
class FlaggedPostDetail extends ActiveRecord
    function _construct()
        // if ($this->found()) {
        // $this->author = $this->user->name;
        // }
        // $this->create_api_attributes();
    function flagged_by()
        if (empty($this->flagged_by)) {
            if (empty($this->user_id)) {
                $this->flagged_by = "system";
            } else {
                $this->flagged_by = User::find_name($this->user_id);
        return $this->flagged_by;
    function api_attributes()
        $api_attributes = array('post_id', 'reason', 'created_at', 'user_id', 'flagged_by');
        $api_attributes = array_fill_keys($api_attributes, null);
        foreach (array_keys($api_attributes) as $attr) {
            if ($attr == 'flagged_by') {

belongs_to('predicate', array('model_name' => 'Tag'));
belongs_to('consequent', array('model_name' => 'Tag'));
before('create', 'validate_uniqueness');
class TagImplication extends ActiveRecord
    function validate_uniqueness()
        if (self::find('first', array('conditions' => array("(predicate_id = ? AND consequent_id = ?) OR (predicate_id = ? AND consequent_id = ?)", $this->predicate_id, $this->consequent_id, $this->consequent_id, $this->predicate_id)))) {
            $this->record_errors->add_to_base("Tag implication already exists");
            return false;
    function predicate_is($name)
        $t = Tag::find_or_create_by_name($name);
        $this->predicate_id = $t->id;
    function consequent_is($name)
        $t = Tag::find_or_create_by_name($name);
        $this->consequent_id = $t->id;
    function destroy_and_notify($current_user, $reason)
        # TODO:
        if (!empty($this->creator_id) && $this->creator_id != $current_user->id) {
            // msg = "A tag implication you submitted (#{predicate.name} &rarr; #{consequent.name}) was deleted for the following reason: #{reason}."

$table_name = "post_votes";
belongs_to('post', array('foreign_key' => 'post_id'));
belongs_to('user', array('foreign_key' => 'user_id'));
class PostVotes extends ActiveRecord
    function find_by_ids($user_id, $post_id)
        $this->find('first', array('conditions' => array("user_id = ? AND post_id = ?", $user_id, $post_id)));
    function find_or_create_by_id($user_id, $post_id)
        $entry = $this->find_by_ids(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'post_id' => $post_id));
        return $entry ? $entry : $this->create(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'post_id' => $post_id));

belongs_to('creator', array('model_name' => "User", 'foreign_key' => 'creator_id'));
after('create', 'initialize_last_updated_by, update_parent_on_create');
before('validation', 'validate_title, validate_lock');
validates(array('body' => array('length' => array('>1', 'message' => "You need to enter a body"))));
before('destroy', 'update_parent_on_destroy');
has_many('children', array('model_name' => "ForumPost", 'foreign_key' => 'parent_id', 'order' => "id"));
belongs_to('parent_post', array('model_name' => "ForumPost", 'foreign_key' => 'parent_id'));
class ForumPost extends ActiveRecord
    static function lock($id)
        # Run raw SQL to skip the lock check
        db::update("forum_posts SET is_locked = TRUE WHERE id = ?", $id);
    static function unlock($id)
        # Run raw SQL to skip the lock check
        db::update("forum_posts SET is_locked = FALSE WHERE id = ?", $id);
    function validate_lock()
        if ($this->root && $this->root->is_locked) {
            $this->record_errors->add_to_base("Thread is locked");
            return false;
        return true;
    static function stick($id)

include_model('ban, tag, user_blacklisted_tag');
has_one('ban', array('foreign_key' => 'user_id'));
belongs_to('avatar_post', array('model_name' => "Post", 'foreign_key' => 'avatar_post_id'));
before('validation', 'commit_secondary_languages');
before('create', 'can_signup, set_role');
before('save', 'encrypt_password');
after('create', 'set_default_blacklisted_tags, increment_count');
after('save', 'commit_blacklists');
after('destroy', 'decrement_count');
validates(array('name' => array('length' => '2..20', 'format' => array('/\\A[^\\s;,]+\\Z/', 'on' => 'create', 'message' => 'cannot have whitespace, commas, or semicolons'), 'uniqueness' => array(true, 'on' => 'create')), 'password' => array('length' => array('>=5', 'if' => array('property_exists' => 'password')), 'confirmation' => true)));
// #      validates_format_of :name, :with => /^(Anonymous|[Aa]dministrator)/, :on => :create, :message => "this is a disallowed username"
// m.after_save :update_cached_name if CONFIG["enable_caching"]
// m.has_many :tag_subscriptions, :dependent => :delete_all, :order => "name"
// m.validates_format_of :language, :with => /^([a-z\-]+)|$/
// m.validates_format_of :secondary_languages, :with => /^([a-z\-]+(,[a-z\0]+)*)?$/
class User extends ActiveRecord
    static $current;
    function _construct()
        if (isset($this->is_anonymous)) {
        } elseif (isset($this->id)) {
            $this->is_anonymous = false;
        // if(CONFIG::show_samples)
        // $this->show_samples = false;

belongs_to('author', array('model_name' => 'User'));
class NoteVersion extends ActiveRecord
    function to_xml($options = array())
        // {:created_at => created_at, :updated_at => updated_at, :creator_id => user_id, :x => x, :y => y, :width => width, :height => height, :is_active => is_active, :post_id => post_id, :body => body, :version => version}.to_xml(options.reverse_merge(:root => "note_version"))
    function to_json($args = null)
        return to_json(array('created_at' => $this->created_at, 'updated_at' => $this->updated_at, 'creator_id' => $this->user_id, 'x' => $this->x, 'y' => $this->y, 'width' => $this->width, 'height' => $this->height, 'is_active' => $this->is_active, 'post_id' => $this->post_id, 'body' => $this->body, 'version' => $this->version));

$table_name = 'pools_posts';
belongs_to('post', array('joins' => ' JOIN users ON posts.user_id = users.id JOIN posts_tags ON posts.id = posts_tags.post_id JOIN tags ON posts_tags.tag_id = tags.id '));
belongs_to('next_post', array('model_name' => "Post", 'foreign_key' => "next_post_id"));
belongs_to('prev_post', array('model_name' => "Post", 'foreign_key' => "prev_post_id"));
class PoolPost extends ActiveRecord
    function _construct()
        $this->active = true;
        $this->sequence = (string) $this->sequence;
        // $this->api_attributes = array_fill_keys($this->api_attributes, '');
    function api_attributes()
        $api_attributes = array('id', 'pool_id', 'post_id', 'active', 'sequence', 'next_post_id', 'prev_post_id');
        $api_attributes = array_fill_keys($api_attributes, null);
        foreach (array_keys($api_attributes) as $attr) {
            // # TODO: Don't know what 'active' is about. It's a "versioned".
            if (isset($this->{$attr})) {
                $api_attributes[$attr] = $this->{$attr};
        return $api_attributes;
    function can_change_is_public($user)
        return $user->has_permission($pool);
        # only the owner can change is_public