function do_subscribe_unsubscribe_notification_by_mail($is_admin_request, $is_subscribe = false, $check_key_list = array()) { global $conf, $page, $env_nbm, $conf; set_make_full_url(); $check_key_treated = array(); $updated_data_count = 0; $error_on_updated_data_count = 0; if ($is_subscribe) { $msg_info = l10n('User %s [%s] was added to the subscription list.'); $msg_error = l10n('User %s [%s] was not added to the subscription list.'); } else { $msg_info = l10n('User %s [%s] was removed from the subscription list.'); $msg_error = l10n('User %s [%s] was not removed from the subscription list.'); } if (count($check_key_list) != 0) { $updates = array(); $enabled_value = boolean_to_string($is_subscribe); $data_users = get_user_notifications('subscribe', $check_key_list, !$is_subscribe); // Prepare message after change language $msg_break_timeout = l10n('Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'); // Begin nbm users environment begin_users_env_nbm(true); foreach ($data_users as $nbm_user) { if (check_sendmail_timeout()) { // Stop fill list on 'send', if the quota is override $page['errors'][] = $msg_break_timeout; break; } // Fill return list $check_key_treated[] = $nbm_user['check_key']; $do_update = true; if ($nbm_user['mail_address'] != '') { // set env nbm user set_user_on_env_nbm($nbm_user, true); $subject = '[' . $conf['gallery_title'] . '] ' . ($is_subscribe ? l10n('Subscribe to notification by mail') : l10n('Unsubscribe from notification by mail')); // Assign current var for nbm mail assign_vars_nbm_mail_content($nbm_user); $section_action_by = $is_subscribe ? 'subscribe_by_' : 'unsubscribe_by_'; $section_action_by .= $is_admin_request ? 'admin' : 'himself'; $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign(array($section_action_by => true, 'GOTO_GALLERY_TITLE' => $conf['gallery_title'], 'GOTO_GALLERY_URL' => get_gallery_home_url())); $ret = pwg_mail(array('name' => stripslashes($nbm_user['username']), 'email' => $nbm_user['mail_address']), array('from' => $env_nbm['send_as_mail_formated'], 'subject' => $subject, 'email_format' => $env_nbm['email_format'], 'content' => $env_nbm['mail_template']->parse('notification_by_mail', true), 'content_format' => $env_nbm['email_format'])); if ($ret) { inc_mail_sent_success($nbm_user); } else { inc_mail_sent_failed($nbm_user); $do_update = false; } // unset env nbm user unset_user_on_env_nbm(); } if ($do_update) { $updates[] = array('check_key' => $nbm_user['check_key'], 'enabled' => $enabled_value); $updated_data_count += 1; $page['infos'][] = sprintf($msg_info, stripslashes($nbm_user['username']), $nbm_user['mail_address']); } else { $error_on_updated_data_count += 1; $page['errors'][] = sprintf($msg_error, stripslashes($nbm_user['username']), $nbm_user['mail_address']); } } // Restore nbm environment end_users_env_nbm(); display_counter_info(); mass_updates(USER_MAIL_NOTIFICATION_TABLE, array('primary' => array('check_key'), 'update' => array('enabled')), $updates); } $page['infos'][] = l10n_dec('%d user was updated.', '%d users were updated.', $updated_data_count); if ($error_on_updated_data_count != 0) { $page['errors'][] = l10n_dec('%d user was not updated.', '%d users were not updated.', $error_on_updated_data_count); } unset_make_full_url(); return $check_key_treated; }
function do_action_send_mail_notification($action = 'list_to_send', $check_key_list = array(), $customize_mail_content = '') { global $conf, $page, $user, $lang_info, $lang, $env_nbm; $return_list = array(); if (in_array($action, array('list_to_send', 'send'))) { list($dbnow) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT NOW();')); $is_action_send = $action == 'send'; // disabled and null mail_address are not selected in the list $data_users = get_user_notifications('send', $check_key_list); // List all if it's define on options or on timeout $is_list_all_without_test = ($env_nbm['is_sendmail_timeout'] or $conf['nbm_list_all_enabled_users_to_send']); // Check if exist news to list user or send mails if (!$is_list_all_without_test or $is_action_send) { if (count($data_users) > 0) { $datas = array(); if (!isset($customize_mail_content)) { $customize_mail_content = $conf['nbm_complementary_mail_content']; } $customize_mail_content = trigger_change('nbm_render_global_customize_mail_content', $customize_mail_content); // Prepare message after change language if ($is_action_send) { $msg_break_timeout = l10n('Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'); } else { $msg_break_timeout = l10n('Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'); } // Begin nbm users environment begin_users_env_nbm($is_action_send); foreach ($data_users as $nbm_user) { if (!$is_action_send and check_sendmail_timeout()) { // Stop fill list on 'list_to_send', if the quota is override $page['infos'][] = $msg_break_timeout; break; } if ($is_action_send and check_sendmail_timeout()) { // Stop fill list on 'send', if the quota is override $page['errors'][] = $msg_break_timeout; break; } // set env nbm user set_user_on_env_nbm($nbm_user, $is_action_send); if ($is_action_send) { $auth = null; $add_url_params = array(); $auth_key = create_user_auth_key($nbm_user['user_id'], $nbm_user['status']); if ($auth_key !== false) { $auth = $auth_key['auth_key']; $add_url_params['auth'] = $auth; } set_make_full_url(); // Fill return list of "treated" check_key for 'send' $return_list[] = $nbm_user['check_key']; if ($conf['nbm_send_detailed_content']) { $news = news($nbm_user['last_send'], $dbnow, false, $conf['nbm_send_html_mail'], $auth); $exist_data = count($news) > 0; } else { $exist_data = news_exists($nbm_user['last_send'], $dbnow); } if ($exist_data) { $subject = '[' . $conf['gallery_title'] . '] ' . l10n('New photos added'); // Assign current var for nbm mail assign_vars_nbm_mail_content($nbm_user); if (!is_null($nbm_user['last_send'])) { $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign('content_new_elements_between', array('DATE_BETWEEN_1' => $nbm_user['last_send'], 'DATE_BETWEEN_2' => $dbnow)); } else { $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign('content_new_elements_single', array('DATE_SINGLE' => $dbnow)); } if ($conf['nbm_send_detailed_content']) { $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign('global_new_lines', $news); } $nbm_user_customize_mail_content = trigger_change('nbm_render_user_customize_mail_content', $customize_mail_content, $nbm_user); if (!empty($nbm_user_customize_mail_content)) { $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign('custom_mail_content', $nbm_user_customize_mail_content); } if ($conf['nbm_send_html_mail'] and $conf['nbm_send_recent_post_dates']) { $recent_post_dates = get_recent_post_dates_array($conf['recent_post_dates']['NBM']); foreach ($recent_post_dates as $date_detail) { $env_nbm['mail_template']->append('recent_posts', array('TITLE' => get_title_recent_post_date($date_detail), 'HTML_DATA' => get_html_description_recent_post_date($date_detail, $auth))); } } $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign(array('GOTO_GALLERY_TITLE' => $conf['gallery_title'], 'GOTO_GALLERY_URL' => add_url_params(get_gallery_home_url(), $add_url_params), 'SEND_AS_NAME' => $env_nbm['send_as_name'])); $ret = pwg_mail(array('name' => stripslashes($nbm_user['username']), 'email' => $nbm_user['mail_address']), array('from' => $env_nbm['send_as_mail_formated'], 'subject' => $subject, 'email_format' => $env_nbm['email_format'], 'content' => $env_nbm['mail_template']->parse('notification_by_mail', true), 'content_format' => $env_nbm['email_format'], 'auth_key' => $auth)); if ($ret) { inc_mail_sent_success($nbm_user); $datas[] = array('user_id' => $nbm_user['user_id'], 'last_send' => $dbnow); } else { inc_mail_sent_failed($nbm_user); } unset_make_full_url(); } } else { if (news_exists($nbm_user['last_send'], $dbnow)) { // Fill return list of "selected" users for 'list_to_send' $return_list[] = $nbm_user; } } // unset env nbm user unset_user_on_env_nbm(); } // Restore nbm environment end_users_env_nbm(); if ($is_action_send) { mass_updates(USER_MAIL_NOTIFICATION_TABLE, array('primary' => array('user_id'), 'update' => array('last_send')), $datas); display_counter_info(); } } else { if ($is_action_send) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('No user to send notifications by mail.'); } } } else { // Quick List, don't check news // Fill return list of "selected" users for 'list_to_send' $return_list = $data_users; } } // Return list of "selected" users for 'list_to_send' // Return list of "treated" check_key for 'send' return $return_list; }