function signRequest($params) { $params["timestamp"] = time(); $params["appId"] = APP_ID; $payload = base64UrlEncode(json_encode($params)); $rawSignature = hash_hmac("sha256", $payload, APP_SECRET, $raw = true); return base64UrlEncode($rawSignature) . "." . $payload; }
function getInvitationTemplate($_requestid, $_internid, $_sessid, $_name, $_groupid) { global $CONFIG; $template = !@file_exists(FILE_INVITATIONLOGO) ? getFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_INVITATION) : getFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_INVITATION_LOGO); $template = str_replace("<!--request_id-->", $_requestid, $template); $template = str_replace("<!--site_name-->", $CONFIG["gl_site_name"], $template); $template = str_replace("<!--sess_id-->", $_sessid, $template); $template = str_replace("<!--intern_name-->", $_name, $template); $template = str_replace("<!--group_id-->", base64UrlEncode($_groupid), $template); $template = str_replace("<!--intern_id-->", base64UrlEncode($_internid), $template); $template = str_replace("<!--width-->", $CONFIG["wcl_window_width"], $template); $template = str_replace("<!--height-->", $CONFIG["wcl_window_height"], $template); $template = str_replace("<!--server-->", LIVEZILLA_URL, $template); $template = str_replace("<!--intern_image-->", file_exists(PATH_INTERN_IMAGES . md5($_internid) . FILE_EXTENSION_PROFILE_PICTURE) ? md5($_internid) . FILE_EXTENSION_PROFILE_PICTURE . "?acid=" . uniqid(rand()) : "nopic" . FILE_EXTENSION_PROFILE_PICTURE, $template); return doReplacements($template); }
public function testSignInvoice() { require_once '_helpers.php'; $config = (include '_config.php'); if (!$this->checkConfig($config)) { $this->markTestSkipped('Config is empty'); return; } $fiscal_verification = new \Neonbug\FiscalVerification\FiscalVerification($config['client_key_filename'], $config['client_key_password'], $config['ca_public_key_filename'], $config['base_url']); $header = $this->getTestHeader($fiscal_verification); $invoice = $this->getTestInvoice($fiscal_verification, $config['tax_number'], 'premise1'); $token = $fiscal_verification->signRequest($header, $invoice, false); $token_arr = explode('.', $token); $this->assertCount(3, $token_arr); $signature = $token_arr[2]; $signature_decoded = base64UrlDecode($signature); $sign_data = base64UrlEncode($header) . '.' . base64UrlEncode($invoice); $ret = openssl_verify($sign_data, $signature_decoded, openssl_pkey_get_public(file_get_contents($config['client_key_filename'])), 'SHA256'); $this->assertEquals($ret, 1); }
if (isset($INTERNAL[$id])) { $sysid = $_GET["intid"]; if (!empty($INTERNAL[$id]->Profile)) { header("Content-Type: application/vcard;"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . utf8_decode($sysid) . ".vcf"); $vcard = getFile("./templates/vcard.tpl"); $vcard = str_replace("<!--Name-->", qp_encode($INTERNAL[$id]->Profile->Name), $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--Firstname-->", qp_encode($INTERNAL[$id]->Profile->Firstname), $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--Company-->", qp_encode($INTERNAL[$id]->Profile->Company), $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--Comments-->", qp_encode($INTERNAL[$id]->Profile->Comments), $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--Phone-->", qp_encode($INTERNAL[$id]->Profile->Phone), $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--Fax-->", qp_encode($INTERNAL[$id]->Profile->Fax), $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--Street-->", qp_encode($INTERNAL[$id]->Profile->Street), $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--City-->", qp_encode($INTERNAL[$id]->Profile->City), $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--ZIP-->", qp_encode($INTERNAL[$id]->Profile->ZIP), $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--Country-->", qp_encode($INTERNAL[$id]->Profile->Country), $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--URL-->", qp_encode("http://" . $CONFIG["gl_host"] . str_replace("visitcard.php", FILE_CHAT . "?intid=" . base64UrlEncode($_GET["intid"]), htmlentities($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"))), $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--Languages-->", qp_encode($INTERNAL[$id]->Profile->Languages), $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--Email-->", $INTERNAL[$id]->Profile->Email, $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--Gender-->", qp_encode($INTERNAL[$id]->Profile->Gender), $vcard); $vcard = str_replace("<!--Picture-->", !empty($INTERNAL[$id]->ProfilePicture) ? "\r\nPHOTO;TYPE=JPEG;ENCODING=BASE64:\r\n" . $INTERNAL[$id]->ProfilePicture : "", $vcard); exit($vcard); } } } function qp_encode($string) { $string = str_replace(array('%20', '%0D%0A', '%'), array(' ', "\r\n", '='), rawurlencode(utf8_decode($string))); $string = preg_replace('/[^\\r\\n]{73}[^=\\r\\n]{2}/', "\$0=\r\n", $string); return $string; }
function Base64UrlEncode($_value) { return base64UrlEncode($_value); }
$EXTERNALUSER = new Visitor(CALLER_USER_ID); $EXTERNALUSER->Load(); if (isset($_GET[GET_TRACK_OUTPUT_TYPE]) && ($_GET[GET_TRACK_OUTPUT_TYPE] == "jscript" || $_GET[GET_TRACK_OUTPUT_TYPE] == "jcrpt")) { $fullname = getParam(GET_EXTERN_USER_NAME); $email = getParam(GET_EXTERN_USER_EMAIL); $company = getParam(GET_EXTERN_USER_COMPANY); $customs = array(); if (empty($_GET[GET_TRACK_NO_SEARCH_ENGINE])) { exit(getFile(TEMPLATE_HTML_SUPPORT)); } $row = $EXTERNALUSER->CreateSignature(); if (is_array($row) && $row["id"] != CALLER_USER_ID) { $EXTERNALUSER->UserId = $row["id"]; $fullname = empty($fullname) ? base64UrlEncode($row["fullname"]) : ""; $email = empty($email) ? base64UrlEncode($row["email"]) : ""; $company = empty($company) ? base64UrlEncode($row["company"]) : ""; $customs = @unserialize($row["customs"]); } $TRACKINGSCRIPT = getFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_GLOBAL) . getFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_TRACK); $TRACKINGSCRIPT .= str_replace("<!--file_chat-->", FILE_CHAT, getFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_BOX)); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--server_id-->", substr(md5($CONFIG["gl_lzid"]), 5, 5), $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--server-->", LIVEZILLA_URL, $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--area_code-->", isset($_GET[GET_TRACK_SPECIAL_AREA_CODE]) ? htmlentities($_GET[GET_TRACK_SPECIAL_AREA_CODE], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") : "", $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--browser_id-->", htmlentities(CALLER_BROWSER_ID, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"), $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--user_id-->", htmlentities($EXTERNALUSER->UserId, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"), $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--connection_error_span-->", CONNECTION_ERROR_SPAN, $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--poll_frequency-->", getPollFrequency(), $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--height-->", $CONFIG["wcl_window_height"], $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--width-->", $CONFIG["wcl_window_width"], $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = geoReplacements($TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--geo_resolute-->", parseBool(!isSSpanFile() && $EXTERNALUSER->FirstCall && !empty($CONFIG["gl_pr_ngl"]) && !(!isnull(getCookieValue("geo_data")) && getCookieValue("geo_data") > time() - 2592000)), $TRACKINGSCRIPT);
} $html = getFile(PATH_TEMPLATES . "payment/paypal.tpl"); $html = str_replace("<!--account-->", $CONFIG["db"]["ccpp"]["PayPal"]->Account, $html); $html = str_replace("<!--price-->", $_POST["form_total_price"] - $_POST["form_vat"], $html); $html = str_replace("<!--tax-->", $_POST["form_vat"], $html); $html = str_replace("<!--currency-->", $_POST["form_currency"], $html); $html = str_replace("<!--user_id-->", $_POST["form_visitor_id"], $html); $html = str_replace("<!--order_id-->", $ticket->Id, $html); $html = str_replace("<!--voucher_id-->", base64UrlEncode($ticket->Id), $html); $html = str_replace("<!--server-->", LIVEZILLA_URL, $html); $ofc = !empty($_POST["form_ofc"]) ? "&ofc=MQ__" : ""; if (!empty($_POST["form_extends"]) && !empty($_POST["form_group"])) { $html = str_replace("<!--co-->", "&co=" . base64UrlEncode($_POST["form_extends"]) . "&intgroup=" . base64UrlEncode($_POST["form_group"]) . $ofc, $html); } else { if (!empty($_POST["form_group"])) { $html = str_replace("<!--co-->", "&intgroup=" . base64UrlEncode($_POST["form_group"]) . $ofc, $html); } else { $html = str_replace("<!--co-->", $ofc, $html); } } exit($html); } else { if (!empty($_GET["confirm"]) && $_GET["confirm"] == "1" && !empty($_GET["vc"]) && strlen(base64UrlDecode($_GET["vc"])) == 16) { require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/"; $voucher = new CommercialChatVoucher("", base64UrlDecode($_GET["vc"])); if ($voucher->Load()) { if (PayProvValidatePayment($voucher->Price)) { languageSelect($voucher->Language); $voucher->SetPaymentDetails(PayProvGetPaymentId(), PayProvGetPayerId(), PayProvGetPaymentDetails()); if (empty($PAYMENTERROR)) { $voucher->SetVoucherParams(!empty($voucher->Voided), true, false, false, false, true, base64UrlDecode($_GET[GET_EXTERN_GROUP]));
function GetOperatorPictureFile() { global $CONFIG; $url = "picture.php?intid=" . base64UrlEncode($this->UserId); if (empty($CONFIG["gl_root"])) { $url .= "&ws=" . base64UrlEncode($CONFIG["gl_host"]); } return $url; }
<?php namespace Trianglman\Sqrl\Ed25519; require_once __DIR__ . '/../src/Trianglman/Sqrl/Ed25519/CryptoInterface.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../src/Trianglman/Sqrl/Ed25519/Crypto.php'; $sk = $argv[1]; $messageSrc = $argv[2]; if (!file_exists($messageSrc)) { $m = $messageSrc; } else { $m = file_get_contents($messageSrc); } $obj = new Crypto(); $pk = $obj->publickey($sk); $sig = $obj->signature($m, $sk, $pk); echo 'Message: "' . $m . "\"\n"; echo 'Public Key(base64url): ' . base64UrlEncode($pk) . "\n"; echo 'Signature(base64Url) : ' . base64UrlEncode($sig) . "\n"; echo 'Verifies? ' . ($obj->checkvalid($sig, $m, $pk) ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n"; function base64UrlEncode($string) { $base64 = base64_encode($string); $urlencode = str_replace(array('+', '/'), array('-', '_'), $base64); $urlencode = trim($urlencode, '='); return $urlencode; }
function GetOperatorPictureFile() { return "picture.php?intid=" . base64UrlEncode($this->UserId) . "&acid=" . getId(3); }
function sendPushMessages() { global $CONFIG; if (!empty($CONFIG["gl_mpm"]) && DB_CONNECTION && defined("IS_PUSH_MESSAGE")) { $count = 0; $result = queryDB(false, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_PUSH_MESSAGES . "` WHERE `sent`=0 ORDER BY `created` ASC LIMIT 10;"); if ($result) { $data = array(); while ($row = @DBManager::FetchArray($result)) { $data = array_merge($data, array('p_app_os_' . $count => $row["device_os"], 'p_device_id_' . $count => $row["device_id"], 'p_message_type_' . $count => $row["push_key"], 'p_message_' . $count => base64UrlEncode($row["push_value"]), 'p_chatpartner_id_' . $count => $row["chat_partner_id"], 'p_chat_id_' . $count++ => $row["chat_id"])); } queryDB(false, "UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_PUSH_MESSAGES . "` SET `sent`=1 ORDER BY `created` ASC LIMIT 10;"); if (!empty($data)) { $opts = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => http_build_query($data))); $context = stream_context_create($opts); $result = file_get_contents(CONFIG_LIVEZILLA_PUSH, false, $context); if ($result !== "1") { handleError("116", " Push Message Error: " . $result, CONFIG_LIVEZILLA_PUSH, 0); } } } } }
defined('KOOWA') or die; ?> <?php $viewer = get_viewer(); $components = $this->getService('com://site/people.template.helper')->viewerMenuLinks($viewer); ?> <ul class="nav"> <?php if ($viewer->guest()) { ?> <li> <?php $return = base64UrlEncode(KRequest::url()); ?> <a href="<?php echo @route('option=com_people&view=session&return=' . $return); ?> "> <?php echo @text('LIB-AN-ACTION-LOGIN'); ?> </a> </li> <?php } else { ?> <li> <a href="<?php
function CreateInvitationTemplate($_style, $_siteName, $_cwWidth, $_cwHeight, $_serverURL, $_sender, $_closeOnClick) { $template = @file_exists(FILE_INVITATIONLOGO) && @file_exists(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_INVITATION . $_style . "/invitation_header.tpl") ? getFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_INVITATION . $_style . "/invitation_header.tpl") : getFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_INVITATION . $_style . "/invitation.tpl"); $template = str_replace("<!--site_name-->", $_siteName, $template); $template = str_replace("<!--intern_name-->", $_sender->Fullname, $template); $template = str_replace("<!--template-->", $_style, $template); $template = str_replace("<!--group_id-->", base64UrlEncode($this->SenderGroupId), $template); $template = str_replace("<!--user_id-->", base64UrlEncode($_sender->UserId), $template); $template = str_replace("<!--width-->", $_cwWidth, $template); $template = str_replace("<!--height-->", $_cwHeight, $template); $template = str_replace("<!--server-->", $_serverURL, $template); $template = str_replace("<!--intern_image-->", $_sender->GetOperatorPictureFile(), $template); $template = str_replace("<!--close_on_click-->", $_closeOnClick, $template); return $template; }
function GetVoucherChatURL($_purchasedForGroup = "") { global $CONFIG; if (!empty($_purchasedForGroup)) { $_purchasedForGroup = "&intgroup=" . base64UrlEncode($_purchasedForGroup); } $ws = empty($CONFIG["gl_root"]) ? "&ws=" . base64UrlEncode($CONFIG["gl_host"]) : ""; return LIVEZILLA_URL . FILE_CHAT . "?vc=" . base64UrlEncode($this->Id) . $_purchasedForGroup . $ws; }
/** * Process Action. * * @param KCommandContext $context * * @return boolean */ protected function _actionProcess($context) { try { $identifier = 'com://site/subscriptions.controller.subscription'; $subscription = $this->getService($identifier)->setOrder($this->order->cloneEntity())->add(); } catch (ComSubscriptionsDomainPaymentException $exception) { $this->setMessage('COM-SUBSCRIPTIONS-TRANSACTION-ERROR', 'error'); throw new RuntimeException('Payment process error'); return false; } if ($subscription) { //clreat the sesion $_SESSION['signup'] = null; KRequest::set('session.subscriber_id', $subscription->person->id); $url = JRoute::_('option=com_subscriptions&view=signup&layout=processed&id=' . $this->getItem()->id); if (get_viewer()->guest()) { $return = base64UrlEncode($url); $user = $subscription->person->getUserObject(); $token = $user->activation; $url = JRoute::_('option=com_people&view=session&token=' . $token . '&return=' . $return); } $context->response->setRedirect($url); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't subscribe"); return false; } return true; }
$chat_available = $OPERATOR_COUNT > 0; } } $LANGUAGE = false; if (!$chat_available) { $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_set_connecting(false,'" . $USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId . "');lz_chat_set_host(null,'" . $USER->Browsers[0]->ChatId . "','','',null);", false); } $pc = 0; if (!empty($USER->Browsers[0]->QueuedPosts)) { if (!$USER->Browsers[0]->Waiting) { while (!empty($_GET["mi" . $pc])) { $pc++; } foreach ($USER->Browsers[0]->QueuedPosts as $id => $postar) { $_GET["mp" . $pc] = $postar[0]; $_GET["mi" . $pc] = base64UrlEncode($id); $_GET["mrid" . $pc] = $id; $_GET["mc" . $pc++] = $postar[1]; queryDB(true, "DELETE FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_POSTS . "` WHERE `id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($id) . "' LIMIT 1;"); } $pc = 0; $USER->Browsers[0]->QueuedPosts = array(); } } if (!empty($_GET["mi" . $pc]) || $USER->Browsers[0]->Waiting || !empty($USER->Browsers[0]->InitChatWith) || !empty($USER->Browsers[0]->Forward) && !$USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->Received && $USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->Processed) { if ($USER->Browsers[0]->Waiting && $BOTMODE && !empty($USER->Browsers[0]->QueuedPosts)) { $USER->Browsers[0]->QueuedPosts = array(); } else { if (!$openChatExternal) { initChat(); }
if (!file_exists('file://' . $suppliedOpts['s'])) { $serverData = $suppliedOpts['s']; } else { $serverData = file_get_contents($suppliedOpts['s']); } $command = $suppliedOpts['c']; $idk = $suppliedOpts['i']; if (isset($suppliedOpts['p'])) { $pidk = $suppliedOpts['p']; } if (isset($suppliedOpts['u'])) { $suk = $suppliedOpts['u']; } if (isset($suppliedOpts['v'])) { $vuk = $suppliedOpts['v']; } if (isset($suppliedOpts['a'])) { $ask = $suppliedOpts['a']; } $outfile = $argv[$argc - 1]; $fp = fopen($outfile, 'w'); $data = "server=" . base64UrlEncode($serverData) . '&'; $data .= 'client=' . base64UrlEncode("ver={$version}\r\n" . "idk={$idk}\r\n" . "cmd={$command}" . (isset($pidk) ? "\r\npidk={$pidk}" : '') . (isset($suk) ? "\r\nsuk={$suk}" : '') . (isset($vuk) ? "\r\nvuk={$vuk}" : '') . (isset($ask) ? "\r\nval={$ask}" : '')); fwrite($fp, $data); fclose($fp); function base64UrlEncode($string) { $base64 = base64_encode($string); $urlencode = str_replace(array('+', '/'), array('-', '_'), $base64); return trim($urlencode, '='); }
function getJSCustomArray($_getCustomParams = "", $_fromHistory = null) { global $INPUTS; initData(array("INPUTS")); $valArray = array(); foreach ($INPUTS as $index => $input) { if ($input->Active && $input->Custom) { if (isset($_GET["cf" . $input->Index])) { $valArray[$index] = "'" . getParam("cf" . $input->Index) . "'"; } else { if (!isnull(getCookieValue("cf_" . $input->Index)) && $input->Cookie) { $valArray[$index] = "'" . base64UrlEncode(getCookieValue("cf_" . $input->Index)) . "'"; } else { if (is_array($_fromHistory) && isset($_fromHistory[$input->Index]) && !empty($_fromHistory[$input->Index])) { $valArray[$index] = "'" . base64UrlEncode($_fromHistory[$input->Index]) . "'"; } else { $valArray[$index] = "''"; } } } } else { if ($input->Custom) { $valArray[$index] = "''"; } } } ksort($valArray); foreach ($valArray as $param) { if (!empty($_getCustomParams)) { $_getCustomParams .= ","; } $_getCustomParams .= $param; } return $_getCustomParams; }
function getJSCustomArray($_getCustomParams = "", $_fromHistory = null) { for ($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++) { if (!empty($_getCustomParams)) { $_getCustomParams .= ","; } if (isset($_GET["cf" . $i]) && !empty($_GET["cf" . $i])) { $_getCustomParams .= "'" . htmlentities($_GET["cf" . $i], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . "'"; } else { if (!isnull(getCookieValue("cf_" . $i))) { $_getCustomParams .= "'" . base64UrlEncode(getCookieValue("cf_" . $i)) . "'"; } else { if (is_array($_fromHistory) && isset($_fromHistory[$i]) && !empty($_fromHistory[$i])) { $_getCustomParams .= "'" . base64UrlEncode($_fromHistory[$i]) . "'"; } else { $_getCustomParams .= "''"; } } } } return $_getCustomParams; }
function processPlaceholders($html) { $params = array(GET_EXTERN_USER_LANGUAGE, GET_EXTERN_USER_NAME, GET_EXTERN_USER_EMAIL, GET_EXTERN_USER_COMPANY, GET_TRACK_SPECIAL_AREA_CODE, GET_EXTERN_USER_QUESTION, GET_EXTERN_USER_HEADER); $placeholders = array("language", "name", "email", "company", "code", "question", "header_url"); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (!empty($_GET[$value])) { $html = str_replace("<!--replace_me_with_b64url_" . $placeholders[$key] . "-->", base64UrlEncode(base64UrlDecode($_GET[$value])), $html); } else { $html = str_replace("<!--replace_me_with_b64url_" . $placeholders[$key] . "-->", "", $html); } } for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { if (!empty($_GET["cf" . $i])) { $html = str_replace("<!--replace_me_with_b64url_custom_" . $i . "-->", base64UrlEncode(base64UrlDecode($_GET["cf" . $i])), $html); } else { $html = str_replace("<!--replace_me_with_b64url_custom_" . $i . "-->", "", $html); } } return $html; }
} require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/trdp/mobde.php"; $MobileDetect = new Mobile_Detect(); $small = $MobileDetect->isMobile() && !$MobileDetect->isTablet(); $html = str_replace("<!--translation_display-->", !$small && strlen($CONFIG["gl_otrs"]) > 1 ? "" : "none", $html); $html = str_replace("<!--transcript_option_display-->", !$small && !empty($CONFIG["gl_uret"]) ? "" : "none", $html); $html = str_replace("<!--languages-->", $tlanguages, $html); } else { if (in_array($_GET[GET_EXTERN_TEMPLATE], $static_frames) && strpos($_GET[GET_EXTERN_TEMPLATE], "..") === false) { $html = getFile(PATH_FRAMES . $_GET[GET_EXTERN_TEMPLATE] . ".tpl"); } } } } } } } } } } } } } $html = str_replace("<!--website-->", empty($CONFIG["gl_root"]) ? "&ws=" . base64UrlEncode($CONFIG["gl_host"]) : "", $html); $html = str_replace("<!--server-->", LIVEZILLA_URL, $html); $html = str_replace("<!--html-->", "<html dir=\"" . $LANG_DIR . "\">", $html); $html = str_replace("<!--right-->", $LANG_DIR == "rtl" ? "left" : "right", $html); $html = str_replace("<!--left-->", $LANG_DIR == "rtl" ? "right" : "left", $html); $html = str_replace("<!--url_get_params-->", getParams(), $html); unloadDataProvider(); exit(applyReplacements($html));
$TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--ec_header_text-->", base64UrlEncode(getOParam("echt", "Have questions?", $c, FILTER_HTML_ENTITIES)), $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--ec_header_sub_text-->", base64UrlEncode(getOParam("echst", "Chat with us live", $c, FILTER_HTML_ENTITIES)), $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--ec_o_header_text-->", base64UrlEncode(getOParam("ecoht", "Have questions?", $c, FILTER_HTML_ENTITIES)), $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--ec_o_header_sub_text-->", base64UrlEncode(getOParam("ecohst", "Please leave a message", $c, FILTER_HTML_ENTITIES)), $TRACKINGSCRIPT); } else { if ($eca == 2) { $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--ec_image-->", base64UrlEncode(getOParam("eci", "", $nu, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)), $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--ec_o_image-->", base64UrlEncode(getOParam("ecio", "", $nu, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)), $TRACKINGSCRIPT); } } $ov = VisitorChat::FromCache($EXTERNALUSER->UserId, $EXTERNALUSER->UserId . "_OVL"); if (!empty($ov->Fullname)) { $fullname = base64UrlEncode($ov->Fullname); } if (!empty($ov->Email)) { $email = base64UrlEncode($ov->Email); } $TRACKINGSCRIPT = applyReplacements($TRACKINGSCRIPT, true, false); } $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--user_name-->", $fullname, $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--user_email-->", $email, $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--height-->", $CONFIG["wcl_window_height"], $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--width-->", $CONFIG["wcl_window_width"], $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--get_track_params-->", getParams("", array("ws" => true, "ecsgs" => true, "ecsge" => true, "ecsc" => true, "ecsy" => true, "ecsx" => true, "ecsb" => true, "ecsa" => true, "ecslw" => true, "echc" => true, "ecfs" => true, "ecfe" => true, "echt" => true, "echst" => true, "ecoht" => true, "ecohst" => true, "ovlto" => true, "ovlt" => true, "ovlp" => true, "ovlml" => true, "ovlmr" => true, "ovlmt" => true, "ovlmb" => true, "ovls" => true, "ovloo" => true, "ovlc" => true, "ovlapo" => true, "ovlct" => true, GET_EXTERN_GROUP => true, "intid" => true, "pref" => true, "cboo" => true, "hg" => true, "fbpos" => false, "fbw" => false, "fbh" => false, "fbshx" => false, "fbshy" => false, "fbshb" => false, "fbshc" => false, "fbmt" => false, "fbmr" => false, "fbmb" => false, "fbml" => false, "fboo" => false, "eca" => true, "ecw" => true, "ech" => true, "ecmb" => true, "ecml" => true, "cf0" => true, "cf1" => true, "cf2" => true, "cf3" => true, "cf4" => true, "cf5" => true, "cf6" => true, "cf7" => true, "cf8" => true, "cf9" => true)), $TRACKINGSCRIPT); $TRACKINGSCRIPT = str_replace("<!--server-->", LIVEZILLA_URL, $TRACKINGSCRIPT); } else { $TRACKINGSCRIPT = "lz_tracking_set_sessid(\"" . base64_encode(CALLER_USER_ID) . "\",\"" . base64_encode(CALLER_BROWSER_ID) . "\");"; if (BaseURL::IsInputURL() && strpos(BaseURL::GetInputURL(), GET_INTERN_COBROWSE) !== false) { abortTracking(1); } $BROWSER = VisitorBrowser::FromCache(CALLER_USER_ID, CALLER_BROWSER_ID);
function reloadGroups($_user, $_overlay = false, $_preSelect = true, $_declined = false) { global $CONFIG, $INTERNAL, $GROUPS; initData(array("INTERNAL", "FILTERS")); $grParam = UserGroup::ReadParams(); $opParam = Operator::ReadParams(); if (!empty($grParam) && empty($_user->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatGroup)) { $_user->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatGroup = $grParam; } if (!empty($opParam)) { $_user->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatPartner = Operator::GetSystemId($opParam); } $groupbuilder = new GroupBuilder($INTERNAL, $GROUPS, $CONFIG, $_user->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatGroup, $_user->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatPartner); $groupbuilder->Generate($_user); if (!empty($opParam)) { $_user->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatPartner = Operator::GetSystemId($opParam); } $groupsAvailable = parseBool($groupbuilder->GroupAvailable || isset($_POST[GET_EXTERN_RESET]) && strlen($groupbuilder->ErrorHTML) <= 2); $_preSelect = $_preSelect ? base64UrlEncode($_user->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatGroup) : ""; $_user->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_set_groups(" . $groupsAvailable . ",\"" . $groupbuilder->Result . "\" ," . $groupbuilder->ErrorHTML . ",'" . $_preSelect . "');", false); if (!$_overlay) { $_user->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_release(" . $groupsAvailable . "," . $groupbuilder->ErrorHTML . ");", false); } return $_user; }