public function cmp_ok($exp1, $op, $exp2, $message = '') { switch ($op) { case '==': case '===': assertEquals($exp2, $exp1); break; case '!=': case '!==': assertNotEquals($exp2, $exp1); break; case '>': assertGreaterThan($exp2, $exp1); break; case '<': assertLessThan($exp2, $exp1); break; case '>=': assertGreaterThanOrEqual($exp2, $exp1); break; case '<=': assertLessThanOrEqual($exp2, $exp1); break; } }
/** * @param string $field * @param TableNode $table * * @Then /^the scopable "([^"]*)" field should have the following colors:$/ */ public function theScopableFieldShouldHaveTheFollowingColors($field, TableNode $table) { $element = $this->getCurrentPage()->find('css', sprintf('label:contains("%s")', $field))->getParent(); $colors = $this->getMainContext()->getContainer()->getParameter('pim_enrich.colors'); foreach ($table->getHash() as $item) { $style = $element->find('css', sprintf('label[title="%s"]', $item['scope']))->getAttribute('style'); assertGreaterThanOrEqual(1, strpos($style, $colors[$item['background']]), sprintf('Expecting the background of the %s %s field to be %s', $item['scope'], $field, $item['background'])); assertGreaterThanOrEqual(1, strpos($style, $item['font']), sprintf('Expecting the font of the %s %s field to be %s', $item['scope'], $field, $item['font'])); } }
public function test_it_can_get_paginated_list_of_users() { $output = $this->UsersRepository->users(); assertGreaterThanOrEqual(1, $output->count()); // atleast 1 user in seeds }
/** * @Given /^data has more than (\d+) items/ */ public function dataHasMoreThanItems($arg) { $results = $this->getResponsePayload(); assertGreaterThanOrEqual($arg, $results->data); }
/** * @Then :alt_text ボタンが表示されていること */ public function ボタンが表示されていること($alt_text) { $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); $images = $page->findAll('xpath', "//img[@alt='{$alt_text}']"); assertGreaterThanOrEqual(1, $images); }
/** * @Then Assert the value :arg1 is greater than :arg2 or equal * @param $expected * @param $actual */ public function assertGreaterThanOrEqual($actual, $expected) { assertGreaterThanOrEqual($expected, $actual, sprintf("Assert the value [%s] is greater than [%s] or equal", $actual, $expected)); }