  * Search and Replace templates.
  * @param integer $dostyleid Style ID to be searched in. -1 means search in all styles.
  * @param string $searchstring Search for text.
  * @param string $replacestring Replace with text.
  * @param boolean $case_insensitive Case-Insensitive or not.
  * @param boolean $regex Whether to use regular expressions.
  * @param boolean $test Test only.
  * @param integer $startat_style Replacement startat style ID.
  * @param integer $startat_template Replacement startat template ID.
  * @return mixed False if no templates found. Otherwise an array will be returned.
 public function searchAndReplace($dostyleid, $searchstring, $replacestring, $case_insensitive, $regex, $test, $startat_style, $startat_template)
     require_once DIR . '/includes/adminfunctions.php';
     require_once DIR . '/includes/adminfunctions_template.php';
     // TODO: Product API
     $full_product_info = fetch_product_list(true);
     $vb5_config =& vB::getConfig();
     $userinfo = vB::getCurrentSession()->fetch_userinfo();
     $perpage = 50;
     $searchstring = str_replace(chr(0), '', $searchstring);
     if (empty($searchstring)) {
         throw new vB_Exception_Api('please_complete_required_fields');
     $limit_style = $startat_style;
     $conditions = array();
     if ($dostyleid == -1) {
         if ($vb5_config['Misc']['debug']) {
             $conditions[] = array('field' => 'styleid', 'value' => -2, 'operator' => vB_dB_Query::OPERATOR_NE);
             if ($startat_style == 0) {
                 $editmaster = true;
             } else {
                 // since 0 means the master style, we have to renormalize
         } else {
             $conditions[] = array('field' => 'styleid', 'value' => 0, 'operator' => vB_dB_Query::OPERATOR_GT);
     } else {
         $conditions['styleid'] = $dostyleid;
     if ($editmaster != true) {
         $result = vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('getStyleByConds', array(vB_Db_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_Db_Query::QUERY_METHOD, 'conds' => $conditions, 'limit_style' => $limit_style));
         if (!$result->valid()) {
             // couldn't grab a style, so we're done
             return false;
         $styleinfo = $result->current();
         $templatelist = unserialize($styleinfo['templatelist']);
     } else {
         $styleinfo = array('styleid' => -1, 'title' => 'MASTER STYLE');
         $templatelist = array();
         $result = vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('template_getmasters2');
         foreach ($result as $tid) {
             $templatelist["{$tid['title']}"] = $tid['templateid'];
         $styleinfo['templatelist'] = serialize($templatelist);
         // for sanity
     $loopend = $startat_template + $perpage;
     $process_templates = array(0);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($templatelist as $title => $tid) {
         if ($i >= $startat_template and $i < $loopend) {
             $process_templates[] = $tid;
         if ($i >= $loopend) {
     if ($i != $loopend) {
         // didn't get the $perpage templates, so we're done with this style
         $styledone = true;
     } else {
         $styledone = false;
     $templates = vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('template', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_SELECT, 'templateid' => $process_templates));
     $stats['page'] = $startat_template / $perpage + 1;
     $stats['first'] = $startat_template + 1;
     $count = 0;
     $processed_templates = array();
     foreach ($templates as $temp) {
         $insensitive_mod = $case_insensitive ? 'i' : '';
         if ($test) {
             if ($regex) {
                 $encodedsearchstr = str_replace('(?&lt;', '(?<', htmlspecialchars_uni($searchstring));
             } else {
                 $encodedsearchstr = preg_quote(htmlspecialchars_uni($searchstring), '#');
             $newtemplate = preg_replace("#{$encodedsearchstr}#sU{$insensitive_mod}", '<span class="col-i" style="text-decoration:underline;">' . htmlspecialchars_uni($replacestring) . '</span>', htmlspecialchars_uni($temp['template_un']));
             if ($newtemplate != htmlspecialchars_uni($temp['template_un'])) {
                 $temp['newtemplate'] = $newtemplate;
                 $processed_templates[] = $temp;
             } else {
         } else {
             if ($regex) {
                 $newtemplate = preg_replace("#" . $searchstring . "#sU{$insensitive_mod}", $replacestring, $temp['template_un']);
             } else {
                 $usedstr = preg_quote($searchstring, '#');
                 $newtemplate = preg_replace("#{$usedstr}#sU{$insensitive_mod}", $replacestring, $temp['template_un']);
             if ($newtemplate != $temp['template_un']) {
                 if (!empty($temp['textonly'])) {
                     $newTemplateCompiled = $newtemplate;
                 } else {
                     $newTemplateCompiled = $this->library->compile($newtemplate, true);
                 if ($temp['styleid'] == $styleinfo['styleid']) {
                     vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('template', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_UPDATE, 'template' => $newTemplateCompiled, 'template_un' => $newtemplate, 'dateline' => TIMENOW, 'username' => $userinfo['username'], 'version' => $full_product_info["{$temp['product']}"]['version'], 'templateid' => $temp['templateid'], 'mergestatus' => 'none'));
                     // now update the file system if we setup to do so and we are in the master style
                     if (defined('DEV_AUTOEXPORT') and DEV_AUTOEXPORT and $temp['styleid'] == -1) {
                         require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_filesystemxml.php';
                         autoexport_write_template($temp['title'], $newtemplate, $temp['product'], $full_product_info["{$temp['product']}"]['version'], $userinfo['username'], TIMENOW);
                     vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('templatemerge', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_DELETE, 'templateid' => $temp['templateid']));
                 } else {
                     /*insert query*/
                     $result = vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('template', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_UPDATE, 'dostyleid' => $styleinfo['styleid'], 'title' => $temp['title'], 'template' => $newTemplateCompiled, 'template_un' => $newtemplate, 'dateline' => TIMENOW, 'username' => $userinfo['username'], 'version' => $full_product_info["{$temp['product']}"]['version'], 'product' => $temp['product']));
                     $requirerebuild = true;
                 $temp['newtemplate'] = $newtemplate;
                 $processed_templates[] = $temp;
             } else {
     // End foreach
     $stats['last'] = $startat_template + $count;
     if ($styledone == true) {
         // Go to the next style. If we're only doing replacements in one style,
         // this will trigger the finished message.
         $loopend = 0;
     return array('processed_templates' => $processed_templates, 'startat_style' => $startat_style, 'startat_template' => $loopend, 'requirerebuild' => $requirerebuild, 'styleinfo' => $styleinfo, 'stats' => $stats);
		WHERE templateid = " . $vbulletin->GPC['templateid'] . " AND
				MD5(template_un) = '" . $db->escape_string($vbulletin->GPC['hash']) . "' OR
				template_un = '" . $db->escape_string($template_un) . "'

	// now update the file system if we setup to do so and we are in the master style
	if (defined('DEV_AUTOEXPORT') AND DEV_AUTOEXPORT AND $vbulletin->GPC['dostyleid'] == -1)
		require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_filesystemxml.php');

	if ($db->affected_rows() == 0)
		// we have an edit conflict
		$_REQUEST['do'] = 'edit';
		$updatetemplate_edit_conflict = true;
		// template saved successfully (no edit conflict)
  *	Save a template and handle all common operations between an insert and an update
  *	caller is responsible for determining if a update or an insert is needed (via
  *	providing the existing templateid for the record to be updated)
  *	@param $title string.  The title of the template
  *	@param $template string.  Compiled template text
  *	@param $content string. Uncompiled template text
  *	@param $timenow int.  Current time as a datestamp
  *	@param $username string. Username of the user saving the template
  *	@param $version string. The version of the product the template belongs to.
  *	@param $product string. The product that the template belongs to.
  *	@param $templateid int. The id of the template being saved, null if this is a new template
  *	@param $hash string.  The md5 hash of the original text of the template being updated. This is used to
  *		avoid conflicting edits.  Null if this is a new template.
  *	@param $styleid int.  The ID of the style the template is being saved to.
  *	@param $savehistory bool. Whether to save this edit to the template history -- valid for new templates
  *	@param $hiscomment string.  A comment on the edit to save with the history
 protected function saveTemplate($title, $template, $content, $timenow, $username, $version, $product, $templateid, $hash, $styleid, $savehistory, $histcomment, $additional = array())
     $fields = array('title' => $title, 'template' => $template, 'template_un' => $content, 'dateline' => $timenow, 'username' => $username, 'version' => $version, 'product' => $product);
     //if the current user does not have canadmintemplates, we force textonly to 1.  Otherwise leave it alone.
     if (!vB::getUserContext()->hasAdminPermission('canadmintemplates')) {
         $fields['textonly'] = 1;
     } else {
         if (isset($additional['textonly'])) {
             $fields['textonly'] = $additional['textonly'];
     if ($templateid) {
         $fields['templateid'] = $templateid;
         $fields['hash'] = $hash;
         $queryid = 'template_update';
         if (!isset($fields['textonly'])) {
             //We need to get the current value of textonly so we don't change it.
             $existing = vB::getDbAssertor()->getRow('template', array('templateid' => $templateid));
             if ($existing and !empty($existing['textonly'])) {
                 $fields['textonly'] = 1;
             } else {
                 $fields['textonly'] = 0;
     } else {
         $fields['styleid'] = $styleid;
         $fields[vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY] = vB_dB_Query::QUERY_INSERT;
         $queryid = 'template';
     // Do update
     $result = vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery($queryid, $fields);
     //If we just did an insert, the templateid is in $result;
     if (empty($templateid) and is_numeric($result)) {
         $templateid = $result;
     $this->setTextonlyDS($templateid, $fields['textonly']);
     //a non positive result indicates failure
     if ($result) {
         // now update the file system if we setup to do so and we are in the master style
         if (defined('DEV_AUTOEXPORT') and DEV_AUTOEXPORT and $styleid == -1) {
             require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_filesystemxml.php';
             autoexport_write_template($title, $content, $product, $version, $username, $timenow);
         if ($savehistory) {
             vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('template_savehistory', array('dostyleid' => $styleid, 'title' => $title, 'template_un' => $content, 'dateline' => $timenow, 'username' => $username, 'version' => $version, 'comment' => $histcomment));
         //if this is a new template the return from the insert query is the templateid
         if (!$templateid) {
             $templateid = $result;
         //if we are storing the templates on the file systems
         $options = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('options');
         if ($options['cache_templates_as_files'] and $options['template_cache_path']) {
             $this->saveTemplateToFileSystem($templateid, $template, $options['template_cache_path'], $fields['textonly']);
         // we need to reset the template fastDS cache.
         $options = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('miscoptions');
         $options['tmtdate'] = vB::getRequest()->getTimeNow();
         vB::getDatastore()->build('miscoptions', serialize($options), 1);
     return $result;