarr, 'commu', 12); load_cache('commus'); if (!submitcheck('bcommu')) { tabheader(lang('archivecommu') . lang('tpl_set'), 'commu', "?entry=tplconfig&action=tplcommu{$param_suffix}"); foreach ($commus as $k => $v) { if (in_array($v['cclass'], array('report', 'comment', 'answer', 'reply'))) { if ($sid) { cache_merge($v, 'commu', $sid); } trbasic($v['cname'] . '-' . lang('add_page_tpl'), "commusnew[{$k}][addtpl]", makeoption(array('' => lang('noset')) + mtplsarr('commu'), $v['addtpl']), 'select'); } } tabfooter('bcommu'); a_guide('tplcommu'); } else { if (!$sid) { foreach ($commus as $k => $v) { if (in_array($v['cclass'], array('report', 'comment', 'answer', 'reply'))) { $addtpl = empty($commusnew[$k]['addtpl']) ? '' : $commusnew[$k]['addtpl']; $db->query("UPDATE {$tblprefix}commus SET addtpl='{$addtpl}' WHERE cuid='{$k}'"); } } updatecache('commus');
(!defined('M_COM') || !defined('M_ADMIN')) && exit('No Permission'); aheader(); backallow('cfcommu') || amessage('no_apermission'); load_cache('grouptypes,currencys,rprojects,channels,permissions,ucotypes'); sys_cache('fieldwords'); include_once M_ROOT . "./include/"; $cclassarr = array('praise' => lang('praise_no'), 'score' => lang('score'), 'report' => lang('pickbug'), 'favorite' => lang('favorite'), 'comment' => lang('comment'), 'answer' => lang('answer'), 'subscribe' => lang('subscribe'), 'purchase' => lang('purchase'), 'offer' => lang('offer'), 'reply' => lang('reply'), 'spread' => lang('spread')); $url_type = 'commu'; include ''; if ($action == 'commusedit') { if (!$sid) { url_nav(lang('docinterconfig'), $urlsarr, 'commu'); } $commus = fetch_arr(); cache_merge($commus, 'commus', $sid); if (!submitcheck('bcommusedit')) { tabheader(lang('citem_admin'), 'commusedit', "?entry=commus&action=commusedit{$param_suffix}", '7'); trcategory(array(lang('delete'), array(lang('enable'), 'txtL'), array(lang('item_name'), 'txtL'), array(lang('type'), 'txtL'), array(lang('pick_url_style'), 'txtL'), array(lang('copy'), 'txtL'), array(lang('edit'), 'txtL'))); foreach ($commus as $cuid => $commu) { $cclassstr = $cclassarr[$commu['cclass']]; echo "<tr class=\"txt\">" . "<td class=\"txtC w30\"><input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete[{$cuid}]\" value=\"{$cuid}\"" . ($commu['issystem'] || $sid ? ' disabled' : '') . "></td>\n" . "<td class=\"txtC w30\"><input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"commusnew[{$cuid}][available]\" value=\"1\"" . (empty($commu['available']) ? '' : ' checked') . "></td>\n" . "<td class=\"txtL w200\">" . ($sid ? "{$commu['cname']}" : "<input type=\"text\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"30\" name=\"commusnew[{$cuid}][cname]\" value=\"{$commu['cname']}\">") . "</td>\n" . "<td class=\"txtL w60\">{$cclassstr}</td>\n" . "<td class=\"txtL w60\"><a href=\"?entry=commus&action=commulink&cuid={$cuid}{$param_suffix}\" onclick=\"return floatwin('open_commusedit',this)\">" . lang('look') . "</a></td>\n" . "<td class=\"txtC w30\">" . ($commu['ch'] && !$sid ? "<a href=\"?entry=commus&action=commucopy&cuid={$cuid}{$param_suffix}\" onclick=\"return floatwin('open_commusedit',this)\">" . lang('copy') . "</a>" : '-') . "</td>\n" . "<td class=\"txtC w30\">" . (!$sid ? "<a href=\"?entry=commus&action=commudetail&cuid={$cuid}{$param_suffix}\" onclick=\"return floatwin('open_commusedit',this)\">" . lang('detail') . "</a>" : '-') . "</td></tr>\n"; } tabfooter('bcommusedit', lang('modify')); a_guide('commusedit'); } else { if (!$sid) { if (!empty($delete)) { foreach ($delete as $cuid) { if ($commus[$cuid]['issystem']) { continue;