function init() { global $MayBeDuplicate; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { bw_error("The software is not meant to work with PHP magic_quotes_gpc = On. Please turn it Off (probably in php.ini)."); } $phpexts = get_loaded_extensions(); if (!in_array("gd", $phpexts)) { bw_error("Install GD module in PHP before going on."); } if (isset($_SERVER["SERVERNAME"])) { // This is only to be done for interactive session (typically mailbot.php, run by a cron gives an error for this) $apacheexts = apache_get_modules(); if (!in_array("mod_rewrite", $apacheexts)) { bw_error("Install mod_rewrite module in Apache before going on."); } } if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.0.0") < 0) { bw_error("PHP version is lower than 5.0.0. Please update. "); } SetupSession(); DBConnect(); // a duplicate use by several users has been detected if (!empty($MayBeDuplicate)) { LogStr($MayBeDuplicate); } LanguageChangeTest(); // evaluate the events (messages received, keep uptodate whoisonline ...) EvaluateMyEvents(); // Check if the navigation of the user must be logged if (HasFlag("RecordLogs")) { $url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $url .= "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } LogStr("url=" . $url, "RecordLogs"); } }
/** * * Thumbnail creator. (by markus5, Markus Hutzler 25.02.2007) * tested with GD Version: bundled (2.0.28 compatible) * with GIF Read Support: Enabled * with JPG Support: Enabled * with PNG Support: Enabled * * this function creates a thumbnail of a JPEG, GIF or PNG image * file: path (with /)!!! * max_x / max_y delimit the maximal size. default = 100 (it keeps the ratio) * the quality can be set. default = 85 * this function returns the thumb filename or null * * modified by Fake51 * $mode specifies if the new image is based on a cropped and resized version of the old, or just a resized * $mode = "square" means a cropped version * $mode = "ratio" means merely resized */ private static function _getThumb($file, $max_x, $max_y, $quality = 85, $thumbdir = 'thumbs', $mode = 'square') { // TODO: analyze MIME-TYPE of the input file (not try / catch) // TODO: error analysis of wrong paths // TODO: dynamic prefix (now: /th/) // method appears to work in old memberphotos folder, so I'm disabling it for now /* if($file == "") */ return null; $filename = basename($file); $filename_noext = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.')); $filepath = getcwd() . "/bw/memberphotos"; $wwwpath = PVars::getObj('env')->baseuri . "bw/memberphotos"; $avatarDir = new PDataDir('user/avatars'); $thumbfile = $filename_noext . '.' . $mode . '.' . $max_x . 'x' . $max_y . '.jpg'; if (is_file("{$filepath}/{$thumbdir}/{$thumbfile}")) { return "{$wwwpath}/{$thumbdir}/{$thumbfile}"; } // look if original file exists if (!is_file($filepath . '/' . $filename)) { return 'bw/'; } // TODO: bw_error("get_thumb: no file found"); // look if thumbnail directory exists if (!is_dir("{$filepath}/{$thumbdir}")) { return 'bw/'; } // TODO: bw_error("get_thumb: no directory found"); ini_set("memory_limit", '64M'); //jeanyves increasing the memory these functions need a lot // read image - try different image types $image = false; if (!$image) { $image = @imagecreatefromjpeg("{$filepath}/{$filename}"); } if (!$image) { $image = @imagecreatefrompng("{$filepath}/{$filename}"); } if (!$image) { $image = @imagecreatefromgif("{$filepath}/{$filename}"); } // look if reading the image was successful if ($image == false) { return null; } // calculate ratio $size_x = imagesx($image); $size_y = imagesy($image); if ($size_x == 0 or $size_y == 0) { bw_error("bad image size (0)"); } switch ($mode) { case "ratio": if ($max_x / $size_x >= $max_y / $size_y) { $ratio = $max_y / $size_y; } else { $ratio = $max_x / $size_x; } $startx = 0; $starty = 0; break; default: if ($size_x >= $size_y) { $startx = ($size_x - $size_y) / 2; $starty = 0; $size_x = $size_y; } else { $starty = ($size_y - $size_x) / 2; $startx = 0; $size_y = $size_x; } if ($max_x >= $max_y) { $ratio = $max_y / $size_y; } else { $ratio = $max_x / $size_x; } break; } $th_size_x = $size_x * $ratio; $th_size_y = $size_y * $ratio; // creating thumb $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($th_size_x, $th_size_y); imagecopyresampled($thumb, $image, 0, 0, $startx, $starty, $th_size_x, $th_size_y, $size_x, $size_y); // try to write the new image imagejpeg($thumb, "{$filepath}/{$thumbdir}/{$thumbfile}", $quality); return "{$wwwpath}/{$thumbdir}/{$thumbfile}"; }
function DBUpdateCheck() { $updates = array(); /* * to make new DB update just add a line like this: * $updates[xxx] = "SQL string..."; * empty means that update has to be done manually: * $updates[69] = ""; // this update has to be done manually */ $updates[1] = "CREATE TABLE `dbversion` (`version` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',PRIMARY KEY ( `version` )) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'stores the DB version';"; $updates[2] = "INSERT into `dbversion` values(1)"; $updates[3] = "CREATE TABLE `guestsonline` (" . "`IpGuest` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ip address of the user who is online'," . "`updated` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update " . "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'last time the member was active'," . "`appearance` varchar(256) NOT NULL COMMENT 'What to show about the member this can be a html thing'," . "`lastactivity` varchar(256) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Last url the member call'," . "`Status` varchar(32) NOT NULL default 'Active' " . "COMMENT 'a copy of the status of the member (sometime he can be ActiveHidden)'," . "PRIMARY KEY (`IpGuest`)) ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 " . "COMMENT='Table of last guest online, it is purged periodically ';"; $updates[4] = "UPDATE words " . "SET Sentence = 'Bitte überprüfe die Stadt. Die angegebene Stadt konnte nicht gefunden werden.' " . "WHERE code='SignupErrorProvideCity' and ShortCode='de';"; $updates[5] = "UPDATE words " . "SET Sentence = 'Please check the city. The city could not be found.' " . "WHERE code='SignupErrorProvideCity' and ShortCode='en';"; $updates[6] = ""; // This is empty on purpose, this forces manual DB update $updates[7] = "DROP TABLE tantable"; $updates[8] = "DROP TABLE userfrombewelcome"; $updates[9] = "ALTER TABLE `guestsonline` MODIFY `appearance` varchar(255)"; $updates[10] = "ALTER TABLE `guestsonline` MODIFY `lastactivity` varchar(255)"; $updates[11] = "ALTER TABLE `cryptedfields` ADD `temporary_uncrypted_buffer` TEXT"; $updates[12] = "ALTER TABLE `cryptedfields` CHANGE `temporary_uncrypted_buffer` `temporary_uncrypted_buffer` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL COMMENT 'This is used when no encryption is use'"; $updates[13] = "ALTER TABLE `words` ADD `created` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL"; $updates[14] = "ALTER TABLE `members` CHANGE `TypicOffer` `TypicOffer` SET('guidedtour','dinner','CanHostWeelChair') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Other typical offer that a member can choose to propose'"; $updates[15] = "ALTER TABLE `members` CHANGE `Accomodation` `Accomodation` " . "ENUM('anytime', 'yesicanhost', 'dependonrequest', 'cannotfornow', 'neverask')"; $updates[16] = "ALTER TABLE `members` CHANGE `Accomodation` `Accomodation` " . "ENUM('anytime', 'dependonrequest', 'neverask')"; $updates[17] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS broadcast (" . "id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'primary key'," . "IdCreator int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Id of the member who created the massmail'," . "`Name` text collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Name of the mass mail'," . "created timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'creation date'," . "`Status` enum('Created','Triggered') collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default 'Created'," . "`Type` enum('Normal') collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default 'Normal'," . "PRIMARY KEY (id)" . ") ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='This table is for massmail used by adminmassmails'"; $updates[18] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `broadcastmessages` (" . "`IdBroadcast` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'id of the broadcast entry'," . "`IdReceiver` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Id of the receiver'," . "`IdEnqueuer` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Id of the volunteer who enqueue the message'," . "`Status` enum('ToApprove','ToSend','Sent') collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default 'ToApprove' COMMENT 'Status of the message'," . "`updated` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'last update'," . "PRIMARY KEY (`IdBroadcast`,`IdReceiver`)" . ") ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='This is the table with the list of members to broad cast'"; $updates[19] = "ALTER TABLE `words` CHANGE `ShortCode` `ShortCode` CHAR( 4 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'en'"; $updates[20] = "delete from user where lastlogin is null"; $updates[21] = "ALTER TABLE `user` DROP INDEX `handle`"; $updates[22] = "ALTER TABLE `user` ADD UNIQUE ( `handle`)"; $updates[23] = "ALTER TABLE `user` DROP INDEX `handle`"; // correct 22, DROPs UNIQUE CONSTRAINT $updates[24] = "ALTER TABLE `user` ADD INDEX (`handle`)"; // correct 21 $updates[] = 'UPDATE languages SET Name = "English" WHERE id = 0'; $updates[] = 'UPDATE languages SET EnglishName = CONCAT(UPPER(SUBSTR(EnglishName, 1, 1)), (SUBSTR(EnglishName, 2)))'; // $updates[20] = "blahblah" $res = mysql_query("SELECT version FROM dbversion"); if (empty($res)) { $version = 0; } else { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); if (!empty($row)) { $version = (int) $row['version']; } else { bw_error("Error: Could not retrieve DB version.", true); } } assert(isset($version)); while (isset($updates[$version + 1])) { print "updating DB to version " . ($version + 1) . "\n<br>"; if (empty($updates[$version + 1])) { bw_error("The database needs update but it cannot be done automatically. Do the changes manually or get the latest DB from the repository (<a href=\"\"></a>).", true); } $qry = sql_query($updates[$version + 1]); $qry = sql_query("UPDATE dbversion SET version=version+1"); $version++; } }
private function getthumb($file = "", $max_x, $max_y, $quality = 85, $thumbdir = 'thumbs', $mode = 'square') { // TODO: analyze MIME-TYPE of the input file (not try / catch) // TODO: error analysis of wrong paths // TODO: dynamic prefix (now: /th/) if ($file == "") { return null; } $filename = basename($file); $filename_noext = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.')); $filepath = getcwd() . "/bw/memberphotos"; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') { $wwwpath = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/bw/htdocs/bw/memberphotos"; } else { $wwwpath = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/bw/memberphotos"; } $thumbfile = $filename_noext . '.' . $mode . '.' . $max_x . 'x' . $max_y . '.jpg'; if (is_file("{$filepath}/{$thumbdir}/{$thumbfile}")) { return "{$wwwpath}/{$thumbdir}/{$thumbfile}"; } // locate file if (!is_file("{$filepath}/{$filename}")) { return null; } // TODO: bw_error("get_thumb: no file found"); if (!is_dir("{$filepath}/{$thumbdir}")) { return null; } // TODO: bw_error("get_thumb: no directory found"); ini_set("memory_limit", '64M'); //jeanyves increasing the memory these functions need a lot // read image $image = false; if (!$image) { $image = @imagecreatefromjpeg("{$filepath}/{$filename}"); } if (!$image) { $image = @imagecreatefrompng("{$filepath}/{$filename}"); } if (!$image) { $image = @imagecreatefromgif("{$filepath}/{$filename}"); } if ($image == false) { return null; } // calculate ratio $size_x = imagesx($image); $size_y = imagesy($image); if ($size_x == 0 or $size_y == 0) { bw_error("bad image size (0)"); } switch ($mode) { case "ratio": if ($max_x / $size_x >= $max_y / $size_y) { $ratio = $max_y / $size_y; } else { $ratio = $max_x / $size_x; } $startx = 0; $starty = 0; break; default: if ($size_x >= $size_y) { $startx = ($size_x - $size_y) / 2; $starty = 0; $size_x = $size_y; } else { $starty = ($size_y - $size_x) / 2; $startx = 0; $size_y = $size_x; } if ($max_x >= $max_y) { $ratio = $max_y / $size_y; } else { $ratio = $max_x / $size_x; } break; } $th_size_x = $size_x * $ratio; $th_size_y = $size_y * $ratio; // creating thumb $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($th_size_x, $th_size_y); imagecopyresampled($thumb, $image, 0, 0, $startx, $starty, $th_size_x, $th_size_y, $size_x, $size_y); // try to write the new image imagejpeg($thumb, "{$filepath}/{$thumbdir}/{$thumbfile}", $quality); return "{$wwwpath}/{$thumbdir}/{$thumbfile}"; }
function sql_query($ss_sql) { if (isset($_SESSION['sql_query']) && $_SESSION['sql_query'] == "AlreadyIn") { // die ("<br>recursive sql_query<br>".$ss_sql); } $_SESSION['sql_query'] = "AlreadyIn"; $qry = mysql_query($ss_sql . " /* " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . " */"); if ($qry) { $_SESSION['sql_query'] = ""; return $qry; } $error = mysql_error(); if (HasRight("Debug") or $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'localhost') { $_SESSION['sql_query'] = ""; bw_error(debug("<br>query problem with<br><font color=red> {$ss_sql} mysql_error: " . $error . "</font><br>")); } else { error_log(debug("\nquery problem with\n {$ss_sql} mysql_error: " . $error . "\n")); LogStr("Pb with <b>" . $ss_sql . "</b>", "sql_query"); die("query problem " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " " . date("F j, Y, g:i a")); } }
function ww($code, $p1 = NULL, $p2 = NULL, $p3 = NULL, $p4 = NULL, $p5 = NULL, $p6 = NULL, $p7 = NULL, $p8 = NULL, $p9 = NULL, $pp10 = NULL, $pp11 = NULL, $pp12 = NULL, $pp13 = NULL) { global $Params; // If no language set default language if (!isset($_SESSION['IdLanguage'])) { SwitchToNewLang(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['IdLanguage'])) { bw_error("Lang select internal failure"); } return wwinlang($code, $_SESSION['IdLanguage'], $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5, $p6, $p7, $p8, $p9, $pp10, $pp11, $pp12, $pp13); }
/** * GetCryptM * * @param string * @returns the crypted value of $ss according to member cryptation algorithm */ private function GetCryptM($ss, $IsCrypted = "crypted") { switch ($IsCrypted) { case "crypted": case "always": if (strstr($ss, "<membercrypted>") !== false) { return $ss; } // TODO: Add a test for a specific right return "<membercrypted>" . self::enc('CryptM', $ss) . "</membercrypted>"; break; case "not crypted": return strip_tags($ss); break; default: // we should never come here $strlog = "function MOD_crypt::GetCryptM() Problem to crypt " . $ss . " IsCrypted=[" . $IsCrypted . "]"; if (function_exists(LogStr)) { LogStr($strlog, "Bug"); } if (function_exists(bw_error)) { bw_error($strlog); } else { error_log($strlog); } die("Major problem with crypting issue"); } }
function getthumb($file, $max_x, $max_y, $quality = 85, $thumbdir = 'thumbs', $mode = 'square') { // TODO: analyze MIME-TYPE of the input file (not try / catch) // TODO: error analysis of wrong paths // TODO: dynamic prefix (now: /th/) if (empty($file)) { return null; } $file = str_replace("\\", "/", $file); // seperating the filename and path $slash_pos = strrpos($file, '/'); if ($slash_pos === false) { $filename = $file; $path = '.'; } else { $filename = substr($file, $slash_pos + 1); $path = substr($file, 0, $slash_pos); } $prefix = "{$path}/{$thumbdir}/"; // seperating the filename and extension $dot_pos = strrpos($filename, '.'); if ($dot_pos === false) { return null; } else { $filename_noext = substr($filename, 0, $dot_pos); } // locate file if (!is_file($file)) { return null; } // TODO: bw_error("get_thumb: no $file found"); if (!is_dir($prefix)) { bw_error("no folder {$prefix}!"); } $thumbfile = $prefix . $filename_noext . '.' . $mode . '.' . $max_x . 'x' . $max_y . '.jpg'; if (is_file($thumbfile)) { return $thumbfile; } ini_set("memory_limit", '64M'); //jeanyves increasing the memory these functions need a lot // read image $image = false; if (!$image) { $image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($file); } if (!$image) { $image = @imagecreatefrompng($file); } if (!$image) { $image = @imagecreatefromgif($file); } if ($image == false) { return null; } // calculate ratio $size_x = imagesx($image); $size_y = imagesy($image); if ($size_x == 0 or $size_y == 0) { bw_error("bad image size (0)"); } switch ($mode) { case "ratio": if ($max_x / $size_x >= $max_y / $size_y) { $ratio = $max_y / $size_y; } else { $ratio = $max_x / $size_x; } $startx = 0; $starty = 0; break; default: if ($size_x >= $size_y) { $startx = ($size_x - $size_y) / 2; $starty = 0; $size_x = $size_y; } else { $starty = ($size_y - $size_x) / 2; $startx = 0; $size_y = $size_x; } if ($max_x >= $max_y) { $ratio = $max_y / $size_y; } else { $ratio = $max_x / $size_x; } break; } $th_size_x = $size_x * $ratio; $th_size_y = $size_y * $ratio; // creating thumb $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($th_size_x, $th_size_y); imagecopyresampled($thumb, $image, 0, 0, $startx, $starty, $th_size_x, $th_size_y, $size_x, $size_y); // try to write the new image imagejpeg($thumb, $thumbfile, $quality); return $thumbfile; }
function HasRight($RightName, $_Scope = "", $OptionalIdMember = 0) { global $_SYSHCVOL; if (!IsLoggedIn()) { return 0; } // No need to search for right if no member logged if ($OptionalIdMember != 0) { $IdMember = $OptionalIdMember; } else { $IdMember = $_SESSION['IdMember']; } $Scope = $_Scope; if ($Scope != "") { if ($Scope[0] != "\"") { $Scope = "\"" . $Scope . "\""; } // add the " " if they are missing } if (!isset($_SESSION['Right_' . $RightName]) or $_SESSION['Param']->ReloadRightsAndFlags == 'Yes' or $OptionalIdMember != 0) { $str = "SELECT SQL_CACHE Scope,Level FROM rightsvolunteers,rights WHERE IdMember={$IdMember} AND AND rights.Name='{$RightName}'"; $qry = mysql_query($str) or bw_error("function HasRight"); $right = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query($str)); // LoadRow not possible because of recusivity if (!isset($right->Level)) { return 0; } // Return false if the Right does'nt exist for this member in the DB $rlevel = $right->Level; $rscope = $right->Scope; if ($OptionalIdMember == 0) { // if its current member cache for next research $_SESSION['RightLevel_' . $RightName] = $rlevel; $_SESSION['RightScope_' . $RightName] = $rscope; } } if ($Scope != "") { // if a specific scope is asked if ($rscope == "\"All\"") { if ($_SESSION["IdMember"] == 1) { return 10; } // Admin has all rights at level 10 return $rlevel; } else { if (!(strpos($rscope, $Scope) === false) or $Scope == $rscope) { return $rlevel; } else { return 0; } } } else { if ($_SESSION["IdMember"] == 1) { return 10; } // Admin has all rights at level 10 return $rlevel; } }
function GetCryptM($ss, $IsCrypted = "crypted") { // LogStr(" entering GetCryptM(\"".addslashes($ss)."\",\"".$IsCrypted."\")","JYH") ; switch ($IsCrypted) { case "crypted": case "always": if (strstr($ss, "<membercrypted>") !== false) { return $ss; } // todo add right test return "<membercrypted>" . CryptM($ss) . "</membercrypted>"; break; case "not crypted": return strip_tags($ss); break; default: // we should never come here $strlog = "FunctionsCrypt.php:: function GetCryptM() Problem to encrypt " . $ss . " IsCrypted=[" . $IsCrypted . "]"; if (function_exists(LogStr)) { LogStr($strlog, "Bug"); } if (function_exists(bw_error)) { bw_error($strlog); } else { error_log($strlog); } die("Major problem with crypting issue"); } // end of switch }