function handle($uri = '') { try { if (($matched = dispatch($uri)) != null) { if (!before()) { $handler = $matched['handler']; if (!empty($matched['options']['router'])) { $handler = call_user_func($handler, $matched); } if (!empty($matched['options']['create'])) { $controllerClass = $handler[0]; $handler[0] = new $controllerClass(); } if (isset($matched['params'])) { call_user_func_array($handler, $matched['params']); } else { call_user_func_array($handler, $matched['segments']); } after(); } } else { notFound(); } finish(); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e->getMessage()); error_log($e->getTraceAsString()); } exit; }
function authorize($data = null) { global $authorized; before(); ?> <div id="xicl-error" style=""> <table id="xicl-error-content"><tr><td> <?php login(); // показываем форму входа/выхода ?> <?php if (_has('message')) { ?> <p class="message"><?php echo _data('message'); ?> </p> <?php } ?> </td></tr></table> <a href="./" id="xicl-error-home" title="на главную"> </a> </div> <?php after(); die; // прекратить дальнейшую работу }
function getPlayerSkin($input, $list) { if ($input !== '[]') { $name = after('[`', $input); $name = before('`', $name); if (in_array($name, $list)) { return $name; } else { return "Default"; } } else { return "Default"; } }
/** * 404 error page. */ function not_found($errno, $errstr, $errfile = null, $errline = null) { if (strpos($errstr, '/public/soft_images/') !== false) { render_file('public/img/down.png'); return; } before(); set('errno', $errno); set('errstr', $errstr); set('errfile', $errfile); set('errline', $errline); layout('layout.php'); return html('404.php'); }
function fail($message) { global $messages; before(); ?> <div id="xicl-error" style=""> <table id="xicl-error-content"><tr><td> <p class="message error"><?php echo is_string($message) ? $message : (is_int($message) ? $messages[$message] : 'unknown param for fail page'); ?> </p> </td></tr></table> <a href="<?php echo ServerRoot; ?> " id="xicl-error-home" title="на главную"> </a> </div> <?php after(); die; // прекратить дальнейшую работу }
public static function gensuite($config = array(), $current_depth = 1) { $config = array_merge(array('befores' => 0, 'before_alls' => 0, 'afters' => 0, 'after_alls' => 0, 'tests' => 1, 'depth' => 0, 'describes' => array('L', 'R'), 'callbacks' => array('it' => function ($ctx) { expect(true)->to->eql(true); }, 'before' => function ($ctx) { $ctx->value = 3; }, 'before_all' => function ($ctx) { $ctx->value = 5; }, 'after' => function ($ctx) { $ctx->value = 7; }, 'after_all' => function ($ctx) { $ctx->value = 11; })), $config); if ($config['depth'] == 0) { return; } foreach ($config['describes'] as $side) { describe("Level {$side}{$current_depth}", function ($ctx) use($config, $current_depth) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $config['tests']; $i++) { it("nested {$i}", $config['callbacks']['it']); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $config['befores']; $i++) { before($config['callbacks']['before']); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $config['before_alls']; $i++) { before_all($config['callbacks']['before_all']); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $config['after_alls']; $i++) { after_all($config['callbacks']['after_all']); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $config['afters']; $i++) { after($config['callbacks']['after']); } $config['depth']--; Util::gensuite($config, $current_depth + 1); }); } }
function fddbSuche($gtin) { //$gtin = "4388844009943"; $gtin = preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $gtin); $data = curlData("" . $gtin); $resultblock = between("<!-- %sresultblock% //-->", "<!-- %eresultblock% //-->", $data); $link = between("window.location.href = '", "';", $data); $area = between("<b>100 g:</b>", "<b>1 Packung:</b>", $data); if ($link != false && strlen($gtin) >= 13) { $werte = array("energy" => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]+/', '', before("(", $area)), "calories" => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]+/', '', between("(", ")", $area)), "fat" => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]+/', '', between("Fett: ", "KH:", $area)), "carbonhydrate" => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]+/', '', between("KH: ", "<br>", $area))); //$werte = array("Energie", "Energie1", "Fett", "Kohlenhydrate"); $naerhwerte = ""; foreach ($werte as $key => $value) { $naerhwerte[$key]["value"] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $werte[$key]); $naerhwerte[$key]["currencie"] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]+/', '', $werte[$key]); } $result = array("sourecName" => "fddb", "link" => $link, "gtin" => $gtin, "nutriTable" => $werte, "titel" => between("<a href='" . $link . "'><b>", '</b></a>', $resultblock)); $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph(); $namespace = new EasyRdf_Namespace(); $namespace->set('rezept', ""); buildTree($graph, $result["link"], $result, 'rezept'); echo $graph->serialise("turtle"); } }
before(function () use(&$console, &$spec) { $console = new Console(array(), 'php://output'); $console->parseArguments(); $suite = new Suite('test', function () { }); $spec = new Spec('testspec', function () { }, $suite); }); it('implements the ReporterInterface', function () use(&$console) { $reporter = new SpecReporter($console); expect($reporter instanceof ReporterInterface)->toBeTrue(); }); context('beforeSuite', function () use(&$console) { $reporter = null; before(function () use(&$console, &$reporter) { $reporter = new SpecReporter($console); }); it('prints the suite title', function () use(&$reporter) { $beforeSuite = function () use(&$reporter) { $suite = new Suite('test suite', function () { }); $reporter->beforeSuite($suite); }; expect($beforeSuite)->toPrint(PHP_EOL . "test suite" . PHP_EOL); }); it('pads nested suites', function () use(&$reporter) { $beforeSuite = function () use(&$reporter) { $suite = new Suite('test suite', function () { }); $reporter->beforeSuite($suite); };
<?php namespace kahlan\spec\suite\analysis; use kahlan\analysis\Inspector; describe("Inspector", function () { before(function () { $this->class = 'kahlan\\spec\\fixture\\analysis\\SampleClass'; }); describe('::inspect()', function () { it("gets the reflexion layer of a class", function () { $inspector = Inspector::inspect($this->class); expect($inspector)->toBeAnInstanceOf('ReflectionClass'); expect($inspector->name)->toBe($this->class); }); }); describe('::parameters()', function () { it("gets method's parameters details", function () { $inspector = Inspector::parameters($this->class, 'parametersExample'); expect($inspector)->toBeA('array'); $param2 = next($inspector); expect($param2)->toBeAnInstanceOf('ReflectionParameter'); expect($param2->getName())->toBe('b'); expect($param2->getDefaultValue())->toBe(100); $param3 = next($inspector); expect($param3)->toBeAnInstanceOf('ReflectionParameter'); expect($param3->getName())->toBe('c'); expect($param3->getDefaultValue())->toBe('abc'); $param4 = next($inspector); expect($param4)->toBeAnInstanceOf('ReflectionParameter'); expect($param4->getName())->toBe('d');
use pho\Suite\Suite; use pho\Runnable\Spec; use pho\Runnable\Runnable; use pho\Exception\ErrorException; use pho\Exception\ExpectationException; class MockRunnable extends Runnable { public function __construct(\Closure $closure, Suite $suite) { $this->suite = $suite; $this->closure = $closure->bindTo($suite); } } describe('Runnable', function () { before(function () { $this->suite = new Suite('TestSuite', function () { }); }); context('run', function () { it('catches and stores errors', function () { $closure = function () { trigger_error('TestError', E_USER_NOTICE); }; $runnable = new MockRunnable($closure, $this->suite); $runnable->run(); expect($runnable->exception->getType())->toEqual('E_USER_NOTICE'); }); it('catches and stores ExpectationExceptions', function () { $closure = function () { throw new ExpectationException('test'); }; $runnable = new MockRunnable($closure, $this->suite);
beforeEach(function () { $this->bar = 1; }); it("can access variable from the parent scope", function () { expect($this->bar)->toBe(1); }); }); }); describe("skipIf", function () { it("returns none if provided false/null", function () { expect(skipIf(false))->toBe(null); }); $executed = 0; context("when used in a scope", function () use(&$executed) { before(function () { skipIf(true); }); it("skips this spec", function () use(&$executed) { expect(true)->toBe(false); $executed++; }); it("skips this spec too", function () use(&$executed) { expect(true)->toBe(false); $executed++; }); }); it("expects that no spec have been runned", function () use(&$executed) { expect($executed)->toBe(0); }); context("when used in a spec", function () use(&$executed) { it("skips this spec", function () use(&$executed) {
namespace Kahlan\Spec\Suite\Matcher; use Kahlan\Jit\Interceptor; use Kahlan\Jit\Patcher\Pointcut; use Kahlan\Matcher\ToReceiveNext; use Kahlan\Spec\Fixture\Plugin\Pointcut\Foo; describe("toReceiveNext", function () { describe("::match()", function () { /** * Save current & reinitialize the Interceptor class. */ before(function () { $this->previous = Interceptor::instance(); Interceptor::unpatch(); $cachePath = rtrim(sys_get_temp_dir(), DS) . DS . 'kahlan'; $include = ['Kahlan\\Spec\\']; $interceptor = Interceptor::patch(compact('include', 'cachePath')); $interceptor->patchers()->add('pointcut', new Pointcut()); }); /** * Restore Interceptor class. */ after(function () { Interceptor::load($this->previous); }); it("expects called methods to be called in a defined order", function () { $foo = new Foo(); expect($foo)->toReceive('message'); expect($foo)->toReceiveNext('::version'); expect($foo)->toReceiveNext('bar'); $foo->message();
<?php describe("Command Generator Command", function () { before(function () { $this->app = (new Siphon\Application())->boot(); $this->app['directory']->create($this->app->basePath('app')); $this->app['directory']->create($this->app->basePath('app/Command')); }); after(function () { $this->app['directory']->delete($this->app->basePath('app')); }); describe("->handle()", function () { it("generates a new controller class", function () { $this->app['console']->call('generate:command', ['class' => 'Foo']); $file = $this->app->basePath('app/Command/FooCommand.php'); $content = file_get_contents($file); expect(file_exists($file))->toBe(true); expect(strpos($content, 'namespace Siphon\\Command'))->toBeA('integer'); expect(strpos($content, 'class FooCommand extends Command'))->toBeA('integer'); }); }); });
namespace Kahlan\Spec\Jit\Suite; use Kahlan\Dir\Dir; use Kahlan\Jit\JitException; use Kahlan\Jit\Patchers; use Kahlan\Jit\Interceptor; use Kahlan\Plugin\Stub; use Kahlan\Spec\Proxy\Autoloader; use Kahlan\Spec\Mock\Patcher; describe("Interceptor", function () { before(function () { $this->previous = Interceptor::instance(); Interceptor::unpatch(); $this->composer = Interceptor::composer(); skipIf(!$this->composer); $composer = clone $this->composer[0]; $this->autoloader = new Autoloader($composer); spl_autoload_register([$this->autoloader, 'loadClass']); spl_autoload_unregister($this->composer); $this->cachePath = Dir::tempnam(null, 'cache'); }); afterEach(function () { Interceptor::unpatch(); }); after(function () { spl_autoload_register($this->composer); spl_autoload_unregister([$this->autoloader, 'loadClass']); Dir::remove($this->cachePath); Interceptor::load($this->previous); }); describe("::patch()", function () {
// }); // describe('Record', function () { // xit('TODO', function ($db) {}); // }); // describe('Result', function () { // xit('TODO', function ($db) {}); // }); // describe('Table', function () { // xit('TODO', function ($db) {}); // }); // }); describe('Helpers', function () { describe('hydrate()', function () { before(function ($db) { $db->reset()->create('a', array('id' => 'primary_key', 'x' => 'integer')); $db->a->insert(array('x' => 123)); $db->a->insert(array('x' => 456)); let('a', $db->a); }); it('should has consistency', function ($a) { expect($a->count())->toEqual(2); expect($a->all())->toBeArray(); }); describe('columns', function () { it('should be able to migrate', function ($a) { \Grocery\Helpers::hydrate($a, array('x' => 'string')); $b = $a->columns(); expect($b['x']['type'])->toEqual('string'); }); it('should maintain consistency', function ($a) { $test = $a->all(); expect($test[0]->x)->toEqual(123);
return; } } describe('AbstractReporter', function () { $console = new Console(array(), 'php://output'); $console->parseArguments(); $reporter = new MockReporter($console); $printContents = null; context('afterRun', function () use(&$reporter, &$printContents) { before(function () use(&$reporter, &$printContents) { // Add a spec and run corresponding reporter hooks $suite = new Suite('test', function () { }); $spec = new Spec('testspec', function () { }, $suite); $reporter->beforeSpec($spec); $reporter->afterSpec($spec); ob_start(); $reporter->afterRun(); $printContents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); }); it('prints the running time', function () use(&$printContents) { // TODO: Update once pattern matching is added $print = $printContents; expect($print)->toContain('Finished in'); expect($print)->toContain('seconds'); }); it('prints the number of specs and failures', function () use(&$printContents) { expect($printContents)->toContain('1 spec, 0 failures'); });
function ifFileIsADuplicate($testFileName, $fileNameWithoutType) { $fileName = before('.', $testFileName); //remove last 4 characters $fileType = after('.', $testFileName); //save last 3 characters // $testFileName = $convertedData; // $fileName = before('.', $convertedData); // $fileType = after('.', $convertedData); $a = 1; while (file_exists($testFileName) == 'true') { $testFileName = $fileName . '_' . $a . '.' . $fileType; // return new file name and repeat until unique $a++; } return $testFileName; }
function find_route($method, $route, \Closure $callback) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === $method) { if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $url = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, -(strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) + 1)); } else { $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } $params = array(); if (url_match($route, $url, $params)) { before($route); \call_user_func_array($callback, $params); exit; } } }
<?php /* * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: EgaLabs (c) 2015 * Date: 26/05/2015 * Time: 20:23 */ namespace Matura\Tests\Hashing; use Ignizr\URI\HTTPScheme; global $uri; $uri = ""; before(function ($ctx) use($uri) { $ctx->uri = $uri; $ctx->http_scheme = new HTTPScheme($uri); });
before(function ($ctx) { $ctx->test = $ctx->suite->find('Suite:Fixture:TestMethod'); }); it('should be a TestMethod', function ($ctx) { expect($ctx->test)->to->be->a('Matura\\Blocks\\Methods\\TestMethod'); }); it('should have the correct parent Block', function ($ctx) { expect($ctx->test->parentBlock())->to->be->a('Matura\\Blocks\\Describe'); }); }); describe('BeforeHook', function ($ctx) { before(function ($ctx) { $ctx->describe = $ctx->suite->find('Suite:Fixture'); }); it('should have 1 BeforeHook', function ($ctx) { $befores = $ctx->describe->befores(); expect($befores)->to->have->length(1); expect($befores[0])->to->be->a('Matura\\Blocks\\Methods\\BeforeHook'); }); }); describe('BeforeAllHook', function ($ctx) { before(function ($ctx) { $ctx->describe = $ctx->suite->find('Suite:Fixture'); }); it('should have 1 BeforeAllHook', function ($ctx) { $before_alls = $ctx->describe->beforeAlls(); expect($before_alls)->to->have->length(1); expect($before_alls[0])->to->be->a('Matura\\Blocks\\Methods\\BeforeAllHook'); }); }); });
<?php namespace Matura\Tests; require 'vendor/autoload.php'; require 'day/4.php'; use AoC\Day; describe('AoC Day 4', function ($ctx) { $ctx->tests = array("bgvyzdsv" => array(254575, 1038736)); before(function ($ctx) { $ctx->Day = new Day(); }); foreach (array_keys($ctx->tests) as $case) { $expected = $ctx->tests[$case]; it('should correctly solve "' . $case . '"', function ($ctx) use($case, $expected) { expect($ctx->Day->solve($case))->to->equal($expected); }); } });
/** * Dispatches incoming request. This function may trigger the 'before', * and 'after' events. * * @param string $method Request method * @param string $path Request path */ function dispatch($method, $path) { $callbacks = route(); foreach ($callbacks as $route => $methods) { if (route_match($route, $path, $matches, $redirect)) { if ($redirect) { $url = url_for($path . '/' . (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '')); redirect($url, 301); } config('_route', $route); if ($method === 'HEAD') { if (isset($methods['HEAD'])) { $callback = $methods['HEAD']; } elseif (isset($methods['GET'])) { $callback = $methods['GET']; } else { $callback = null; } } elseif ($method === 'OPTIONS') { $allowed = array_keys($methods); if (in_array('GET', $allowed) && !in_array('HEAD', $allowed)) { $allowed[] = 'HEAD'; } header('Allow: ' . implode(',', $allowed)); if (isset($methods['OPTIONS'])) { $callback = $methods['OPTIONS']; } else { halt(); } } else { $callback = isset($methods[$method]) ? $methods[$method] : null; } if (!isset($callback)) { $allowed = array_keys($methods); if (in_array('GET', $allowed) && !in_array('HEAD', $allowed)) { $allowed[] = 'HEAD'; } header('Allow: ' . implode(',', array_keys($methods))); halt(405); } $params = array(); foreach ($matches as $key => $val) { if (is_string($key)) { params($key, $params[$key] = urldecode($val)); } } $pass = false; try { ($before = before()) && apply($before, $params); apply($callback, $params); ($after = after()) && apply($after, $params); } catch (\PassException $e) { $pass = true; } if (!$pass) { return; } } } halt(404); }
p(2); }); }); desc('bleem'); task('bleem', function () { p(0); }); after('bleem:baz', function () { p(3); }); desc('foo'); task('foo', function () { p(5); }); desc('bar'); task('bar', function () { p(8); }); task('foo', function () { p(6); }); before('foo', function () { p(4); }); after('foo', function () { p(7); }); task('foo', 'bleem:baz'); desc('default'); task('default', 'foo'); task('default', 'bar');
function between($this, $that, $inthat) { return before($that, after($this, $inthat)); }
}); $stub::generateAbstractMethods('some\\unexisting\\Class'); })->toThrow(new IncompleteException('Unexisting parent class `some\\unexisting\\Class`')); }); }); describe("::create()", function () { before(function () { $this->is_method_exists = function ($instance, $method, $type = "public") { if (!method_exists($instance, $method)) { return false; } $refl = new ReflectionMethod($instance, $method); switch ($type) { case "static": return $refl->isStatic(); break; case "public": return $refl->isPublic(); break; case "private": return $refl->isPrivate(); break; } return false; }; }); it("stubs an instance", function () { $stub = Stub::create(); expect(is_object($stub))->toBe(true); expect(get_class($stub))->toMatch("/^Kahlan\\\\Spec\\\\Plugin\\\\Stub\\\\Stub\\d+\$/"); }); it("names a stub instance", function () {
<?php belongs_to('predicate', array('model_name' => 'Tag')); belongs_to('consequent', array('model_name' => 'Tag')); before('create', 'validate_uniqueness'); class TagImplication extends ActiveRecord { function validate_uniqueness() { $this->predicate_is($this->predicate); $this->consequent_is($this->consequent); if (self::find('first', array('conditions' => array("(predicate_id = ? AND consequent_id = ?) OR (predicate_id = ? AND consequent_id = ?)", $this->predicate_id, $this->consequent_id, $this->consequent_id, $this->predicate_id)))) { $this->record_errors->add_to_base("Tag implication already exists"); return false; } } function predicate_is($name) { $t = Tag::find_or_create_by_name($name); $this->predicate_id = $t->id; } function consequent_is($name) { $t = Tag::find_or_create_by_name($name); $this->consequent_id = $t->id; } function destroy_and_notify($current_user, $reason) { # TODO: if (!empty($this->creator_id) && $this->creator_id != $current_user->id) { // msg = "A tag implication you submitted (#{} → #{}) was deleted for the following reason: #{reason}."
function test(\Closure $function) { before(); $function(); }
<?php namespace Kahlan\Spec\Suite\Analysis; use Kahlan\Analysis\Inspector; describe("Inspector", function () { before(function () { $this->class = 'Kahlan\\Spec\\Fixture\\Analysis\\SampleClass'; }); describe('::inspect()', function () { it("gets the reflexion layer of a class", function () { $inspector = Inspector::inspect($this->class); expect($inspector)->toBeAnInstanceOf('ReflectionClass'); expect($inspector->name)->toBe($this->class); }); }); describe('::parameters()', function () { it("gets method's parameters details", function () { $inspector = Inspector::parameters($this->class, 'parametersExample'); expect($inspector)->toBeA('array'); $param2 = next($inspector); expect($param2)->toBeAnInstanceOf('ReflectionParameter'); expect($param2->getName())->toBe('b'); expect($param2->getDefaultValue())->toBe(100); $param3 = next($inspector); expect($param3)->toBeAnInstanceOf('ReflectionParameter'); expect($param3->getName())->toBe('c'); expect($param3->getDefaultValue())->toBe('abc'); $param4 = next($inspector); expect($param4)->toBeAnInstanceOf('ReflectionParameter'); expect($param4->getName())->toBe('d');
<?php use kahlan\Arg; use kahlan\plugin\Stub; use Sofa\Searchable\Query; use Sofa\Searchable\Parser; use Sofa\Searchable\Searchable; use Illuminate\Database\Connection; use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder; describe('Searchable Query Builder', function () { before(function () { (new Searchable(new Parser()))->boot(); }); given('query', function () { $connection = Stub::create(['extends' => Connection::class, 'methods' => ['__construct']]); $grammar = new Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\MySqlGrammar(); $processor = new Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\MySqlProcessor(); return (new Builder($connection, $grammar, $processor))->from('users'); }); it('replaces query with custom implementation on call', function () { expect($this->query)->toBeAnInstanceOf(Builder::class); expect($this->query->search('word', ['column']))->toBeAnInstanceOf(Query::class); }); it('adds basic SELECT, WHERE and GROUP BY clauses', function () { $sql = 'select * from (select `users`.*, max(case when `users`.`name` = ? then 15 else 0 end) as relevance ' . 'from `users` where (`users`.`name` like ?) group by `users`.`id`) as `users` ' . 'where `relevance` >= 1 order by `relevance` desc'; $query = $this->query->search('Jarek', ['name'], false, 1); expect($query->toSql())->toBe($sql); expect($query->toBase()->getBindings())->toBe(['Jarek', 'Jarek']); }); it('splits string into separate keywords and adds valid clauses for multiple columns', function () { $sql = 'select * from (select `users`.*, max(case when `users`.`first_name` = ? or `users`.`first_name` = ? then 15 else 0 end ' . '+ case when `users`.`last_name` = ? or `users`.`last_name` = ? then 30 else 0 end) as relevance from `users` ' . 'where (`users`.`first_name` like ? or `users`.`first_name` like ? or `users`.`last_name` like ? or `users`.`last_name` like ?) ' . 'group by `users`.`id`) as `users` where `relevance` >= 0.75 order by `relevance` desc';
use Kahlan\Plugin\Stub; use Teazee\Exception\ChainNoResult; use Teazee\Provider\Chain; use Teazee\Provider\Provider; use Teazee\ZoneInfo; describe(Chain::class, function () { it('is a ' . Provider::class, function () { expect(new Chain())->toBeAnInstanceOf(Provider::class); }); it('->getName()', function () { expect((new Chain())->getName())->toBe('chain'); }); context('->find()', function () { before(function () { $this->lat = 40.1146914; $this->lng = -88.3121289; }); context('without providers', function () { it('throws an exception', function () { expect(function () { $chain = new Chain(); $chain->find($this->lat, $this->lng); })->toThrow(); }); }); context('with multiple providers', function () { beforeEach(function () { $this->time = time(); $this->p1 = Stub::create(); Stub::on($this->p1)->method('find', function ($lat, $lng, $timestamp = null) { return new ZoneInfo('America/Chicago', $timestamp);