" class="avatar" /> <br /> <?php echo __("Ratio"); ?> : <?php include_partial("global/ratio", array("membre" => $mbr)); ?> </td> <td class="frm_msg" id="frm_msg<?php echo $id; ?> "> <p><?php echo bbcode_decode($msg, 1); ?> </p> <?php if ($edit) { ?> <textarea data-id="<?php echo $edit; ?> " name="txt" style="width:99%;height:100px;display: none"><?php echo $msg; ?> </textarea> <?php }
echo @$sht->getSys('msg'); ?> </span> </div> <em class="date" data-timestamp="<?php echo strtotime($sht->getShtDate()); ?> "></em> <p> <?php if (!$sht->getShtSystem()) { ?> <?php echo smileys_decode(bbcode_decode($sht->getShtTxt())); ?> <?php } else { ?> <img src="/images/icones/16x16/<?php echo $sht->getSys('img'); ?> .png" width="16" height="16" style="padding: 2px; border:1px solid #999;background:white; margin:5px;margin-left:10px" /> <a href="#<?php echo $sht->getSys('url'); ?> " style="font-weight:bold"><?php echo $sht->getSys('titre'); ?> </a>
SELECT mp_id, mp_mid, readed, deleted FROM ' . $source . '.mp_participants') or die(print_r($dbDestination->errorInfo())); $r = $dbSource->query('SELECT * FROM mp_msg'); $dbDestination->beginTransaction(); $q = $dbDestination->prepare('INSERT INTO msg_messages (id, module, pmid, author, content, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (null, "pm", :k, :a, :c, :cr, :up)'); while ($d = $r->fetch()) { $q->execute(array("k" => $d['mp_id'], "a" => $d['mp_auteur'], "c" => bbcode_decode($d['mp_txt']), "cr" => $d['mp_date'], "up" => $d['mp_date'])); } $dbDestination->commit(); echo "Updating PM timings (last message date)...\n"; $q = $dbDestination->query('UPDATE pm_topics f SET created_at = (SELECT MIN(created_at) FROM msg_messages WHERE module = "pm" AND pmid = f.id), updated_at = (SELECT MAX(created_at) FROM msg_messages WHERE module = "pm" AND pmid = f.id)'); echo "Migrating news...\n"; $r = $dbSource->query('SELECT * FROM news'); $dbDestination->beginTransaction(); $q = $dbDestination->prepare('INSERT INTO news (id, title, description, author, created_at, updated_at, slug) VALUES (null, :t, :d, :a, :c, :u, :s)'); while ($d = $r->fetch()) { $q->execute(array("t" => $d['titre'], "a" => $d['auteur'], "d" => bbcode_decode($d['contenu']), "c" => $d['creation'], "u" => $d['creation'], "s" => toAscii($d['titre']))); } $dbDestination->commit(); echo "Migrating IP...\n"; $r = $dbSource->query('SELECT * FROM ip'); $dbDestination->beginTransaction(); $q = $dbDestination->prepare('INSERT INTO ips (ip, uid, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (:i, :u, :c, :u)'); while ($d = $r->fetch()) { $q->execute(array("i" => inet_ntop($d['ip']), "u" => $d['uid'], "c" => $d['creation'], "u" => $d['creation'])); } $dbDestination->commit();