public function getForm($iDesignBoxTemplate = BX_DB_PADDING_DEF, $sTitle = false) { if ($this->_sMetaType) { return ''; } if (false === $sTitle) { $sTitle = _t("_Search"); } $aValues = $this->getKeyTitlesPairs(); $aValue = isset($_GET['type']) ? bx_process_input($_GET['type']) : array_keys($aValues); $sIdForm = $this->_sIdForm . ($this->_bLiveSearch ? $this->_sSuffixLiveSearch : ''); $sIdResults = $this->_sIdResults . ($this->_bLiveSearch ? $this->_sSuffixLiveSearch : ''); $sIdLoadingContainer = $this->_bLiveSearch ? $sIdResults : $sIdForm; $sJsParams = "5, '#{$sIdForm}', '#{$sIdResults}', '#{$sIdLoadingContainer}', '{$this->_bLiveSearch}'"; $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('id' => $sIdForm, 'action' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'searchKeyword.php', 'method' => 'post'), 'csrf' => array('disable' => true), 'inputs' => array('live_search' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'live_search', 'value' => $this->_bLiveSearch ? 1 : 0), 'section' => array('type' => 'checkbox_set', 'name' => 'section', 'caption' => _t('_Section'), 'values' => $aValues, 'value' => $aValue), 'keyword' => array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'keyword', 'caption' => _t('_Keyword'), 'value' => bx_get('keyword') ? bx_process_input(bx_get('keyword')) : ''), 'search' => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'search', 'value' => _t('_Search')))); if ($this->_bLiveSearch) { unset($aForm['inputs']['section']); unset($aForm['inputs']['search']); unset($aForm['inputs']['keyword']['caption']); $aForm['inputs']['keyword']['attrs']['placeholder'] = _t('_sys_search_placeholder'); $aForm['inputs']['keyword']['attrs']['onkeypress'] = "return bx_search_on_type(event, {$sJsParams});"; $aForm['inputs']['keyword']['attrs']['onpaste'] = $aForm['inputs']['keyword']['attrs']['onkeypress']; } bx_import('BxTemplFormView'); $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm); $sForm = $oForm->getCode(); if (!$this->_bLiveSearch) { bx_import('BxTemplPaginate'); $o = new BxTemplPaginate(array()); $o->addCssJs(); } return DesignBoxContent($sTitle, $sForm, $iDesignBoxTemplate); }
public function getSplash() { if ($this->_oConfig->getUri() != $this->getCode()) { return ''; } $sDownloadUrl = ''; $sVersion = '8.0'; $sVersionFull = '8.0.0'; $sBuild = ''; $mixedResponse = bx_file_get_contents($sDownloadUrl . "builds/latest-release-file.txt"); if ($mixedResponse !== false) { $sFile = trim(bx_process_input($mixedResponse)); $aMatches = array(); if ((int) preg_match("/([0-9]\\.[0-9])\\.([0-9])-?([A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]{1,3})/", $sFile, $aMatches) > 0 && !empty($aMatches[1]) && !empty($aMatches[3])) { $sDownloadUrl .= 'builds/' . $sFile; $sVersion = $aMatches[1]; $sBuild = $aMatches[3]; } if ((int) preg_match("/Trident-v\\.([0-9A-Za-z\\.-]+)\\.zip/", $sFile, $aMatches) > 0) { $sVersionFull = $aMatches[1]; } } $this->addCss(array('splash-phone.css', 'splash-tablet.css', 'splash-desktop.css')); return $this->parseHtmlByName('splash.html', array('download_url' => $sDownloadUrl, 'version_full' => $sVersionFull, 'version' => $sVersion, 'build' => $sBuild)); }
function __construct($sPage = "") { parent::__construct('builder_permissions'); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioPermissionsQuery(); $this->sPage = BX_DOL_STUDIO_PRM_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sPage) && !empty($sPage)) { $this->sPage = $sPage; } //--- Check actions ---// if (($sAction = bx_get('pgt_action')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_pgt_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'get-page-by-type': $sValue = bx_process_input(bx_get('pgt_value')); if (empty($sValue)) { break; } $this->sPage = $sValue; $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'content' => $this->getPageCode()); break; } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; } }
function __construct($sType = '', $sCategory = '') { parent::__construct('settings'); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioSettingsQuery(); $this->sType = BX_DOL_STUDIO_STG_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sType) && !empty($sType)) { $this->sType = $sType; } $this->sCategory = ''; if (is_string($sCategory) && !empty($sCategory)) { $this->sCategory = $sCategory; } //--- Check actions ---// if (($sAction = bx_get('stg_action')) !== false && ($sValue = bx_get('stg_value')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $sValue = bx_process_input($sValue); $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'message' => ''); if (!empty($sAction) && !empty($sValue)) { switch ($sAction) { case 'get-page-by-type': $this->sType = $sValue; $aResult['content'] = $this->getPageCode(); break; } echo json_encode($aResult); } exit; } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(BX_DOL_STUDIO_PAGE_HOME); $aClasses = array('BxTemplStudioModules', 'BxTemplStudioDesigns', 'BxTemplStudioLanguages'); //--- Check actions ---// if (($sAction = bx_get('action')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_err_operation_failed')); switch ($sAction) { case 'launcher-update-cache': $aResult = $this->updateCache(); break; case 'launcher-reorder': $sPage = bx_process_input(bx_get('page')); $aItems = bx_process_input(bx_get('items')); BxDolStudioWidgetsQuery::getInstance()->reorder($sPage, $aItems); $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'message' => _t('_adm_scs_operation_done')); break; } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; } $this->aIncludes = array(); foreach ($aClasses as $sClass) { $this->aIncludes[] = new $sClass(); } }
/** * 'recheck' action handler */ public function performActionRecheckItem() { bx_import('BxDolModule'); $oModule = BxDolModule::getInstance('bx_antispam'); $o = bx_instance('BxAntispamDNSBlacklists', array(), $oModule->_aModule); $aChain = $o->getRule((int) bx_get('id')); $iRet = BX_DOL_DNSBL_FAILURE; if ($aChain) { if (bx_get('chain') == 'dnsbl') { $iRet = $o->dnsbl_lookup_ip($aChain, bx_process_input(bx_get('test'))); } elseif (bx_get('chain') == 'uridnsbl') { $sUrl = preg_replace('/^\\w+:\\/\\//', '', bx_process_input(bx_get('test'))); $sUrl = preg_replace('/^www\\./', '', $sUrl); $oBxDolDNSURIBlacklists = bx_instance('BxAntispamDNSURIBlacklists', array(), $oModule->_aModule); $aUrls = $oBxDolDNSURIBlacklists->validateUrls(array($sUrl)); if ($aUrls) { $iRet = $o->dnsbl_lookup_uri($aUrls[0], $aChain); } } } $s = ''; switch ($iRet) { case BX_DOL_DNSBL_POSITIVE: $s = 'LISTED'; break; case BX_DOL_DNSBL_NEGATIVE: $s = 'NOT LISTED'; break; default: case BX_DOL_DNSBL_FAILURE: $s = 'FAIL'; } echo $s; exit; }
public function serviceGetBlockFormInvite() { $iProfileId = $this->getProfileId(); $iAccountId = $this->getAccountId($iProfileId); $mixedAllowed = $this->isAllowedInvite($iProfileId); if ($mixedAllowed !== true) { return array('content' => MsgBox($mixedAllowed)); } $iInvited = (int) $this->_oDb->getInvites(array('type' => 'count_by_account', 'value' => $iAccountId)); $iInvites = $this->_oConfig->getCountPerUser() - $iInvited; if ($iInvites <= 0) { return array('content' => MsgBox(_t('_bx_invites_err_limit_reached'))); } $oForm = $this->getFormObjectInvite(); $oForm->aInputs['text']['value'] = _t('_bx_invites_msg_invitation'); $sResult = ''; $oForm->initChecker(); if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) { $sEmails = bx_process_input($oForm->getCleanValue('emails')); $sText = bx_process_pass($oForm->getCleanValue('text')); $mixedResult = $this->invite(BX_INV_TYPE_FROM_MEMBER, $sEmails, $sText, $iInvites, $oForm); if ($mixedResult !== false) { $sResult = _t('_bx_invites_msg_invitation_sent', (int) $mixedResult); } else { $sResult = _t('_bx_invites_err_not_available'); } $sResult = MsgBox($sResult); } return array('content' => $sResult . $oForm->getCode()); }
function processActions() { if (($sAction = bx_get($this->sParamPrefix . '_action')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_' . $this->sLangPrefix . '_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'uninstall': $sPageName = bx_process_input(bx_get($this->sParamPrefix . '_page_name')); if (empty($sPageName)) { break; } bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $aModule = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModuleByName($sPageName); if (empty($aModule) || !is_array($aModule)) { break; } if (($iWidgetId = (int) bx_get($this->sParamPrefix . '_widget_id')) != 0 && (int) bx_get($this->sParamPrefix . '_confirmed') != 1) { $aResult['message'] = $this->getPopupConfirm($iWidgetId, $aModule); break; } bx_import('BxDolStudioInstallerUtils'); $aResult = BxDolStudioInstallerUtils::getInstance()->perform($aModule['path'], 'uninstall'); if (!empty($aResult['message'])) { $aResult['message'] = $this->getPopupResult($aResult['message']); } break; } if (!empty($aResult['message'])) { bx_import('BxTemplStudioFunctions'); $aResult['message'] = BxTemplStudioFunctions::getInstance()->transBox('', $aResult['message']); } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; } }
public function init() { if (($sAction = bx_get('pgt_action')) === false) { return; } $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $oLanguages = BxDolStudioLanguagesUtils::getInstance(); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_pgt_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'get-page-by-type': $sValue = bx_process_input(bx_get('pgt_value')); if (empty($sValue)) { break; } $this->sPage = $sValue; $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'content' => $this->getPageCode()); break; /* * Available URL params: * pgt_action = recompile - action name * pgt_language - ID or name(en, ru, etc) of language. */ /* * Available URL params: * pgt_action = recompile - action name * pgt_language - ID or name(en, ru, etc) of language. */ case 'recompile': $sLanguage = bx_process_input(bx_get('pgt_language')); if ($oLanguages->compileLanguage($sLanguage)) { $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'content' => _t('_adm_pgt_scs_recompiled')); } else { $aResult = array('code' => 2, 'content' => _t('_adm_pgt_err_cannot_recompile_lang')); } break; /* * Available URL params: * pgt_action = restore - action name * pgt_language - ID or name(en, ru, etc) of language. * pgt_module - ID or Module Uri (@see sys_modules table). Leave empty for 'System' language file. */ /* * Available URL params: * pgt_action = restore - action name * pgt_language - ID or name(en, ru, etc) of language. * pgt_module - ID or Module Uri (@see sys_modules table). Leave empty for 'System' language file. */ case 'restore': $sLanguage = bx_process_input(bx_get('pgt_language')); $sModule = bx_process_input(bx_get('pgt_module')); if ($oLanguages->restoreLanguage($sLanguage, $sModule)) { $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'content' => _t('_adm_pgt_scs_restored')); } else { $aResult = array('code' => 2, 'content' => _t('_adm_pgt_err_cannot_restore_lang')); } break; } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; }
public function init() { if (($sAction = bx_get('nav_action')) === false) { return; } $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_nav_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'get-page-by-type': $sValue = bx_process_input(bx_get('nav_value')); if (empty($sValue)) { break; } $this->sPage = $sValue; $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'content' => $this->getPageCode()); break; default: $sMethod = 'action' . $this->getClassName($sAction); if (method_exists($this, $sMethod)) { $aResult = $this->{$sMethod}(); } } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; }
public function __construct($aObject, $oTemplate = false) { parent::__construct($aObject, $oTemplate); $CNF = $this->_oModule->_oConfig->CNF; $iProfileId = bx_process_input(bx_get('profile_id'), BX_DATA_INT); $iContentId = bx_process_input(bx_get('id'), BX_DATA_INT); if ($iProfileId) { $this->_oProfile = BxDolProfile::getInstance($iProfileId); } if (!$this->_oProfile && $iContentId) { $this->_oProfile = BxDolProfile::getInstanceByContentAndType($iContentId, $this->MODULE); } if ($this->_oProfile) { $this->_aProfileInfo = $this->_oProfile->getInfo(); $this->_aContentInfo = $this->_oModule->_oDb->getContentInfoById($this->_aProfileInfo['content_id']); $this->addMarkers($this->_aProfileInfo); $this->addMarkers(array('profile_id' => $this->_oProfile->id())); if (isLogged()) { $oConn = BxDolConnection::getObjectInstance('sys_profiles_friends'); if ($oConn->isConnectedNotMutual(bx_get_logged_profile_id(), $this->_oProfile->id())) { $this->addMarkers(array('title_add_friend' => _t($CNF['T']['menu_item_title_befriend_sent']), 'title_remove_friend' => _t($CNF['T']['menu_item_title_unfriend_cancel_request']))); } elseif ($oConn->isConnectedNotMutual($this->_oProfile->id(), bx_get_logged_profile_id())) { $this->addMarkers(array('title_add_friend' => _t($CNF['T']['menu_item_title_befriend_confirm']), 'title_remove_friend' => _t($CNF['T']['menu_item_title_unfriend_reject_request']))); } else { $this->addMarkers(array('title_add_friend' => _t($CNF['T']['menu_item_title_befriend']), 'title_remove_friend' => _t($CNF['T']['menu_item_title_unfriend']))); } } } }
public function getPost(&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams = array()) { $aResult = $this->_oConfig->isSystem($aEvent['type'], $aEvent['action']) ? $this->_getSystemData($aEvent) : $this->_getCommonData($aEvent); if (empty($aResult) || empty($aResult['owner_id']) || empty($aResult['content'])) { return ''; } list($sUserName) = $this->getModule()->getUserInfo($aResult['owner_id']); if (empty($aEvent['title']) || empty($aEvent['description'])) { $sTitle = !empty($aResult['title']) ? $aResult['title'] : ''; if ($sTitle == '') { $sSample = !empty($aResult['content']['sample']) ? $aResult['content']['sample'] : '_bx_timeline_txt_sample'; $sTitle = _t('_bx_timeline_txt_user_added_sample', $sUserName, _t($sSample)); } $sDescription = !empty($aResult['description']) ? $aResult['description'] : ''; if ($sDescription == '' && !empty($aResult['content']['text'])) { $sDescription = $aResult['content']['text']; } $this->_oDb->updateEvent(array('title' => bx_process_input(strip_tags($sTitle)), 'description' => bx_process_input(strip_tags($sDescription))), array('id' => $aEvent['id'])); } $aEvent['object_owner_id'] = $aResult['owner_id']; $aEvent['content'] = $aResult['content']; $aEvent['votes'] = $aResult['votes']; $aEvent['comments'] = $aResult['comments']; $sType = !empty($aResult['content_type']) ? $aResult['content_type'] : BX_TIMELINE_PARSE_TYPE_DEFAULT; return $this->_getPost($sType, $aEvent, $aBrowseParams); }
public function __construct($aObject, $oTemplate = false) { parent::__construct($aObject, $oTemplate); // get profile info $iProfileId = bx_process_input(bx_get('profile_id'), BX_DATA_INT); if ($iProfileId) { $this->_oProfile = BxDolProfile::getInstance($iProfileId); $this->_aProfileInfo = $this->_oProfile ? $this->_oProfile->getInfo() : false; } if (!$this->_aProfileInfo || !$this->_oProfile) { return; } // select view profile submenu $oMenuSubmenu = BxDolMenu::getObjectInstance('sys_site_submenu'); if ($oMenuSubmenu) { $oMenuSubmenu->setObjectSubmenu('bx_persons_view_submenu', array('title' => $this->_oProfile->getDisplayName(), 'link' => $this->_oProfile->getUrl(), 'icon' => $this->_oProfile->getIcon())); } // add replaceable markers $this->addMarkers($this->_aProfileInfo); // every profile field can be used as marker $this->addMarkers(array('profile_id' => $this->_oProfile->id())); // profile id field is also suported $this->addMarkers(array('display_name' => $this->_oProfile->getDisplayName())); // profile display name is also suported }
public function init() { //--- Check Actions ---// if (($sAction = bx_get('mod_action')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_mod_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'activate': $sValue = bx_process_input(bx_get('mod_value')); if (empty($sValue)) { break; } $aResult = $this->activate($sValue); break; } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; } $this->aModule = $this->oDb->getModuleByName($this->sModule); if (empty($this->aModule) || !is_array($this->aModule)) { BxDolStudioTemplate::getInstance()->displayPageNotFound(); } $this->sPageRssHelpUrl = $this->aModule['help_url']; $this->sPageRssHelpId = $this->aModule['name']; $this->addMarkers(array('module_name' => $this->aModule['name'], 'module_uri' => $this->aModule['uri'], 'module_title' => $this->aModule['title'])); $this->addAction(array('type' => 'switcher', 'name' => 'activate', 'caption' => '_adm_txt_pca_active', 'checked' => (int) $this->aModule['enabled'] == 1, 'onchange' => "javascript:" . $this->getPageJsObject() . ".activate('" . $this->sModule . "', this)"), false); }
function init() { if (($sAction = bx_get('bp_action')) === false) { return; } $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_bp_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'reorder': if (empty($this->aPageRebuild) || !is_array($this->aPageRebuild)) { break; } $bResult = false; for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->aPageRebuild['layout_cells_number']; $i++) { $aItems = bx_get('bp_items_' . $i); $iItems = count($aItems); for ($j = 0; $j < $iItems; $j++) { $bResult |= $this->oDb->updateBlock((int) $aItems[$j], array('cell_id' => $i, 'order' => $j)); } } $aResult = $bResult ? array('code' => 0, 'message' => _t('_adm_bp_scs_save')) : array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_bp_err_nothing_changed')); break; default: $sMethod = 'action' . $this->getClassName($sAction); if (method_exists($this, $sMethod)) { $aResult = $this->{$sMethod}(); } } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; }
function __construct($sPage = "") { parent::__construct('builder_menus'); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioNavigationQuery(); $this->sPage = BX_DOL_STUDIO_NAV_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sPage) && !empty($sPage)) { $this->sPage = $sPage; } //--- Check actions ---// if (($sAction = bx_get('nav_action')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_nav_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'get-page-by-type': $sValue = bx_process_input(bx_get('nav_value')); if (empty($sValue)) { break; } $this->sPage = $sValue; $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'content' => $this->getPageCode()); break; default: $sMethod = 'action' . $this->getClassName($sAction); if (method_exists($this, $sMethod)) { $aResult = $this->{$sMethod}(); } } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; } }
protected function getPermissions() { $sPage = bx_get('prm_page'); $sPage = $sPage !== false ? bx_process_input($sPage) : ''; bx_import('Permissions', $this->aModule); $oContent = new BxDevPermissions(array('page' => $sPage, 'url' => sprintf($this->sUrl, $this->sModule, BX_DEV_TOOLS_PERMISSIONS))); return $this->oModule->_oTemplate->displayPageContent($this->sPage, $oContent); }
function actionGetSets() { if (($sModule = bx_get('nav_module')) === false) { return array('code' => 2, 'message' => _t('_adm_nav_err_missing_params')); } $sModule = bx_process_input($sModule); return array('code' => 0, 'message' => '', 'content' => $this->getItemsObject()->getSetsSelector($sModule)); }
function makeDefault() { $sValue = bx_get('dsg_value'); if ($sValue === false) { return false; } $sValue = bx_process_input($sValue); return $this->oDb->setParam('template', $sValue); }
public function __construct($aObject, $oTemplate = false) { parent::__construct($aObject, $oTemplate); $iContentId = bx_process_input(bx_get('id'), BX_DATA_INT); $this->_aContentInfo = $this->_oModule->_oDb->getContentInfoById($iContentId); if ($this->_aContentInfo) { $this->addMarkers(array('content_id' => (int) $iContentId)); } }
protected function getCurrentOnclick($aAdditionalParams = array(), $bReplacePagesParams = true) { // always add UnitView as additional param $sUnitView = bx_process_input(bx_get($this->sUnitViewParamName)); if ($sUnitView && isset($this->aUnitViews[$sUnitView])) { $aAdditionalParams = array_merge(array($this->sUnitViewParamName => $sUnitView), $aAdditionalParams); } return parent::getCurrentOnclick($aAdditionalParams, $bReplacePagesParams); }
/** * Check captcha. */ public function check() { require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_PLUGINS . 'recaptcha/recaptchalib.php'; $oResp = recaptcha_check_answer($this->_sKeyPrivate, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], bx_process_input(bx_get('recaptcha_challenge_field')), bx_process_input(bx_get('recaptcha_response_field'))); if (!$oResp->is_valid) { $this->_error = $oResp->error; return false; } return true; }
public function __construct($aOptions, $oTemplate = false) { parent::__construct($aOptions, $oTemplate); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioNavigationQuery(); $sSet = bx_get('set'); if (!empty($sSet)) { $this->sSet = bx_process_input($sSet); } $this->_aQueryAppend['set'] = $this->sSet; }
public function __construct($aObject, $oTemplate = false) { parent::__construct($aObject, $oTemplate); $CNF =& $this->_oModule->_oConfig->CNF; $aInformers = array(); // get profile info $iProfileId = bx_process_input(bx_get('profile_id'), BX_DATA_INT); $iContentId = bx_process_input(bx_get('id'), BX_DATA_INT); if ($iProfileId) { $this->_oProfile = BxDolProfile::getInstance($iProfileId); } if (!$this->_oProfile && $iContentId) { $this->_oProfile = BxDolProfile::getInstanceByContentAndType($iContentId, $this->MODULE); } if ($this->_oProfile) { $this->_aProfileInfo = $this->_oProfile->getInfo(); $this->_aContentInfo = $this->_oModule->_oDb->getContentInfoById($this->_aProfileInfo['content_id']); } if (!$this->_aContentInfo || !$this->_oProfile) { return; } // select view profile submenu $oMenuSubmenu = BxDolMenu::getObjectInstance('sys_site_submenu'); $oMenuSubmenu->setObjectSubmenu($CNF['OBJECT_MENU_SUBMENU_VIEW_ENTRY'], array('title' => $this->_oProfile->getDisplayName(), 'link' => $this->_oProfile->getUrl(), 'icon' => $CNF['ICON'])); // add replaceable markers $this->addMarkers($this->_aProfileInfo); // every content field can be used as marker $this->addMarkers(array('profile_id' => $this->_oProfile->id())); // profile id field $this->addMarkers(array('display_name' => $this->_oProfile->getDisplayName())); // profile display name $this->addMarkers(array('profile_link' => $this->_oProfile->getUrl())); // profile link // display message if profile isn't active if (bx_get_logged_profile_id() == $this->_oProfile->id() && !empty($CNF['INFORMERS']['status'])) { $sStatus = $this->_aContentInfo['profile_status']; if (isset($CNF['INFORMERS']['status']['map'][$sStatus])) { $aInformers[] = array('name' => $CNF['INFORMERS']['status']['name'], 'msg' => _t($CNF['INFORMERS']['status']['map'][$sStatus]), 'type' => BX_INFORMER_ALERT); } } // display message if it is possible to switch to this profile $oProfile = $this->_aContentInfo ? BxDolProfile::getInstanceByContentTypeAccount($this->_aContentInfo['id'], $this->MODULE) : false; if ($oProfile) { $oProfile->checkSwitchToProfile($this->_oTemplate); } // add informers if ($aInformers) { $oInformer = BxDolInformer::getInstance($this->_oTemplate); if ($oInformer) { foreach ($aInformers as $a) { $oInformer->add($a['name'], $this->_replaceMarkers($a['msg']), $a['type']); } } } }
protected function _responseInner($oAlert) { $this->_oModule->_iOwnerId = (int) $oAlert->aExtras['owner_id']; $sMedia = strtolower(str_replace('bx_', '', $oAlert->sUnit)); $aMediaInfo = $this->_oModule->_oTemplate->getCommonMedia($sMedia, $oAlert->iObject); $iId = $this->_oModule->_oDb->insertEvent(array('owner_id' => $this->_oModule->_iOwnerId, 'type' => $this->_oModule->_oConfig->getPrefix('common_post') . $sMedia, 'action' => '', 'object_id' => $this->_oModule->_getUserId(), 'object_privacy_view' => $this->_getPrivacyView($oAlert->aExtras), 'content' => serialize(array('type' => $sMedia, 'id' => $oAlert->iObject)), 'title' => bx_process_input($aMediaInfo['title']), 'description' => bx_process_input($aMediaInfo['description']))); if (!empty($iId)) { $this->_oModule->onPost($iId); } echo $this->_oModule->_oTemplate->_wrapInTagJsCode("parent." . $this->_oModule->_sJsPostObject . "._getPost(null, " . $iId . ");"); }
public function __construct($aOptions, $oTemplate = false) { parent::__construct($aOptions, $oTemplate); $CNF =& $this->_oModule->_oConfig->CNF; $this->_sFilter1Name = 'filter1'; $this->_aFilter1Values = array('active' => $CNF['T']['filter_item_active'], 'hidden' => $CNF['T']['filter_item_hidden']); $sFilter1 = bx_get($this->_sFilter1Name); if (!empty($sFilter1)) { $this->_sFilter1Value = bx_process_input($sFilter1); $this->_aQueryAppend['filter1'] = $this->_sFilter1Value; } }
public function __construct($aObject, $oTemplate = false) { $this->MODULE = 'bx_albums'; parent::__construct($aObject, $oTemplate); $sURI = bx_process_input(bx_get('i')); if ($sURI == 'view-album-media') { $aMediaInfo = $this->_oModule->_oDb->getMediaInfoById((int) bx_get('id')); $this->_aContentInfo = $aMediaInfo ? $this->_oModule->_oDb->getContentInfoById($aMediaInfo['content_id']) : false; if ($this->_aContentInfo) { $this->addMarkers(array('content_id' => (int) $aMediaInfo['content_id'])); } } }
function update($iContentId, $aValsToAdd = array(), &$aTrackTextFieldsChanges = null) { $CNF =& $this->_oModule->_oConfig->CNF; if (CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED === $this->_oModule->checkAllowedSetThumb()) { $aThumb = bx_process_input(bx_get($CNF['FIELD_THUMB']), BX_DATA_INT); $aValsToAdd[$CNF['FIELD_THUMB']] = 0; if (!empty($aThumb) && is_array($aThumb) && ($iFileThumb = array_pop($aThumb))) { $aValsToAdd[$CNF['FIELD_THUMB']] = $iFileThumb; } } $iRet = parent::update($iContentId, $aValsToAdd, $aTrackTextFieldsChanges); $this->_processFiles($this->getCleanValue($CNF['FIELD_PHOTO']), $iContentId, false); return $iRet; }
public function __construct($aOptions, $oTemplate = false) { parent::__construct($aOptions, $oTemplate); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioFormsQuery(); $sModule = bx_get('module'); if (!empty($sModule)) { $this->sModule = bx_process_input($sModule); $this->_aQueryAppend['module'] = $this->sModule; } $sList = bx_get('list'); if (!empty($sList)) { $this->sList = bx_process_input($sList); $this->_aQueryAppend['list'] = $this->sList; } }
function exists($sId = '') { if (empty($sId) && isset($_COOKIE[BX_DOL_SESSION_COOKIE])) { $sId = bx_process_input($_COOKIE[BX_DOL_SESSION_COOKIE]); } $mixedSession = array(); if (($mixedSession = $this->oDb->exists($sId)) !== false) { $this->sId = $mixedSession['id']; $this->iUserId = (int) $mixedSession['user_id']; $this->aData = unserialize($mixedSession['data']); return true; } else { return false; } }