$_SESSION["webname"] = $webname; $_SESSION["baseref"] = $baseref; include_once "{$docroot}/baselib/baselib.php"; include_once "{$docroot}/baselib/iconfig.php"; include_once "{$docroot}/sql/checktables.php"; include_once "{$docroot}/view.php"; // we are in $dev $dev = true; $debug = false; $rnd = genkey(6); $shandle = initi("{$docroot}", $modbase); trackhit($shandle, $webname, $scriptname, "", "", "mysqli", false, $dev); // now let's make sure all tables exist check_tables($shandle, $docroot, $debug); // now we'll make set visable css attribute based on browser $btype = !isset($_SESSION["btype"]) ? strtolower(browsertype($browser)) : $_SESSION["btype"]; $block = $btype == "msie" ? "block" : "inline"; $_SESSION["browser"] = $btype; $_SESSION["shandle"] = $shandle; $_SESSION["debug"] = $debug; // check for authentication $logstate = (isset($_SESSION["logstate"]) and $_SESSION["logstate"] == "authenticated") ? "isauth" : "unauth"; $authtitle = (isset($_SESSION["logstate"]) and $_SESSION["logstate"] == "authenticated") ? "Login Authenticated" : "You must log in for access"; $nextact = getvardata("nextact", "home", 99); $_SESSION["nextact"] = $nextact; openpage($btype); echo "<body class='bodydiv'>\n"; if ($dev) { echo "<div class='{$btype}' title=\"Browser type {$btype} detected\" onclick=\"go('home');\"></div>\n"; echo "<div id='xquery' class='noquery' title=\"Javascript needs to be activated for ROAM to work\"></div>\n"; echo "<div id='logstate' class='{$logstate}' title=\"{$authtitle}\"></div>\n";
$webname = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; $scriptname = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $docroot = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; $browser = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; $protocol = isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? "https://" : "http://"; $baseref = "{$protocol}{$webname}"; $modbase = "{$docroot}/tracker"; include_once "{$docroot}/baselib/baselib.php"; include_once "{$docroot}/baselib/iconfig.php"; $gac = "UA-70162812-1"; if (session_id() == "") { session_start(); } $shandle = initi("{$docroot}", $modbase); trackhit($shandle, $webname, $scriptname, "", "", "mysqli"); $btype = !isset($_SESSION["btype"]) ? browsertype($browser) : $_SESSION["btype"]; $block = $btype == "msie" ? "block" : "inline"; echo "<!doctype html>\n"; echo "<html>\n"; echo "<head>\n"; echo "<title>{$webname}</title>\n"; echo "<meta name=\"browser\" content=\"{$btype}\">\n"; echo $btype == "msie" ? "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"X-UA-Compatible\" CONTENT=\"IE=edge\"/>\n" : ""; echo $btype == "msie" ? "<meta name=\"msapplication-config\" content=\"none\"/>\n" : ""; echo "<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='{$baseref}/jquery/1.11.2-ui/jquery-ui.css'>\n"; echo "<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='{$baseref}/jquery/1.11.2-ui/jquery-ui.structure.css'>\n"; echo "<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='{$baseref}/jquery/1.11.2-ui/jquery-ui.theme.css'>\n"; echo "<script src='{$baseref}/jquery/1.11.2/jquery-1.11.2.js'></script>\n"; echo "<script src='{$baseref}/jquery/1.11.2-ui/jquery-ui.js'></script>\n"; setstyle('/', true); gac($gac);
// AddType text/css .css // AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .css // additionally, the httpd.conf file needs to set the VirtualHost to // AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo (+ other options if required) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $css_rules = array(); if (session_id() == "") { session_start(); } $webname = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; $docroot = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; $browser = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; $modbase = "{$docroot}/tracker"; include_once "{$docroot}/baselib/baselib.php"; include_once "{$docroot}/baselib/iconfig.php"; $btype = browsertype($browser); $activesource = getvardata("activesource", "activecss", 99); $theme = getvardata("theme", "default", 99); $debug = getvardata("debug", false, 99); $page = getvardata("page", "all", 99); $shandle = !isset($_SESSSION["shandle"]) ? initi($docroot, $modbase) : $_SESSION["shandle"]; $sql = "select looking_for, css_name from {$activesource} where conditional=\"default\" limit 1"; if ($debug) { echo "<!-- sql[{$sql}] -->\n"; } $sresult = mysqli_query($shandle, $sql) or die("cannot connect to activecss: " . mysqli_connect_error()); $sdata = mysqli_fetch_array($sresult); $default_condition = $sdata["looking_for"]; $default_seeking = $sdata["css_name"]; if ($debug) { echo "<!-- result[{$default_seeking}]-->\n";