function flt_recent_comments($query) { // Due to missing get_comments hook prior to WP 3.1, this filter operates on every front-end query. // If query doesn't pertain to comments, skip out with as little overhead as possible. if (strpos($query, 'comment') && strpos($query, "ELECT") && !strpos($query, 'posts as parent') && !strpos($query, "COUNT") && strpos($query, "comment_approved")) { if (!is_attachment() && !is_content_administrator_rs()) { global $wpdb; if (strpos($query, " {$wpdb->posts} ")) { return $query; } if (awp_is_plugin_active('wp-wall')) { $options = WPWall_GetOptions(); if (strpos($query, 'comment_post_ID=' . $options['pageId'])) { return $query; } } if (strpos($query, $wpdb->comments)) { $query = str_replace(" post_status = 'publish'", " {$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'publish'", $query); // theoretically, a slight performance enhancement if we can simplify the query to skip filtering of attachment comments if (defined('SCOPER_NO_ATTACHMENT_COMMENTS') || false !== strpos($query, 'comment_post_ID =')) { if (!strpos($query, "JOIN {$wpdb->posts}")) { $query = preg_replace("/FROM\\s*{$wpdb->comments}\\s*WHERE /", "FROM {$wpdb->comments} INNER JOIN {$wpdb->posts} ON {$wpdb->posts}.ID = {$wpdb->comments}.comment_post_ID WHERE ", $query); } $query = apply_filters('objects_request_rs', $query, 'post', '', array('skip_teaser' => true)); } else { $query = str_replace("user_id ", "{$wpdb->comments}.user_id ", $query); $query = str_replace("SELECT {$wpdb->comments}.* FROM {$wpdb->comments}", "SELECT DISTINCT {$wpdb->comments}.* FROM {$wpdb->comments}", $query); if (!strpos($query, ' DISTINCT ')) { $query = str_replace("SELECT ", "SELECT DISTINCT ", $query); } $post_types = array_diff(get_post_types(array('public' => true)), array('attachment')); $post_type_in = "'" . implode("','", $post_types) . "'"; $join = "LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} as parent ON parent.ID = {$wpdb->posts}.post_parent AND parent.post_type IN ({$post_type_in}) AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_type = 'attachment'"; $use_post_types = scoper_get_option('use_post_types'); $where = array(); foreach ($post_types as $type) { if (!empty($use_post_types[$type])) { $where_post = apply_filters('objects_where_rs', '', 'post', $type, array('skip_teaser' => true)); } else { $where_post = "AND 1=1"; } $where[] = "{$wpdb->posts}.post_type = '{$type}' {$where_post}"; $where[] = "{$wpdb->posts}.post_type = 'attachment' AND parent.post_type = '{$type}' " . str_replace("{$wpdb->posts}.", "parent.", $where_post); } $where = agp_implode(' ) OR ( ', $where, ' ( ', ' ) '); if (!strpos($query, "JOIN {$wpdb->posts}")) { $query = str_replace("WHERE ", "INNER JOIN {$wpdb->posts} ON {$wpdb->posts}.ID = {$wpdb->comments}.comment_post_ID {$join} WHERE ( {$where} ) AND ", $query); } else { $query = str_replace("WHERE ", "{$join} WHERE {$where} AND ", $query); } } } } } return $query; }
function TermsInterceptor_RS() { global $scoper; // flt_get_pages is required on the front end (even for administrators) to enable the inclusion of private pages // flt_get_terms '' so private posts are included in count, as basis for display when hide_empty arg is used if (($scoper->is_front() || !is_content_administrator_rs()) && (!defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') || !DOING_AUTOSAVE)) { add_filter('get_terms_args', array(&$this, 'flt_get_terms_args'), 50, 2); add_filter('terms_clauses', array(&$this, 'flt_terms_clauses'), 50, 3); add_filter('get_terms', array(&$this, 'flt_get_terms'), 0, 3); // WPML registers at priority 1 // Since the NOT IN subquery is a painful aberration for filtering, replace it with the separate term query used by WP prior to 2.7 add_filter('posts_where', array($this, 'flt_cat_not_in_subquery'), 1); } $this->no_cache = defined('SCOPER_NO_TERMS_CACHE') || !defined('SCOPER_QTRANSLATE_COMPAT') && awp_is_plugin_active('qtranslate'); }
function ScoperAdmin() { global $pagenow, $plugin_page_cr; $this->scoper =& $GLOBALS['scoper']; add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'admin_head_base')); if (!defined('DISABLE_QUERYFILTERS_RS') || is_content_administrator_rs()) { add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'admin_head')); if (!defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST') && 'async-upload.php' != $pagenow) { // New Network menu with WP 3.1 if (defined('IS_MU_RS')) { add_action('network_admin_menu', 'scoper_mu_site_menu'); add_action('network_admin_menu', 'scoper_mu_users_menu'); } add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'build_menu')); add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'ngg_uploader_workaround')); add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'filter_add_new_content_links')); // changed from 'admin_menu' hook to work around WP 3.2 (as of RC1) removal of Edit submenu item if Add New is removed add_action('admin_print_scripts', array(&$this, 'filter_add_new_button'), 99); if ('plugins.php' == $pagenow) { add_filter('plugin_row_meta', array(&$this, 'flt_plugin_action_links'), 10, 2); } } } if (defined('RVY_VERSION')) { require_once SCOPER_ABSPATH . '/revisionary-helper_rs.php'; } if (('edit-tags.php' == $pagenow || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'p-admin/edit-tags.php')) && awp_is_plugin_active('subscribe2')) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/subscribe2_helper_rs.php'; } if ('index.php' == $GLOBALS['pagenow']) { if (!defined('USE_RVY_RIGHTNOW')) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin-dashboard_rs.php'; } add_action('admin_notices', array(&$this, 'dashboard_notice')); } if (in_array($pagenow, array('edit.php', 'post.php')) && awp_ver('3.5-beta')) { add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'reinstate_solo_submenus')); add_action('network_admin_menu', array(&$this, 'reinstate_solo_submenus')); } if (in_array($plugin_page_cr, array('rs-options', 'rs-about'))) { wp_enqueue_style('plugin-install'); wp_enqueue_script('plugin-install'); add_thickbox(); } }
function TemplateInterceptor_RS() { $this->scoper =& $GLOBALS['scoper']; if (scoper_get_option('strip_private_caption')) { add_filter('the_title', array(&$this, 'flt_title'), 10, 3); if (defined('WPLANG') && WPLANG) { add_filter('gettext', array(&$this, 'flt_gettext'), 10, 3); } } if (defined('SCOPER_FILTER_COMMENT_COUNT')) { add_filter('get_comments_number', array(&$this, 'flt_get_comments_number')); } // this filter should pass post_id as 2nd arg, but does not as of WP 2.7 if (awp_is_plugin_active('events-calendar')) { add_filter('query', array(&$this, 'ec_getDaysEvents')); } if (awp_is_plugin_active('eventcalendar3')) { add_filter('query', array(&$this, 'ec3_query')); } }
function flt_get_pages($results, $args = array()) { $results = (array) $results; global $wpdb; // === BEGIN Role Scoper ADDITION: global var; various special case exemption checks === // global $scoper, $current_rs_user; // need to skip cache retrieval if QTranslate is filtering get_pages with a priority of 1 or less $no_cache = !defined('SCOPER_QTRANSLATE_COMPAT') && awp_is_plugin_active('qtranslate'); // buffer titles in case they were filtered previously $titles = scoper_get_property_array($results, 'ID', 'post_title'); // depth is not really a get_pages arg, but remap exclude arg to exclude_tree if wp_list_terms called with depth=1 if (!empty($args['exclude']) && empty($args['exclude_tree']) && !empty($args['depth']) && 1 == $args['depth']) { if (0 !== strpos($args['exclude'], ',')) { // work around wp_list_pages() bug of attaching leading comma if a plugin uses wp_list_pages_excludes filter $args['exclude_tree'] = $args['exclude']; } } // // === END Role Scoper ADDITION === // ================================= $defaults = array('child_of' => 0, 'sort_order' => 'ASC', 'sort_column' => 'post_title', 'hierarchical' => 1, 'exclude' => array(), 'include' => array(), 'meta_key' => '', 'meta_value' => '', 'authors' => '', 'parent' => -1, 'exclude_tree' => '', 'number' => '', 'offset' => 0, 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'depth' => 0, 'suppress_filters' => 0, 'remap_parents' => -1, 'enforce_actual_depth' => -1, 'remap_thru_excluded_parent' => -1); // Role Scoper arguments added above // === BEGIN Role Scoper ADDITION: support front-end optimization $post_type = isset($args['post_type']) ? $args['post_type'] : $defaults['post_type']; $use_post_types = (array) scoper_get_option('use_post_types'); if (empty($use_post_types[$post_type])) { return $results; } if ($scoper->is_front()) { if ('page' == $post_type && defined('SCOPER_GET_PAGES_LEAN')) { // custom types are likely to have custom fields $defaults['fields'] = "{$wpdb->posts}.ID, {$wpdb->posts}.post_title, {$wpdb->posts}.post_parent, {$wpdb->posts}.post_date, {$wpdb->posts}.post_date_gmt, {$wpdb->posts}.post_status, {$wpdb->posts}.post_name, {$wpdb->posts}.post_modified, {$wpdb->posts}.post_modified_gmt, {$wpdb->posts}.guid, {$wpdb->posts}.menu_order, {$wpdb->posts}.comment_count"; } else { $defaults['fields'] = "{$wpdb->posts}.*"; if (!defined('SCOPER_FORCE_PAGES_CACHE')) { $no_cache = true; } // serialization / unserialization of post_content for all pages is too memory-intensive for sites with a lot of pages } } else { // required for xmlrpc getpagelist method $defaults['fields'] = "{$wpdb->posts}.*"; if (!defined('SCOPER_FORCE_PAGES_CACHE')) { $no_cache = true; } } // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($r, EXTR_SKIP); $number = (int) $number; $offset = (int) $offset; $child_of = (int) $child_of; // Role Scoper modification: null value will confuse children array check // Make sure the post type is hierarchical $hierarchical_post_types = get_post_types(array('public' => true, 'hierarchical' => true)); if (!in_array($post_type, $hierarchical_post_types)) { return $results; } // Make sure we have a valid post status if (!in_array($post_status, get_post_stati())) { return $results; } // for the page parent dropdown, return no available selections for a published main page if the logged user isn't allowed to de-associate it from Main if (!empty($name) && 'parent_id' == $name) { global $post; if (!$post->post_parent && !$GLOBALS['scoper_admin_filters']->user_can_associate_main($post_type)) { $status_obj = get_post_status_object($post->post_status); if ($status_obj->public || $status_obj->private) { return array(); } } if (!empty($post) && $post_type == $post->post_type) { if ($post->post_parent) { $append_page = get_post($post->post_parent); } $exclude_tree = $post->ID; } } //$scoper->last_get_pages_args = $r; // don't copy entire args array unless it proves necessary $scoper->last_get_pages_depth = $depth; $scoper->last_get_pages_suppress_filters = $suppress_filters; if ($suppress_filters) { return $results; } // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: wp-cache key and flag specific to access type and user/groups // if (!scoper_get_otype_option('use_object_roles', 'post', $post_type)) { return $results; } $key = md5(serialize(compact(array_keys($defaults)))); $ckey = md5($key . CURRENT_ACCESS_NAME_RS); $cache_flag = 'rs_get_pages'; $cache = $current_rs_user->cache_get($cache_flag); if (false !== $cache) { if (!is_array($cache)) { $cache = array(); } if (!$no_cache && isset($cache[$ckey])) { // alternate filter name (WP core already applied get_pages filter) return apply_filters('get_pages_rs', $cache[$ckey], $r); } } // // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === // ==================================== $inclusions = ''; if (!empty($include)) { $child_of = 0; //ignore child_of, parent, exclude, meta_key, and meta_value params if using include $parent = -1; $exclude = ''; $meta_key = ''; $meta_value = ''; $hierarchical = false; $incpages = wp_parse_id_list($include); if (!empty($incpages)) { foreach ($incpages as $incpage) { if (empty($inclusions)) { $inclusions = ' AND ( ID = ' . intval($incpage) . ' '; } else { $inclusions .= ' OR ID = ' . intval($incpage) . ' '; } } } } if (!empty($inclusions)) { $inclusions .= ')'; } $exclusions = ''; if (!empty($exclude)) { $expages = wp_parse_id_list($exclude); if (!empty($expages)) { foreach ($expages as $expage) { if (empty($exclusions)) { $exclusions = ' AND ( ID <> ' . intval($expage) . ' '; } else { $exclusions .= ' AND ID <> ' . intval($expage) . ' '; } } } } if (!empty($exclusions)) { $exclusions .= ')'; } $author_query = ''; if (!empty($authors)) { $post_authors = wp_parse_id_list($authors); if (!empty($post_authors)) { foreach ($post_authors as $post_author) { //Do we have an author id or an author login? if (0 == intval($post_author)) { $post_author = get_userdatabylogin($post_author); if (empty($post_author)) { continue; } if (empty($post_author->ID)) { continue; } $post_author = $post_author->ID; } if ('' == $author_query) { $author_query = ' post_author = ' . intval($post_author) . ' '; } else { $author_query .= ' OR post_author = ' . intval($post_author) . ' '; } } if ('' != $author_query) { $author_query = " AND ({$author_query})"; } } } $join = ''; $where = "{$exclusions} {$inclusions} "; if (!empty($meta_key) || !empty($meta_value)) { $join = " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} ON {$wpdb->posts}.ID = {$wpdb->postmeta}.post_id"; // Role Scoper modification: was LEFT JOIN in WP 3.0 core (TODO: would that botch uro join results? // meta_key and meta_value might be slashed $meta_key = stripslashes($meta_key); $meta_value = stripslashes($meta_value); if (!empty($meta_key)) { $where .= $wpdb->prepare(" AND {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_key = %s", $meta_key); } if (!empty($meta_value)) { $where .= $wpdb->prepare(" AND {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_value = %s", $meta_value); } } if ($parent >= 0) { $where .= $wpdb->prepare(' AND post_parent = %d ', $parent); } // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: // allow pages of multiple statuses to be displayed (requires default status=publish to be ignored) // $where_post_type = $wpdb->prepare("post_type = '%s'", $post_type); $where_status = ''; $is_front = $scoper->is_front(); $is_teaser_active = $scoper->is_front() && scoper_get_otype_option('do_teaser', 'post') && scoper_get_otype_option('use_teaser', 'post', $post_type); $private_teaser = $is_teaser_active && scoper_get_otype_option('use_teaser', 'post', $post_type) && !scoper_get_otype_option('teaser_hide_private', 'post', $post_type); if ($is_front && (!empty($current_rs_user->ID) || $private_teaser)) { $frontend_list_private = scoper_get_otype_option('private_items_listable', 'post', 'page'); } else { $frontend_list_private = false; } // WP core does not include private pages in query. Include private statuses in anticipation of user-specific filtering if ($post_status && ('publish' != $post_status || $is_front && !$frontend_list_private)) { $where_status = $wpdb->prepare("post_status = '%s'", $post_status); } else { // since we will be applying status clauses based on content-specific roles and restrictions, only a sanity check safeguard is needed when post_status is unspecified or defaulted to "publish" $safeguard_statuses = array(); foreach (get_post_stati(array('internal' => false), 'object') as $status_name => $status_obj) { if (!$is_front || $status_obj->private || $status_obj->public) { $safeguard_statuses[] = $status_name; } } $where_status = "post_status IN ('" . implode("','", $safeguard_statuses) . "')"; } $query = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$wpdb->posts} {$join} WHERE 1=1 AND {$where_post_type} AND ( {$where_status} {$where} {$author_query} ) ORDER BY {$sort_column} {$sort_order}"; if (!empty($number)) { $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $number; } if ($is_teaser_active && !defined('SCOPER_TEASER_HIDE_PAGE_LISTING')) { // We are in the front end and the teaser is enabled for pages $query = apply_filters('objects_request_rs', $query, 'post', $post_type, array('force_teaser' => true)); $pages = scoper_get_results($query); // execute unfiltered query // Pass results of unfiltered query through the teaser filter. // If listing private pages is disabled, they will be omitted completely, but restricted published pages // will still be teased. This is a slight design compromise to satisfy potentially conflicting user goals without yet another option $pages = apply_filters('objects_results_rs', $pages, 'post', (array) $post_type, array('request' => $query, 'force_teaser' => true, 'object_type' => $post_type)); // restore buffered titles in case they were filtered previously scoper_restore_property_array($pages, $titles, 'ID', 'post_title'); $pages = apply_filters('objects_teaser_rs', $pages, 'post', $post_type, array('request' => $query, 'force_teaser' => true)); if ($frontend_list_private) { if (!scoper_get_otype_option('teaser_hide_private', 'post', $post_type)) { $tease_all = true; } } } else { $_args = array('skip_teaser' => true); if (in_array($GLOBALS['pagenow'], array('post.php', 'post-new.php'))) { if ($post_type_obj = get_post_type_object($post_type)) { $plural_name = plural_name_from_cap_rs($post_type_obj); $_args['alternate_reqd_caps'][0] = array("create_child_{$plural_name}"); } } // Pass query through the request filter $query = apply_filters('objects_request_rs', $query, 'post', $post_type, $_args); // Execute the filtered query $pages = scoper_get_results($query); // restore buffered titles in case they were filtered previously scoper_restore_property_array($pages, $titles, 'ID', 'post_title'); } if (empty($pages)) { // alternate hook name (WP core already applied get_pages filter) return apply_filters('get_pages_rs', array(), $r); } // // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === // ==================================== // Role Scoper note: WP core get_pages has already updated wp_cache and pagecache with unfiltered results. update_page_cache($pages); // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: Support a disjointed pages tree with some parents hidden ======== if ($child_of || empty($tease_all)) { // if we're including all pages with teaser, no need to continue thru tree remapping $ancestors = ScoperAncestry::get_page_ancestors(); // array of all ancestor IDs for keyed page_id, with direct parent first $orderby = $sort_column; if ($parent > 0 || !$hierarchical) { $remap_parents = false; } else { // if these settings were passed into this get_pages call, use them if (-1 === $remap_parents) { $remap_parents = scoper_get_option('remap_page_parents'); } if ($remap_parents) { if (-1 === $enforce_actual_depth) { $enforce_actual_depth = scoper_get_option('enforce_actual_page_depth'); } if (-1 === $remap_thru_excluded_parent) { $remap_thru_excluded_parent = scoper_get_option('remap_thru_excluded_page_parent'); } } } $remap_args = compact('child_of', 'parent', 'exclude', 'depth', 'orderby', 'remap_parents', 'enforce_actual_depth', 'remap_thru_excluded_parent'); // one or more of these args may have been modified after extraction ScoperHardway::remap_tree($pages, $ancestors, 'ID', 'post_parent', $remap_args); } // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === // ==================================== if (!empty($exclude_tree)) { $exclude = array(); $exclude = (int) $exclude_tree; $children = get_page_children($exclude, $pages); // RS note: okay to use unfiltered function here since it's only used for excluding $excludes = array(); foreach ($children as $child) { $excludes[] = $child->ID; } $excludes[] = $exclude; $total = count($pages); for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { if (in_array($pages[$i]->ID, $excludes)) { unset($pages[$i]); } } } if (!empty($append_page) && !empty($pages)) { $found = false; foreach (array_keys($pages) as $key) { if ($post->post_parent == $pages[$key]->ID) { $found = true; break; } } if (empty($found)) { $pages[] = $append_page; } } // re-index the array, just in case anyone cares $pages = array_values($pages); // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: cache key and flag specific to access type and user/groups // if (!$no_cache) { $cache[$ckey] = $pages; $current_rs_user->cache_set($cache, $cache_flag); } // alternate hook name (WP core already applied get_pages filter) $pages = apply_filters('get_pages_rs', $pages, $r); // // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === // ==================================== return $pages; }
function flt_get_terms($results, $taxonomies, $args) { global $wpdb; $empty_array = array(); //d_echo( 'flt_get_terms input:' ); $single_taxonomy = false; if (!is_array($taxonomies)) { $single_taxonomy = true; $taxonomies = array($taxonomies); } elseif (count($taxonomies) < 2) { $single_taxonomy = true; } // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === foreach ((array) $taxonomies as $taxonomy) { if (!taxonomy_exists($taxonomy)) { // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: this caused plugin activation error in some situations (though at that time, the error object was created and return on a single line, not byRef as now) === // //$error = & new WP_Error('invalid_taxonomy', __awp('Invalid Taxonomy')); //return $error; return array(); // // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === } } // === BEGIN Role Scoper ADDITION: global var; various special case exemption checks === // global $scoper; if ($tx_obj = get_taxonomy($taxonomies[0])) { // don't require use_taxonomies setting for link_categories or other non-post taxonomies if (array_intersect($tx_obj->object_type, get_post_types(array('public' => true)))) { $use_taxonomies = scoper_get_option('use_taxonomies'); if (empty($use_taxonomies[$taxonomy])) { return $results; } } } // no backend filter for administrators $parent_or = ''; if (is_admin() || defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST')) { if (is_content_administrator_rs()) { return $results; } else { if ($tx = $scoper->taxonomies->get($taxonomies[0])) { // is a Category Edit form being displayed? if (!empty($tx->uri_vars)) { $term_id = $scoper->data_sources->detect('id', $tx); } else { $term_id = $scoper->data_sources->detect('id', $tx->source); } if ($term_id) { // don't filter current parent category out of selection UI even if current user can't manage it $parent_or = " OR t.term_id = (SELECT parent FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id = '{$term_id}') "; } } } } // need to skip cache retrieval if QTranslate is filtering get_terms with a priority of 1 or less static $no_cache; if (!isset($no_cache)) { $no_cache = defined('SCOPER_NO_TERMS_CACHE') || !defined('SCOPER_QTRANSLATE_COMPAT') && awp_is_plugin_active('qtranslate'); } // this filter currently only supports a single taxonomy for each get_terms call // (although the terms_where filter does support multiple taxonomies and this function could be made to do so) if (!$single_taxonomy) { return $results; } // link category roles / restrictions are only scoped for management (TODO: abstract this) if ($single_taxonomy && 'link_category' == $taxonomies[0] && $scoper->is_front()) { return $results; } // depth is not really a get_terms arg, but remap exclude arg to exclude_tree if wp_list_terms called with depth=1 if (!empty($args['exclude']) && empty($args['exclude_tree']) && !empty($args['depth']) && 1 == $args['depth']) { $args['exclude_tree'] = $args['exclude']; } // don't offer to set a category as its own parent if ('edit-tags.php' == $GLOBALS['pagenow']) { if ($tx_obj->hierarchical) { if ($editing_cat_id = $scoper->data_sources->get_from_uri('id', 'term')) { if (!empty($args['exclude'])) { $args['exclude'] .= ','; } $args['exclude'] .= $editing_cat_id; } } } // we'll need this array in most cases, to support a disjointed tree with some parents missing (note alternate function call - was _get_term_hierarchy) $children = ScoperAncestry::get_terms_children($taxonomies[0]); // // === END Role Scoper ADDITION === // ================================= $in_taxonomies = "'" . implode("', '", $taxonomies) . "'"; $defaults = array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => true, 'exclude' => '', 'exclude_tree' => '', 'include' => '', 'number' => '', 'fields' => 'all', 'slug' => '', 'parent' => '', 'hierarchical' => true, 'child_of' => 0, 'get' => '', 'name__like' => '', 'pad_counts' => false, 'offset' => '', 'search' => '', 'skip_teaser' => false, 'depth' => 0, 'remap_parents' => -1, 'enforce_actual_depth' => -1, 'remap_thru_excluded_parent' => -1, 'post_type' => ''); // Role Scoper arguments added above $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); $args['number'] = (int) $args['number']; $args['offset'] = absint($args['offset']); $args['child_of'] = (int) $args['child_of']; // Role Scoper modification: null value will confuse children array check if (!$single_taxonomy || !is_taxonomy_hierarchical($taxonomies[0]) || '' !== $args['parent']) { $args['child_of'] = 0; $args['hierarchical'] = false; $args['pad_counts'] = false; } if ('all' == $args['get']) { $args['child_of'] = 0; $args['hide_empty'] = 0; $args['hierarchical'] = false; $args['pad_counts'] = false; } extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: use the $children array we already have === // if ('nav-menus.php' == $GLOBALS['pagenow']) { if ('nav_menu' != $taxonomies[0]) { if (!scoper_get_option('admin_nav_menu_filter_items')) { return $results; } else { $hide_empty = 1; } } } if ($child_of && !isset($children[$child_of])) { return array(); } if ($parent && !isset($children[$parent])) { return array(); } if ($post_type && is_string($post_type)) { $post_type = explode(',', $post_type); } // // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === // ==================================== $is_term_admin = in_array($GLOBALS['pagenow'], array('edit-tags.php', 'edit-link-categories.php')); $filter_key = has_filter('list_terms_exclusions') ? serialize($GLOBALS['wp_filter']['list_terms_exclusions']) : ''; $key = md5(serialize(compact(array_keys($defaults))) . serialize($taxonomies) . $filter_key); // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: cache key specific to access type and user/groups === // support Quick Post Widget plugin if (isset($name) && 'quick_post_cat' == $name) { $required_operation = 'edit'; $post_type = 'post'; $remap_parents = true; } elseif (isset($name) && 'quick_post_new_cat_parent' == $name) { $is_term_admin = true; $required_operation = ''; $remap_parents = true; } else { $required_operation = ''; } $object_src_name = $scoper->taxonomies->member_property($taxonomies[0], 'object_source', 'name'); $ckey = md5($key . serialize($scoper->get_terms_reqd_caps($taxonomies[0], $required_operation, $is_term_admin))); global $current_rs_user; $cache_flag = 'rs_get_terms'; $cache = $current_rs_user->cache_get($cache_flag); if (false !== $cache) { if (!is_array($cache)) { $cache = array(); } if (!$no_cache && isset($cache[$ckey])) { // RS Modification: alternate filter name (get_terms filter is already applied by WP) remove_filter('get_terms', array('ScoperHardwayTaxonomy', 'flt_get_terms'), 0, 3); $terms = apply_filters('get_terms', $cache[$ckey], $taxonomies, $args); $terms = apply_filters('get_terms_rs', $terms, $taxonomies, $args); add_filter('get_terms', array('ScoperHardwayTaxonomy', 'flt_get_terms'), 0, 3); return $terms; } } // buffer term names in case they were filtered previously if ('all' == $fields) { $term_names = scoper_get_property_array($results, 'term_id', 'name'); } // // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === // ===================================== $_orderby = strtolower($orderby); if ('count' == $_orderby) { $orderby = 'tt.count'; } else { if ('name' == $_orderby) { $orderby = ''; } else { if ('slug' == $_orderby) { $orderby = 't.slug'; } else { if ('term_group' == $_orderby) { $orderby = 't.term_group'; } else { if ('none' == $_orderby) { $orderby = ''; $order = ''; } else { if (empty($_orderby) || 'id' == $_orderby) { $orderby = 't.term_id'; } elseif ('order' == $_orderby) { $orderby = 't.term_order'; } else { $orderby = ''; } } } } } } $orderby = apply_filters('get_terms_orderby', $orderby, $args); if (!empty($orderby)) { $orderby = "ORDER BY {$orderby}"; } $where = ''; // === Role Scoper MODIFICATION: if an include argument is provided, strip out non-matching terms after filtering is done. === /* $inclusions = ''; if ( !empty($include) ) { $exclude = ''; $exclude_tree = ''; $interms = wp_parse_id_list($include); if ( count($interms) ) { foreach ( $interms as $interm ) { if (empty($inclusions)) $inclusions = ' AND ( t.term_id = ' . intval($interm) . ' '; else $inclusions .= ' OR t.term_id = ' . intval($interm) . ' '; } } } if ( !empty($inclusions) ) $inclusions .= ')'; $where .= $inclusions; */ // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === $exclusions = ''; if (!empty($exclude_tree)) { // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: temporarily unhook this filter for unfiltered get_terms calls === remove_filter('get_terms', array('ScoperHardwayTaxonomy', 'flt_get_terms'), 0, 3); // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === $excluded_trunks = wp_parse_id_list($exclude_tree); foreach ((array) $excluded_trunks as $extrunk) { $excluded_children = (array) get_terms($taxonomies[0], array('child_of' => intval($extrunk), 'fields' => 'ids')); $excluded_children[] = $extrunk; foreach ($excluded_children as $exterm) { if (empty($exclusions)) { $exclusions = ' AND ( t.term_id <> ' . intval($exterm) . ' '; } else { $exclusions .= ' AND t.term_id <> ' . intval($exterm) . ' '; } } } // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: re-hook this filter add_filter('get_terms', array('ScoperHardwayTaxonomy', 'flt_get_terms'), 0, 3); // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === } if (!empty($exclude)) { $exterms = wp_parse_id_list($exclude); foreach ($exterms as $exterm) { if (empty($exclusions)) { $exclusions = ' AND ( t.term_id <> "' . intval($exterm) . '" '; } else { $exclusions .= ' AND t.term_id <> "' . intval($exterm) . '" '; } } } if (!empty($exclusions)) { $exclusions .= ')'; } // WPML attempts to pull taxonomy out of debug_backtrace() unless set in $_GET or $_POST; previous filter execution throws it off if (defined('ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION') && !isset($_GET['taxonomy'])) { $_GET['taxonomy'] = current($taxonomies); } $exclusions = apply_filters('list_terms_exclusions', $exclusions, $args); $where .= $exclusions; if (!empty($slug)) { $slug = sanitize_title($slug); $where .= " AND t.slug = '{$slug}'"; } if (!empty($name__like)) { $where .= " AND LIKE '{$name__like}%'"; } if ('' !== $parent) { $parent = (int) $parent; // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: otherwise termroles only work if parent terms also have role if ($parent || 'ids' != $fields) { $where .= " AND tt.parent = '{$parent}'"; } // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === } // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: instead, manually remove truly empty cats at the bottom of this function, so we don't exclude cats with private but readable posts //if ( $hide_empty && !$hierarchical ) // $where .= ' AND tt.count > 0'; // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === // don't limit the query results when we have to descend the family tree if (!empty($number) && !$hierarchical && empty($child_of) && '' == $parent) { if ($offset) { $limit = 'LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $number; } else { $limit = 'LIMIT ' . $number; } } else { $limit = ''; } if (!empty($search)) { $search = like_escape($search); $where .= " AND ( LIKE '%{$search}%')"; } $selects = array(); switch ($fields) { case 'all': $selects = array('t.*', 'tt.*'); break; case 'ids': case 'id=>parent': $selects = array('t.term_id', 'tt.term_taxonomy_id', 'tt.parent', 'tt.count'); break; case 'names': $selects = array('t.term_id', 'tt.term_taxonomy_id', 'tt.parent', 'tt.count', ''); break; case 'count': $orderby = ''; $order = ''; $selects = array('COUNT(*)'); } $select_this = implode(', ', apply_filters('get_terms_fields', $selects, $args)); // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: run the query through scoping filter // $query_base = "SELECT DISTINCT {$select_this} FROM {$wpdb->terms} AS t INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE 1=1 AND tt.taxonomy IN ({$in_taxonomies}) {$where} {$parent_or} {$orderby} {$order} {$limit}"; // only force application of scoped query filter if we're NOT doing a teaser if ('all' == $fields) { $do_teaser = $scoper->is_front() && empty($skip_teaser) && scoper_get_otype_option('do_teaser', 'post'); } else { $do_teaser = false; } $query = apply_filters('terms_request_rs', $query_base, $taxonomies[0], array('skip_teaser' => !$do_teaser, 'is_term_admin' => $is_term_admin, 'required_operation' => $required_operation, 'post_type' => $post_type)); // if no filering was applied because the teaser is enabled, prevent a redundant query if (!empty($exclude_tree) || $query_base != $query || $parent || 'all' != $fields) { $terms = scoper_get_results($query); } else { $terms = $results; } if ('count' == $fields) { $term_count = $wpdb->get_var($query); return $term_count; } if ('all' == $fields && empty($include)) { update_term_cache($terms); } // RS: don't cache an empty array, just in case something went wrong if (empty($terms)) { return array(); } // // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === // ==================================== // === BEGIN Role Scoper ADDITION: Support a disjointed terms tree with some parents hidden // if ('all' == $fields) { $ancestors = ScoperAncestry::get_term_ancestors($taxonomy); // array of all ancestor IDs for keyed term_id, with direct parent first if ($parent > 0 || !$hierarchical) { // in Category Edit form, need to list all editable cats even if parent is not editable $remap_parents = false; $enforce_actual_depth = true; $remap_thru_excluded_parent = false; } else { // if these settings were passed into this get_terms call, use them if (is_admin()) { $remap_parents = true; } else { if (-1 === $remap_parents) { $remap_parents = scoper_get_option('remap_term_parents'); } if ($remap_parents) { if (-1 === $enforce_actual_depth) { $enforce_actual_depth = scoper_get_option('enforce_actual_term_depth'); } if (-1 === $remap_thru_excluded_parent) { $remap_thru_excluded_parent = scoper_get_option('remap_thru_excluded_term_parent'); } } } } $remap_args = compact('child_of', 'parent', 'depth', 'orderby', 'remap_parents', 'enforce_actual_depth', 'remap_thru_excluded_parent'); // one or more of these args may have been modified after extraction ScoperHardway::remap_tree($terms, $ancestors, 'term_id', 'parent', $remap_args); } // // === END Role Scoper ADDITION === // ================================ // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: call alternate functions // rs_tally_term_counts() replaces _pad_term_counts() // rs_get_term_descendants replaces _get_term_children() // if (($child_of || $hierarchical) && !empty($children)) { $terms = rs_get_term_descendants($child_of, $terms, $taxonomies[0]); } if (!$terms) { return array(); } // Replace DB-stored term counts with actual number of posts this user can read. // In addition, without the rs_tally_term_counts call, WP will hide categories that have no public posts (even if this user can read some of the pvt posts). // Post counts will be incremented to include child categories only if $pad_counts is true if (!defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST') && in_array($fields, array('all', 'ids', 'names')) && !$is_term_admin) { if (!is_admin() || !in_array($GLOBALS['pagenow'], array('post.php', 'post-new.php'))) { //-- RoleScoper Modification - alternate function call (was _pad_term_counts) --// rs_tally_term_counts($terms, $taxonomies[0], array('pad_counts' => $pad_counts, 'skip_teaser' => !$do_teaser, 'post_type' => $post_type)); } } // Make sure we show empty categories that have children. if ($hierarchical && $hide_empty) { foreach ($terms as $k => $term) { if (!$term->count) { //-- RoleScoper Modification - call alternate function (was _get_term_children) --// if ($children = rs_get_term_descendants($term->term_id, $terms, $taxonomies[0])) { foreach ($children as $child) { if ($child->count) { continue 2; } } } // It really is empty unset($terms[$k]); } } } reset($terms); // // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === // ==================================== // === BEGIN Role Scoper ADDITION: hide empty cats based on actual query result instead of 'count > 0' clause, so we don't exclude cats with private but readable posts if ($terms && empty($hierarchical) && !empty($hide_empty)) { foreach ($terms as $key => $term) { if (!$term->count) { unset($terms[$key]); } } } // // === END Role Scoper ADDITION === // ================================ if (!empty($include)) { $interms = wp_parse_id_list($include); foreach ($terms as $key => $term) { if (!in_array($term->term_id, $interms)) { unset($terms[$key]); } } } $_terms = array(); if ('id=>parent' == $fields) { while ($term = array_shift($terms)) { $_terms[$term->term_id] = $term->parent; } $terms = $_terms; } elseif ('ids' == $fields) { while ($term = array_shift($terms)) { $_terms[] = $term->term_id; } $terms = $_terms; } elseif ('names' == $fields) { while ($term = array_shift($terms)) { $_terms[] = $term->name; } $terms = $_terms; } if (0 < $number && intval(@count($terms)) > $number) { $terms = array_slice($terms, $offset, $number); } // === BEGIN Role Scoper MODIFICATION: cache key is specific to user/group // if (!$no_cache) { $cache[$ckey] = $terms; $current_rs_user->cache_set($cache, $cache_flag); } // RS Modification: alternate filter name (get_terms filter is already applied by WP) remove_filter('get_terms', array('ScoperHardwayTaxonomy', 'flt_get_terms'), 0, 3); $terms = apply_filters('get_terms', $terms, $taxonomies, $args); $terms = apply_filters('get_terms_rs', $terms, $taxonomies, $args); add_filter('get_terms', array('ScoperHardwayTaxonomy', 'flt_get_terms'), 0, 3); // restore buffered term names in case they were filtered previously if ('all' == $fields) { scoper_restore_property_array($terms, $term_names, 'term_id', 'name'); } // // === END Role Scoper MODIFICATION === // ==================================== //dump($terms); return $terms; }
<?php if (basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) { die; } add_filter('get_terms', array('ScoperHardwayFront', 'flt_get_tags'), 50, 3); add_filter('get_the_category_for_list', array('ScoperHardwayFront', 'flt_get_the_category')); // TODO: eliminate this - published in RS forum as a WP hack for use with a dev version add_filter('get_the_category', array('ScoperHardwayFront', 'flt_get_the_category'), 10, 2); // Todo: get this hook added to WP source if (awp_is_plugin_active('snazzy-archives')) { add_filter('query', array('ScoperHardwayFront', 'flt_snazzy_archives')); } if (!awp_ver('3.3')) { add_action('admin_bar_menu', array('ScoperHardwayFront', 'flt_admin_bar_menu'), 50); } //if ( defined( 'SCOPER_FORCE_FRONTEND_JQUERY' ) ) // add_action( 'wp_head', array('ScoperHardwayFront', 'include_jquery') ); add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', array('ScoperHardwayFront', 'flt_hide_empty_menus')); if (_rs_is_active_widget_prefix('calendar-')) { add_filter('query', array('ScoperHardwayFront', 'flt_calendar')); } function _rs_is_active_widget_prefix($id_prefix) { global $wp_registered_widgets; foreach ((array) wp_get_sidebars_widgets() as $sidebar => $widgets) { if ('wp_inactive_widgets' != $sidebar && is_array($widgets)) { foreach ($widgets as $widget) { if (isset($wp_registered_widgets[$widget]['id']) && 0 === strpos($wp_registered_widgets[$widget]['id'], $id_prefix)) { return $sidebar; }
function scoper_new_version_notice() { $rechecked = false; $check_minutes = scoper_get_option('version_check_minutes'); $last_check = scoper_get_option('last_version_update_check'); if (time() - $last_check > $check_minutes * 60 || !($vcheck = get_site_option('scoper_version_info'))) { $vcheck = wp_remote_fopen(''); $rechecked = true; update_option('scoper_version_info', $vcheck); } if ($vcheck) { if (time() - $last_check > $check_minutes * 60 || !($vcheck_ext = get_site_option('scoper_extension_info'))) { $vcheck_ext = awp_remote_fopen('', 5); $rechecked = true; update_option('scoper_extension_info', $vcheck_ext); } } else { $vcheck_ext = false; } if ($rechecked) { update_option('scoper_last_version_update_check', time()); } if ($vcheck) { $status = explode('@', $vcheck); $theVersion = $status[1]; if (version_compare(strval($theVersion), strval(SCOPER_VERSION), '>') == 1) { $msg = '<strong>' . sprintf(__("A new version of Role Scoper is available (%s)", "scoper"), $theVersion); if ($rechecked || !($vcheck = get_site_option('scoper_version_message'))) { $vcheck = awp_remote_fopen('', 5); add_site_option('scoper_version_message', $vcheck); } if ($vcheck) { $status = explode('@', $vcheck); $theMessage = $status[3]; if ($ver_pos = strpos($theMessage, '<br />' . SCOPER_VERSION)) { $theMessage = substr($theMessage, 0, $ver_pos); } $theMessage = str_replace("'", ''', $theMessage); // Despite this precaution, don't include apostrophes in .chk file because older RS versions (< 1.0.0-rc9) will choke on it. $theMessage = str_replace('"', '"', $theMessage); $msg .= '</strong><small>' . $theMessage . '</small>'; } if (strpos($msg, '<!--more-->')) { $more_caption = __('read more...', 'scoper'); $msg = preg_replace('/\\<\\!\\-\\-more\\-\\-\\>/', '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="rs_display_version_more();">' . $more_caption . '</a><p id="rs_version_more" class="rs_more" style="display:none;">', $msg, 1); $msg .= '</p>'; } else { $msg .= '<br />'; } $msg .= '<a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Read about the update', 'scoper') . '</a>'; $msg .= ' <a href="" target="_blank">' . __('View full changelog', 'scoper') . '</a>'; if (version_compare(strval($theVersion), '1.0.0', '>=')) { $url = awp_plugin_update_url(SCOPER_BASENAME); $msg .= ' <a href="' . $url . '">' . __awp('Upgrade Automatically') . '</a>'; } else { $msg .= ' <a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Download for manual install', 'scoper') . '</a>'; } // slick method copied from NextGEN Gallery plugin add_action('admin_notices', create_function('', 'echo \'<div id="rs-ver_msg" class="plugin-update rs-ver_msg fade" style="margin:0;"><p>' . $msg . '</p></div>\';')); } } if ($vcheck_ext) { $plugin_titles = array(); $plugin_links = array(); if ($extensions = explode(';', $vcheck_ext)) { foreach ($extensions as $ext) { if ($ext_info = explode(',', $ext)) { if (count($ext_info) < 4) { continue; } if (($plugin_file = awp_is_plugin_active($ext_info[0])) && !awp_is_plugin_active($ext_info[1])) { $plugin_path = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/' . $plugin_file; if (file_exists($plugin_path)) { $plugin_data = implode('', file($plugin_path)); preg_match('|Plugin Name:(.*)$|mi', $plugin_data, $name); if ($name) { $name = trim($name[1]); $plugin_titles[$ext_info[0]] = $name; if (false === strpos($ext_info[3], 'wp_repository') || false !== strpos($ext_info[3], 'is_alpha')) { $plugin_links[$ext_info[0]] = ""; } else { $plugin_links[$ext_info[0]] = awp_plugin_info_url($ext_info[2]); } } } } } } $plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if ($plugin_titles) { $plugin_array = array(); foreach ($plugin_titles as $name => $title) { $plugin_array[] = "<a href=\"{$plugin_links[$name]}\">{$title}</a>"; } $msg = '<strong>' . sprintf(__("Role Scoper Extensions are available for the following plugins: %s", "scoper"), implode(', ', $plugin_array)) . '</strong><br />'; // slick method copied from NextGEN Gallery plugin add_action('admin_notices', create_function('', 'echo \'<div id="rs-ext_ver_msg" class="plugin-update rs-ver_msg fade"><p>' . $msg . '</p></div>\';')); } } } }