  * Will return plural value of list item unless useSingular option is set to true, in which case singular version of list item label will be used.
  * @param array Optional array of options. Support options are:
  * 			list_id = if set then the numeric item_id value is translated into label text in the current locale. If not set then the numeric item_id is returned.
  *			useSingular = If list_id is set then by default the returned text is the plural label. Setting this option to true will force use of the singular label. [Default is false]
  *			showHierarchy = If true then hierarchical parents of list item will be returned and hierarchical options described below will be used to control the output [Default is false]
  *			returnIdno = If true list item idno is returned rather than preferred label [Default is false]
  *			idsOnly = Return numeric item_id only [Default is false]
  *				direction - For hierarchy specifications (eg. ca_objects.hierarchy) this determines the order in which the hierarchy is returned. ASC will return the hierarchy root first while DESC will return it with the lowest node first. Default is ASC.
  *				top - For hierarchy specifications (eg. ca_objects.hierarchy) this option, if set, will limit the returned hierarchy to the first X nodes from the root down. Default is to not limit.
  *				bottom - For hierarchy specifications (eg. ca_objects.hierarchy) this option, if set, will limit the returned hierarchy to the first X nodes from the lowest node up. Default is to not limit.
  * 				hierarchicalDelimiter - Text to place between items in a hierarchy for a hierarchical specification (eg. ca_objects.hierarchy) when returning as a string
  *				removeFirstItems - If set to a non-zero value, the specified number of items at the top of the hierarchy will be omitted. For example, if set to 2, the root and first child of the hierarchy will be omitted. Default is zero (don't delete anything).
  *				transaction = the transaction to execute database actions within. [Default is null]
  * @return string The value
 public function getDisplayValue($pa_options = null)
     if ($vb_return_idno = isset($pa_options['returnIdno']) && (bool) $pa_options['returnIdno']) {
         return caGetListItemIdno($this->ops_text_value);
     $vb_ids_only = (bool) caGetOption('idsOnly', $pa_options, false);
     if ($vb_ids_only) {
         return (int) $this->ops_text_value;
     $vn_list_id = is_array($pa_options) && isset($pa_options['list_id']) ? (int) $pa_options['list_id'] : null;
     if ($vn_list_id > 0) {
         $t_list = new ca_lists();
         if ($o_trans = caGetOption('transaction', $pa_options, null)) {
         $t_item = new ca_list_items();
         if ($pa_options['showHierarchy'] || $vb_return_idno) {
             if ($o_trans) {
         $vs_get_spec = isset($pa_options['useSingular']) && $pa_options['useSingular'] ? 'name_singular' : 'name_plural';
         // do we need to get the hierarchy?
         if ($pa_options['showHierarchy']) {
             return $t_item->get('ca_list_items.hierarchy.' . $vs_get_spec, $pa_options);
         return $t_list->getItemFromListForDisplayByItemID($vn_list_id, $this->ops_text_value, isset($pa_options['useSingular']) && $pa_options['useSingular'] ? false : true);
     return $this->ops_text_value;
  * Get a record summary that is easier to parse when importing to another system
 private function getItemInfoForImport()
     if (!($t_instance = $this->_getTableInstance($this->ops_table, $this->opn_id))) {
         return false;
     $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
     $t_list = new ca_lists();
     $t_locales = new ca_locales();
     // Options
     if (!($vs_delimiter = $this->opo_request->getParameter('delimiter', pString))) {
         $vs_delimiter = "; ";
     if (!($vs_flatten = $this->opo_request->getParameter('flatten', pString))) {
         $vs_flatten = null;
     $va_flatten = preg_split("![ ]*[;]+[ ]*!", $vs_flatten);
     $va_flatten = array_flip($va_flatten);
     $va_locales = $t_locales->getLocaleList(array("available_for_cataloguing_only" => true));
     $va_return = array();
     // allow user-defined template to be passed; allows flexible formatting of returned "display" value
     if (!($vs_template = $this->opo_request->getParameter('template', pString))) {
         $vs_template = '';
     if ($vs_template) {
         $va_return['display'] = caProcessTemplateForIDs($vs_template, $this->ops_table, array($this->opn_id));
     // "intrinsic" fields
     foreach ($t_instance->getFieldsArray() as $vs_field_name => $va_field_info) {
         $vs_list = null;
         if (!is_null($vs_val = $t_instance->get($vs_field_name))) {
             if (preg_match("/^hier\\_/", $vs_field_name)) {
             if (preg_match("/\\_sort\$/", $vs_field_name)) {
             if ($vs_field_name == $t_instance->primaryKey()) {
             if (isset($va_field_info["LIST_CODE"])) {
                 // typical example: type_id
                 $va_item = $t_list->getItemFromListByItemID($va_field_info["LIST_CODE"], $vs_val);
                 if ($t_item = new ca_list_items($va_item["item_id"])) {
                     $vs_val = $t_item->get('idno');
             $va_return['intrinsic'][$vs_field_name] = $vs_val;
     // preferred labels
     $va_labels = $t_instance->get($this->ops_table . ".preferred_labels", array("returnAllLocales" => true));
     $va_labels = end($va_labels);
     $vs_display_field_name = $t_instance->getLabelDisplayField();
     if (is_array($va_labels)) {
         foreach ($va_labels as $vn_locale_id => $va_labels_by_locale) {
             foreach ($va_labels_by_locale as $va_tmp) {
                 $va_label = array();
                 $va_label['locale'] = $va_locales[$vn_locale_id]["code"];
                 // add only UI fields to return
                 foreach (array_merge($t_instance->getLabelUIFields(), array('type_id')) as $vs_label_fld) {
                     $va_label[$vs_label_fld] = $va_tmp[$vs_label_fld];
                 $va_label[$vs_label_fld] = $va_tmp[$vs_label_fld];
                 $va_label['label'] = $va_tmp[$vs_display_field_name];
                 $va_return["preferred_labels"][$va_label['locale']] = $va_label;
         if (isset($va_flatten['locales'])) {
             $va_return["preferred_labels"] = array_pop(caExtractValuesByUserLocale(array($va_return["preferred_labels"])));
     // nonpreferred labels
     $va_labels = $t_instance->get($this->ops_table . ".nonpreferred_labels", array("returnAllLocales" => true));
     $va_labels = end($va_labels);
     if (is_array($va_labels)) {
         foreach ($va_labels as $vn_locale_id => $va_labels_by_locale) {
             foreach ($va_labels_by_locale as $va_tmp) {
                 $va_label = array();
                 $va_label['locale'] = $va_locales[$vn_locale_id]["code"];
                 // add only UI fields to return
                 foreach (array_merge($t_instance->getLabelUIFields(), array('type_id')) as $vs_label_fld) {
                     $va_label[$vs_label_fld] = $va_tmp[$vs_label_fld];
                 $va_return["nonpreferred_labels"][$va_label['locale']] = $va_label;
         if (isset($va_flatten['locales'])) {
             $va_return["nonpreferred_labels"] = array_pop(caExtractValuesByUserLocale(array($va_return["nonpreferred_labels"])));
     // attributes
     $va_codes = $t_instance->getApplicableElementCodes();
     foreach ($va_codes as $vs_code) {
         if ($va_vals = $t_instance->get($this->ops_table . "." . $vs_code, array("convertCodesToDisplayText" => false, "returnAllLocales" => true))) {
             $va_vals_as_text = end($t_instance->get($this->ops_table . "." . $vs_code, array("convertCodesToDisplayText" => true, "returnAllLocales" => true)));
             $va_vals_by_locale = end($va_vals);
             foreach ($va_vals_by_locale as $vn_locale_id => $va_locale_vals) {
                 foreach ($va_locale_vals as $vs_val_id => $va_actual_data) {
                     if (!is_array($va_actual_data)) {
                     $vs_locale_code = isset($va_locales[$vn_locale_id]["code"]) ? $va_locales[$vn_locale_id]["code"] : "none";
                     foreach ($va_actual_data as $vs_f => $vs_v) {
                         if (isset($va_vals_as_text[$vn_locale_id][$vs_val_id][$vs_f]) && $vs_v != $va_vals_as_text[$vn_locale_id][$vs_val_id][$vs_f]) {
                             $va_actual_data[$vs_f . '_display'] = $va_vals_as_text[$vn_locale_id][$vs_val_id][$vs_f];
                             if ($vs_item_idno = caGetListItemIdno($va_actual_data[$vs_f])) {
                                 $va_actual_data[$vs_f] = $vs_item_idno;
                     $va_return['attributes'][$vs_code][$vs_locale_code][] = array_merge(array('locale' => $vs_locale_code), $va_actual_data);
     if (isset($va_flatten['locales'])) {
         $va_return['attributes'] = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_return['attributes']);
     // relationships
     // yes, not all combinations between these tables have
     // relationships but it also doesn't hurt to query
     foreach ($this->opa_valid_tables as $vs_rel_table) {
         $t_rel = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_rel_table, true);
         // set-related hacks
         if ($this->ops_table == "ca_sets" && $vs_rel_table == "ca_tours") {
             // throw SQL error in getRelatedItems
         $va_related_items = $t_instance->get($vs_rel_table, array("returnAsArray" => true, 'returnLocaleCodes' => true, 'groupFields' => true));
         if ($this->ops_table == "ca_objects" && $vs_rel_table == "ca_object_representations") {
             $va_versions = $t_instance->getMediaVersions('media');
             if (isset($va_flatten['all'])) {
                 $va_reps = $t_instance->getRepresentations(array('original'));
                 $va_urls = array();
                 foreach ($va_reps as $vn_i => $va_rep) {
                     $va_urls[] = $va_rep['urls']['original'];
                 $va_return['representations'] = join($vs_delimiter, $va_urls);
             } else {
                 $va_return['representations'] = $t_instance->getRepresentations($va_versions);
             foreach ($va_return['representations'] as $vn_i => $va_rep) {
         if (is_array($va_related_items) && sizeof($va_related_items) > 0) {
             foreach ($va_related_items as $va_rel_item) {
                 $va_item_add = array();
                 foreach ($va_rel_item as $vs_fld => $vs_val) {
                     if (!is_array($vs_val) && strlen(trim($vs_val)) > 0) {
                         // rewrite and ignore certain field names
                         switch ($vs_fld) {
                             case 'item_type_id':
                                 $va_item_add[$vs_fld] = $vs_val;
                                 $va_item_add['type_id'] = $vs_val;
                                 $va_item_add[$vs_fld] = $vs_val;
                     } else {
                         if (in_array($vs_fld, array('preferred_labels', 'intrinsic'))) {
                             $va_item_add[$vs_fld] = $vs_val;
                 if ($vs_rel_table == "ca_object_representations") {
                     $t_rep = new ca_object_representations($va_rel_item['representation_id']);
                     $va_item_add['media'] = $t_rep->getMediaUrl('media', 'original');
                 $va_return["related"][$vs_rel_table][] = $va_item_add;
     return $va_return;
 private function _convertCodeToIdno($ps_prop, $pa_path_components, $pt_instance, $pa_options = null)
     $vs_prop = $ps_prop;
     $vs_field_name = $pa_path_components['subfield_name'] ? $pa_path_components['subfield_name'] : $pa_path_components['field_name'];
     $vs_table_name = $pa_path_components['table_name'];
     if (method_exists($pt_instance, 'setLabelTypeList')) {
         $pt_instance->setLabelTypeList($this->opo_subject_instance->getAppConfig()->get($pa_path_components['field_name'] == 'nonpreferred_labels' ? "{$vs_table_name}_nonpreferred_label_type_list" : "{$vs_table_name}_preferred_label_type_list"));
     if (isset($pa_options['convertCodesToIdno']) && $pa_options['convertCodesToIdno'] && ($vs_list_code = $pt_instance->getFieldInfo($vs_field_name, "LIST_CODE"))) {
         $vs_prop = caGetListItemIdno($vs_prop);
     } else {
         if (isset($pa_options['convertCodesToIdno']) && $pa_options['convertCodesToIdno'] && ($vs_list_code = $pt_instance->getFieldInfo($vs_field_name, "LIST"))) {
             $vs_prop = $this->opt_list->caGetListItemIDForValue($vs_list_code, $vs_prop);
     return $vs_prop;
 public function DownloadRepresentations()
     if ($t_subject = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($this->ops_tablename, true)) {
         $o_media_metadata_conf = Configuration::load($t_subject->getAppConfig()->get('media_metadata'));
         $pa_ids = null;
         if ($vs_ids = trim($this->request->getParameter($t_subject->tableName(), pString))) {
             if ($vs_ids != 'all') {
                 $pa_ids = explode(';', $vs_ids);
                 foreach ($pa_ids as $vn_i => $vs_id) {
                     if (!trim($vs_id) || !(int) $vs_id) {
         if (!is_array($pa_ids) || !sizeof($pa_ids)) {
             $pa_ids = $this->opo_result_context->getResultList();
         $vn_file_count = 0;
         $o_view = new View($this->request, $this->request->getViewsDirectoryPath() . '/bundles/');
         if (is_array($pa_ids) && sizeof($pa_ids)) {
             $ps_version = $this->request->getParameter('version', pString);
             if ($qr_res = $t_subject->makeSearchResult($t_subject->tableName(), $pa_ids, array('filterNonPrimaryRepresentations' => false))) {
                 if (!($vn_limit = ini_get('max_execution_time'))) {
                     $vn_limit = 30;
                 set_time_limit($vn_limit * 10);
                 $o_zip = new ZipStream();
                 while ($qr_res->nextHit()) {
                     if (!is_array($va_version_list = $qr_res->getMediaVersions('ca_object_representations.media')) || !in_array($ps_version, $va_version_list)) {
                         $vs_version = 'original';
                     } else {
                         $vs_version = $ps_version;
                     $va_paths = $qr_res->getMediaPaths('ca_object_representations.media', $vs_version);
                     $va_infos = $qr_res->getMediaInfos('ca_object_representations.media');
                     $va_representation_ids = $qr_res->get('ca_object_representations.representation_id', array('returnAsArray' => true));
                     $va_representation_types = $qr_res->get('ca_object_representations.type_id', array('returnAsArray' => true));
                     foreach ($va_paths as $vn_i => $vs_path) {
                         $vs_ext = array_pop(explode(".", $vs_path));
                         $vs_idno_proc = preg_replace('![^A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+!', '_', $qr_res->get($t_subject->tableName() . '.idno'));
                         $vs_original_name = $va_infos[$vn_i]['ORIGINAL_FILENAME'];
                         $vn_index = sizeof($va_paths) > 1 ? "_" . ($vn_i + 1) : '';
                         $vn_representation_id = $va_representation_ids[$vn_i];
                         $vs_representation_type = caGetListItemIdno($va_representation_types[$vn_i]);
                         // make sure we don't download representations the user isn't allowed to read
                         if (!caCanRead($this->request->user->getPrimaryKey(), 'ca_object_representations', $vn_representation_id)) {
                         switch ($this->request->user->getPreference('downloaded_file_naming')) {
                             case 'idno':
                                 $vs_filename = "{$vs_idno_proc}{$vn_index}.{$vs_ext}";
                             case 'idno_and_version':
                                 $vs_filename = "{$vs_idno_proc}_{$vs_version}{$vn_index}.{$vs_ext}";
                             case 'idno_and_rep_id_and_version':
                                 $vs_filename = "{$vs_idno_proc}_representation_{$vn_representation_id}_{$vs_version}{$vn_index}.{$vs_ext}";
                             case 'original_name':
                                 if ($vs_original_name) {
                                     $va_tmp = explode('.', $vs_original_name);
                                     if (sizeof($va_tmp) > 1) {
                                         if (strlen($vs_ext = array_pop($va_tmp)) < 3) {
                                             $va_tmp[] = $vs_ext;
                                     $vs_filename = join('_', $va_tmp) . "{$vn_index}.{$vs_ext}";
                                 } else {
                                     $vs_filename = "{$vs_idno_proc}_representation_{$vn_representation_id}_{$vs_version}{$vn_index}.{$vs_ext}";
                         if ($o_media_metadata_conf->get('do_metadata_embedding_for_search_result_media_download')) {
                             if ($vs_path_with_embedding = caEmbedMediaMetadataIntoFile($vs_path, 'ca_objects', $qr_res->get('ca_objects.object_id'), caGetListItemIdno($qr_res->get('ca_objects.type_id')), $vn_representation_id, $vs_representation_type)) {
                                 $vs_path = $vs_path_with_embedding;
                         if (!file_exists($vs_path)) {
                         $o_zip->addFile($vs_path, $vs_filename);
         if ($o_zip && $vn_file_count > 0) {
             $o_view->setVar('zip_stream', $o_zip);
             $o_view->setVar('archive_name', 'media_for_' . mb_substr(preg_replace('![^A-Za-z0-9]+!u', '_', $this->getCriteriaForDisplay()), 0, 20) . '.zip');
         } else {
             $this->response->setHTTPResponseCode(204, _t('No files to download'));
     // post error
     $this->postError(3100, _t("Could not generate ZIP file for download"), "BaseFindController->DownloadRepresentation()");
  * When returning text will return plural value of list item unless useSingular option is set to true, in which case singular version of list item label will be used.
  * @param array Optional array of options. Support options are:
  * 			list_id = if set then the numeric item_id value is translated into label text in the current locale. If not set then the numeric item_id is returned.
  *			useSingular = If list_id is set then by default the returned text is the plural label. Setting this option to true will force use of the singular label. [Default is false]
  *			showHierarchy = If true then hierarchical parents of list item will be returned and hierarchical options described below will be used to control the output [Default is false]
  *			returnIdno = If true list item idno is returned rather than preferred label [Default is false]
  *			idsOnly = Return numeric item_id only [Default is false]
  *			alwaysReturnItemID = Synonym for idsOnly [Default is false]
  *			output = what value for the list to return. Valid values are text [display text], idno [identifier; same as returnIdno option], value [numeric item_id; same as idsOnly option]. [Default is value]
  *				direction - For hierarchy specifications (eg. ca_objects.hierarchy) this determines the order in which the hierarchy is returned. ASC will return the hierarchy root first while DESC will return it with the lowest node first. Default is ASC.
  *				top - For hierarchy specifications (eg. ca_objects.hierarchy) this option, if set, will limit the returned hierarchy to the first X nodes from the root down. Default is to not limit.
  *				bottom - For hierarchy specifications (eg. ca_objects.hierarchy) this option, if set, will limit the returned hierarchy to the first X nodes from the lowest node up. Default is to not limit.
  * 				hierarchicalDelimiter - Text to place between items in a hierarchy for a hierarchical specification (eg. ca_objects.hierarchy) when returning as a string
  *				removeFirstItems - If set to a non-zero value, the specified number of items at the top of the hierarchy will be omitted. For example, if set to 2, the root and first child of the hierarchy will be omitted. Default is zero (don't delete anything).
  *				transaction = the transaction to execute database actions within. [Default is null]
  * @return string The value
 public function getDisplayValue($pa_options = null)
     if (isset($pa_options['output'])) {
         switch (strtolower($pa_options['output'])) {
             case 'idno':
                 $pa_options['returnIdno'] = true;
             case 'text':
                 $pa_options['returnIdno'] = false;
                 $pa_options['idsOnly'] = false;
                 $pa_options['idsOnly'] = true;
     if ($vb_return_idno = isset($pa_options['returnIdno']) && (bool) $pa_options['returnIdno']) {
         return caGetListItemIdno($this->opn_item_id);
     if (is_null($vb_ids_only = isset($pa_options['idsOnly']) ? (bool) $pa_options['idsOnly'] : null)) {
         $vb_ids_only = isset($pa_options['alwaysReturnItemID']) ? (bool) $pa_options['alwaysReturnItemID'] : false;
     if ($vb_ids_only) {
         return (int) $this->opn_item_id;
     $vn_list_id = is_array($pa_options) && isset($pa_options['list_id']) ? (int) $pa_options['list_id'] : null;
     if ($vn_list_id > 0) {
         $t_list = new ca_lists();
         if ($o_trans = isset($pa_options['transaction']) ? $pa_options['transaction'] : null) {
         $t_item = new ca_list_items();
         if ($pa_options['showHierarchy'] || $vb_return_idno) {
             if ($o_trans) {
         $vs_get_spec = isset($pa_options['useSingular']) && $pa_options['useSingular'] ? 'preferred_labels.name_singular' : 'preferred_labels.name_plural';
         // do we need to get the hierarchy?
         if ($pa_options['showHierarchy']) {
             $t_item->load((int) $this->opn_item_id);
             return $t_item->get('ca_list_items.hierarchy.' . $vs_get_spec, array_merge(array('removeFirstItems' => 1, 'delimiter' => ' ➔ ', $pa_options)));
         return $t_list->getItemFromListForDisplayByItemID($vn_list_id, $this->opn_item_id, isset($pa_options['useSingular']) && $pa_options['useSingular'] ? false : true);
     return $this->ops_text_value;
 public function getLotMedia()
     //if ((bool)$this->request->config->get('allow_download_of_all_object_media_in_a_lot')) {	// DO WE NEED TO REINSTATE THIS OPTIN?
     // allow a lot of time for this because the sets can be potentially large
     $t_lot = new ca_object_lots($this->request->getParameter('lot_id', pInteger));
     $o_media_metadata_conf = Configuration::load($t_lot->getAppConfig()->get('media_metadata'));
     if ($t_lot->getPrimaryKey()) {
         $va_object_ids = $t_lot->get('ca_objects.object_id', array('returnAsArray' => true, 'limit' => 100000));
         if (!is_array($va_object_ids) || !sizeof($va_object_ids)) {
             $this->notification->addNotification(_t('No media is available for download'), __NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR__);
             $this->opo_response->setRedirect(caEditorUrl($this->opo_request, 'ca_object_lots', $t_lot->getPrimaryKey()));
         $qr_res = ca_objects::createResultSet($va_object_ids);
         $va_paths = array();
         while ($qr_res->nextHit()) {
             $va_original_paths = $qr_res->getMediaPaths('ca_object_representations.media', 'original');
             if (sizeof($va_original_paths) > 0) {
                 $va_paths[$qr_res->get('object_id')] = array('idno' => $qr_res->get('idno'), 'type_code' => caGetListItemIdno($qr_res->get('type_id')), 'paths' => $va_original_paths, 'representation_ids' => $qr_res->get('ca_object_representations.representation_id', array('returnAsArray' => true)), 'representation_types' => $qr_res->get('ca_object_representations.type_id', array('returnAsArray' => true)));
         if (sizeof($va_paths) > 0) {
             $o_zip = new ZipStream();
             foreach ($va_paths as $vn_object_id => $va_path_info) {
                 // make sure we don't download representations the user isn't allowed to read
                 if (!caCanRead($this->request->user->getPrimaryKey(), 'ca_objects', $vn_object_id)) {
                 $vn_c = 1;
                 foreach ($va_path_info['paths'] as $vn_i => $vs_media_path) {
                     if (!file_exists($vs_media_path)) {
                     if ($o_media_metadata_conf->get('do_metadata_embedding_for_lot_media_download')) {
                         if (!($vs_path = caEmbedMediaMetadataIntoFile($vs_media_path, 'ca_objects', $vn_object_id, $va_path_info['type_code'], $va_path_info['representation_ids'][$vn_i], $va_path_info['representation_types'][$vn_i]))) {
                             $vs_path = $vs_media_path;
                     } else {
                         $vs_path = $vs_media_path;
                     $vs_filename = $va_path_info['idno'] ? $va_path_info['idno'] : $vn_object_id;
                     $vs_filename .= "_{$vn_c}";
                     if ($vs_ext = pathinfo($vs_media_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) {
                         $vs_filename .= ".{$vs_ext}";
                     $o_zip->addFile($vs_path, $vs_filename);
             $o_view = new View($this->request, $this->request->getViewsDirectoryPath() . '/bundles/');
             // send files
             $o_view->setVar('zip_stream', $o_zip);
             $o_view->setVar('archive_name', 'media_for_' . mb_substr(preg_replace('![^A-Za-z0-9]+!u', '_', ($vs_idno = $t_lot->get('idno_stub')) ? $vs_idno : $t_lot->getPrimaryKey()), 0, 20) . '.zip');
         } else {
             $this->notification->addNotification(_t('No files to download'), __NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR__);
             $this->opo_response->setRedirect(caEditorUrl($this->opo_request, 'ca_object_lots', $t_lot->getPrimaryKey()));
     return $this->Edit();