function bizVektorOptions($optionLabel) { $options = biz_bektor_option_validate(); if (isset($options[$optionLabel]) && $options[$optionLabel]) { return $options[$optionLabel]; } else { $options_default = biz_vektor_generate_default_options(); if (isset($options_default[$optionLabel])) { return $options_default[$optionLabel]; } return false; } }
function biz_vektor_seo_set_HeadKeywords() { $options = biz_bektor_option_validate(); $commonKeyWords = $options['commonKeyWords']; // get custom field $entryKeyWords = post_custom('metaKeyword'); $keywords = array(); if ($commonKeyWords) { $keywords[] = $commonKeyWords; } if ($entryKeyWords) { $keywords[] = $entryKeyWords; } $key = implode(',', $keywords); // print individual keywords if (!$key) { return; } echo '<meta name="keywords" content="' . $key . '" />' . "\n"; }
function __construct() { global $biz_vektor_options; $biz_vektor_options = biz_bektor_option_validate(); $widget_name = biz_vektor_get_short_name() . '_' . sprintf(__('%1$s list for top', 'biz-vektor'), $biz_vektor_options['infoLabelName']); parent::__construct('top_list_info', $widget_name, array('description' => sprintf(__('Displays recent %1$s posts.', 'biz-vektor'), $biz_vektor_options['infoLabelName']))); }
function biz_vektor_sns_config() { global $biz_vektor_options; $options = biz_bektor_option_validate(); $biz_vektor_name = get_biz_vektor_name(); /*-------------------------------------------*/ /* SNS /*-------------------------------------------*/ ?> <div id="snsSetting" class="sectionBox"> <?php get_template_part('inc/theme-options-nav'); ?> <h3><?php _e('Social media', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </h3> <?php _e('If you are unsure, you can leave for later.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th>facebook</th> <td><?php _e('If you wish to link to a personal account or a Facebook page banner will be displayed if you enter<label> the URL.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <br /> <input type="text" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[facebook]" id="facebook" value="<?php echo esc_attr($options['facebook']); ?> " class="width-600" /><br/> <span><?php _e('ex) ', 'biz-vektor'); ?></span> </td> </tr> <!-- facebook application ID --> <tr> <th><?php _e('facebook application ID', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </th> <td><input type="text" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbAppId]" id="fbAppId" value="<?php echo esc_attr($options['fbAppId']); ?> " /> <span>[ <a href="" target="_blank">» <?php _e('I will check and get the application ID', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </a> ]</span><br /> <?php _e('* If an application ID is not specified, neither a Like button nor the comment field displays and operates correctly.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <br /> <?php _e('Please search for terms as [get Facebook application ID] If you do not know much about how to get application ID for Facebook.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </td> </tr> <!-- facebook user ID --> <tr> <th><?php _e('Facebook user ID (optional)', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </th> <td><?php _e('Please enter the Facebook user ID of the administrator.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <br /> <input type="text" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbAdminId]" id="fbAdminId" value="<?php echo esc_attr($options['fbAdminId']); ?> " class="width-600" /><br /> <?php _e('* It is not the application ID of the Facebook page.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <br /> <?php _e('You can see the personal Facebook ID when you access the following url url name(example: TheStig )).', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <br /> <?php _e('Please search for terms as [find facebook user ID] if you are still not sure.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </td> </tr> <!-- twitter --> <tr> <th><?php _e('twitter account', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </th> <td><?php _e('If you would like to link to a Twitter account, banner will be displayed if you enter the account name.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <br /> @<input type="text" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[twitter]" id="twitter" value="<?php echo esc_attr($options['twitter']); ?> " /><br /> <?php $twitter_widget = '<a href="' . get_admin_url() . 'widgets.php" target="_blank">' . __('widget', 'biz-vektor') . '</a>'; printf(__('* If you prefer to use Twitter widgets etc, this can be left blank, paste the source code into a [text] %s here.', 'biz-vektor'), $twitter_widget); ?> </td> </tr> <!-- OGP --> <tr> <th><?php _e('OGP default image', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </th> <td><?php _e('If, for example someone pressed the Facebook [Like] button, this is the image that appears on the Facebook timeline.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <br /> <?php _e('If a featured image is specified for the page, it takes precedence.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <br /> <input type="text" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[ogpImage]" id="ogpImage" value="<?php echo esc_attr($options['ogpImage']); ?> " class="width-300" /> <button id="media_ogpImage" class="media_btn"><?php _e('Select an image', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </button><br /> <span><?php _e('ex) ', 'biz-vektor'); ?></span><br /> <?php _e('* Picture sizes are 300x300 pixels or more and picture ratio 16:9 is recommended.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </td> </tr> <!-- Social buttons --> <tr> <th><?php _e('Social buttons', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </th> <td><?php _e('Please check the type of page that displays the social button.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <ul> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[snsBtnsFront]" id="snsBtnsFront" value="false" <?php if ($options['snsBtnsFront']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > <?php _ex('Home page', 'sns display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></li> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[snsBtnsPage]" id="snsBtnsPage" value="false" <?php if ($options['snsBtnsPage']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > <?php _ex('Page', 'sns display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></li> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[snsBtnsPost]" id="snsBtnsPost" value="false" <?php if ($options['snsBtnsPost']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > <?php echo esc_html($biz_vektor_options['postLabelName']); ?> <?php _ex('Post', 'sns display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></li> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[snsBtnsInfo]" id="snsBtnsInfo" value="false" <?php if ($options['snsBtnsInfo']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > <?php echo esc_html($biz_vektor_options['infoLabelName']); ?> <?php _ex('Post', 'sns display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></li> </ul> <p><?php _e('Within the type of page that is checked, if there is a particular pa<label>ge you do not wish to display, enter the Page ID. If multiple pages, please separate by commas.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <br /> <input type="text" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[snsBtnsHidden]" value="<?php echo esc_attr($options['snsBtnsHidden']); ?> " /><br /> <?php _e('ex) ', 'biz-vektor'); ?> 1,3,7</p> </td> </tr> <!-- facebook comment --> <tr> <th><?php _e('facebook comments box', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </th> <td><?php _e('Please check the type of the page to display Facebook comments.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <ul> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbCommentsFront]" id="fbCommentsFront" value="false" <?php if ($options['fbCommentsFront']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > <?php _ex('Home page', 'sns display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></li> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbCommentsPage]" id="fbCommentsPage" value="false" <?php if ($options['fbCommentsPage']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > <?php _ex('Page', 'sns display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></li> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbCommentsPost]" id="fbCommentsPost" value="false" <?php if ($options['fbCommentsPost']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > <?php echo esc_html($biz_vektor_options['postLabelName']); ?> <?php _ex('Post', 'sns display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></li> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbCommentsInfo]" id="fbCommentsInfo" value="false" <?php if ($options['fbCommentsInfo']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > <?php echo esc_html($biz_vektor_options['infoLabelName']); ?> <?php _ex('Post', 'sns display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></li> </ul> <p><?php _e('Within the type of page that is checked, if there is a particular page you do not wish to display, enter the Page ID. If multiple pages, please separate by commas.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <br /> <input type="text" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbCommentsHidden]" value="<?php echo esc_attr($options['fbCommentsHidden']); ?> " /><br /> <?php _e('ex) ', 'biz-vektor'); ?> 1,3,7</p> </td> </tr> <!-- facebook LikeBox --> <tr> <th>facebook LikeBox</th> <td><?php _e('If you wish to use Facebook LikeBox, please check the location.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <br /> <?php _e('* Please be sure to set Facebook application ID.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> <ul> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbLikeBoxFront]" id="fbLikeBoxFront" value="false" <?php if ($options['fbLikeBoxFront']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > <?php _ex('Home page', 'sns display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></li> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbLikeBoxPage]" id="fbLikeBoxPage" value="false" <?php if ($options['fbLikeBoxPage']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > <?php _ex('Page', 'sns display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></li> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbLikeBoxPost]" id="fbLikeBoxPost" value="false" <?php if ($options['fbLikeBoxPost']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > <?php echo esc_html($biz_vektor_options['postLabelName']); ?> <?php _ex('Post', 'sns display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></li> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbLikeBoxInfo]" id="fbLikeBoxInfo" value="false" <?php if ($options['fbLikeBoxInfo']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > <?php echo esc_html($biz_vektor_options['infoLabelName']); ?> <?php _ex('Post', 'sns display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></li> </ul> <dl> <dt><?php _e('URL of the Facebook page.', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </dt> <dd><input type="text" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbLikeBoxURL]" id="fbLikeBoxURL" value="<?php echo esc_attr($options['fbLikeBoxURL']); ?> " class="width-500" /><br /> <span><?php _e('ex) ', 'biz-vektor'); ?></span></dd> <dt><?php _e('Display stream', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </dt> <dd><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbLikeBoxStream]" id="fbLikeBoxStream" value="false" <?php if ($options['fbLikeBoxStream']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > <?php _e('Display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></dd> <dt><?php _e('Display faces', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </dt> <dd><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbLikeBoxFace]" id="fbLikeBoxFace" value="false" <?php echo $options['fbLikeBoxFace'] == 'false' ? "checked " : ""; ?> > <?php _e('Display', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></dd> <dt><?php _e('Hide Cover Photo', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </dt> <dd><label><input type="checkbox" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbLikeBoxHideCover]" id="fbLikeBoxHideCover" value="false" <?php echo $options['fbLikeBoxHideCover'] == 'false' ? "checked " : ""; ?> > <?php _e('Hide', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </label></dd> <dt><?php _e('Height of LikeBox', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </dt> <dd><input type="text" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[fbLikeBoxHeight]" id="fbLikeBoxHeight" value="<?php echo esc_attr($options['fbLikeBoxHeight']); ?> " class="width-100" style="text-align:right;" /> px</dd> </dl> </td> </tr> <!-- OGP hidden --> <tr> <th><?php _e('Do not output the OGP', 'biz-vektor'); ?> </th> <td> <p><?php printf(__('If other plug-ins are used for the OGP, do not output the OGP using %s.', 'biz-vektor'), $biz_vektor_name); ?> </p> <label><input type="radio" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[ogpTagDisplay]" value="ogp_on" <?php echo $options['ogpTagDisplay'] == 'ogp_on' ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php printf(__('I want to output the OGP tags using %s', 'biz-vektor'), $biz_vektor_name); ?> </label><br /> <label><input type="radio" name="biz_vektor_theme_options[ogpTagDisplay]" value="ogp_off" <?php echo $options['ogpTagDisplay'] != 'ogp_on' ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > <?php printf(__('Do not output OGP tags using %s', 'biz-vektor'), $biz_vektor_name); ?> </label><br /> </td> </tr> <!-- twitter card --> <tr> <th><?php printf(__('%1$s Settings', 'biz-vektor'), __('Twitter Card', 'biz-vektor')); ?> </th> <td> <p> * <?php printf(__('%1$s related tags won\'t display if you don\'t fill a Twitter account above.', 'biz-vektor'), __('Twitter Card', 'biz-vektor')); ?> <br /> * <?php printf(__('Image used for %1$s is the Featured Image set for each post. In case there is no Featured Image, the default OGP image will be used.', 'biz-vektor'), __('Twitter Card', 'biz-vektor')); ?> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <?php submit_button(); ?> </div> <?php }
/** constructor */ function __construct() { $biz_vektor_options = biz_bektor_option_validate(); $widget_name = biz_vektor_get_short_name() . '_' . sprintf(__('%s category', 'biz-vektor'), $biz_vektor_options['infoLabelName']); parent::__construct('infoTerms', $widget_name, array('description' => sprintf(__('Category list of %s', 'biz-vektor'), $biz_vektor_options['infoLabelName']), 'hanshin tigers')); }
function biz_vektor_theme_options_validate($input) { $defaults = biz_vektor_get_theme_options(); $output = biz_bektor_option_validate(); if (isset($_POST['bizvektor_action_mode']) && $_POST['bizvektor_action_mode'] == 'reset') { if (isset($_POST['bizvektor_reset_check']) && isset($_POST['bizvektor_reset_key_port']) && $_POST['bizvektor_reset_key_port'] == $_POST['bizvektor_reset_key']) { echo "reseted"; return $defaults; } else { echo "faild"; return $output; } } // Design $output['gMenuDivide'] = $input['gMenuDivide'] ? $input['gMenuDivide'] : $defaults['gMenuDivide']; $output['head_logo'] = $input['head_logo']; $output['foot_logo'] = $input['foot_logo']; $output['font_title'] = $input['font_title']; $output['font_menu'] = $input['font_menu']; $output['side_child_display'] = $input['side_child_display']; $output['enable_google_font'] = $input['enable_google_font']; // Contact info $output['contact_txt'] = $input['contact_txt']; $output['tel_number'] = $input['tel_number']; $output['contact_time'] = $input['contact_time']; $output['sub_sitename'] = $input['sub_sitename']; $output['contact_address'] = $input['contact_address']; $output['contact_link'] = $input['contact_link']; // 3PR $output['top3PrDisplay'] = isset($input['top3PrDisplay']) && $input['top3PrDisplay'] == 'true' ? true : false; $output['pr1_title'] = $input['pr1_title'] == '' ? $defaults['pr1_title'] : $input['pr1_title']; $output['pr1_description'] = $input['pr1_description'] == '' ? $defaults['pr1_description'] : $input['pr1_description']; $output['pr1_link'] = $input['pr1_link']; $output['pr1_image'] = $input['pr1_image']; $output['pr1_image_s'] = $input['pr1_image_s']; $output['pr2_title'] = $input['pr2_title'] == '' ? $defaults['pr2_title'] : $input['pr2_title']; $output['pr2_description'] = $input['pr2_description'] == '' ? $defaults['pr2_description'] : $input['pr2_description']; $output['pr2_link'] = $input['pr2_link']; $output['pr2_image'] = $input['pr2_image']; $output['pr2_image_s'] = $input['pr2_image_s']; $output['pr3_title'] = $input['pr3_title'] == '' ? $defaults['pr3_title'] : $input['pr3_title']; $output['pr3_description'] = $input['pr3_description'] == '' ? $defaults['pr3_description'] : $input['pr3_description']; $output['pr3_link'] = $input['pr3_link']; $output['pr3_image'] = $input['pr3_image']; $output['pr3_image_s'] = $input['pr3_image_s']; // Infomation & Blog $output['postLabelName'] = !$input['postLabelName'] ? $defaults['postLabelName'] : $input['postLabelName']; $output['listBlogTop'] = $input['listBlogTop']; $output['listBlogArchive'] = $input['listBlogArchive']; $output['postTopUrl'] = $input['postTopUrl']; $output['postTopCount'] = !$input['postTopCount'] ? 0 : $input['postTopCount']; // TopPage $output['topSideBarDisplay'] = isset($input['topSideBarDisplay']) && $input['topSideBarDisplay'] == 'true' ? true : false; // SlideShow for ($i = 1; $i <= 5;) { $output['slide' . $i . 'link'] = $input['slide' . $i . 'link']; $output['slide' . $i . 'image'] = $input['slide' . $i . 'image']; $output['slide' . $i . 'alt'] = $input['slide' . $i . 'alt']; $output['slide' . $i . 'display'] = isset($input['slide' . $i . 'display']) && $input['slide' . $i . 'display'] ? "true" : ''; $output['slide' . $i . 'blank'] = isset($input['slide' . $i . 'blank']) && $input['slide' . $i . 'blank'] ? "true" : ''; $i++; } if ($input['theme_layout'] == '') { $output['theme_layout'] = "content-sidebar"; } $output['theme_style'] = $input['theme_style'] == '' ? "rebuild" : $input['theme_style']; // Theme layout must be in our array of theme layout options if (isset($input['theme_layout']) && array_key_exists($input['theme_layout'], biz_vektor_layouts())) { $output['theme_layout'] = $input['theme_layout']; } // sidebar child menu display if (isset($input['side_child_display']) && $input['side_child_display']) { $output['side_child_display'] = $input['side_child_display']; } return apply_filters('biz_vektor_theme_options_validate', $output, $input, $defaults); }
<?php /*-------------------------------------------*/ /* info /*-------------------------------------------*/ $biz_vektor_options = biz_bektor_option_validate(); if (isset($biz_vektor_options['infoTopCount']) && $biz_vektor_options['infoTopCount'] != 0) { $infoTopCount = $biz_vektor_options['infoTopCount']; $loop = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'info', 'posts_per_page' => $infoTopCount)); if ($loop->have_posts()) { ?> <div id="topInfo" class="infoList"> <h2><?php echo esc_html($biz_vektor_options['infoLabelName']); ?> </h2> <div class="rssBtn"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?> /feed/?post_type=info" id="infoRss" target="_blank">RSS</a></div> <?php if (isset($biz_vektor_options['listInfoTop']) && $biz_vektor_options['listInfoTop'] == 'listType_set') { ?> <?php while ($loop->have_posts()) { $loop->the_post(); ?> <?php get_template_part('module_loop_post2'); ?> <?php
function biz_vektor_ad_contet_more($post_content) { if (is_single() && get_post_type() == 'post') { // moreタグとすぐ次の</p>まで取得 $moreTag = '/<span id="more-[0-9]+"><\\/span>.*[\\/a-z]+>/'; // 広告タグ $biz_vektor_options = biz_bektor_option_validate(); $adTags = apply_filters('widget_text', $biz_vektor_options['ad_content_moretag']); preg_match($moreTag, $post_content, $matches); $match = isset($matches[0]) ? $matches[0] : ''; if ($match) { // $matchしている(moreタグが存在する)場合 if (strpos($match, '</p>') !== false) { $post_content = preg_replace($moreTag, '</p>' . $adTags, $post_content); } else { $post_content = preg_replace($moreTag, '</p>' . $adTags . '<p>', $post_content); } } if ($biz_vektor_options['ad_content_after']) { $post_content = $post_content . '<div class="sectionBox">' . $biz_vektor_options['ad_content_after'] . '</div>'; } } // post return $post_content; }