  * Save user details
 function save_user_details()
     global $db, $_mail, $_pre, $valreg, $_allow_user_reg;
     //Is user registration allowed...?
     if ($_allow_user_reg == 0) {
         echo "{'warning':'User registration has been disabled. Please contact the administrator'}";
     //Do validation and add user
     list($full_names, $registration_no, $nick_name, $pass1, $pass2, $email, $unused1, $unused2) = assoc_to_indexed($_POST);
     $error = '';
     if (strlen($full_names) < 6) {
         $error = $error . 'Full name invalid, ';
     if (strlen($registration_no) > 20 || strlen($registration_no) < 3) {
         //Use regex!
         $error .= 'Registration Number invalid, ';
     if (!checkAlphanumPlus($nick_name) || strlen($nick_name) < 2) {
         $error = $error . 'Nick name invalid or is too short, nick name needs to be at least 5 characters in length and should contain only alphanumeric characters, a full stop or an underscore, ';
     if ($pass1 != $pass2) {
         $error .= 'Passwords do not match, ';
     if (strlen($pass1) < 5) {
         $error .= 'Password too short, password must be at least 5 characters in length, ';
     if (!checkEmail($email)) {
         $error = $error . 'Email address invalid, ';
     if (strlen($error) > 0) {
         $error = substr($error, 0, strlen($error) - 2);
         echo "{'error': '{$error}'}";
     } else {
         //Check if the registration no provided exists in users table
         $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $_pre . "users WHERE registration_no='{$registration_no}'";
         if ($db->foundRows > 0) {
             echo "{'error':'The registration number you provided is already in use'}";
         //Check if the nick name provided exists
         $query = "SELECT * FROM {$_pre}users WHERE nick_name='{$nick_name}' AND registration_no!='{$registration_no}'";
         if ($db->foundRows > 0) {
             echo "{'error':'The nick name you provided is already in use'}";
         //Check if the email address provided exists
         $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $_pre . "users WHERE email='{$email}'";
         if ($db->foundRows > 0) {
             echo "{'error':'The email account you provided is already in use'}";
         //Check if the given account has been updated ie activated == 2
         $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $_pre . "users WHERE registration_no='{$registration_no}' AND activated=2";
         if ($db->foundRows > 0) {
             echo "{'warning':'Your account has been created but not yet activated, please activate it'}";
         //Check if the given accout has been activated
         $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $_pre . "users WHERE registration_no='{$registration_no}' AND activated=1";
         if ($db->foundRows > 0) {
             echo "{'error':'What the heck...? Your account is active, please login or if you are not the owner of the registration number you just provided, provide yours!'}";
         $password = encrypt_password($pass1);
         $full_names = strtolower($full_names);
         $registration_no = strtoupper($registration_no);
         $user_type = 'registered';
         $key = md5(time());
         $query = "INSERT INTO {$_pre}users (full_names,registration_no,user_type,nick_name,password,email,register_date,last_visit_date,activated,activation_key) VALUES ('{$full_names}','{$registration_no}','{$user_type}','{$nick_name}','{$password}','{$email}',NOW(),NOW(),2,'{$key}')";
         //Create a row in profiles table for this user
         $query = "INSERT INTO " . $_pre . "profile (registration_no) VALUE ('{$registration_no}')";
         //Send mail to provided account number
         require_once '..' . DS . 'lib' . DS . 'mail' . DS . 'mail.php';
         $subject = 'Your CodeZone account has been created';
         $message = "{$nick_name},\nYour CodeZone account has been created. To complete the registration, please click on the link below or cut and paste in your browser's location bar to activate your account.\n Link: http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/index.php?a=activate&r=" . base64_encode($registration_no) . "&k={$key}\nYour details are as follows:\nLogin Name (Registration No): {$registration_no}\nPassword: {$pass1}\nPlease change your password once you log in for security purposes. If you are having any problems then do not hesitate to contact the admin at {$_mail}.\n\nWishing you all the best at CodeZone";
         mailSend(array($email), $subject, $message);
         echo "{'success':'Your account has been created. An activation link has been sent to the email address you provided'}";
  * Save extras
 function save_extras($post)
     global $db, $_pre;
     $ud = @$_SESSION['user_row_data'];
     if (base64_decode($_POST['f']) != 'save extras') {
         echo "{'error':'Request source unknown'}";
     list($language, $quote, $about_me, $unused) = assoc_to_indexed($post);
     $language = htmlspecialchars($language);
     $quote = htmlspecialchars($quote);
     $quote = str_replace("\"", "", $quote);
     $about_me = htmlspecialchars($about_me);
     $query = "UPDATE {$_pre}profile SET quote='{$quote}',about_me='{$about_me}',language='{$language}' WHERE registration_no='{$ud['registration_no']}'";
     //Update user session data to effect immediate changes
     $_SESSION['user_row_data']['language'] = $language;
     $_SESSION['user_row_data']['quote'] = $quote;
     $_SESSION['user_row_data']['about_me'] = $about_me;
     echo "{'success':'Extras saved'}";
  * Save edited match details
 function valEditMatch()
     global $db, $_pre;
     list($title, $duration, $start_date, $start_time, $difficulty, $match_points, $match_ranked, $analysis, $unused_1, $unused_2, $match_id, $action) = assoc_to_indexed($_POST);
     $match_id = base64_decode($match_id);
     settype($match_id, 'integer');
     //If action is delete, do and return
     if ($action == 'Delete this match?') {
         //Get match table name first
         $query = "SELECT match_table_name FROM {$_pre}matches WHERE id={$match_id}";
         $row = $db->fetch_assoc();
         $match_table_name = $row['match_table_name'];
         //Delete records from matches table
         $query = "DELETE FROM {$_pre}matches WHERE id={$match_id}";
         //Drop the match table
         $query = "DROP TABLE {$_pre}{$match_table_name}";
         //Remove logs with this match ID
         $query = "DELETE FROM {$_pre}user_match_log WHERE match_id={$match_id}";
         //Rename this match's table to have suffix ".old" so it can be deleted later with a script or manually
         rename("competition_uploads" . DS . $match_table_name, "competition_uploads" . DS . $match_table_name . ".old");
         system_messages(1, "Match number {$match_id} successfully deleted");
     $errmsg = "";
     //Validate match name
     if (strlen($title) < 2) {
         $errmsg .= "Match name too short";
     //Validate duration
     settype($duration, 'integer');
     if ($duration < 600) {
         $errmsg .= ", Duration invalid";
     //Validate start date
     if (!check_date($start_date)) {
         $errmsg .= ", Invalid date";
     //Validate start time
     if (!check_time($start_time)) {
         $errmsg .= ", Invalid time";
     //Join start date and start time
     $full_date = $start_date . " " . $start_time;
     //Validate match difficulty : scale of 0-100, but min is 10
     settype($difficulty, 'integer');
     if ($difficulty < 10 || $difficulty > 100) {
         $errmsg .= ", Difficulty invalid";
     //Validate match points
     settype($match_points, 'integer');
     if ($match_points < 100 || $match_points > 999) {
         $errmsg .= ", Match points invalid";
     //Validate match ranked
     $match_ranked = $match_ranked != '0' && $match_ranked != '1' ? '0' : $match_ranked;
     //Validate match analysis
     $analysis_text = strip_tags($analysis, "<p><a><strong><i><br><div><pre>");
     //Strip HTML tags
     if (strlen($errmsg) > 0) {
         system_messages(0, $errmsg, 'true');
     //Update match details
     $query = "UPDATE {$_pre}matches SET title='{$title}',duration={$duration},start_time=" . make_time($full_date) . ",difficulty={$difficulty},match_points={$match_points},match_ranked={$match_ranked},analysis='{$analysis}' WHERE id={$match_id}";
     //We also need to update user_match_log table match_date column to the new changes
     $query = "UPDATE {$_pre}user_match_log SET match_date=" . make_time($full_date) . " WHERE match_id={$match_id}";
     //Echo success message
     system_messages(1, 'Match details saved');