function ass_change_all_email_sub()
    global $groups_template, $bp;
    if (!is_super_admin()) {
        return false;
    $group =& $groups_template->group;
    if (!($default_email_sub = ass_get_default_subscription($group))) {
        $default_email_sub = 'no';
    echo '<p><br>' . __('Site Admin Only: update email subscription settings for ALL members to the default:', 'bp-ass') . ' <i>' . ass_subscribe_translate($default_email_sub) . '</i>.  ' . __('Warning: this is not reversible so use with caution.', 'bp-ass') . ' <a href="' . wp_nonce_url(bp_get_group_permalink($group) . 'admin/manage-members/email-all/' . $default_email_sub, 'ass_change_all_email_sub') . '">' . __('Make it so!', 'bp-ass') . '</a></p>';
     * BPGES: Reformat the email footer to use HTML for group activity items.
     * @param string $retval The current email contents
     * @param array $data {
     *     Array of data.
     *     @type string $message The full email content excluding footer
     *     @type string $notice The email footer
     *     @type int $user_id The user ID posting the content
     *     @type string $subscription_type Email subscription type for the receiver of
     *           the email.
     *     @type string $content The unmodified post content
     *     @type string $settings_link The settings link for the receiver of the email.
     * }
     * @return string
    public function adjust_ges_activity_email_footer($retval, $data)
        $content = '';
        $footer = '';
        $footer_links = array();
        switch ($data['subscription_type']) {
            // self-notifications
            case 'self_notify':
                $footer = sprintf(__('You are currently receiving notifications for your own posts.  To disable these notifications, <a href="%s">login here</a> and uncheck "Receive notifications of your own posts"', 'wpbe-bp'), $data['settings_link']);
                $content = sprintf(__('%1$s
<hr />
%2$s'), $data['content'], $footer);
                // 'new topics' or 'all mail'
            // 'new topics' or 'all mail'
            case 'sub':
            case 'supersub':
                $footer = sprintf(__('Your email setting for this group is: ', 'wpbe-bp') . '<strong>' . ass_subscribe_translate($data['subscription_type']) . '</strong>');
                $footer_links[] = sprintf('<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>', $data['settings_link'], __('Change Group Email Settings', 'wpbe-bp'));
                $footer_links[] = $this->get_bpges_group_unsubscribe_link($data['user_id']);
                if ('yes' == get_option('ass-global-unsubscribe-link')) {
                    $footer_links[] = $this->get_bpges_global_unsubscribe_link($data['user_id']);
                $footer_links = implode(' &middot; ', $footer_links);
                $content = sprintf(__('%1$s
<hr />
%3$s'), $data['content'], $footer, $footer_links);
        return apply_filters('wpbe_bp_ass_activity_email_content', $content, $footer, $footer_links, $data);