function wifiapp_service()
    $stsp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/runtime", "phyinf", "uid", "BAND24G-1.1", 0);
    $phy1 = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "phyinf", "uid", "BAND24G-1.1", 0);
    $wifi1 = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/wifi", "entry", "uid", query($phy1 . "/wifi"), 0);
    /* Is the phyinf active? */
    $active1 = query($phy1 . "/active");
    if ($active1 != 1) {
    $winfname = query($stsp . "/name");
    $ssid = query($wifi1 . "/ssid");
    $authtype = query($wifi1 . "/authtype");
    $encrtype = query($wifi1 . "/encrtype");
    $psk = query($wifi1 . "/nwkey/psk/key");
    $wep_defkey = query($wifi1 . "/nwkey/wep/defkey");
    $ascii = query($wifi1 . "/nwkey/wep/ascii");
    $wep_key_1 = query($wifi1 . "/nwkey/wep/key:1");
    $wep_key_2 = query($wifi1 . "/nwkey/wep/key:2");
    $wep_key_3 = query($wifi1 . "/nwkey/wep/key:3");
    $wep_key_4 = query($wifi1 . "/nwkey/wep/key:4");
    if ($ascii == 1) {
        $wep_key_1 = ascii($wep_key_1);
        $wep_key_2 = ascii($wep_key_2);
        $wep_key_3 = ascii($wep_key_3);
        $wep_key_4 = ascii($wep_key_4);
    // WPS config START
    $wscd_conf = "/var/wsc.conf";
    $wps_en = query($wifi1 . "/wps/enable");
    $wps_configured = query($wifi1 . "/wps/configured");
    $wps_pin = query($wifi1 . "/wps/pin");
    if ($wps_pin == "") {
        $wps_pin = query("/runtime/devdata/pin");
    /* Factory default PIN. (label) */
    $dtype = "urn:schemas-wifialliance-org:device:WFADevice:1";
    $dpath = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/runtime/upnp", "dev", "deviceType", $dtype, 0);
    if ($dpath != "") {
        $UUID_tmp = query($dpath . "/guid");
        $UUID = cut($UUID_tmp, "0", "-") . cut($UUID_tmp, "1", "-") . cut($UUID_tmp, "2", "-") . cut($UUID_tmp, "3", "-") . cut($UUID_tmp, "4", "-");
        $uuid = tolower($UUID);
        $modelname = query($dpath . "/devdesc/device/modelName");
        $modelnum = query($dpath . "/devdesc/device/modelNumber");
        $serialnum = query($dpath . "/devdesc/device/serialNumber");
        $vendor = query($dpath . "/devdesc/device/manufacturer");
        $vendorurl = query($dpath . "/devdesc/device/manufacturerURL");
        $modeldesc = query($dpath . "/devdesc/device/modelDescription");
    // WPS config END
    $iapp = query($phy1 . "/media/iapp");
    $phy2 = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "phyinf", "uid", "BAND24G-1.2", 0);
    $phy3 = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "phyinf", "uid", "BAND24G-1.3", 0);
    $phy4 = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "phyinf", "uid", "BAND24G-1.4", 0);
    $phy5 = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "phyinf", "uid", "BAND24G-1.5", 0);
    $mssid1active = query($phy2 . "/active");
    $mssid2active = query($phy3 . "/active");
    $mssid3active = query($phy4 . "/active");
    $mssid4active = query($phy5 . "/active");
    if ($iapp == 1) {
        $infstr = "";
        if ($mssid1active == 1) {
            $infstr = $infstr . "wlan0-va0 ";
        if ($mssid2active == 1) {
            $infstr = $infstr . "wlan0-va1 ";
        if ($mssid3active == 1) {
            $infstr = $infstr . "wlan0-va2 ";
        if ($mssid4active == 1) {
            $infstr = $infstr . "wlan0-va3 ";
    //-----------------------------IAPP & iwcontrol setting------------------------------------------------------------------//
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'xmldbc -k "WSCWAITUP"\\n');
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'shell="/var/run/wscwaitup.sh"\\n');
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'rm -f $shell\\n');
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'killall iwcontrol\\n');
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'rm -f /var/run/iwcontrol.pid\\n');
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'killall wscd\\n');
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'rm -f /var/run/wscd-wlan0.pid\\n');
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'killall iapp\\n');
    fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'rm -f /var/wscd-' . $winfname . '.fifo\\n');
    if ($iapp == 1 && $wps_en != 1) {
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'iapp br0 ' . $winfname . ' ' . $infstr . '\\n');
    //--------------------------WSC/WPS setting------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
    if ($wps_en == 1) {
        // WSCD config START //
        if ($wps_configured == 1) {
            fwrite("w", $wscd_conf, 'mode = 5\\n');
            if ($authtype == "OPEN") {
                fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'auth_type = 1\\n');
            } else {
                if ($authtype == "SHARED") {
                    fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'auth_type = 4\\n');
                } else {
                    if ($authtype == "WPAPSK") {
                        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'auth_type = 2\\n');
                    } else {
                        if ($authtype == "WPA2PSK") {
                            fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'auth_type = 32\\n');
                            //			} else if($authtype=="WPA+2PSK"){
                        } else {
                            fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'auth_type = 34\\n');
            if ($encrtype == "NONE") {
                fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'encrypt_type = 1\\n');
            } else {
                if ($encrtype == "WEP") {
                    fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'encrypt_type = 2\\n');
                } else {
                    if ($encrtype == "TKIP") {
                        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'encrypt_type = 4\\n');
                    } else {
                        if ($encrtype == "AES") {
                            fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'encrypt_type = 8\\n');
                            //			} else if($encrtype=="TKIP+AES"){
                        } else {
                            fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'encrypt_type = 12\\n');
            fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'manual_config = 0\\n');
            if ($encrtype == "WEP") {
                fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'wep_transmit_key = ' . $wep_defkey . '\\n');
                fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'network_key = ' . $wep_key_1 . '\\n');
                fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'wep_key2 = ' . $wep_key_2 . '\\n');
                fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'wep_key3 = ' . $wep_key_3 . '\\n');
                fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'wep_key4 = ' . $wep_key_4 . '\\n');
                //			} else if($authtype=="WPAPSK" || $authtype=="WPA2PSK" || $authtype=="WPA+2PSK"){
            } else {
                fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'network_key = ' . $psk . '\\n');
            fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'ssid = ' . $ssid . '\\n');
        } else {
            fwrite("w", $wscd_conf, 'mode = 1\\n');
            fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'auth_type = 32\\n');
            //AUTH_WPAPSK=2 + AUTH_WPA2PSK=0x20
            fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'encrypt_type = 8\\n');
            //ENCRYPT_TKIP=4 + ENCRYPT_AES=8
            fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'manual_config = 0\\n');
            if ($ssid == "") {
                $ssid1 = query("/runtime/devdata/lanmac");
                $defssid = "";
                $defssid = $defssid . cut($ssid1, "3", ":");
                $defssid = $defssid . cut($ssid1, "4", ":");
                $defssid = $defssid . cut($ssid1, "5", ":");
                fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'ssid = ap-pc-' . $defssid . '\\n');
            } else {
                fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'ssid = ' . $ssid . '\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'upnp = 1\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'config_method = 134\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'connection_type = 1\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'pin_code = ' . $wps_pin . '\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'rf_band = 1\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'config_by_ext_reg = 1\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'device_name = "' . $modelname . '"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'use_ie = 1\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'auth_type_flags = 39\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'encrypt_type_flags = 15\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'uuid = ' . $uuid . '\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'device_name = "' . $modelname . '"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'manufacturer = "' . $vendor . '"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'manufacturerURL = "' . $vendorurl . '"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'modelURL = "' . $vendorurl . '"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'model_name = "' . $modelname . '"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'model_num = "' . $modelnum . '"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'serial_num = "' . $serialnum . '"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'modelDescription = "' . $modeldesc . '"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'device_attrib_id = 1\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'device_oui = 0050f204\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'device_category_id = 6\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'device_sub_category_id = 1\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'device_password_id = 0\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'tx_timeout = 5\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'resent_limit = 2\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'reg_timeout = 120\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'block_timeout = 60\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'WPS_START_LED_GPIO_number = 2\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'WPS_END_LED_unconfig_GPIO_number = 0\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'WPS_END_LED_config_GPIO_number = 0\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'WPS_PBC_overlapping_GPIO_number = 1\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'PBC_overlapping_LED_time_out = 30\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'No_ifname_for_flash_set = 2\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'disable_auto_gen_ssid = 1\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'disable_hidden_ap = 1\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'button_hold_time = 3\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'fix_wzc_wep = 1\\n');
        fwrite("a", $wscd_conf, 'WPS_SUCCESS_LED_time_out = 300\\n');
        // WSCD config END //
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'mkdir /var/wps\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'cp /etc/simplecfg*.xml /var/wps/\\n');
        //		fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'flash upd-wsc-conf /etc/wscd.conf /var/wsc.conf\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'shell="/var/run/wscwaitup.sh"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "#!/bin/sh"                    >  $shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "if [ -f "/var/run/BRIDGE-1.UP" ] || [ -f "/var/run/LAN-1.UP" ]; then"	>>	$shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "\\tsleep 1"      >> $shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "\\troute del -net netmask br0"	>> $shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "\\troute add -net netmask br0"	>> $shell\\n');
        if ($iapp == 1) {
            fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "\\tiapp br0 ' . $winfname . ' ' . $infstr . '"	>> $shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "\\twscd -start -c /var/wsc.conf -w ' . $winfname . ' -fi /var/wscd-' . $winfname . '.fifo -daemon" >> $shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "\\tsleep 1"      >> $shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "\\tiwcontrol ' . $winfname . ' ' . $infstr . '"      >> $shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "\\trm -f $shell"      >> $shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "else"      >> $shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "\\tsleep 1"      >> $shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "\\txmldbc -t WSCWAITUP:1:\'sh $shell\' > /dev/console"      >> $shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'echo "fi"      >> $shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'xmldbc -t "WSCWAITUP:1:sh $shell" > /dev/console\\n');
        //		fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'wscd -start -c /var/wsc.conf -w '.$winfname.' -fi /var/wscd-'.$winfname.'.fifo -daemon\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'event WPSPIN add "/etc/scripts/wps_tmp.sh pin"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'event WPSPBC.PUSH add "/etc/scripts/wps_tmp.sh pbc"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], 'event WPSPBC.PUSH add true\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], 'event WPSPIN add true\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], 'xmldbc -k "WSCWAITUP"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], 'shell="/var/run/wscwaitup.sh"\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], 'rm -f $shell\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], 'killall wscd\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], 'rm -f /var/run/wscd-wlan0.pid\\n');
        if ($iapp == 1) {
            fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], 'killall iapp\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], 'killall iwcontrol\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], 'rm -f /var/run/iwcontrol.pid\\n');
    if ($iapp == 1 && $wps_en != 1) {
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'iwcontrol ' . $winfname . ' ' . $infstr . '\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], 'killall iwcontrol\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], 'rm -f /var/run/iwcontrol.pid\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["STOP"], 'rm -f /var/wscd-' . $winfname . '.fifo\\n');

 * @author Trung Hieu
 * @copyright 2010
define('CNT', true);
include 'cnt-includes/functions.php';
if ($_POST['search'] && $_POST['search'] != ' ') {
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} else {
    echo 'Hacking attempt';
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include '../cnt-includes/config.php';
include '../cnt-includes/functions.php';
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文件: post.php 项目: lkyxmen/TamPhp
|           Copyright © CNT           | 
|         Phone: 0986.901.797         |
|         Y!m: banmai_xanhmai         |
|       Website: CongNgheTre.Vn       |
|     Email: PeakOfMusic@Gmail.Com    |
define('CNT', true);
include '../cnt-includes/config.php';
include '../cnt-includes/functions.php';
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文件: cat.php 项目: lkyxmen/TamPhp
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} else {
    echo "Hacking attempt";
文件: page.php 项目: lkyxmen/TamPhp

|           Copyright © CNT           | 
|         Phone: 0986.901.797         |
|         Y!m: banmai_xanhmai         |
|       Website: CongNgheTre.Vn       |
|     Email: PeakOfMusic@Gmail.Com    |
define('CNT', true);
include '../cnt-includes/config.php';
include '../cnt-includes/functions.php';
if (check_log() == true && check_level() >= 4) {
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            @mysql_query("DELETE FROM cnt_posts WHERE id = " . $_POST['id'][$i]);
        header('Location: index.php?m=7');
    } else {
        header('Location: index.php?m=7');
} else {
    echo "Hacking attempt";
  * Generate a URL friendly "slug" from a given string.
  * @param  string  $title
  * @param  string  $separator
  * @return string
 function str_slug($title, $separator = '-')
     $title = ascii($title);
     // Convert all dashes/underscores into separator
     $flip = $separator == '-' ? '_' : '-';
     $title = preg_replace('![' . preg_quote($flip) . ']+!u', $separator, $title);
     // Remove all characters that are not the separator, letters, numbers, or whitespace.
     $title = preg_replace('![^' . preg_quote($separator) . '\\pL\\pN\\s]+!u', '', mb_strtolower($title));
     // Replace all separator characters and whitespace by a single separator
     $title = preg_replace('![' . preg_quote($separator) . '\\s]+!u', $separator, $title);
     return trim($title, $separator);