function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); echo $before_widget; //retrieve all options stored in DB $options = bos_searchbox_retrieve_all_user_options(); if (empty($options)) { $options = bos_searchbox_retrieve_all_options(); } // if no user customization, then use the defaults value $preview = false; //This is the front-end searchbox bos_create_searchbox($options, $preview); echo $after_widget; }
function bos_searchbox_settings_field($args) { // get options value from the database $options = bos_searchbox_retrieve_all_user_options(); if (empty($options)) { $options = bos_searchbox_retrieve_all_options(); } // if no user customization, then use the defaults value $fields_array = $args[0]; if (!empty($options[$fields_array])) { $fields_value = $options[$fields_array]; } else { $fields_value = ''; } $output = ''; // echo the fields if ($args[1] == 'text') { $output .= '<input name="bos_searchbox_user_options[' . $fields_array . ']" id="' . $args[0] . '" type="' . $args[1] . '" '; if (!empty($args[3])) { $output .= ' maxlength="' . $args[3] . '" '; } if (!empty($args[4])) { $output .= ' size="' . $args[4] . '" '; } // If default plugin values empty show default values ( but for aid as we do not want the default aid is shown on the input field ) if ($args[0] == 'aid' && ($fields_value == BOS_DEFAULT_AID || empty($fields_value) || $fields_value == '' || $fields_value == ' ' || !is_numeric($fields_value))) { $fields_value = ''; $aid_placeholder = 'placeholder="Ex. ' . BOS_DEFAULT_AID . ' "'; } else { $aid_placeholder = ''; } if ($args[0] == 'maintitle' && ($fields_value == '' || empty($fields_value))) { $fields_value = __('Need a hotel?', BOS_TEXT_DOMAIN); } if ($args[0] == 'checkin' && ($fields_value == '' || empty($fields_value))) { $fields_value = __('Check-in date', BOS_TEXT_DOMAIN); } if ($args[0] == 'checkout' && ($fields_value == '' || empty($fields_value))) { $fields_value = __('Check-out date', BOS_TEXT_DOMAIN); } if ($args[0] == 'submit' && ($fields_value == '' || empty($fields_value))) { $fields_value = __('search', BOS_TEXT_DOMAIN); } $output .= 'value="' . $fields_value . '" ' . $aid_placeholder . ' /> ' . __($args[2], BOS_TEXT_DOMAIN); } elseif ($args[1] == 'checkbox') { if ($args[0] == 'calendar' || $args[0] == 'flexible_dates') { $output .= '<input name="bos_searchbox_user_options[' . $fields_array . ']" id="' . $args[0] . '" type="' . $args[1] . '" value="1" ' . checked(1, $fields_value, false) . ' />'; } // $args[ 0 ] == 'calendar' || $args[ 0 ] == 'flexible_dates' } elseif ($args[1] == 'radio') { if ($args[0] == 'month_format') { //if( empty( $fields_value ) ) { $fields_value = 'short' ; }// set defaults value $output .= '<input name="bos_searchbox_user_options[' . $fields_array . ']" class="' . $args[0] . '" type="' . $args[1] . '" value="long" ' . checked('long', $fields_value, false) . ' /> ' . __('long', BOS_TEXT_DOMAIN); $output .= ' <input name="bos_searchbox_user_options[' . $fields_array . ']" class="' . $args[0] . '" type="' . $args[1] . '" value="short" ' . checked('short', $fields_value, false) . ' /> ' . __('short', BOS_TEXT_DOMAIN); } // $args[ 0 ] == 'month_format' if ($args[0] == 'logodim') { //if( empty( $fields_value ) ) { $fields_value = 'blue_150x25' ; }// set defaults value $bgcolor = $options['bgcolor'] ? $options['bgcolor'] : '#FEBA02'; $output .= '<span id="bos_img_blue_logo" class="bos_logo_dim_box" style="background: ' . $bgcolor . ';"><img src="' . BOS_IMG_PLUGIN_DIR . '/booking_logotype_blue_150x25.png" alt=" logo" /></span>'; $output .= '<input name="bos_searchbox_user_options[' . $fields_array . ']" class="' . $args[0] . '" type="' . $args[1] . '" value="blue_150x25" ' . checked('blue_150x25', $fields_value, false) . ' /> ( 150x25 ) '; $output .= '<input name="bos_searchbox_user_options[' . $fields_array . ']" class="' . $args[0] . '" type="' . $args[1] . '" value="blue_200x33" ' . checked('blue_200x33', $fields_value, false) . ' /> ( 200x33 ) '; $output .= '<input name="bos_searchbox_user_options[' . $fields_array . ']" class="' . $args[0] . '" type="' . $args[1] . '" value="blue_300x50" ' . checked('blue_300x50', $fields_value, false) . ' /> ( 300x50 ) '; $output .= '<br /><br />'; $output .= '<span id="bos_img_white_logo" class="bos_logo_dim_box" style="background: ' . $bgcolor . ';"><img src="' . BOS_IMG_PLUGIN_DIR . '/booking_logotype_white_150x25.png" alt=" logo" /></span>'; $output .= '<input name="bos_searchbox_user_options[' . $fields_array . ']" class="' . $args[0] . '" type="' . $args[1] . '" value="white_150x25" ' . checked('white_150x25', $fields_value, false) . ' /> ( 150x25 ) '; $output .= '<input name="bos_searchbox_user_options[' . $fields_array . ']" class="' . $args[0] . '" type="' . $args[1] . '" value="white_200x33" ' . checked('white_200x33', $fields_value, false) . ' /> ( 200x33 ) '; $output .= '<input name="bos_searchbox_user_options[' . $fields_array . ']" class="' . $args[0] . '" type="' . $args[1] . '" value="white_300x50" ' . checked('white_300x50', $fields_value, false) . ' /> ( 300x50 ) '; } // $args[ 0 ] == 'logodim' } elseif ($args[1] == 'select') { $output .= '<select name="bos_searchbox_user_options[' . $fields_array . ']" id="' . $args[0] . '" >'; $output .= '<option value="left" ' . selected('left', $fields_value, false) . ' >' . __('left', BOS_TEXT_DOMAIN) . '</option>'; $output .= '<option value="center" ' . selected('center', $fields_value, false) . ' >' . __('center', BOS_TEXT_DOMAIN) . '</option>'; $output .= '<option value="right" ' . selected('right', $fields_value, false) . ' >' . __('right', BOS_TEXT_DOMAIN) . '</option>'; $output .= '</select>'; } // $args[ 0 ] == 'logopos' echo $output; }