function show() { $this->count_task_types('ssscrapecontrol.ssscrape_task'); $q = "SELECT, t.type, program, args, state, hostname, periodicity, \n latest_run, resource_id resource, \n f.url, feed_id, '' jobs \n FROM ssscrapecontrol.ssscrape_task t \n LEFT JOIN ssscrape_feed f ON f.url=REPLACE(REPLACE(t.args, '-u ', ''), \"'\", '')\n ?where?"; $this->m->append(ax_p(ax_a_href("Create new task", "editor/?show=tasks&id=NEW"))); $this->run_query($q); }
/** * The constructor takes care of the page contents. */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $text = 'this page intentionally left blank'; $this->set('title', $text); $link = ax_a_href($text, '', array('style' => 'color:black; text-decoration:none;')); $paragraph = ax_p($link, array('style' => 'position: absolute; right: 4em; bottom: 2em; font-size: small;')); $this->append($paragraph); }
function show() { $items = array(); foreach ($this->pages as $page) { if ($page['name'] != 'home') { $item =& ax_li(array(ax_a_href(ucfirst($page['name']), $this->m->make_url(array('show' => $page['name']))), ": " . $page['descr'])); array_push($items, $item); } } $this->m->append(ax_ul($items)); }
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../anewt.lib.php'; anewt_include('page'); class TestPage extends AnewtPage { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->set('blocks', array('header', 'main', 'footer')); } function build_header() { return ax_fragment(array(ax_p('Header line 1'), ax_p('Header line 2'))); } } $p = new TestPage(); $p->title = 'Anewt Page test'; $p->default_block = 'main'; $p->add_stylesheet_href('1.css'); $p->add_stylesheet_href('2.css'); $p->add_stylesheet(ax_stylesheet_href('3.css')); $p->add_stylesheet(ax_stylesheet_href_media('screen.css', 'screen')); $p->add_stylesheet_href_media('print.css', 'print'); $p->add_javascript_content('function test() {alert("test");}'); $p->add_javascript_src('foo.js'); $p->append_to('main', ax_h1('Title')); $p->append(ax_p('Test paragraph')); $p->append(ax_p(ax_a_href('Click me!', 'javascript:test()'))); $p->append_to('footer', ax_p('This is the footer text')); $p->flush();
$ctx1->draw_filled_rectangle_size(3, 3, 4, 3); $ctx1->set('color', $img->color_from_string('#969')); $ctx1->draw_rectangle(3, 3, 6, 7); $ctx1->draw_filled_rectangle_size(15, 2, 2, 2); $ctx1->draw_filled_rectangle_size(15, 2, -1, -1); $col = $img->color_from_string('#36c'); $ctx1->set('color', $col); $ctx1->draw_filled_rectangle(20, 2, 18, 3); assert('$ctx1->color_at(19, 2) == $col'); /* Blow up so we can count the pixels in the result */ $img->resize_relative(10, false); $img->flush_png(); $img->destroy(); } } $test = AnewtRequest::get_string('test'); if (is_null($test)) { /* Show test chooser */ anewt_include('page'); $p = new AnewtPage(); $p->set('title', 'Choose a test'); $p->append(ax_h1('Choose a test')); foreach (get_class_methods('AnewtImageTestCases') as $name) { $url = AnewtURL::build(AnewtRequest::relative_url(), array('test' => $name)); $p->append(ax_p(ax_a_href(sprintf('Test: %s', $name), $url))); } $p->flush(); } else { /* Invoke test function */ AnewtImageTestCases::$test(); }
/** * Renders the cell. * * \param $data * Data to pack into the cell * * \return * Rendered cell */ function render_cell($data) { $value = $this->fetch_value_from_data($data); assert('is_numeric_array($value)'); assert('count($value) == 2'); list($name, $url) = $value; assert('is_string($name)'); assert('is_string($url)'); return $this->create_td(ax_a_href($name, $url)); }
function make_results_summary($nrows, $more_results) { $nav = array(); if ($this->offset > 0) { $prev_offset = $this->offset - $this->limit; if ($prev_offset < 0) { $prev_offset = 0; } array_push($nav, ax_a_href(ax_raw("« Previous " . $this->limit . " results"), $this->make_url(1, array('offset' => $prev_offset)))); array_push($nav, " | "); } array_push($nav, $nrows . " results"); if ($more_results) { array_push($nav, " | "); array_push($nav, ax_a_href(ax_raw("Next " . $this->limit . " results »"), $this->make_url(1, array('offset' => $this->offset + $this->limit)))); } $nav =& ax_p($nav); return $nav; }
<?php $div = ax_blockquote(ax_p('Some text in a blockquote.')); $div = ax_blockquote(array(ax_p('Some text in a blockquote.'), ax_p('Another paragraph in the same blockquote.'))); $p = ax_p(array('This is a ', ax_a_href('hyperlink', ''), ' inside some text.'));
$fragment->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLHeader2('Forms')); $form = new AnewtXHTMLForm(null, array('method' => 'GET')); $input_fragment = new AnewtXHTMLFragment(); $input_fragment->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLLabel('Label: ', array('for' => 'test'))); $input_fragment->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLInput(null, array('name' => 'test', 'id' => 'test', 'type' => 'text'))); $form->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLParagraph($input_fragment)); $select = new AnewtXHTMLSelect(null, array('name' => 'select')); $select->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLOption('First', array('value' => 'first'))); $select->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLOption('Second', array('value' => 'second'))); $select->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLOption('Third', array('value' => 'third'))); $form->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLParagraph($select)); $fragment->append_child($form); $form->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLParagraph(new AnewtXHTMLInput(null, array('type' => 'submit')))); /* Convenience API */ $r = array(); $r[] = ax_h2('Convenience API'); $r[] = ax_p('Test with some <& special characters.', array('style' => 'color: #ccc;')); $r[] = ax_p_class(ax_raw('This is <strong>strong</strong>'), 'someclass'); $r[] = ax_p(ax_abbr('ICE', 'InterCity Express')); $r[] = ax_p(array('Test', ax_br(), 'after the break')); $p = ax_p(array('testje', array('1', '2'), ax_strong('blablabla'))); $p->set_attribute('id', 'paragraph-id'); $p->set_class('foo bar baz'); $p->remove_class('bar'); $p->add_class('quux'); $p->append_child(ax_a_href('name', '/url/')); $r[] = $p; $r[] = ax_p(ax_sprintf('%s & %s', ax_span_class('Sugar', 'sweet'), 'Spice')); $fragment->append_child(ax_fragment($r, ax_p('final paragraph'))); /* Final output */ echo to_string($fragment), NL;
function show() { $q = "SELECT, f.url, f.title, task, t.periodicity periodicity, t.state task_state, m.kind, m.tags, f.mod_date, \n count(i.feed_id) items, count(i.feed_id)-count(i.content_clean) errors, 2_weeks\n FROM ssscrape.ssscrape_feed f \n LEFT JOIN ssscrape_feed_metadata m ON \n LEFT JOIN (SELECT feed_id, content_clean \n FROM ssscrape_feed_item \n WHERE ?temp-constraint?) i \n ON \n LEFT JOIN ssscrapecontrol.ssscrape_task t ON LOCATE(f.url, t.args)\n ?where?\n GROUP BY"; $this->m->append(ax_p(ax_a_href("Create new feed", "editor/?show=feeds&id=NEW"))); $this->run_query($q, 'pub_date'); }
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../anewt.lib.php'; define('ANEWT_TEXTILE_DEVELOPMENT', 1); anewt_include('page'); $p = new AnewtPage(); $p->set('title', 'Textile formatting test'); if (AnewtRequest::get_bool('debug')) { header('Content-type: text/plain'); $p->set('content_type', 'text/plain'); } else { list($base_url, $params) = AnewtUrl::parse(AnewtRequest::url()); $params['debug'] = '1'; $debug_url = AnewtUrl::build(array($base_url), $params); $p->append(ax_p(ax_a_href('(Page source for debugging)', $debug_url))); } anewt_include('textformatting'); anewt_include('textile'); $text = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/sample-text.txt'); $formatted_text = TextFormatter::format($text, 'textile'); $p->append(ax_raw($formatted_text)); $p->flush();
function build_widget() { $value = $this->_get('value'); if (is_null($value)) { $value = ""; } assert('is_string($value); // only plain strings can be used as field value: type: ' . gettype($value)); $name = $this->get('name'); $widgets = array(); if ($this->get('show-img-preview') && $value) { $widgets[] = ax_div_class(ax_img_src($this->get('preview-dir') . $value), 'preview'); } elseif ($this->get('show-link-preview') && $value) { $widgets[] = ax_div_class(ax_a_href($value, $this->get('preview-dir') . $value), 'preview'); } $remove_label = $this->_get('remove-label'); if ($remove_label && $value) { $subattr = array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $name . '-remove'); $widgets[] = new AnewtXHTMLInput(null, $subattr); $subattr = array('for' => $name . '-remove'); $widgets[] = new AnewtXHTMLLabel($remove_label, $subattr); $widgets[] = ax_br(); } /* XML tag attributes used both for single line and multiline */ $attr = array('name' => $this->get('name'), 'id' => $this->get('id'), 'type' => 'file'); if ($this->_get('readonly')) { $attr['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } if ($this->_get('disabled')) { $attr['disabled'] = 'disabled'; } $size = $this->_get('size'); if (!is_null($size)) { assert('is_int($size);'); $attr['size'] = (string) $size; } $maxlength = $this->_get('maxlength'); if (!is_null($maxlength)) { assert('is_int($maxlength);'); $attr['maxlength'] = (string) $maxlength; } $max_file_size = $this->_get('max_file_size'); if (!is_null($max_file_size)) { $subattr = array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'MAX_FILE_SIZE', 'value' => (string) $max_file_size); $widgets[] = new AnewtXHMTLInput(null, $subattr); } $widget = new AnewtXHTMLInput(null, $attr); /* Styling */ $widget->add_class('fileupload'); if (!$this->_get('required')) { $widget->add_class('optional'); } /* Optional extra class value */ $class = $this->_get('class'); if (!is_null($class)) { $widget->add_class($class); } /* Help text, if any */ $help = $this->_get('help'); if (!is_null($help)) { $help_text = to_string($help); $widget->set_attribute('title', $help_text); $widget->add_class('with-help'); } $widgets[] = $widget; /* Add secondary label, if any */ $secondary_label = $this->_get('secondary-label'); if (!is_null($secondary_label)) { $widgets[] = $secondary_label; } $out = ax_fragment($widgets); return $out; }
<?php // Results in <p class="foo">Paragraph text</p> when rendered $p = ax_p_class('Paragraph text', 'foo'); // The same can be achieved like this: $p = ax_p('Paragraph text'); $p->set_class('foo'); // Results in <div id="bar">Text here</div> when rendered $p = ax_div_id('Text here', 'bar'); // The same can be achieved like this: $div = ax_div('Text here'); $div->set_attribute('id', 'bar'); // Hyperlinks can be built like this: $link = ax_a_href('Hyperlink text', ''); $link = ax_a_href_title('Hyperlink text', '', 'This will be a tooltip'); // Images can be built like this: $img = ax_img_src_alt('example.png', 'An example image');
<?php $text_node_1 = ax_sprintf('This is a %s inside some text', ax_a_href('hyperlink', '')); $spice = 'Spice'; $text_node_2 = ax_sprintf('%s & %s', ax_span_class('Sugar', 'sweet'), $spice);