/** * Get Userlist HTML * * @param Int $userID * @return String */ public function getUserListHTML($userID, &$uIDs = array()) { $users = BuckysPrivateMessenger::getUserList($userID); $html = ''; foreach ($users as $row) { $newMsg = BuckysPrivateMessenger::getNewMessageCount($userID, $row['userID']); $html .= '<a href="#" class="single_chat_user ' . (!$row['online'] || !$row['buddyStatus'] ? "single_chat_user_offline" : '') . '" data-id="' . $row['userID'] . '" data-hash="' . buckys_encrypt_id($row['userID']) . '"> <img src="' . BuckysUser::getProfileIcon($row) . '" /><span> ' . $row['name'] . '</span></a>'; $uIDs[] = $row['userID']; } return $html; }
/** * Load Private Messenger * */ function loadMessenger() { global $db, $userID; //Getting Friends from the Buddy List $messengerSettings = BuckysUser::getUserBasicInfo($userID); $uIDs = array(); //Return HTML ob_start(); ?> <div id="private_messenger_main_wrap"> <div class="box_nav_row"> <a href="#" class="close_box_link"> </a> <!-- <a href="#" class="minimize_box_link"> </a>--> </div> <h2>Private Messenger</h2> <div class="chat_user_list" id="private_messenger_buddies_list"> <?php echo BuckysPrivateMessenger::getUserListHTML($userID, $uIDs); ?> </div> <div class="below_chat_user_list <?php if ($messengerSettings['messenger_privacy'] == 'all') { ?> add-user-to-buddylist-hidden<?php } ?> " id="add-user-to-buddylist"> <form name="adduserform" id="adduserform"> <h2>Add Friends</h2> <span id="add-user-to-buddylist-inputholder"> <input type="text" class="input below_chat_user_list_input" id="add-user-to-buddylist-input" /> <input type="submit" value="Add" class="redButton" /> </span> <!-- <div id="selected-users-list"></div>--> <div class="clear"></div> <?php echo render_loading_wrapper(); ?> </form> </div> <div class="below_chat_user_list" id="messenger_btn_box"> <span><input type="button" id="settings_messenger_btn" class="redButton" value="Settings"></span> </div> </div> <?php BuckysPrivateMessenger::updateConversationList($userID, $uIDs); $convList = isset($_SESSION['converation_list']) ? $_SESSION['converation_list'] : array(); ?> <div id="private_messenger_conversation_wrap" <?php if (!buckys_not_null($convList)) { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> > <div class="box_nav_row"> <a href="#" class="close_box_link"> </a> <a href="#" class="minimize_box_link"> </a> <div href="#" class="options_link" id="private-messenger-options-link"> Options <ul> <li><a href="#" id="pm-box-clear-history-link">Clear history</a></li> <li><a href="#" id="pm-box-block-user-link">Block User</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="private_messenger_conversation_lft"> <div id="private_messenger_opened_chats"> <?php foreach ($convList as $i => $uID) { $tUInfo = BuckysUser::getUserBasicInfo($uID); ?> <a href="#" data-id="<?php echo $uID; ?> " <?php if ($i == 0) { ?> class="actived"<?php } ?> data-encrypted="<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($uID); ?> "><?php echo $tUInfo['firstName'] . " " . $tUInfo['lastName']; ?> <span title="close" class="close-conversation">X</span></a><?php } ?> </div> </div> <div id="private_messenger_conversation_rgt"> <?php foreach ($convList as $i => $uID) { $tUInfo = BuckysUser::getUserBasicInfo($uID); ?> <div class="private_messenger_conversation_contr" <?php if ($i > 0) { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> id="private_messenger_conversation_contr<?php echo $uID; ?> "> <?php echo BuckysPrivateMessenger::getMessagesHTML($userID, $uID, 'all'); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="private_messenger_send_message_contr"> <form name="newmessageform" id="newmessageform" action="" method="post"> <input class="under_private_message_conversation_area_input" id="new_private_message" class="input" type="text" /> </form> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $html; }
$password = trim($_POST['password']); $info = buckys_get_user_by_email($email); if (buckys_not_null($info)) { if (!buckys_validate_password($password, $info['password'])) { buckys_redirect('/register.php', MSG_INVALID_LOGIN_INFO, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); } else { if ($info['status'] == 0) { //Account Not Verified or Banned buckys_redirect('/index.php', !$info['token'] ? MSG_ACCOUNT_BANNED : MSG_ACCOUNT_NOT_VERIFIED, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); } else { //Login Success //Clear Login Attemps BuckysTracker::clearLoginAttemps(); $_SESSION['userID'] = $info['userID']; //Init Some Session Values $_SESSION['converation_list'] = array(); //If the keep me signed in is checked, save data to cookie if ($_POST['keep_sign_in'] == 1) { setcookie('bkuid0', base64_encode($info['userID']), time() + COOKIE_LIFETIME, "/", "buckysroom.com"); $uidEncrypted = buckys_encrypt_id($info['userID']); setcookie('bkuid1', base64_encode($uidEncrypted), time() + COOKIE_LIFETIME, "/", "buckysroom.com"); setcookie('bkuid2', base64_encode($_SESSION['user_encrypt_salt']), time() + COOKIE_LIFETIME, "/", "buckysroom.com"); } buckys_redirect('/account.php'); } } } else { //Email Incorrect buckys_redirect('/register.php', MSG_INVALID_LOGIN_INFO, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); } }
?> &return=<?php echo base64_encode("/profile.php?user="******" data-type="buckys-ajax-link">Decline Friend Request</a> <br/> <?php } else { ?> <a href="/myfriends.php?action=request&friendID=<?php echo $row['userID']; echo buckys_get_token_param(); ?> &friendIDHash=<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($row['userID']); ?> &return=<?php echo base64_encode("/profile.php?user="******" data-type="buckys-ajax-link">Send Friend Request</a> <br/> <?php } } } } ?> </p> <?php
"/></span> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- Submit Button --> <div class="btn-row"> <span class="inputholder"><input type="submit" class="redButton" value="Submit"/></span> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete_account" /> <input type="hidden" name="userID" value="<?php echo $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['user']['userID']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="userIDHash" value="<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($BUCKYS_GLOBALS['user']['userID']); ?> " /> </form> </section> </section> </section> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery('#deleteaccountform').submit(function(){ var form = $(this); var isValid = true; if(form.find('#password').val() == '') { form.find('#password').addClass('input-error');
</div> <!-- Submit Button --> <div class="btn-row"> <span class="inputholder"><input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" class="redButton" value="Submit"/></span> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="change_password"/> <input type="hidden" name="userID" value="<?php echo $TNB_GLOBALS['user']['userID']; ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="userIDHash" value="<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($TNB_GLOBALS['user']['userID']); ?> "/> </form> </section> </section> </section> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery('#changepwdform').submit(function (){ var form = $(this); var isValid = true; if(form.find('#currentPassword').val() == ''){ form.find('#currentPassword').addClass('input-error'); isValid = false;
function render_single_comment($comment, $userID = null, $isReturn = false) { global $BUCKYS_GLOBALS; $timeOffset = 0; if (buckys_not_null($userID)) { $userInfo = BuckysUser::getUserBasicInfo($userID); $timeOffset = $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['timezone'][$userInfo['timezone']]; } ob_start(); ?> <div class="comment-item"> <a href="/profile.php?user=<?php echo $comment['commenter']; ?> " class="thumb"><img src="<?php echo BuckysUser::getProfileIcon($comment['commenter']); ?> " class="replyToPostIcons" /></a> <div class="comment-content"> <a href="/profile.php?user=<?php echo $comment['commenter']; ?> " style="font-weight:bold"><?php echo $comment['fullName']; ?> </a> <br/> <?php echo $comment['content']; ?> <br/> <span style=" color:#999999; "><?php echo buckys_format_date($comment['posted_date']); ?> </span> <?php if ($comment['commenter'] == $userID || $comment['poster'] == $userID) { ?> · <a href="/comments.php?action=delete-comment&userID=<?php echo $userID; ?> &commentID=<?php echo $comment['commentID']; ?> &postID=<?php echo $comment['postID']; ?> " class="remove-comment-link">Delete</a> <?php } if (buckys_not_null($userID) && !$comment['reportID'] && ($comment['commenter'] != $userID && $comment['poster'] != $userID)) { ?> · <a href="/report_object.php" data-type="comment" data-id="<?php echo $comment['commentID']; ?> " data-idHash="<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($comment['commentID']); ?> " class="report-link" style="color:#999999;">Report</a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!$isReturn) { echo $html; } else { return $html; } }
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/bootstrap.php'; //Getting Current User ID if (!buckys_check_user_acl(USER_ACL_REGISTERED)) { buckys_redirect('/index.php', MSG_PERMISSION_DENIED, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); } if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'get-users') { $users = BuckysUser::searchUsers($_REQUEST['term'], $userID); $result = []; foreach ($users as $row) { $result[] = ["id" => $row['userID'], 'label' => $row['fullName'], 'value' => $row['fullName'], 'hash' => buckys_encrypt_id($row['userID'])]; } echo json_encode($result); buckys_exit(); } if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'send-money') { if (!isset($_POST['receiverID']) || !isset($_POST['receiverIDHash']) || !isset($_POST['amount']) || !buckys_check_id_encrypted($_POST['receiverID'], $_POST['receiverIDHash'])) { buckys_redirect('/credits.php', MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); } $result = BuckysTransaction::sendCredits($_POST['receiverID'], $_POST['amount']); if ($result === true) { buckys_redirect('/credits.php', MSG_SENT_CREDITS_SUCCESSFULLY); } else { buckys_redirect('/credits.php', $result, MSG_TYPE_ERROR); } exit; } $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $totalCount = BuckysTransaction::getNumOfCreditActivities($userID); //Init Pagination Class
class="block-link">Delete</a> <?php } ?> <?php if (buckys_is_logged_in() && $userID != $row['creatorID']) { ?> <a href="/report_object.php" data-type="reply" data-id="<?php echo $row['replyID']; ?> " data-idHash="<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($row['replyID']); ?> " class="report-link"> <?php echo !$row['reportID'] ? 'Report' : 'You reported this.'; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </span> </td> </tr> <?php
<input type="submit" id="save-btn" class="redButton" value="Post" style="display:block;"/> <div class="file-row"> <input type="button" id="file_upload" name="file_upload" type="file"/> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div id="jcrop-row"></div> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="submit-post"/> <input type="hidden" name="pageID" value="<?php echo $pageData['pageID']; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="pageIDHash" value="<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($pageData['pageID']); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="x1" id="x1" value="0"/> <input type="hidden" name="x2" id="x2" value="0"/> <input type="hidden" name="y1" id="y1" value="0"/> <input type="hidden" name="y2" id="y2" value="0"/> <input type="hidden" name="width" id="width" value="0"/> <input type="hidden" name="type" id="type" value="text"/> <?php render_form_token(); ?> <?php render_loading_wrapper(); ?> </form> </div> <div class="clear"></div>
">Approve Friend Request</a> <br/> <a href="/myfriends.php?action=decline&friendID=<?php echo $profileID; ?> &return=<?php echo base64_encode("/profile.php?user="******">Decline Friend Request</a> <br/> <?php } else { ?> <a href="/myfriends.php?action=request&friendID=<?php echo $profileID; ?> &friendIDHash=<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($profileID); ?> &return=<?php echo base64_encode("/profile.php?user="******">Send Friend Request</a> <br/> <?php } } } //Show Message ?> <a href="/messages_compose.php?to=<?php echo $profileID; ?> ">Send Message</a> <br/>
/** * Render report object link * * @param mixed $objectID * @param string $reportType * @param mixed $ownerID * @param mixed $userID * @param bool $reportID * @param string $prefix */ function render_report_link($objectID, $reportType = 'post', $ownerID = null, $userID = null, $reportID = false, $prefix = '') { if ($userID) { if ($ownerID != $userID && !$reportID) { //Show Report Link echo $prefix; ?> <a href="/report_object.php" data-type="<?php echo $reportType; ?> " data-id="<?php echo $objectID; ?> " data-idHash="<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($objectID); ?> " class="report-link">Report</a> <?php } //Show Moderator Link if (buckys_check_user_acl(USER_ACL_MODERATOR) && $reportID) { $item_title = ''; switch ($reportType) { case 'post': case 'topic': case 'reply': $item_title = 'Post'; break; case 'comment': case 'video_comment': $item_title = 'Comment'; break; case 'message': $item_title = 'Message'; break; case 'trade_item': case 'shop_item': $item_title = 'Item'; break; } ?> <?php echo $prefix; ?> <span class="moderator-action-links"> <a href="/reported.php?action=delete-objects&reportID=<?php echo $reportID; ?> ">Delete <?php echo $item_title; ?> </a> · <a href="/reported.php?action=approve-objects&reportID=<?php echo $reportID; ?> ">Approve <?php echo $item_title; ?> </a> · <a href="/reported.php?action=ban-users&reportID=<?php echo $reportID; ?> ">Ban User</a> </span> <?php } } }
/** * Check ID Encrypted Value */ function buckys_check_id_encrypted($gID, $encrypted) { if (!isset($_SESSION['user_encrypt_salt'])) { return false; /*if( $userID != $encrypted ) return false; else return true;*/ } else { if (buckys_encrypt_id($gID) == $encrypted) { return true; } else { return false; } } }
</div> <div class="row"> <label>Subject: </label> <span><b><?php echo $message['subject']; ?> </b></span> <?php if ($userID != $message['sender'] && !$message['reportID']) { ?> <a href="/report_object.php" data-type="message" data-id="<?php echo $message['messageID']; ?> " data-idHash="<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($message['messageID']); ?> " class="report-link">Report</a> <?php } ?> <?php if (buckys_check_user_acl(USER_ACL_MODERATOR) && $message['reportID']) { ?> <span class="moderator-action-links"> <a href="/reported.php?action=approve-objects&reportID=<?php echo $message['reportID']; ?> ">Approve Message</a> ·
</a> <p><?php echo $row['candidateText']; ?> </p> <?php if (buckys_check_user_acl(USER_ACL_ADMINISTRATOR)) { ?> <a href="/moderator.php?type=<?php echo $moderatorType; ?> &action=choose-moderator&id=<?php echo $row['candidateID']; ?> &idHash=<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($row['candidateID']); ?> " class="redButton">Choose Moderator</a> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <br /> <br /> <?php
</tfoot> <tbody> <?php foreach ($results['topics'] as $row) { ?> <tr> <td <?php echo !BuckysForumTopic::isVoted($row['topicID']) ? 'class="post-votes"' : 'class="post-votes voted votedStatus1" title="' . MSG_ALREADY_CASTED_A_VOTE . '"'; ?> > <a href="#" class="thumb-up" data-type='topic' data-id="<?php echo $row['topicID']; ?> " data-hashed="<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($row['topicID']); ?> "> <?php if ($row['votes'] > 0) { echo '+'; } echo $row['votes']; ?> </a> </td> <td class="icon-column"> <a style="float: left;" href="/profile.php?user=<?php echo $row['creatorID']; ?> ">
?> &return=<?php echo base64_encode("/profile.php?user="******" data-type="buckys-ajax-link">Decline Friend Request</a> <br/> <?php } else { ?> <a href="/myfriends.php?action=request&friendID=<?php echo $userData['userID']; echo buckys_get_token_param(); ?> &friendIDHash=<?php echo buckys_encrypt_id($userData['userID']); ?> &return=<?php echo base64_encode("/profile.php?user="******" data-type="buckys-ajax-link">Send Friend Request</a> <br/> <?php } } } } ?> </span> <a href="<?php echo $sendMessageLink;