public function getNewNotificationAction()
     global $TNB_GLOBALS, $db;
     $data = $_POST;
     $token = isset($data['TOKEN']) ? trim($data['TOKEN']) : null;
     if (!$token) {
         return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result('Api token should not be blank')];
     if (!($userID = BuckysUsersToken::checkTokenValidity($token, "api"))) {
         return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result('Api token is not valid.')];
     $notifications = BuckysActivity::getAppNotifications($userID, $data['page']);
     $results = [];
     foreach ($notifications as $row) {
         $item = [];
         $item['postID'] = $row['postID'];
         $item['userID'] = $row['userID'];
         $query = $db->prepare("SELECT\n                                u.firstName, \n                                u.lastName, \n                                u.userID, \n                                u.thumbnail, \n                                u.current_city, \n                                u.current_city_visibility,\n                                f.friendID \n                          FROM \n                                " . TABLE_USERS . " AS u\n                          LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_FRIENDS . " AS f ON f.userID=%d AND f.userFriendID=u.userID AND f.status='1'\n                          WHERE u.userID=%d", $userID, $item['userID']);
         $data = $db->getRow($query);
         $item['userName'] = $data['firstName'] . " " . $data['lastName'];
         $item['comment_content'] = $row['comment_content'];
         $item['userThumbnail'] = THENEWBOSTON_SITE_URL . BuckysUser::getProfileIcon($data);
         $item['type'] = $row['type'];
         $item['activityType'] = $row['activityType'];
         $item['post_date'] = buckys_api_format_date($userID, $row['post_date']);
         $item['isNew'] = $row['isNew'];
         $results[] = $item;
     return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_OK, 'DATA' => ["STATUS" => "SUCCESS", "RESULT" => $results]];
 public function getListAction()
     $request = $_GET;
     $token = isset($request['TOKEN']) ? trim($request['TOKEN']) : null;
     $lastDate = isset($request['lastDate']) ? $request['lastDate'] : null;
     if (!$token) {
         return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result('Api token should not be blank')];
     if (!($userID = BuckysUsersToken::checkTokenValidity($token, "api"))) {
         return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result('Api token is not valid.')];
     $stream = BuckysPost::getUserPostsStream($userID, $lastDate);
     //Format Result Data
     $result = [];
     foreach ($stream as $post) {
         if ($post['pageID'] != BuckysPost::INDEPENDENT_POST_PAGE_ID) {
             $pageIns = new BuckysPage();
             $pageData = $pageIns->getPageByID($post['pageID']);
         $pagePostFlag = false;
         if (isset($pageData)) {
             $pagePostFlag = true;
         $item = [];
         $item['articleId'] = $post['postID'];
         $item['posterId'] = $post['poster'];
         $item['articleImage'] = "";
         $item['articleVideo'] = "";
         $item['articleVideoId'] = "";
         if ($pagePostFlag) {
             $item['posterName'] = $pageData['title'];
             $item['posterThumbnail'] = buckys_not_null($pageData['logo']) ? THENEWBOSTON_SITE_URL . DIR_WS_PHOTO . "users/" . $pageData['userID'] . "/resized/" . $pageData['logo'] : THENEWBOSTON_SITE_URL . DIR_WS_IMAGE . "newPagePlaceholder.jpg";
         } else {
             $item['posterName'] = $post['posterFullName'];
             $item['posterThumbnail'] = THENEWBOSTON_SITE_URL . BuckysUser::getProfileIcon($post['poster']);
         $item['postedDate'] = buckys_api_format_date($userID, $post['post_date']);
         $item['purePostedDate'] = $post['post_date'];
         $item['articleContent'] = $post['content'];
         if ($post['type'] == 'video') {
             $item['articleVideo'] = $post['youtube_url'];
             $item['articleVideoId'] = buckys_get_youtube_video_id($post['youtube_url']);
         } else {
             if ($post['type'] == 'image') {
                 $item['articleImage'] = THENEWBOSTON_SITE_URL . DIR_WS_PHOTO . 'users/' . $post['poster'] . '/resized/' . $post['image'];
         $item['articleLikes'] = $post['likes'];
         $item['articleComments'] = $post['comments'];
         $item['isLiked'] = !$post['likeID'] ? "no" : "yes";
         $result[] = $item;
     return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_OK, 'DATA' => ["STATUS" => "SUCCESS", "RESULT" => $result]];
 public function getMessageInfoAction()
     $request = $_GET;
     $token = isset($request['TOKEN']) ? trim($request['TOKEN']) : null;
     $messageId = isset($request['messageID']) ? trim($request['messageID']) : null;
     $messageType = isset($request['messageType']) ? trim($request['messageType']) : null;
     if (!$token) {
         return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result('Api token should not be blank')];
     if (!($userID = BuckysUsersToken::checkTokenValidity($token, "api"))) {
         return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result('Api token is not valid.')];
     $row = BuckysMessage::getMessageById($messageId);
     if (empty($row)) {
         return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, 'DATA' => buckys_api_get_error_result('No record found.')];
     $results = [];
     $results['messageID'] = $row['messageID'];
     $results['body'] = $row['body'];
     $results['subject'] = $row['subject'];
     $results['status'] = $row['status'];
     $results['type'] = $messageType;
     $results['sender'] = $row['sender'];
     $results['senderName'] = $row['senderName'];
     $results['senderThumbnail'] = THENEWBOSTON_SITE_URL . BuckysUser::getProfileIcon($row['sender']);
     $results['receiver'] = $row['receiver'];
     $results['receiverName'] = $row['receiverName'];
     $results['receiverThumbnail'] = THENEWBOSTON_SITE_URL . BuckysUser::getProfileIcon($row['receiver']);
     $results['created_date'] = buckys_api_format_date($userID, $row['created_date']);
     $results['nextId'] = BuckysMessage::getNextID($userID, $messageId, $messageType);
     $results['prevId'] = BuckysMessage::getPrevID($userID, $messageId, $messageType);
     return ['STATUS_CODE' => STATUS_CODE_OK, 'DATA' => ["STATUS" => "SUCCESS", "RESULT" => $results]];