 protected function _dispatch($default = null)
     $ad = $this->get_ad();
     if (is_null($ad)) {
         $message = __("The specified Ad doesn't exist or you reached this page directly, without specifying the Ad ID.", 'AWPCP');
         return $this->render('content', awpcp_print_error($message));
     } else {
         if (!$ad->is_about_to_expire() && !$ad->has_expired()) {
             $message = __("The specified Ad doesn't need to be renewed.", 'AWPCP');
             return $this->render('content', awpcp_print_error($message));
         } else {
             if (!$this->verify_renew_ad_hash($ad)) {
                 $message = __("There was an error trying to renew your Ad. The URL is not valid. Please contact the Administrator of this site for further assistance.", 'AWPCP');
                 return $this->render('content', awpcp_print_error($message));
     $transaction = $this->get_transaction();
     if (!is_null($transaction) && $transaction->get('context') != $this->context) {
         $page_name = awpcp_get_page_name('renew-ad-page-name');
         $page_url = awpcp_get_renew_ad_url($ad->ad_id);
         $message = __('You are trying to post an Ad using a transaction created for a different purpose. Pelase go back to the <a href="%s">%s</a> page.<br>If you think this is an error please contact the administrator and provide the following transaction ID: %s', 'AWPCP');
         $message = sprintf($message, $page_url, $page_name, $transaction->id);
         return $this->render('content', awpcp_print_error($message));
     $action = $this->get_current_action($default);
     if (!is_null($transaction) && $transaction->is_payment_completed()) {
         if (!$transaction->was_payment_successful()) {
             $message = __('You can\'t renew your Ad at this time because the payment associated with this transaction failed (see reasons below).', 'AWPCP');
             $message = awpcp_print_message($message);
             $message = $message . awpcp_payments_api()->render_transaction_errors($transaction);
             return $this->render('content', $message);
         $forbidden = in_array($action, array('order', 'checkout'));
         if ($forbidden) {
             $action = 'payment-completed';
     if (!is_null($transaction) && $transaction->is_completed()) {
         $action = 'finish';
     $implementation = $this->get_renew_ad_page_implementation($ad);
     if (is_null($implementation)) {
         $message = __("The Ad was posted under a Payment Term that no longer exists or is disabled. The Ad can't be renewed.", 'AWPCP');
         $content = '<p>' . $this->get_return_link($ad) . '</p>';
         return $this->render('content', awpcp_print_error($message) . $content);
     switch ($action) {
         case 'order':
             return $implementation->order_step();
         case 'checkout':
             return $implementation->checkout_step();
         case 'payment-completed':
             return $implementation->payment_completed_step();
         case 'finish':
             return $implementation->finish_step();
             return $implementation->order_step();
 public function settings_header()
     $section_url = awpcp_get_admin_form_fields_url();
     $section_link = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $section_url, __('Form Fields', 'AWPCP'));
     $message = __('Go to the <form-fields-section> admin section to change the order in which the fields mentioned below are shown to users in the Ad Details form.', 'AWPCP');
     $message = str_replace('<form-fields-section>', $section_link, $message);
     echo awpcp_print_message($message);
 protected function _dispatch($default = null)
     if ($this->should_redirect_user_to_ad_management_panel()) {
         $url = admin_url('admin.php?page=awpcp-panel');
         $message = __('Please go to the Ad Management panel to edit your Ads.', 'AWPCP');
         $message = sprintf('%s <a href="%s">%s</a>.', $message, $url, __('Click here', 'AWPCP'));
         return $this->render('content', awpcp_print_message($message));
     } else {
         return $this->handle_request($default);
 private function render_listings_from_category($category_id)
     $query = array('context' => 'public-listings', 'category_id' => $category_id, 'limit' => absint(awpcp_request_param('results', get_awpcp_option('adresultsperpage', 10))), 'offset' => absint(awpcp_request_param('offset', 0)), 'orderby' => get_awpcp_option('groupbrowseadsby'));
     if ($category_id == -1) {
         $message = __("No specific category was selected for browsing so you are viewing listings from all categories.", "AWPCP");
         $output = awpcp_print_message($message);
         $output .= awpcp_display_listings_in_page($query, 'browse-listings');
     } else {
         $output = awpcp_display_listings_in_page($query, 'browse-listings');
     return $output;
echo esc_html(__('Enter Ad Details', 'AWPCP'));

if (isset($transaction) && get_awpcp_option('show-create-listing-form-steps')) {
    echo awpcp_render_listing_form_steps('listing-details', $transaction);

foreach ($messages as $message) {
    echo awpcp_print_message($message);

if ($ui['listing-actions']) {
    echo awpcp_listing_actions_component()->render($listing, array('hidden-params' => $hidden, 'current_url' => $this->url()));

<!-- TODO: check where is used $formdisplayvalue -->
	<form class="awpcp-details-form" id="adpostform" name="adpostform" action="<?php 
echo esc_attr($this->url());
" method="post">
 protected function process_contact_form()
     global $nameofsite;
     $ad = $this->get_ad();
     $form = array_merge($this->get_posted_data(), array('ad_id' => $ad->ad_id));
     $errors = array();
     if (!$this->validate_posted_data($form, $errors)) {
         return $this->contact_form($form, $errors);
     $ad_title = $ad->get_title();
     $ad_url = url_showad($ad->ad_id);
     $sender_name = stripslashes($form['awpcp_sender_name']);
     $sender_email = stripslashes($form['awpcp_sender_email']);
     $message = awpcp_strip_html_tags(stripslashes($form['awpcp_contact_message']));
     if (get_awpcp_option('usesenderemailinsteadofadmin')) {
         $sender = awpcp_strip_html_tags($sender_name);
         $from = $sender_email;
     } else {
         $sender = $nameofsite;
         $from = awpcp_admin_sender_email_address();
     /* send email to admin */
     if (get_awpcp_option('notify-admin-about-contact-message')) {
         $subject = __('Notification about a response regarding Ad: %s', 'AWPCP');
         $subject = sprintf($subject, $ad_title);
         include AWPCP_DIR . '/frontend/templates/email-reply-to-ad-admin.tpl.php';
         $admin_body = ob_get_contents();
         $admin_email = awpcp_admin_recipient_email_address();
         $result = awpcp_process_mail($from, $admin_email, $subject, $admin_body, $sender, $sender_email);
     $subject = sprintf("%s %s: %s", get_awpcp_option('contactformsubjectline'), _x('regarding', 'reply email', 'AWPCP'), $ad_title);
     include AWPCP_DIR . '/frontend/templates/email-reply-to-ad-user.tpl.php';
     $body = ob_get_contents();
     $sendtoemail = get_adposteremail($ad->ad_id);
     $result = awpcp_process_mail($from, $sendtoemail, trim($subject), $body, $sender, $sender_email);
     if ($result) {
         $message = __("Your message has been sent.", "AWPCP");
         return $this->render('content', awpcp_print_message($message));
     } else {
         $this->messages[] = __("There was a problem encountered during the attempt to send your message. Please try again and if the problem persists, please contact the system administrator.", "AWPCP");
         return $this->contact_form($form, $errors);

foreach ($messages as $message) {
    echo awpcp_print_message($message);

foreach ($transaction_errors as $error) {
    echo awpcp_print_message($error, array('error'));

if (!awpcp_current_user_is_admin()) {
    echo $payments->render_account_balance();

<form class="awpcp-order-form" method="post">
echo $payments->render_payment_terms_form_field($transaction, $table, $form_errors);

    <p class="form-submit">
 protected function _dispatch($default = null)
     $is_admin_user = awpcp_current_user_is_admin();
     // only admin users are allowed to place Ads
     if (get_awpcp_option('onlyadmincanplaceads') && $is_admin_user != 1) {
         $message = __("You do not have permission to perform the function you are trying to perform. Access to this page has been denied", "AWPCP");
         return $this->render('content', awpcp_print_error($message));
     // only registered users are allowed to place Ads
     if (get_awpcp_option('requireuserregistration') && !is_user_logged_in()) {
         return $this->login_step();
     $transaction = $this->get_transaction();
     if (!is_null($transaction) && $transaction->get('context') != $this->context) {
         $page_name = awpcp_get_page_name('place-ad-page-name');
         $page_url = awpcp_get_page_url('place-ad-page-name');
         $message = __('You are trying to post an Ad using a transaction created for a different purpose. Pelase go back to the <a href="%s">%s</a> page.<br>If you think this is an error please contact the administrator and provide the following transaction ID: %s', 'AWPCP');
         $message = sprintf($message, $page_url, $page_name, $transaction->id);
         return $this->render('content', awpcp_print_error($message));
     $action = $this->get_current_action($default);
     if (!is_null($transaction) && $transaction->is_payment_completed()) {
         if (!($transaction->was_payment_successful() || $transaction->payment_is_canceled())) {
             $message = __('You can\'t post an Ad at this time because the payment associated with this transaction failed (see reasons below).', 'AWPCP');
             $message = awpcp_print_message($message);
             $message = $message . awpcp_payments_api()->render_transaction_errors($transaction);
             return $this->render('content', $message);
         $pay_first = get_awpcp_option('pay-before-place-ad');
         $forbidden = in_array($action, array('order', 'checkout'));
         if ($forbidden) {
             $action = 'payment-completed';
     if (!is_null($transaction) && $transaction->is_completed()) {
         $action = 'finish';
     switch ($action) {
         case 'order':
             return $this->order_step();
         case 'checkout':
             return $this->checkout_step();
         case 'payment-completed':
             return $this->payment_completed_step();
         case 'details':
         case 'save-details':
             return $this->details_step();
         case 'upload-images':
             return $this->upload_images_step();
         case 'preview-ad':
             return $this->preview_step();
         case 'finish':
             return $this->finish_step();
             return $this->place_ad();
			<div class="metabox-holder">
				<div class="postbox">
					<h3 class="hndle"><span><?php 
_e('Restore AWPCP Pages', 'AWPCP');
					<div class="inside">

if (!empty($restored_pages)) {
    $message = __('The following pages were restored: <pages-list>.', 'AWPCP');
    $pages_names = array_map('awpcp_get_option', awpcp_get_properties($restored_pages, 'page'));
    $pages_list = '<strong>' . implode('</strong>, <strong>', $pages_names) . '</strong>';
    echo awpcp_print_message(str_replace('<pages-list>', $pages_list, $message));

if (!empty($missing)) {

			<div class="error">
    if (!empty($missing['not-found'])) {
        _e("The following pages are missing; the plugin is looking for a page with a particular ID but it seems that the page was permanently deleted.", 'AWPCP');

 public function render_account_balance()
     if (!$this->credit_system_enabled()) {
         return '';
     $balance = $this->format_account_balance();
     $text = sprintf(__('You currently have %s credits in your account.', 'AWPCP'), $balance);
     return awpcp_print_message($text);
 function awpcp_display_extra_fields($x_msg)
     $output = '';
     $count_extra_fields = count_extra_fields();
     $add_label = __('Add New Field', 'awpcp-extra-fields');
     $add_params = array('page' => 'Configure5', 'action' => 'addnewfield');
     $add_url = add_query_arg($add_params, admin_url('admin.php'));
     $add_button = '<p><a class="button-primary" title="%1$s" href="%2$s"" accesskey="s">%1$s</a></p>';
     $add_button = sprintf($add_button, $add_label, $add_url);
     if ($count_extra_fields > 0) {
         if (isset($x_msg) && !empty($x_msg)) {
             $output .= awpcp_print_message($x_msg);
         $output .= $add_button;
         $order_fields_url = awpcp_get_admin_form_fields_url();
         $order_fields_link = sprintf('<a href="%s">', $order_fields_url);
         $message = __('If you want to order the fields in a particular way, go <order-fields-link>here</a> to <order-fields-link>customize the order of all AWPCP fields</a>.', 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $message = str_replace('<order-fields-link>', $order_fields_link, $message);
         $output .= '<p>' . $message . '</p>';
         // Setup the table
         $output .= "<table class=\"widefat\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
         $output .= "<thead>";
         $output .= "<tr>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Name", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Post Label", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("View Label", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Input Type", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Data Type", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Options", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Validation", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Privacy", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Categories", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Action", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "</tr>";
         $output .= "</thead>";
         $output .= "<tfoot>";
         $output .= "<tr>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Name", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Post Label", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("View Label", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Input Type", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Data Type", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Options", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Validation", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Privacy", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Category", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"manage-column\">";
         $output .= __("Action", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= "</th>";
         $output .= "</tr>";
         $output .= "</tfoot>";
         $output .= "<tbody>";
         $fields = awpcp_get_extra_fields();
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if (strcasecmp($field->field_mysql_data_type, 'VARCHAR') == 0) {
                 $input_type = 'Short Text';
             } else {
                 if (strcasecmp($field->field_mysql_data_type, 'TEXT') == 0) {
                     $input_type = 'Long Text';
                 } else {
                     if (strcasecmp($field->field_mysql_data_type, 'INT') == 0) {
                         $input_type = 'Whole Number';
                     } else {
                         if (strcasecmp($field->field_mysql_data_type, 'FLOAT') === 0) {
                             $input_type = 'Decimal Number';
             $input_type = $field->field_input_type;
             $output .= "<tr><td>{$field->field_name}</td>";
             $output .= "<td>" . stripslashes_deep($field->field_label) . "</td>";
             $output .= "<td>" . stripslashes_deep($field->field_label_view) . "</td>";
             $output .= "<td>{$input_type}</td>";
             $output .= "<td>{$field->field_mysql_data_type}</td>";
             $output .= "<td>";
             $output .= awpcp_get_comma_separated_list((array) $field->field_options);
             $output .= "</td>";
             $required_text = __('required', 'awpcp-extra-fields');
             if ($field->required && $field->field_validation) {
                 $output .= "<td>{$field->field_validation} ({$required_text})</td>";
             } else {
                 if ($field->required) {
                     $output .= "<td>{$required_text}</td>";
                 } else {
                     $output .= "<td>{$field->field_validation}</td>";
             $output .= "<td>{$field->field_privacy}</td>";
             $output .= '<td>';
             $categories = awpcp_extra_fields_get_field_categoires($field);
             if (count($categories) == countcategories()) {
                 $output .= __('All', 'awpcp-extra-fields');
             } else {
                 $output .= awpcp_get_comma_separated_categories_list($categories);
             $output .= '</td>';
             $output .= "<td><a href=\"?page=Configure5&action=edit&id={$field->field_id}\">";
             $output .= __("Edit", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
             $output .= "</a> | <a href=\"?page=Configure5&action=delete&id={$field->field_id}\">";
             $output .= __("Delete", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
             $output .= "</a>";
             $output .= "</td></tr>";
         // while ($rsrow=mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
         // 	if($rsrow[5] == 'VARCHAR'){ $rsrow[4] = "Short text";}
         // 	if($rsrow[5] == 'TEXT'){ $rsrow[4] = "Long text";}
         // 	if($rsrow[5] == 'INT'){ $rsrow[4] = "Number";}
         // 	if($rsrow[5] == 'float'){ $rsrow[4] = "Money";}
         // 	$output .= "<tr><td>$rsrow[1]</td>";
         // 	$output .= "<td>$rsrow[2]</td>";
         // 	$output .= "<td>$rsrow[3]</td>";
         // 	$output .= "<td>$rsrow[4]</td>";
         // 	$output .= "<td>$rsrow[5]</td>";
         // 	$output .= "<td>$rsrow[6]</td>";
         // 	$output .= "<td>$rsrow[7]</td>";
         // 	$output .= "<td>$rsrow[8]</td>";
         // 	$output .= "<td>$rsrow[9]</td>";
         // 	$output .= "<td><a href=\"?page=Configure5&action=edit&id=$rsrow[0]\">";
         // 	$output .= __("Edit",'awpcp-extra-fields' );
         // 	$output .= "</a> | <a href=\"?page=Configure5&action=delete&id=$rsrow[0]\">";
         // 	$output .= __("Delete",'awpcp-extra-fields' );
         // 	$output .= "</a>";
         // 	$output .= "</td></tr>";
         // }
         $output .= "</tbody></table>";
     } else {
         $output .= __("It appears you have not added any extra fields yet. Start adding extra fields using the link below", 'awpcp-extra-fields');
         $output .= $add_button;
         $output .= "</p>";
     // Get the fields
     return $output;
 * Handles AWPCPSHOWAD shortcode.
 * @param $adid An Ad ID.
 * @param $omitmenu
 * @param $preview true if the function is used to show an ad just after
 *				   it was posted to the website.
 * @param $send_email if true and $preview=true, a success email will be send
 * 					  to the admin and poster user.
 * @return Show Ad page content.
function showad($adid = null, $omitmenu = false, $preview = false, $send_email = true, $show_messages = true)
    global $wpdb;
    $awpcp = awpcp();
    $awpcp->js->set('page-show-ad-flag-ad-nonce', wp_create_nonce('flag_ad'));
    $awpcp->js->localize('page-show-ad', array('flag-confirmation-message' => __('Are you sure you want to flag this ad?', 'AWPCP'), 'flag-success-message' => __('This Ad has been flagged.', 'AWPCP'), 'flag-error-message' => __('An error occurred while trying to flag the Ad.', 'AWPCP')));
    $preview = $preview === true || 'preview' == awpcp_array_data('adstatus', '', $_GET);
    $is_moderator = awpcp_current_user_is_moderator();
    $messages = array();
    $permastruc = get_option('permalink_structure');
    if (!isset($adid) || empty($adid)) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['adid']) && !empty($_REQUEST['adid'])) {
            $adid = $_REQUEST['adid'];
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['id'])) {
            $adid = $_REQUEST['id'];
        } else {
            if (isset($permastruc) && !empty($permastruc)) {
                $adid = get_query_var('id');
            } else {
                $adid = 0;
    $adid = absint($adid);
    if (!empty($adid)) {
        // filters to provide alternative method of storing custom
        // layouts (e.g. can be outside of this plugin's directory)
        $prefix = 'awpcp_single_ad_template';
        if (has_action("{$prefix}_action") || has_filter("{$prefix}_filter")) {
            return apply_filters("{$prefix}_filter");
        } else {
            $results = AWPCP_Ad::query(array('where' => $wpdb->prepare('ad_id = %d', $adid)));
            if (count($results) === 1) {
                $ad = array_shift($results);
            } else {
                $ad = null;
            if (is_null($ad)) {
                $message = __('Sorry, that listing is not available. Please try browsing or searching existing listings.', 'AWPCP');
                return '<div id="classiwrapper">' . awpcp_print_error($message) . '</div><!--close classiwrapper-->';
            if ($ad->user_id > 0 && $ad->user_id == wp_get_current_user()->ID) {
                $is_ad_owner = true;
            } else {
                $is_ad_owner = false;
            $content_before_page = apply_filters('awpcp-content-before-listing-page', '');
            $content_after_page = apply_filters('awpcp-content-after-listing-page', '');
            $output = '<div id="classiwrapper">%s%s<!--awpcp-single-ad-layout-->%s</div><!--close classiwrapper-->';
            $output = sprintf($output, $content_before_page, $omitmenu ? '' : awpcp_menu_items(), $content_after_page);
            if (!$is_moderator && !$is_ad_owner && !$preview && $ad->disabled == 1) {
                $message = __('The Ad you are trying to view is pending approval. Once the Administrator approves it, it will be active and visible.', 'AWPCP');
                return str_replace('<!--awpcp-single-ad-layout-->', awpcp_print_error($message), $output);
            if (awpcp_request_param('verified') && $ad->verified) {
                $messages[] = awpcp_print_message(__('Your email address was successfully verified.', 'AWPCP'));
            if ($show_messages && $is_moderator && $ad->disabled == 1) {
                $message = __('This Ad is currently disabled until the Administrator approves it. Only you (the Administrator) and the author can see it.', 'AWPCP');
                $messages[] = awpcp_print_error($message);
            } else {
                if ($show_messages && ($is_ad_owner || $preview) && !$ad->verified) {
                    $message = __('This Ad is currently disabled until you verify the email address used for the contact information. Only you (the author) can see it.', 'AWPCP');
                    $messages[] = awpcp_print_error($message);
                } else {
                    if ($show_messages && ($is_ad_owner || $preview) && $ad->disabled == 1) {
                        $message = __('This Ad is currently disabled until the Administrator approves it. Only you (the author) can see it.', 'AWPCP');
                        $messages[] = awpcp_print_error($message);
            $layout = awpcp_get_listing_single_view_layout($ad);
            $layout = awpcp_do_placeholders($ad, $layout, 'single');
            $output = str_replace('<!--awpcp-single-ad-layout-->', join('', $messages) . $layout, $output);
            $output = apply_filters('awpcp-show-ad', $output, $adid);
            if (!awpcp_request()->is_bot()) {
    } else {
        $query = array('limit' => absint(awpcp_request_param('results', get_awpcp_option('adresultsperpage', 10))), 'offset' => absint(awpcp_request_param('offset', 0)), 'orderby' => get_awpcp_option('groupbrowseadsby'));
        $output = awpcp_display_listings_in_page($query, 'show-listing');
    return $output;
function awpcp_print_error($message)
    return awpcp_print_message($message, array('error'));