function bb_get_active_theme_uri() { global $bb; // Skip theme loading in "safe" mode if (isset($bb->safemode) && $bb->safemode === true) { $active_theme_uri = BB_DEFAULT_THEME_URL; } elseif (!($active_theme = bb_get_option('bb_active_theme'))) { $active_theme_uri = BB_DEFAULT_THEME_URL; } else { $active_theme_uri = bb_get_theme_uri($active_theme); } return apply_filters('bb_get_active_theme_uri', $active_theme_uri); }
function bb_admin_theme_row($theme, $position) { $theme_directory = bb_get_theme_directory($theme); $theme_data = file_exists($theme_directory . 'style.css') ? bb_get_theme_data($theme) : false; $screen_shot = file_exists($theme_directory . 'screenshot.png') ? esc_url(bb_get_theme_uri($theme) . 'screenshot.png') : false; $activation_url = bb_get_uri('bb-admin/themes.php', array('theme' => urlencode($theme)), BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF + BB_URI_CONTEXT_BB_ADMIN); $activation_url = esc_url(bb_nonce_url($activation_url, 'switch-theme')); if (1 === $position || 0 === $position) { echo '<tr>'; } ?> <td class="position-<?php echo (int) $position; ?> "> <div class="screen-shot"><?php if ($screen_shot) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $activation_url; ?> " title="<?php echo esc_attr(sprintf(__('Activate "%s"'), $theme_data['Title'])); ?> "><img alt="<?php echo esc_attr($theme_data['Title']); ?> " src="<?php echo $screen_shot; ?> " /></a><?php } ?> </div> <div class="description"> <h3 class="themes"> <?php printf(__('%1$s %2$s by <cite>%3$s</cite>'), $theme_data['Title'], $theme_data['Version'], $theme_data['Author']); ?> </h3> <?php if ($theme_data['Porter']) { ?> <p> <?php printf(__('Ported by <cite>%s</cite>'), $theme_data['Porter']); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <?php echo $theme_data['Description']; // Description is autop'ed if (0 !== $position) { ?> <div class="actions"> <a href="<?php echo $activation_url; ?> " title="<?php echo esc_attr(sprintf(__('Activate "%s"'), $theme_data['Title'])); ?> "><?php _e('Activate'); ?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <p class="location"><?php printf(__('All of this theme\'s files are located in the "%s" themes directory.'), $theme_data['Location']); ?> </p> </div> </td> <?php if (3 === $position || 0 === $position) { echo '</tr>'; } }