 * Reset main query vars and filter 'the_content' to output a bbPress
 * template part as needed.
 * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r3032)
 * @param string $template
 * @uses bbp_is_single_user() To check if page is single user
 * @uses bbp_get_single_user_template() To get user template
 * @uses bbp_is_single_user_edit() To check if page is single user edit
 * @uses bbp_get_single_user_edit_template() To get user edit template
 * @uses bbp_is_single_view() To check if page is single view
 * @uses bbp_get_single_view_template() To get view template
 * @uses bbp_is_search() To check if page is search
 * @uses bbp_get_search_template() To get search template
 * @uses bbp_is_forum_edit() To check if page is forum edit
 * @uses bbp_get_forum_edit_template() To get forum edit template
 * @uses bbp_is_topic_merge() To check if page is topic merge
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_merge_template() To get topic merge template
 * @uses bbp_is_topic_split() To check if page is topic split
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_split_template() To get topic split template
 * @uses bbp_is_topic_edit() To check if page is topic edit
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_edit_template() To get topic edit template
 * @uses bbp_is_reply_move() To check if page is reply move
 * @uses bbp_get_reply_move_template() To get reply move template
 * @uses bbp_is_reply_edit() To check if page is reply edit
 * @uses bbp_get_reply_edit_template() To get reply edit template
 * @uses bbp_set_theme_compat_template() To set the global theme compat template
function bbp_template_include_theme_compat($template = '')
     * Bail if a root template was already found. This prevents unintended
     * recursive filtering of 'the_content'.
     * @link https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/2429
    if (bbp_is_template_included()) {
        return $template;
     * If BuddyPress is activated at a network level, the action order is
     * reversed, which causes the template integration to fail. If we're looking
     * at a BuddyPress page here, bail to prevent the extra processing.
     * This is a bit more brute-force than is probably necessary, but gets the
     * job done while we work towards something more elegant.
    if (function_exists('is_buddypress') && is_buddypress()) {
        return $template;
    // Define local variable(s)
    $bbp_shortcodes = bbpress()->shortcodes;
    // Bail if shortcodes are unset somehow
    if (!is_a($bbp_shortcodes, 'BBP_Shortcodes')) {
        return $template;
    /** Users *************************************************************/
    if (bbp_is_single_user_edit() || bbp_is_single_user()) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => 0, 'post_author' => 0, 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => bbp_buffer_template_part('content', 'single-user', false), 'post_type' => '', 'post_title' => bbp_get_displayed_user_field('display_name'), 'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(), 'is_single' => true, 'is_archive' => false, 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        /** Forums ************************************************************/
        // Forum archive
    } elseif (bbp_is_forum_archive()) {
        // Page exists where this archive should be
        $page = bbp_get_page_by_path(bbp_get_root_slug());
        // Should we replace the content...
        if (empty($page->post_content)) {
            // Use the topics archive
            if ('topics' === bbp_show_on_root()) {
                $new_content = $bbp_shortcodes->display_topic_index();
                // No page so show the archive
            } else {
                $new_content = $bbp_shortcodes->display_forum_index();
            // ...or use the existing page content?
        } else {
            $new_content = apply_filters('the_content', $page->post_content);
        // Should we replace the title...
        if (empty($page->post_title)) {
            // Use the topics archive
            if ('topics' === bbp_show_on_root()) {
                $new_title = bbp_get_topic_archive_title();
                // No page so show the archive
            } else {
                $new_title = bbp_get_forum_archive_title();
            // ...or use the existing page title?
        } else {
            $new_title = apply_filters('the_title', $page->post_title);
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => !empty($page->ID) ? $page->ID : 0, 'post_title' => $new_title, 'post_author' => 0, 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => $new_content, 'post_type' => bbp_get_forum_post_type(), 'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(), 'is_archive' => true, 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        // Single Forum
    } elseif (bbp_is_forum_edit()) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => bbp_get_forum_id(), 'post_title' => bbp_get_forum_title(), 'post_author' => bbp_get_forum_author_id(), 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => $bbp_shortcodes->display_forum_form(), 'post_type' => bbp_get_forum_post_type(), 'post_status' => bbp_get_forum_visibility(), 'is_single' => true, 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
    } elseif (bbp_is_single_forum()) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => bbp_get_forum_id(), 'post_title' => bbp_get_forum_title(), 'post_author' => bbp_get_forum_author_id(), 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => $bbp_shortcodes->display_forum(array('id' => bbp_get_forum_id())), 'post_type' => bbp_get_forum_post_type(), 'post_status' => bbp_get_forum_visibility(), 'is_single' => true, 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        /** Topics ************************************************************/
        // Topic archive
    } elseif (bbp_is_topic_archive()) {
        // Page exists where this archive should be
        $page = bbp_get_page_by_path(bbp_get_topic_archive_slug());
        // Should we replace the content...
        if (empty($page->post_content)) {
            $new_content = $bbp_shortcodes->display_topic_index();
            // ...or use the existing page content?
        } else {
            $new_content = apply_filters('the_content', $page->post_content);
        // Should we replace the title...
        if (empty($page->post_title)) {
            $new_title = bbp_get_topic_archive_title();
            // ...or use the existing page title?
        } else {
            $new_title = apply_filters('the_title', $page->post_title);
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => !empty($page->ID) ? $page->ID : 0, 'post_title' => bbp_get_topic_archive_title(), 'post_author' => 0, 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => $new_content, 'post_type' => bbp_get_topic_post_type(), 'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(), 'is_archive' => true, 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        // Single Topic
    } elseif (bbp_is_topic_edit() || bbp_is_single_topic()) {
        // Split
        if (bbp_is_topic_split()) {
            $new_content = bbp_buffer_template_part('form', 'topic-split', false);
            // Merge
        } elseif (bbp_is_topic_merge()) {
            $new_content = bbp_buffer_template_part('form', 'topic-merge', false);
            // Edit
        } elseif (bbp_is_topic_edit()) {
            $new_content = $bbp_shortcodes->display_topic_form();
            // Single
        } else {
            $new_content = $bbp_shortcodes->display_topic(array('id' => bbp_get_topic_id()));
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => bbp_get_topic_id(), 'post_title' => bbp_get_topic_title(), 'post_author' => bbp_get_topic_author_id(), 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => $new_content, 'post_type' => bbp_get_topic_post_type(), 'post_status' => bbp_get_topic_status(), 'is_single' => true, 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        /** Replies ***********************************************************/
        // Reply archive
    } elseif (is_post_type_archive(bbp_get_reply_post_type())) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => 0, 'post_title' => __('Replies', 'bbpress'), 'post_author' => 0, 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => $bbp_shortcodes->display_reply_index(), 'post_type' => bbp_get_reply_post_type(), 'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(), 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        // Single Reply
    } elseif (bbp_is_reply_edit() || bbp_is_single_reply()) {
        // Move
        if (bbp_is_reply_move()) {
            $new_content = bbp_buffer_template_part('form', 'reply-move', false);
            // Edit
        } elseif (bbp_is_reply_edit()) {
            $new_content = $bbp_shortcodes->display_reply_form();
            // Single
        } else {
            $new_content = $bbp_shortcodes->display_reply(array('id' => get_the_ID()));
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => bbp_get_reply_id(), 'post_title' => bbp_get_reply_title(), 'post_author' => bbp_get_reply_author_id(), 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => $new_content, 'post_type' => bbp_get_reply_post_type(), 'post_status' => bbp_get_reply_status(), 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        /** Views *************************************************************/
    } elseif (bbp_is_single_view()) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => 0, 'post_title' => bbp_get_view_title(), 'post_author' => 0, 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => $bbp_shortcodes->display_view(array('id' => get_query_var(bbp_get_view_rewrite_id()))), 'post_type' => '', 'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(), 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        /** Search ************************************************************/
    } elseif (bbp_is_search()) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => 0, 'post_title' => bbp_get_search_title(), 'post_author' => 0, 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => $bbp_shortcodes->display_search(array('search' => get_query_var(bbp_get_search_rewrite_id()))), 'post_type' => '', 'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(), 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        /** Topic Tags ********************************************************/
        // Topic Tag Edit
    } elseif (bbp_is_topic_tag_edit() || bbp_is_topic_tag()) {
        // Stash the current term in a new var
        set_query_var('bbp_topic_tag', get_query_var('term'));
        // Show topics of tag
        if (bbp_is_topic_tag()) {
            $new_content = $bbp_shortcodes->display_topics_of_tag(array('id' => bbp_get_topic_tag_id()));
            // Edit topic tag
        } elseif (bbp_is_topic_tag_edit()) {
            $new_content = $bbp_shortcodes->display_topic_tag_form();
        // Reset the post with our new title
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => 0, 'post_author' => 0, 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => $new_content, 'post_type' => '', 'post_title' => sprintf(__('Topic Tag: %s', 'bbpress'), '<span>' . bbp_get_topic_tag_name() . '</span>'), 'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(), 'comment_status' => 'closed', 'is_tax' => true));
     * Bail if the template already matches a bbPress template. This includes
     * archive-* and single-* WordPress post_type matches (allowing
     * themes to use the expected format) as well as all bbPress-specific
     * template files for users, topics, forums, etc...
     * We do this after the above checks to prevent incorrect 404 body classes
     * and header statuses, as well as to set the post global as needed.
     * @see https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/1478/
    if (bbp_is_template_included()) {
        return $template;
         * If we are relying on bbPress's built in theme compatibility to load
         * the proper content, we need to intercept the_content, replace the
         * output, and display ours instead.
         * To do this, we first remove all filters from 'the_content' and hook
         * our own function into it, which runs a series of checks to determine
         * the context, and then uses the built in shortcodes to output the
         * correct results from inside an output buffer.
         * Uses bbp_get_theme_compat_templates() to provide fall-backs that
         * should be coded without superfluous mark-up and logic (prev/next
         * navigation, comments, date/time, etc...)
         * Hook into the 'bbp_get_bbpress_template' to override the array of
         * possible templates, or 'bbp_bbpress_template' to override the result.
    } elseif (bbp_is_theme_compat_active()) {
        $template = bbp_get_theme_compat_templates();
    return apply_filters('bbp_template_include_theme_compat', $template);
 * Reset main query vars and filter 'the_content' to output a bbPress
 * template part as needed.
 * @since bbPress (r3032)
 * @param string $template
 * @uses bbp_is_single_user() To check if page is single user
 * @uses bbp_get_single_user_template() To get user template
 * @uses bbp_is_single_user_edit() To check if page is single user edit
 * @uses bbp_get_single_user_edit_template() To get user edit template
 * @uses bbp_is_single_view() To check if page is single view
 * @uses bbp_get_single_view_template() To get view template
 * @uses bbp_is_forum_edit() To check if page is forum edit
 * @uses bbp_get_forum_edit_template() To get forum edit template
 * @uses bbp_is_topic_merge() To check if page is topic merge
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_merge_template() To get topic merge template
 * @uses bbp_is_topic_split() To check if page is topic split
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_split_template() To get topic split template
 * @uses bbp_is_topic_edit() To check if page is topic edit
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_edit_template() To get topic edit template
 * @uses bbp_is_reply_edit() To check if page is reply edit
 * @uses bbp_get_reply_edit_template() To get reply edit template
 * @uses bbp_set_theme_compat_template() To set the global theme compat template
function bbp_template_include_theme_compat($template = '')
    // Bail if the template already matches a bbPress template. This includes
    // archive-* and single-* WordPress post_type matches (allowing
    // themes to use the expected format) as well as all bbPress-specific
    // template files for users, topics, forums, etc...
    if (!empty(bbpress()->theme_compat->bbpress_template)) {
        return $template;
    /** Users *************************************************************/
    if (bbp_is_single_user_edit() || bbp_is_single_user()) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => 0, 'post_author' => 0, 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'post_title' => esc_attr(bbp_get_displayed_user_field('display_name')), 'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(), 'is_archive' => false, 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        /** Forums ************************************************************/
        // Forum archive
    } elseif (bbp_is_forum_archive()) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => 0, 'post_title' => bbp_get_forum_archive_title(), 'post_author' => 0, 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => '', 'post_type' => bbp_get_forum_post_type(), 'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(), 'is_archive' => true, 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        // Single Forum
    } elseif (bbp_is_forum_edit() || bbp_is_single_forum()) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => bbp_get_forum_id(), 'post_title' => bbp_get_forum_title(), 'post_author' => bbp_get_forum_author_id(), 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => get_post_field('post_content', bbp_get_forum_id()), 'post_type' => bbp_get_forum_post_type(), 'post_status' => bbp_get_forum_visibility(), 'is_single' => true, 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        /** Topics ************************************************************/
        // Topic archive
    } elseif (bbp_is_topic_archive()) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => 0, 'post_title' => bbp_get_topic_archive_title(), 'post_author' => 0, 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => '', 'post_type' => bbp_get_topic_post_type(), 'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(), 'is_archive' => true, 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        // Single Topic
    } elseif (bbp_is_topic_edit() || bbp_is_single_topic()) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => bbp_get_topic_id(), 'post_title' => bbp_get_topic_title(), 'post_author' => bbp_get_topic_author_id(), 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => get_post_field('post_content', bbp_get_topic_id()), 'post_type' => bbp_get_topic_post_type(), 'post_status' => bbp_get_topic_status(), 'is_single' => true, 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        /** Replies ***********************************************************/
        // Reply archive
    } elseif (is_post_type_archive(bbp_get_reply_post_type())) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => 0, 'post_title' => __('Replies', 'bbpress'), 'post_author' => 0, 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => '', 'post_type' => bbp_get_reply_post_type(), 'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(), 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        // Single Reply
    } elseif (bbp_is_reply_edit() || bbp_is_single_reply()) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => bbp_get_reply_id(), 'post_title' => bbp_get_reply_title(), 'post_author' => bbp_get_reply_author_id(), 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => get_post_field('post_content', bbp_get_reply_id()), 'post_type' => bbp_get_reply_post_type(), 'post_status' => bbp_get_reply_status(), 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        /** Views *************************************************************/
    } elseif (bbp_is_single_view()) {
        // Reset post
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => 0, 'post_title' => bbp_get_view_title(), 'post_author' => 0, 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(), 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
        /** Topic Tags ********************************************************/
        // Topic Tag Edit
    } elseif (bbp_is_topic_tag_edit() || bbp_is_topic_tag()) {
        // Stash the current term in a new var
        set_query_var('bbp_topic_tag', get_query_var('term'));
        // Reset the post with our new title
        bbp_theme_compat_reset_post(array('ID' => 0, 'post_author' => 0, 'post_date' => 0, 'post_content' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'post_title' => sprintf(__('Topic Tag: %s', 'bbpress'), '<span>' . bbp_get_topic_tag_name() . '</span>'), 'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(), 'comment_status' => 'closed'));
     * If we are relying on bbPress's built in theme compatibility to load
     * the proper content, we need to intercept the_content, replace the
     * output, and display ours instead.
     * To do this, we first remove all filters from 'the_content' and hook
     * our own function into it, which runs a series of checks to determine
     * the context, and then uses the built in shortcodes to output the
     * correct results from inside an output buffer.
     * Uses bbp_get_theme_compat_templates() to provide fall-backs that
     * should be coded without superfluous mark-up and logic (prev/next
     * navigation, comments, date/time, etc...)
     * Hook into the 'bbp_get_bbpress_template' to override the array of
     * possible templates, or 'bbp_bbpress_template' to override the result.
    if (bbp_is_theme_compat_active()) {
        // Remove all filters from the_content
        // Add a filter on the_content late, which we will later remove
        add_filter('the_content', 'bbp_replace_the_content');
        // Find the appropriate template file
        $template = bbp_get_theme_compat_templates();
    return apply_filters('bbp_template_include_theme_compat', $template);
         * The options page for this plugin
        function OptionsPage()
			<div class="wrap">
            _e('bbPress WP Tweaks', 'bbpress-wp-tweaks');
            if (!function_exists('bbp_logout_link') || !function_exists('bbp_get_theme_compat_templates')) {
                // no bbpress detected.
                echo '<div class="updated error-message">' . __('bbPress installation is not detected. This plugin works with bbPress. Install bbPress first.', 'bbpress-wp-tweaks') . '</div>';
                echo '</div>';
            $default_wrapper_file = get_option('default_wrapper_file');
            // get settings from bbpress plugin
            $_default_wrapper_file = bbp_get_theme_compat_templates();
            if (!$this->is_bbp) {
                // no bbpress detected.
                echo '<div class="updated error-message">' . __('bbPress installation detected but bbPress wp tweaks plugin is not initialized. Please send this bug to <a href="http://www.veppa.com/index/support/">bbPress wp tweaks developer</a>.', 'bbpress-wp-tweaks') . '</div>';
                echo '</div>';
				<form method="post" action="options.php">
					<table class="form-table">					

						<tr valign="top">
							<th scope="row"><?php 
            _e('Default forum wrapper', 'bbpress-wp-tweaks');
            _e('Select template file that you prefer bbPress rendered in. Make sure template file is present in your theme directory. If sidebar is not displaying make sure you put some wodgets to "bbPress sidebar" in <a href="widgets.php">widgets</a> page then try different forum wrapper from this list.', 'bbpress-wp-tweaks');
            foreach ($this->bbp_templates as $t) {
										<label style="font-weight: <?php 
                echo locate_template($t, false, false) ? 'bold' : 'normal';
;"><input name="default_wrapper_file" type="radio" value="<?php 
" <?php 
                checked($t, $default_wrapper_file);
 /> <?php 
</label><br />
            _e('Files with <b>Bold text</b> exist.', 'bbpress-wp-tweaks');


					<p class="submit">
						<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php 
            _e('Save Changes');
" />
						<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
						<input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="default_wrapper_file" />

