    // todo
// print out a hand of cards
// name is the name of the player
// hidden is to initially show only first card of hand (for dealer)
// output should look like this:
// Dealer: [4 C] [???] Total: ???
// or:
// Player: [J D] [2 D] Total: 12
function echoHand($hand, $name, $hidden = false)
    // todo
// build the deck of cards
$deck = buildDeck($suits, $cards);
// initialize a dealer and player hand
$dealer = [];
$player = [];
// dealer and player each draw two cards
// todo
// echo the dealer hand, only showing the first card
// todo
// echo the player hand
// todo
// allow player to "(H)it or (S)tay?" till they bust (exceed 21) or stay
// while ( todo ) {
//   // todo
// }
// show the dealer's hand (all cards)
// todo
function findShoe($deck)
    $check = array_search('SHOE', $deck);
    if (!$check) {
        echo '*******************************' . PHP_EOL;
        echo "Shuffling Deck Now" . PHP_EOL;
        echo '*******************************' . PHP_EOL;
        return $deck = buildDeck();
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include 'includes/functions.php';
if (isset($_POST['deal'])) {
    // create a deck included 51 cards
    $deck = buildDeck();
    // draw the first 2 cards
    $cards = drawRandomCard($deck);
    // store the remaining cards
    $_SESSION['rest_cards'] = $cards['rest_cards'];
    // store cards in session for the next round
    $_SESSION['cards'] = $cards;
    // store dealer's cards for the next round
    $_SESSION["dealer"] = $cards['dealer'];
    // store players's cards for the next round
    $_SESSION["player"] = $cards['player'];
    // assign the values for the output
    $player = $_SESSION["player"];
    // assign the value to get the result
    $player_value = $cards['player'];
    $dealer_value = $cards['dealer'];