 $_GET['url'] = str_replace('&', '&', dhtmlspecialchars($_GET['url']));
 $_GET['from'] = dhtmlspecialchars($_GET['from']);
 $_GET['fromurl'] = str_replace('&', '&', dhtmlspecialchars($_GET['fromurl']));
 $_GET['dateline'] = !empty($_GET['dateline']) ? strtotime($_GET['dateline']) : TIMESTAMP;
 if (substr($_GET['url'], 0, 7) !== 'http://') {
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 if (substr($_GET['fromurl'], 0, 7) !== 'http://') {
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 if (censormod($_POST['title']) || $_G['group']['allowpostarticlemod']) {
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 $id = 0;
 $idtype = '';
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     $setarr['username'] = $_G['username'];
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 function getdata($style, $parameter)
     global $_G;
     $parameter = $this->cookparameter($parameter);
     $aids = !empty($parameter['aids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['aids']) : array();
     $uids = !empty($parameter['uids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['uids']) : array();
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     $publishdateline = isset($parameter['publishdateline']) ? intval($parameter['publishdateline']) : 0;
     $startrow = isset($parameter['startrow']) ? intval($parameter['startrow']) : 0;
     $items = isset($parameter['items']) ? intval($parameter['items']) : 10;
     $titlelength = isset($parameter['titlelength']) ? intval($parameter['titlelength']) : 40;
     $summarylength = isset($parameter['summarylength']) ? intval($parameter['summarylength']) : 80;
     $clickarr = array('click1', 'click2', 'click3', 'click4', 'click5', 'click6', 'click7', 'click8');
     $orderby = in_array($parameter['orderby'], array_merge(array('dateline', 'viewnum', 'commentnum'), $clickarr)) ? $parameter['orderby'] : 'dateline';
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         if ($parameter['catid'][0] == '0') {
         $catid = $parameter['catid'];
     $picrequired = !empty($parameter['picrequired']) ? 1 : 0;
     $bannedids = !empty($parameter['bannedids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['bannedids']) : array();
     $list = array();
     $wheres = array();
     if ($aids) {
         $wheres[] = 'at.aid IN (' . dimplode($aids) . ')';
     if ($uids) {
         $wheres[] = 'at.uid IN (' . dimplode($uids) . ')';
     if ($catid) {
         include_once libfile('function/portalcp');
         $childids = array();
         foreach ($catid as $id) {
             if ($_G['cache']['portalcategory'][$id]['disallowpublish']) {
                 $childids = array_merge($childids, category_get_childids('portal', $id));
         $catid = array_merge($catid, $childids);
         $catid = array_unique($catid);
         $wheres[] = 'at.catid IN (' . dimplode($catid) . ')';
     if (!$aids && !$catid && $_G['setting']['blockmaxaggregationitem']) {
         if (($maxid = $this->getmaxid() - $_G['setting']['blockmaxaggregationitem']) > 0) {
             $wheres[] = 'at.aid > ' . $maxid;
     if (empty($aids) && $picrequired) {
         $wheres[] = "at.pic != ''";
     if ($publishdateline) {
         $time = TIMESTAMP - $publishdateline;
         $wheres[] = "at.dateline >= '{$time}'";
     if ($starttime) {
         $wheres[] = "at.dateline >= '{$starttime}'";
     if ($endtime) {
         $wheres[] = "at.dateline <= '{$endtime}'";
     if ($bannedids) {
         $wheres[] = 'at.aid NOT IN (' . dimplode($bannedids) . ')';
     $wheres[] = "at.status='0'";
     if (is_array($tag)) {
         $article_tags = array();
         foreach ($tag as $k) {
             $article_tags[$k] = 1;
         include_once libfile('function/portalcp');
         $v = article_make_tag($article_tags);
         if ($v > 0) {
             $wheres[] = "(at.tag & {$v}) = {$v}";
     if ($keyword) {
         require_once libfile('function/search');
         $keyword = searchkey($keyword, "at.title LIKE '%{text}%'");
     $wheresql = $wheres ? implode(' AND ', $wheres) : '1';
     if (in_array($orderby, $clickarr)) {
         $orderby = "at.{$orderby} DESC,at.dateline DESC";
     } else {
         $orderby = $orderby == 'dateline' ? 'at.dateline DESC ' : "ac.{$orderby} DESC";
     $query = DB::query("SELECT at.*, ac.viewnum, ac.commentnum FROM " . DB::table('portal_article_title') . " at LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('portal_article_count') . " ac ON at.aid=ac.aid WHERE {$wheresql}{$keyword} ORDER BY {$orderby} LIMIT {$startrow}, {$items}");
     while ($data = DB::fetch($query)) {
         if (empty($data['pic'])) {
             $data['pic'] = STATICURL . 'image/common/nophoto.gif';
             $data['picflag'] = '0';
         } else {
             $data['pic'] = $data['pic'];
             $data['picflag'] = $data['remote'] == '1' ? '2' : '1';
         $list[] = array('id' => $data['aid'], 'idtype' => 'aid', 'title' => cutstr($data['title'], $titlelength, ''), 'url' => 'portal.php?mod=view&aid=' . $data['aid'], 'pic' => $data['pic'], 'picflag' => $data['picflag'], 'summary' => cutstr(strip_tags($data['summary']), $summarylength, ''), 'fields' => array('uid' => $data['uid'], 'username' => $data['username'], 'avatar' => avatar($data['uid'], 'small', true, false, false, $_G['setting']['ucenterurl']), 'avatar_middle' => avatar($data['uid'], 'middle', true, false, false, $_G['setting']['ucenterurl']), 'avatar_big' => avatar($data['uid'], 'big', true, false, false, $_G['setting']['ucenterurl']), 'fulltitle' => $data['title'], 'dateline' => $data['dateline'], 'caturl' => $_G['cache']['portalcategory'][$data['catid']]['caturl'], 'catname' => $_G['cache']['portalcategory'][$data['catid']]['catname'], 'articles' => $_G['cache']['portalcategory'][$data['catid']]['articles'], 'viewnum' => intval($data['viewnum']), 'commentnum' => intval($data['commentnum'])));
     return array('html' => '', 'data' => $list);
 $likekeys = array('title', 'username');
 $results = getwheres($intkeys, $strkeys, $randkeys, $likekeys);
 foreach ($likekeys as $k) {
     $_GET[$k] = dhtmlspecialchars($_GET[$k]);
 $wherearr = $results['wherearr'];
 $mpurl .= '&' . implode('&', $results['urls']);
 if (!empty($_GET['catid'])) {
     $catid = intval($_GET['catid']);
     $mpurl .= '&catid=' . $catid;
     $catids = category_get_childids('portal', $_GET['catid']);
     $catids[] = $_GET['catid'];
     $wherearr[] = 'catid IN (' . dimplode($catids) . ')';
 if (!empty($_GET['tag'])) {
     $tag = article_make_tag($_GET['tag']);
     $wherearr[] = "(tag & '{$tag}' = '{$tag}')";
     foreach ($_GET['tag'] as $k => $v) {
         $mpurl .= "&tag[{$k}]={$v}";
 $wheresql = empty($wherearr) ? '1' : implode(' AND ', $wherearr);
 $orders = getorders(array('dateline'), 'aid');
 $ordersql = $orders['sql'];
 if ($orders['urls']) {
     $mpurl .= '&' . implode('&', $orders['urls']);
 $orderby = array($_GET['orderby'] => ' selected');
 $ordersc = array($_GET['ordersc'] => ' selected');
 $perpage = empty($_GET['perpage']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['perpage']);
 if (!in_array($perpage, array(10, 20, 50, 100))) {
 $summary = censor($summary);
 $prename = getstr(dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['prename']), 255, 1, 1);
 $prename = censor($prename);
 $_G['gp_author'] = dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_author']);
 $_G['gp_url'] = str_replace('&amp;', '&', dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_url']));
 $_G['gp_from'] = dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_from']);
 $_G['gp_fromurl'] = str_replace('&amp;', '&', dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_fromurl']));
 $_G['gp_dateline'] = !empty($_G['gp_dateline']) ? strtotime($_G['gp_dateline']) : TIMESTAMP;
 $_G['gp_shorttitle'] = getstr(trim(dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_shorttitle'])), 80, 1, 1);
 $_G['gp_shorttitle'] = censor($_G['gp_shorttitle']);
 if (censormod($prename) || censormod($_G['gp_shorttitle']) || censormod($_POST['title']) || $_G['group']['allowpostarticlemod']) {
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     $article_status = 0;
 $setarr = array('title' => $_POST['title'], 'shorttitle' => $_G['gp_shorttitle'], 'author' => $_G['gp_author'], 'from' => $_G['gp_from'], 'fromurl' => $_G['gp_fromurl'], 'dateline' => intval($_G['gp_dateline']), 'url' => $_G['gp_url'], 'allowcomment' => !empty($_POST['forbidcomment']) ? '0' : '1', 'summary' => addslashes($summary), 'prename' => $prename, 'preurl' => $_POST['preurl'], 'catid' => intval($_POST['catid']), 'tag' => article_make_tag($_POST['tag']), 'status' => $article_status);
 if (empty($setarr['catid'])) {
 if ($_G['gp_conver']) {
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     $setarr['pic'] = addslashes($converfiles['pic']);
     $setarr['thumb'] = intval($converfiles['thumb']);
     $setarr['remote'] = intval($converfiles['remote']);
 $id = 0;
 $idtype = '';
 if (empty($article)) {
     $setarr['uid'] = $_G['uid'];
     $setarr['username'] = $_G['username'];
     $setarr['id'] = intval($_POST['id']);
		$article_status = 1;
	} else {
		$article_status = 0;

	$setarr = array(
		'title' => $_POST['title'],
		'author' => $_GET['author'],
		'from' => $_GET['from'],
		'fromurl' => $_GET['fromurl'],
		'dateline' => intval($_GET['dateline']),
		'url' => $_GET['url'],
		'allowcomment' => !empty($_POST['forbidcomment']) ? '0' : '1',
		'summary' => $summary,
		'catid' => intval($_POST['catid']),
		'tag' => article_make_tag($_POST['tag']),
		'status' => $article_status,
		'highlight' => $style,
		'showinnernav' => empty($_POST['showinnernav']) ? '0' : '1',

	if(empty($setarr['catid'])) {

	if($_GET['conver']) {
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		$setarr['pic'] = $converfiles['pic'];
		$setarr['thumb'] = intval($converfiles['thumb']);
		$setarr['remote'] = intval($converfiles['remote']);
function article_edit()
    global $_G;
    include_once libfile('function/portalcp');
    include_once libfile('function/spacecp');
    include_once libfile('function/home');
    require_once libfile('function/forumlist');
    if ($_GET['submit']) {
        $setarr = $_GET['set'];
        if (check_uid($setarr['uid']) == 'no') {
        $pick_common_set = get_pick_set();
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        $p_arr = get_pick_info($pid);
        $setarr['portal_cid'] = $_GET['portal'];
        $setarr['forum_fid'] = $_GET['forums'];
        $setarr['forum_typeid'] = $_GET['threadtypeid'];
        $setarr['blog_big_cid'] = $_GET['blog'];
        $setarr['blog_small_cid'] = $_GET['classid'];
        $setarr['title'] = getstr(trim($setarr['title']), 80, 1, 1);
        if (strlen($setarr['title']) < 1) {
        if (empty($setarr['summary'])) {
            $setarr['summary'] = portalcp_get_summary(stripslashes($_GET['message']));
        $set_arr['summary'] = addslashes($setarr['summary']);
        $setarr['public_time'] = strtotime($setarr['public_time']);
        $setarr['from'] = dhtmlspecialchars($setarr['from']);
        $setarr['article_tag'] = dhtmlspecialchars($setarr['article_tag']);
        $setarr['fromurl'] = str_replace('&amp;', '&', dhtmlspecialchars($setarr['fromurl']));
        $aid = intval($_GET['aid']);
        $pid = intval($_GET['pid']);
        $status = intval($_GET['status']);
        $relatedarr = array();
        if ($_GET['raids']) {
            $relatedarr = array_map('intval', $_GET['raids']);
            $relatedarr = array_unique($relatedarr);
            $relatedarr = array_filter($relatedarr);
            $setarr['raids'] = serialize($relatedarr);
        $setarr['tag'] = article_make_tag($_GET['tag']);
        $setarr['last_modify'] = $_G['timestamp'];
        $user_info = get_user_info($setarr['uid']);
        $setarr['username'] = $user_info['username'];
        $article_arr = $setarr;
        DB::update('strayer_article_title', paddslashes($setarr), array('aid' => $aid));
        $article_arr['is_download_img'] = $setarr['is_download_img'];
        $article_arr['is_water_img'] = $setarr['is_water_img'];
        $setarr = array();
        $content = $_GET['message'];
        if (!$_GET['is_bbs']) {
            $regexp = '/(###NextPage(\\[title=(.*?)\\])?###)+/';
            preg_match_all($regexp, $content, $arr);
            $contents = preg_split($regexp, $content);
            DB::delete('strayer_article_content', "aid='{$aid}'");
            foreach ($contents as $k => $v) {
                $v = dstripslashes($v);
                $setarr['content'] = trim($v);
                $setarr['pageorder'] = $k + 1;
                $setarr['aid'] = $aid;
                $setarr['dateline'] = $_G['timestamp'];
                $article_arr['content_arr'][$k] = $setarr;
                DB::insert("strayer_article_content", paddslashes($setarr), true);
        } else {
            $setarr['content'] = trim($content);
            $setarr = dstripslashes($setarr);
            DB::update("strayer_article_content", paddslashes($setarr), array('aid' => $aid, 'pageorder' => 1));
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            $article_arr['is_public_reply'] = $p_arr['is_public_reply'];
            $article_arr['reply_uid'] = $p_arr['reply_uid'];
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                if ($article_arr['is_bbs'] != 1 && $article_arr['contents'] > 0) {
                    $article_arr['content_arr'] = article_words_replace($article_arr['content_arr']);
                $article_arr['content'] = article_words_replace($article_arr['content']);
                $article_arr['title'] = article_words_replace($article_arr['title']);
                if ($article_arr['reply']) {
                    $article_arr['reply'] = article_words_replace($article_arr['reply']);
            $article_arr['content'] = str_replace("###NextPage###", "<\\br>", $article_arr['content']);
            $arr['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($arr['content'], ENT_QUOTES);
            $arr['content'] = format_html($arr['content']);
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                    } else {
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                        $timing_public_arr['classid'] = $article_arr['blog_small_cid'];
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                cpmsg(milu_lang('article_public_timming', array('d' => dgmdate($article_arr['public_time'], 'u'))), PICK_GO . 'picker_manage&myfunc=article_edit&aid=' . $aid . '&pid=' . $pid, 'succeed');
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                $article_arr['relatedarr'] = $relatedarr;
                $setarr['portal_id'] = $article_arr['aid'] = article_move_portal($article_arr, $old_arr);
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                $article_arr['page_url'] = $data_article_arr['url'];
                $article_arr['is_download_file'] = $p_arr['is_download_file'];
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                downremotefile($article_arr, 'portal', $old_arr);
                $article_view_url = 'portal.php?mod=view&aid=' . $setarr['portal_id'];
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                        $article_arr['public_reply_seq'] = 0;
                        $article_arr['is_content_reply'] = 1;
                        $article_arr['is_bbs'] = 1;
                        $article_arr['content'] = $article_arr['content_arr'][0]['content'];
                    } else {
                        if ($article_arr['is_bbs'] != 1) {
                            $article_arr['reply'] = array();
                    if ($article_arr['is_bbs']) {
                        $article_arr['reply'] = $data_article_arr['reply'];
                    $article_arr['cookie'] = $p_arr['login_cookie'];
                    $article_arr['page_url'] = $data_article_arr['url'];
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                        $forum_arr['cookie'] = $p_arr['login_cookie'];
                        $forum_arr['is_download_img'] = $article_arr['is_download_img'];
                        $forum_arr['is_download_file'] = $p_arr['is_download_file'];
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                    $old_arr['blog_id'] = $_GET['old_blog_id'];
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                    $article_arr['page_url'] = $data_article_arr['url'];
                    $arr['is_download_file'] = $p_arr['is_download_file'];
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                    $article_view_url = 'home.php?mod=space&do=blog&uid=' . $article_arr['uid'] . '&id=' . $setarr['blog_id'];
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        $msg = $_GET['public_flag'] ? milu_lang('public') : milu_lang('save');
        $return_url = '?' . PICK_GO . 'picker_manage&myac=article_manage&p=1&pid=' . $pid . $_GET['url_args'];
        $return_list_html = '<a href="' . $return_url . '">' . milu_lang('return_list') . '</a>';
        if ($article_view_url) {
            $article_view_output = '&nbsp;<span class="pipe">|</span>&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="' . $article_view_url . '">' . milu_lang('view_article') . '</a>';
        cpmsg(milu_lang('save_success', array('msg' => $msg)) . '<br><br><a href="?' . PICK_GO . 'picker_manage&myfunc=article_edit&aid=' . $aid . '&pid=' . $pid . '">' . milu_lang('continue_edit') . '</a>&nbsp;<span class="pipe">|</span>&nbsp;' . $return_list_html . $article_view_output, PICK_GO . 'picker_manage&myfunc=article_edit&aid=' . $aid . '&pid=' . $pid, 'succeed');
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        $pid = intval($_GET['pid']);
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        $p_arr['public_class'] = unserialize($p_arr['public_class']);
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        $data['public_time'] = dgmdate($data['public_time'], 'Y-m-d H:i');
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        $data['show_blog_class'] = get_person_blog_class($data['uid'], $data['blog_small_cid']);
        $data['pid'] = $pid;
        $data['public_type'] = $p_arr['public_type'];
        $data['content'] = dhtmlspecialchars($data['content']);
        $data['url_args'] = $_GET['url_args'];
        return $data;