 * Filters the term link to use our our activity hashtag permalink.
 * @param string $termlink The term link
 * @param obj $term The WP term object
 * @param string $taxonomy The current taxonomy for the term link.
function bp_activity_hashtags_filter_tag_link($termlink, $term, $taxonomy)
    // we're not on our hashtag taxonomy, so stop!
    if ($taxonomy != bp_activity_hashtags_get_data('taxonomy')) {
        return $termlink;
    return bp_get_activity_hashtags_permalink($term->slug);
 * Inject some code into the <head> when on the "Activity > Hashtags" page.
 * We need to do a bit more customization when on our "Hashtags" page.
 *  1) To relabel a column in the taxonomy list table
 *  2) To hide some UI elements that we don't want visible.
 * @see http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/71865/nuance-in-adding-cpt-and-tax-to-a-submenu
function bp_activity_hashtags_admin_head()
    global $current_screen, $wp_post_types;
    // Not our taxonomy? stop now!
    if (bp_activity_hashtags_get_data('taxonomy') != $current_screen->taxonomy) {
    // Check if we're on the edit tags page
    if ('edit-tags' != $current_screen->base) {
    // Since our post type doesn't really exist, we need to fool WP into thinking
    // it really exists to avoid notices. So the following is a little tomfoolery!
    $faux_post_type = apply_filters('bp_activity_hashtags_object_type', 'activity');
    $current_screen->post_type = $faux_post_type;
    $wp_post_types[$faux_post_type] = new stdClass();
    $wp_post_types[$faux_post_type]->show_ui = true;
    $wp_post_types[$faux_post_type]->labels = new stdClass();
    $wp_post_types[$faux_post_type]->labels->name = __('Items', 'bp-activity-hashtags');
    // hide various elements on the hashtags taxonomy page

	<style type="text/css">
		#wpbody-content .form-wrap, label[for=description-hide], #description-hide, .column-description {display:none;}
