function start_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $current_object_id = 0) { global $wp_query; $item_output = $li_text_block_class = $column_class = ""; if ($depth === 0) { $this->active_megamenu = get_post_meta($item->ID, '_menu_item_brad_is_megamenu', true); } if ($depth === 1 && $this->active_megamenu) { $this->columns++; $this->rowsCounter[$this->rows] = $this->columns; if ($this->max_columns < $this->columns) { $this->max_columns = $this->columns; } if ($item->brad_megamenu_hide_title != true) { $title = apply_filters('the_title', $item->title, $item->ID); if ($title != "-" && $title != '"-"') { $menu_brad_icon = !empty($item->brad_megamenu_icon) ? brad_icon($item->brad_megamenu_icon, '', '', false) : ''; $attributes = !empty($item->xfn) ? ' rel="' . esc_attr($item->xfn) . '"' : ''; $item_output .= $args->before; $item_output .= '<h4 class="brad-megamenu-title"' . $attributes . '>'; $item_output .= $menu_brad_icon; $item_output .= $args->link_before . apply_filters('the_title', $item->title, $item->ID) . $args->link_after; $item_output .= '</h4>'; $item_output .= $args->after; } } $column_class = ' {current_row_' . $this->rows . '}'; } else { $menu_brad_icon = !empty($item->brad_megamenu_icon) ? brad_icon($item->brad_megamenu_icon, '', '', false) : ''; $attributes = !empty($item->attr_title) ? ' title="' . esc_attr($item->attr_title) . '"' : ''; $attributes .= !empty($item->target) ? ' target="' . esc_attr($item->target) . '"' : ''; $attributes .= !empty($item->xfn) ? ' rel="' . esc_attr($item->xfn) . '"' : ''; $attributes .= !empty($item->url) ? ' href="' . esc_attr($item->url) . '"' : ''; $item_output .= $args->before; $item_output .= '<a' . $attributes . '>'; $item_output .= $menu_brad_icon; $item_output .= $args->link_before . apply_filters('the_title', $item->title, $item->ID) . $args->link_after; $item_output .= '</a>'; $item_output .= $args->after; } $indent = $depth ? str_repeat("\t", $depth) : ''; $class_names = $value = ''; $classes = empty($item->classes) ? array() : (array) $item->classes; $class_names = join(' ', apply_filters('nav_menu_css_class', array_filter($classes), $item)); $class_names = ' class="' . $li_text_block_class . esc_attr($class_names) . $column_class . '"'; $id = apply_filters('nav_menu_item_id', 'menu-item-' . $item->ID, $item, $args); $id = $id ? ' id="' . esc_attr($id) . '"' : ''; $output .= $indent . '<li ' . $id . $value . $class_names . '>'; $output .= apply_filters('walker_nav_menu_start_el', $item_output, $item, $depth, $args); }
<?php $button_id = rand(); $output = $color = $size = $icon = $target = $href = $title = $position = ''; extract(shortcode_atts(array('style' => 'default', 'color_style' => 'default', 'color' => 'transparent', 'color_hover' => 'transparent', 'acolor' => '#555555', 'acolor_hover' => '#444444', 'bw' => '0', 'bcolor' => 'transparent', 'bcolor_hover' => 'transparent', 'align' => '', 'size' => '', 'br' => 'default', 'icon' => '', 'lb' => 'no', 'icon_style' => '', 'icon_align' => 'right', 'icon_size' => 'normal', 'target' => '_self', 'href' => '', 'icon_c' => '', 'icon_c_hover' => '', 'icon_bc' => '', 'icon_bgc' => '', 'icon_bgc_hover' => '', 'title' => __('Text on the button', "brad-framework"), 'position' => ''), $atts)); $a_class = ''; if ($target == 'same' || $target == '_self') { $target = ''; } $target = $target != '' ? ' target="' . $target . '"' : ''; $icon = $style == 'readmore' ? brad_icon($icon, $icon_style, '', true) : brad_icon($icon, $icon_style, '', false); if ($style == 'readmore') { $class = 'readmore icon-align-' . $icon_align; } else { $class = 'button button_' . $style . ' button_color_' . $color_style . ' button_' . $size . ' border-radius-' . $br . ' icon-align-' . $icon_align; } if ($style == 'custom') { $output .= "<style>#brad_button_{$button_id}{color:{$acolor}!important;background-color:{$color};border:" . intval($bw) . "px solid {$bcolor};}#brad_button_{$button_id}:hover{color:{$acolor_hover}!important;background-color:{$color_hover};border-color:{$bcolor_hover};}</style>"; } if ($style == 'readmore' && ($icon_bc != '' || $icon_c != '' || $icon_c_hover != '' || $icon_bgc != '' || $icon_bgc_hover != '')) { $output .= "<style>"; if ($icon_c_hover != '' || $icon_bgc_hover != "" && ($icon_style == 'style2' || $icon_style == 'style3')) { $output .= "#brad_button_{$button_id}:hover .brad-icon{ "; if ($icon_c_hover != '') { $output .= "color:{$icon_c_hover};"; } if ($icon_bgc_hover != "" && ($icon_style == 'style2' || $icon_style == 'style3')) { $output .= "background-color:{$icon_bgc_hover};border-color:{$icon_bgc_hover};"; } $output .= "}"; }
<?php /* Toggle ------------------------------------------------------------*/ $output = $title = $el_class = $open = $css_animation = ''; extract(shortcode_atts(array('title' => __("Click to toggle", "brad-framework"), 'el_class' => '', 'style' => 'style1', 'icon' => '', 'open' => 'false', 'css_animation' => ''), $atts)); $el_class = $this->getExtraClass($el_class); $open = $open == 'true' ? ' active' : ''; $css_class = apply_filters(VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG, 'toggle ' . $style . '' . $el_class, $this->settings['base']); $css_class .= $this->getCSSAnimation($css_animation); $output .= '<div class="' . $css_class . '"><h4 class="toggle-title ' . $open . '"><a href="#">' . brad_icon($icon) . $title . '<span class="plus"></span></a></h4>'; $output .= '<div class="toggle-inner">' . wpb_js_remove_wpautop($content) . '</div></div>' . $this->endBlockComment('toggle') . "\n"; echo $output;
} $ex_class = $pagination == 'ifscroll' || $pagination == 'loadmore' ? 'posts-with-infinite' : ''; // Portfolio output starts here.. $output .= '<div id="portfolio_' . $portfolio_id . '" class="portfolio ' . $ex_class . ' padding-' . $padding . '" ><div class="' . $css_class . '" data-columns="' . $columns . '" data-animation-delay="' . $css_animation_delay . '" data-animation-effect="' . $css_animation . '" data-masonry-layout="' . $masonry . '">'; //Build Default argument for portfolio loop $args = array('portfolio_style' => $portfolio_style, 'class' => 'span', 'img_size' => $img_size == 'custom' && $custom_img_size != '' ? trim($custom_img_size) : brad_get_img_size($columns, $masonry, $fullwidth), 'show_lb_icon' => $show_lb_icon, 'show_li_icon' => $show_li_icon, 'en_loveit' => $en_loveit, 'disable_li_title' => $disable_li_title, 'show_categories' => $show_categories, 'info_onhover' => $info_onhover); while ($portfolios->have_posts()) { $portfolios->the_post(); $output .= brad_portfolio_loop_style1($portfolios, $args); } $output .= '</div></div>'; //only included script if portfolio post exists $brad_includes['load_isotope'] = true; if ($pagination == 'ifscroll' || $pagination == 'loadmore') { $output .= '<div id="infinite_scroll_loading" class="clearfix margin-on-' . $padding . ' ' . $portfolio_style . '"></div>'; $brad_includes['load_infiniteScroll'] = true; } } //End posts if exist; if ($pagination == 'default' || $pagination == 'ifscroll' || $pagination == 'loadmore') { $p_class = $pagination == 'default' ? '' : 'hidden'; $output .= brad_pagination($portfolios->max_num_pages, $range = 2, false, $p_class, $portfolios->query_vars['paged']); } if ($pagination == 'loadmore') { $btn_class = !empty($icon) ? 'btn-with-icon' : ''; $output .= '<p id="load_more" class="sp-container aligncenter"><a href="#" class="button button_' . $button_style . ' icon-align-right ' . $btn_class . '" title="' . $lm_title . '">' . brad_icon($icon, '', '', false) . '<span>' . $lm_title . '</span></a></p>'; } wp_reset_postdata(); } $portfolio_id; echo $output;
if ($title != '') { $ex_class = !empty($icon) ? ' btn-with-icon' : ''; if ($href != '') { $button = '<a class="button ' . $color . $size . $ex_class . '" href="' . $href . '"' . $target . '>' . brad_icon($icon, '', '', false) . '<span>' . $title . '</span></a>'; } else { $button = '<span class="button ' . $color . $size . '">' . brad_icon($icon, '', '', false) . '<span>' . $title . '</span></span>'; } } else { $button = ''; } if ($second_title != '') { if ($second_href != '') { $ex_class = !empty($second_icon) ? ' btn-with-icon' : ''; $second_button = '<a class="button ' . $second_color . $second_size . $ex_class . '" href="' . $second_href . '"' . $second_target . '>' . brad_icon($second_icon, '', '', false) . '<span>' . $second_title . '</span></a>'; } else { $second_button = '<span class="button ' . $second_color . $second_size . '">' . brad_icon($second_icon, '', '', false) . '<span>' . $second_title . '</span></span>'; } } else { $second_button = ''; } $css_class = apply_filters(VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG, 'callout callout-align-' . $align . ' ' . $el_class, $this->settings['base']); $output .= "\n\t" . '<div class="' . $css_class . '">'; if ($align == 'justify') { if ($call_text != '') { $output .= '<h3>' . $call_text . '</h3>'; } $output .= $second_button . $button; } else { $output .= '<h3>' . $call_text . $second_button . $button . '</h3>'; } if ($content != '') {
<?php /*Counters ------------------------------------------------*/ $output = $title = $value = $unit = ''; extract(shortcode_atts(array('title' => '', 'value' => '', 'icon' => '', 'css_animation' => '', 'css_animation_delay' => '0', 'unit' => ''), $atts)); $icon = brad_icon($icon); $output = '<div class="span"><div class="inner-content ' . $this->getCSSAnimation($css_animation) . '" data-animation-delay="' . $css_animation_delay . '" data-animation-effect="' . $css_animation . '"><div class="counter-box-container"><div class="counter-box">'; $output .= '<div class="counter-title">'; $output .= $icon; $output .= '<span class="counter-value"><span data-percentage="' . trim($value) . '">' . $value . '</span>' . $unit . '</span>'; if ($title != '') { $output .= '<div class="hr"><span></span></div><p class="title">' . $title . '</p>'; } $output .= '</div></div></div></div></div>'; echo $output;
<?php $output = ''; extract(shortcode_atts(array('image' => '', 'img_size' => 'full', 'custom_img_size' => '', 'img_align' => 'none', 'img_lightbox' => false, 'icon_lightbox' => '118|ss-air', 'img_link_large' => false, 'img_link' => '', 'img_link_target' => '_self', 'el_class' => '', 'css_animation' => '', 'css_animation_delay' => 0), $atts)); $img_id = preg_replace('/[^\\d]/', '', $image); if ($custom_img_size != '') { $img_size = $custom_img_size; } $img = wpb_getImageBySize(array('attach_id' => $img_id, 'thumb_size' => $img_size)); if ($img == NULL) { $img['thumbnail'] = '<img src="" /> <small>' . __('This is image placeholder, edit your page to replace it.', "brad-framework") . '</small>'; } $el_class = $this->getExtraClass($el_class); $link_to = ''; $icon = brad_icon($icon_lightbox); if ($img_lightbox == 'yes') { if ($img_link_large == 'yes') { $img_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img_id, 'large'); $link_to = '<a href="' . $img_src[0] . '" class="icon image-lightbox" rel="prettyPhoto[singleImage' . rand() . ']">' . $icon . '</a>'; } else { if (!empty($img_link)) { $link_to = '<a href="' . $img_link . '" class="icon image-lightbox" rel="prettyPhoto[singleImage' . rand() . ']">' . $icon . '</a>'; } } } $css_class = apply_filters(VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG, 'single-image', $this->settings['base']); $css_class .= brad_getCSSAnimation($css_animation); $output .= "\n\t" . '<div class="single-image-container img-align-' . $img_align . ' ' . $el_class . '"><div class="' . $css_class . '" data-animation-delay="' . $css_animation_delay . '" data-animation-effect="' . $css_animation . '">'; $output .= "\n\t\t" . $img['thumbnail']; $output .= "\n\t\t\t" . $link_to; $output .= "\n\t" . '</div></div>' . $this->endBlockComment('.image');
<?php global $brad_data; extract(shortcode_atts(array("value" => '50', "size" => '220', "color" => '#555555', 'scales' => 'no', 'scalecolor' => '#777777', 'corner_type' => 'square', 'speed' => 1500, "label_value" => '', 'inverse' => 'no', "icon" => '', "align" => 'aligncenter', "" => "", "el_class" => '', "track_color" => '', "bar_color" => ''), $atts)); $el_class = $this->getExtraClass($el_class); $output = $style = $linewidth = ''; $bar_color = $bar_color != '' ? $bar_color : $brad_data['color_primary']; $track_color = $track_color != '' ? $track_color : '#f4f4f4'; $size_m = intval($size) > 0 ? intval($size) / 220 : 1; $linewidth = 10 * $size_m; $fontsize = 40 * $size_m; $style .= "font-size:{$fontsize}px;height:{$size}px;width:{$size}px;line-height:{$size}px;color:{$color}"; $css_class = apply_filters(VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG, ' chart-shortcode ' . $align . '" data-percent="0" data-animatepercent="' . $value . '" data-size="' . $size . '" data-line-width="' . $linewidth . '" data-scales=' . $scales . ' data-inverse="' . $inverse . '" data-speed="' . $speed . '" data-barcolor="' . $bar_color . '" data-corner-type="' . $corner_type . '" data-scalecolor="' . $scalecolor . '" data-trackcolor="' . $track_color . '"' . $el_class, $this->settings['base']); $output = "\n\t" . '<div class="' . $css_class . '" style="' . $style . '">'; if ($label_value != '') { $output .= $label_value; } else { if ($icon != '') { $output .= brad_icon($icon, '', '', false); } } $output .= "\n\t" . '</div>' . $this->endBlockComment('Pie chart') . "\n"; echo $output;
<?php extract(shortcode_atts(array('type' => 'h1', 'icon' => '', 'style' => '', 'color' => 'default', 'align' => 'left', 'title' => 'Your title here', 'margin_bottom' => '20px', 'divider_color' => 'dark', 'bw' => 'default', 'bc' => 'default', 'divider_height' => 'default', 'divider_width' => 'default'), $atts)); $output = "\n\t" . '<' . $type . ' class="title text' . $align . ' ' . $style . ' bw-' . $bw . 'px dh-' . $divider_height . 'px divider-' . $divider_color . ' bc-' . $bc . ' dw-' . $divider_width . ' color-' . $color . '" style="margin-bottom:' . $margin_bottom . 'px">'; $output .= '<span>' . $title . brad_icon($icon, '', '', false) . '</span>'; $output .= "\n\t" . '</' . $type . '>' . $this->endBlockComment('heading') . "\n"; echo $output;
$el_class1 = brad_getCSSAnimation($css_animation); $el_class2 = ''; } else { $el_class1 = ''; $el_class2 = brad_getCSSAnimation($css_animation); } if ($image != "") { $img_id = preg_replace('/[^\\d]/', '', $image); $img_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img_id, ''); $before_title = '<span class="brad-icon ' . $el_class1 . ' image" data-animation-delay="' . $css_animation_delay . '" data-animation-effect="' . $css_animation . '"><img src="' . $img_src[0] . '" alt="" /></span>'; } else { if ($text != '') { $before_title = '<span class="brad-icon icon-text ' . $el_class1 . '" data-animation-delay="' . $css_animation_delay . '" data-animation-effect="' . $css_animation . '">' . $text . '</span>'; } else { if ($icon != "") { $before_title = brad_icon($icon, $el_class1, '', true, 'data-animation-delay="' . $css_animation_delay . '" data-animation-effect="' . $css_animation . '"'); } } } $ex_class = empty($content) ? 'no-content' : ''; if ($feature_link != '') { $fe_before = '<a href="' . $feature_link . '" target="' . $ftarget . '" >'; $fe_after = '</a>'; } if ($title_link != '' && empty($feature_link)) { $tl_before = '<a href="' . $title_link . '" target="' . $ttarget . '">'; $tl_after = '</a>'; } $output = '<div class="span"><div class="inner-content ' . $el_class2 . '" data-animation-delay="' . $css_animation_delay . '" data-animation-effect="' . $css_animation . '">' . $fe_before . '<div class="feature_box ' . $ex_class . '">'; $output .= $before_title; if (empty($title_heading)) {
<?php $output = ''; extract(shortcode_atts(array('type' => 'large', 'dh' => '2', 'align' => 'center', 'color' => 'dark', 'icon' => '', 'margin_top' => 2, 'margin_bottom' => 25), $atts)); $css_class = apply_filters(VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG, 'hr border-' . $type . ' dh-' . $dh . 'px align' . $align . ' hr-border-' . $color . '', $this->settings['base']); if ($icon != '') { $css_class .= ' hr-with-icon'; } $style = "margin-top:{$margin_top}px;margin-bottom:{$margin_bottom}px;"; $output .= '<div class="' . $css_class . '" style="' . $style . '"><span>' . brad_icon($icon, '', '', false) . '</span></div>' . $this->endBlockComment('separator') . "\n"; echo $output;
<?php $output = ''; extract(shortcode_atts(array('title' => __('Section', 'brad'), 'icon' => '', 'el_class' => ''), $atts)); $el_class = $this->getExtraClass($el_class); $css_class = apply_filters(VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG, 'accordion ' . $el_class . ' not-column-inherit', $this->settings['base']); $output .= "\n\t" . '<div class="' . $css_class . '">'; //data-interval="'.$interval.'" $output .= "\n\t\t" . '<h4 class="accordion-title"><a href="#">' . brad_icon($icon) . $title . '<span class="plus"></span></a></h4>'; $output .= "\n\t\t\t" . '<div class="accordion-inner">' . wpb_js_remove_wpautop($content) . '</div>'; $output .= "\n\t" . '</div> ' . $this->endBlockComment('.accordion'); echo $output;
function brad_single_icon($atts, $content) { extract(shortcode_atts(array('icon' => '', 'url' => '#', 'title' => '', 'target' => '_blank'), $atts)); return "\n\t" . '<li><a href="' . $url . '" title="' . $title . '" target="' . $target . '">' . brad_icon($icon, '', '', false) . '</a></li>'; }
} $ex_class = $content != '' || $title_flip != '' ? 'yes' : 'no'; $ex_class1 = intval($height) > 0 ? ' style="min-height:' . intval($height) . 'px;height:' . intval($height) . 'px;"' : ''; $output = '<div class="service-box flip-' . $ex_class . ' hoverlay"><div class="front-content" style="' . $front_style . '"><div ' . $ex_class1 . '><div>'; if ($icon != "") { $i_style .= " -webkit-border-radius:{$icon_radius};-moz-border-radius:{$icon_radius};border-radius:{$icon_radius};"; if ($icon_c != '') { $i_style .= "color:{$icon_c};"; } if ($icon_bc != '' && $icon_style == 'style2') { $i_style .= "border-color:{$icon_bc};"; } if ($icon_bgc != '' && $icon_style == 'style3') { $i_style .= "background-color:{$icon_bgc};"; } $output .= brad_icon($icon, 'service-icon ' . $icon_style . ' ' . $icon_size . '-size ', '', true, 'style="' . $i_style . '"', true); } if ($title != '') { if ($c_front != '') { $t_style .= "color:{$c_front}!important;"; } $output .= '<h4 style="' . $t_style . '">' . $title . '</h4>'; } if ($desc != '') { if ($c_content != '') { $c_style .= "color:{$c_content}!important;"; } $output .= '<div class="service-content" style="' . $c_style . '">' . $desc . '</div>'; } $output .= '</div></div></div>'; if ($content != '' || $title_flip != '') {
<?php $brad_icon_id = rand(); $out = $li_after = $li_before = ''; extract(shortcode_atts(array('icon' => '', 'size' => 'small', 'style' => 'style1', 'align' => '', 'color' => '', 'color_hover' => '', 'bg_color' => '', 'bg_color_hover' => '', 'border_color' => '', 'border_width' => '1', 'lb' => 'no', 'link' => '', 'enable_crease' => 'no', 'alpha' => '', 'css_animation' => '', 'css_animation_delay' => 0), $atts)); if ($link != '') { $li_before = '<a href="' . $link . '"'; if ($lb == 'yes') { $li_before .= ' rel="prettyPhoto[icon' . rand() . ']"'; } $li_before .= '>'; $li_after .= '</a>'; } $class = ' enable-crease-' . $enable_crease . ' ' . $size . '-size ' . $style; $class .= brad_getCSSAnimation($css_animation); $icon = !empty($alpha) ? "<span id='brad_vc_icon_{$brad_icon_id}' class='brad-icon icon-text {$class}' data-animation-delay='{$css_animation_delay}' data-animation-effect='{$css_animation}'>{$alpha}</span>" : brad_icon($icon, $class, "brad_vc_icon_{$brad_icon_id}", true, "data-animation-delay='{$css_animation_delay}' data-animation-effect='{$css_animation}'"); if ($color != '' || $color_hover != '' || $bg_color != '' || $bg_color_hover != '' || $border_color != '') { $out .= "<style type='text/css' scoped>#brad_vc_icon_{$brad_icon_id}{"; if ($color != '') { $out .= "color:{$color};"; } if ($bg_color != '' && $style == 'style3') { $out .= "background-color:{$bg_color};"; } if ($border_color != '' && $style == 'style2') { $out .= 'border-width:' . intval($border_width) . 'px;'; $out .= "border-color:{$border_color};"; } $out .= "}"; if ($bg_color_hover != '' || $color_hover != '') { $out .= "#brad_vc_icon_{$brad_icon_id}:hover{";