public function restore_missing_pages() { $shortcodes = awpcp_pages(); $missing_pages = $this->missing_pages_finder->find_missing_pages(); $pages_to_restore = array_merge($missing_pages['not-found'], $missing_pages['not-referenced']); $page_refs = awpcp_get_properties($pages_to_restore, 'page'); // If we are restoring the main page, let's do it first! if (($p = array_search('main-page-name', $page_refs)) !== FALSE) { // put the main page as the first page to restore array_splice($pages_to_restore, 0, 0, array($pages_to_restore[$p])); array_splice($pages_to_restore, $p + 1, 1); } $restored_pages = array(); foreach ($pages_to_restore as $page) { $refname = $page->page; $name = get_awpcp_option($refname); if (strcmp($refname, 'main-page-name') == 0) { awpcp_create_pages($name, $subpages = false); } else { awpcp_create_subpage($refname, $name, $shortcodes[$refname][1]); } $restored_pages[] = $page; } update_option('awpcp-flush-rewrite-rules', true); return $restored_pages; }
public function find_missing_pages() { $plugin_pages = awpcp_get_plugin_pages_info(); $registered_pages = array_keys(awpcp_pages()); $referenced_pages = array_keys($plugin_pages); // pages that are registered in the code but no referenced in the DB $pages_not_referenced = array_diff($registered_pages, $referenced_pages); $registered_pages_ids = awpcp_get_page_ids_by_ref($registered_pages); $query = 'SELECT posts.ID post, posts.post_status status '; $query .= 'FROM ' . $this->db->posts . ' AS posts '; $query .= "WHERE posts.ID IN (" . join(",", $registered_pages_ids) . ") "; $existing_pages = $this->db->get_results($query, OBJECT_K); $missing_pages = array('not-found' => array(), 'not-published' => array(), 'not-referenced' => array()); foreach ($plugin_pages as $page_ref => $page_info) { $page = isset($existing_pages[$page_info['page_id']]) ? $existing_pages[$page_info['page_id']] : null; if (is_object($page) && isset($page->status) && $page->status != 'publish') { $page->page = $page_ref; $page->id = $page_info['page_id']; $missing_pages['not-published'][] = $page; } else { if (is_null($page)) { $page = new stdClass(); $page->page = $page_ref; $page->id = $page_info['page_id']; $page->post = null; $page->status = null; $missing_pages['not-found'][] = $page; } } } // if a page is registered in the code but there is no reference of it // in the database, include a dummy object to represent it. foreach ($pages_not_referenced as $page) { $item = new stdClass(); $item->page = $page; $item->id = null; $item->post = null; $item->status = null; $missing_pages['not-referenced'][] = $item; } return $missing_pages; }
public function uninstall() { global $wpdb, $awpcp_plugin_path, $table_prefix, $awpcp; // Remove the upload folders with uploaded images $dirname = AWPCPUPLOADDIR; if (file_exists($dirname)) { require_once $awpcp_plugin_path . '/fileop.class.php'; $fileop = new fileop(); $fileop->delete($dirname); } // Delete the classifieds page(s) $pages = awpcp_pages(); foreach ($pages as $page => $data) { wp_delete_post(awpcp_get_page_id_by_ref($page), true); } // Drop the tables $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . AWPCP_TABLE_ADFEES); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . AWPCP_TABLE_ADPHOTOS); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . AWPCP_TABLE_ADS); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . AWPCP_TABLE_ADSETTINGS); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . AWPCP_TABLE_AD_META); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . AWPCP_TABLE_AD_REGIONS); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . AWPCP_TABLE_CATEGORIES); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . AWPCP_TABLE_CREDIT_PLANS); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . AWPCP_TABLE_MEDIA); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . AWPCP_TABLE_PAGES); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . AWPCP_TABLE_PAYMENTS); // TODO: implement uninstall methods in other modules $tables = array($wpdb->prefix . 'awpcp_comments'); foreach ($tables as $table) { $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $table); } // remove AWPCP options from options table array_map('delete_option', array('awpcp-pending-manual-upgrade', 'awpcp_installationcomplete', 'awpcp_pagename_warning', 'widget_awpcplatestads', 'awpcp_db_version', $awpcp->settings->setting_name)); // delete payment transactions $sql = 'SELECT option_name FROM ' . $wpdb->options . ' '; $sql .= "WHERE option_name LIKE 'awpcp-payment-transaction-%%'"; array_map('delete_option', $wpdb->get_col($sql)); // remove widgets unregister_widget("AWPCP_LatestAdsWidget"); unregister_widget('AWPCP_RandomAdWidget'); unregister_widget('AWPCP_Search_Widget'); // Clear the ad expiration schedule wp_clear_scheduled_hook('doadexpirations_hook'); wp_clear_scheduled_hook('doadcleanup_hook'); wp_clear_scheduled_hook('awpcp_ad_renewal_email_hook'); wp_clear_scheduled_hook('awpcp-clean-up-payment-transactions'); // TODO: use deactivate_plugins function // $current = get_option('active_plugins'); $thepluginfile = sprintf("%s/awpcp.php", trim(AWPCP_BASENAME, '/')); array_splice($current, array_search($thepluginfile, $current), 1); update_option('active_plugins', $current); do_action('deactivate_' . $thepluginfile); }
/** * Classifieds Pages Settings checks */ public function validate_classifieds_pages_settings($options, $group) { global $wpdb, $wp_rewrite; $pageids = awpcp_get_plugin_pages_ids(); $pages_updated = 0; foreach (awpcp_pages() as $key => $data) { $id = intval($pageids[$key]); if ($id <= 0) { continue; } $page = get_post($id); if (is_null($page)) { continue; } if (sanitize_title($page->post_title) != $page->post_name) { $post_name = $page->post_name; } else { $post_name = sanitize_title($options[$key]); } $page = array('ID' => $id, 'post_title' => add_slashes_recursive($options[$key]), 'post_name' => $post_name); wp_update_post($page); $pages_updated = $pages_updated + 1; } if ($pages_updated) { do_action('awpcp-pages-updated'); } flush_rewrite_rules(); return $options; }