function notify_delivery($input_data) { set_error_handler(array(&$this, '_err_handler')); $token = $this->system->getConf('certificate.token'); $supplier_id = $input_data['supplier_id']; $dealer_orderid = $input_data['dealer_order_id']; $_arr_delivery_ids = array(); $_sql = sprintf('select supplier_delivery_id from sdb_delivery where order_id=%s', $dealer_orderid); if ($_arr_delivery_ids = $this->db->select($_sql)) { $_arr_delivery_ids = array_item($_arr_delivery_ids, 'supplier_delivery_id'); } if (empty($_arr_delivery_ids)) { $_arr_delivery_ids = array(0); //todo:临时解决问题,需要把php4环境下的json_encode(array())不正确的情况解决掉 } $_send = array('id' => $supplier_id, 'dealer_order_id' => $dealer_orderid, 'exists' => $_arr_delivery_ids, 'exists_type' => 'json'); $api_utility = $this->system->api_call(PLATFORM, PLATFORM_HOST, PLATFORM_PATH, PLATFORM_PORT, $token); $delivery_items = $api_utility->getApiData('getLogisticsList', API_VERSION, $_send, true, true, 'json'); // exit; $api_utility->trigger_all_errors(); $this->ww($delivery_items); // $this->ww($_send); if (!$delivery_items) { $this->api_response('true'); } //获取order信息 $_sql = sprintf('select member_id from sdb_orders where order_id=%s', $dealer_orderid); if ($_order_data = $this->db->selectrow($_sql)) { $_order_info['member_id'] = $_order_data['member_id']; $_order_info['supplier_id'] = $supplier_id; $_order_info['order_id'] = $dealer_orderid; } else { $this->api_response('fail', 'data fail', null, '无此订单'); } foreach ($delivery_items as $delivery_item) { if ($delivery_item['type'] == 'delivery') { $this->_delivery($_order_info, $delivery_item); } else { if ($delivery_item['type'] == 'return') { $this->_return($_order_info, $delivery_item); } } } $this->api_response('true'); }
function getBondGoods($pmtId) { $aTmp = $this->db->select('select * from sdb_pmt_goods where pmt_id=' . intval($pmtId)); return array_item($aTmp, 'goods_id'); }
function recycle($filter) { $arrId = $filter['cpns_id']; if ($arrId) { $sSql = 'select pmt_id from sdb_coupons where cpns_id in (' . implode($arrId, ',') . ')'; $aData = $this->db->select('select pmt_id from sdb_coupons where cpns_id in (' . implode($arrId, ',') . ')'); if ($aData) { $aPmtIds = array_item($aData, 'pmt_id'); $this->db->exec('delete from sdb_promotion where pmt_id in (' . implode($aPmtIds, ',') . ')'); } $sSql = 'delete from sdb_coupons where cpns_id in (' . implode($arrId, ',') . ')'; if ($this->db->exec($sSql)) { $related_tables = array('sdb_member_coupon', 'sdb_pmt_gen_coupon'); foreach ($related_tables as $table) { $this->db->exec('delete from ' . $table . ' where cpns_id in (' . implode($arrId, ',') . ')'); } return true; } else { $msg = __('数据删除失败!'); return false; } } else { $msg = 'no select'; return false; } }
/** * 读取购物车中积分换赠品的兑换积分数 * @return integer */ function getCartCPoint() { $aCart = $this->getCart('f'); $giftIds = array_keys($aCart); $nums = array_item($aCart, 'num'); $count = 0; if ($giftIds) { $oGift =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/gift'); $aGift = $oGift->getGiftByIds($giftIds); foreach ($aGift as $k => $item) { $count += $item['point'] * $nums[$k]; } } return $count; }
</span> </th> <th>Columna</th> <th>Label</th> <th>Tipo</th> <th>Configuraciones</th> <th>PK</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($columnas as $oColumna) { $columna = (array) $oColumna; $es_pk = (int) $columna["primary_key"] === 1; $tipo_input_default = $es_pk ? "hidden" : array_item($relacion_input_tipo_columna, $columna["type"], ""); $destacar_tr = $es_pk ? " info " : ""; $generar_checked = (int) array_item($saved["campos"][$columna["name"]], "generar_input", 0) === 1 ? " checked " : ""; $saved_label = array_item($saved["campos"][$columna["name"]], "label", $columna["name"]); ?> <tr class="js-contenedor-columna <?php echo $destacar_tr; ?> " > <td> <input type="checkbox" class="js-chk-generar-campo" name='campos[<?php echo $columna["name"]; ?> ][generar_input]' value='1' <?php echo $generar_checked; ?> <?php echo $es_pk ? "checked readonly" : ""; ?>
function inquiry($supplierId, $orderid, $bns) { if (empty($bns) || !is_array($bns)) { return false; } $api_utility =& $this->system->api_call(PLATFORM, PLATFORM_HOST, PLATFORM_PATH, PLATFORM_PORT, $this->_token); $result_items = array(); $send = array('id' => $supplierId, 'bns' => array_keys($bns)); $inquiry_result = $api_utility->getApiData('inquiry', API_VERSION, $send); $api_utility->trigger_all_errors(); $store_mark = 0; //询价单是否有货 foreach ($inquiry_result as $k => $item) { $result_items[$k] = array('supplier_bn' => $item['bn'], 'po_price' => $item['price'], 'stock' => $item['stock']); if ($item['status'] == 'normal') { if ($item['stock'] === null || $item['store'] === '') { $result_items[$k]['stock_status'] = 0; //库存充足 $store_mark = 1; } else { if ($item['stock'] > $bns[$item['bn']] + $item['threshold']) { //库存充足 $result_items[$k]['stock_status'] = 0; $store_mark = 1; } else { if ($item['stock'] > $bns[$item['bn']]) { //库存紧张 $result_items[$k]['stock_status'] = 1; $store_mark = 1; } else { if ($item['stock'] > 0) { $result_items[$k]['stock_status'] = 2; $store_mark = 1; } else { $result_items[$k]['stock_status'] = 3; } } } } } $result_items[$k]['status'] = $item['status']; } $_s2l_cr = $this->get_s2lBns(array_item($result_items, 'supplier_bn'), true); $_where_bns = array(); // 成本价同步 $oCostSync = $this->system->loadModel('distribution/costsync'); foreach ($result_items as $_k => $_item) { $result_items[$_k]['dealer_bn'] = $_s2l_cr[$_item['supplier_bn']]; $result_items[$_k]['nums'] = $bns[$_item['supplier_bn']]; $_where_bns[] = sprintf('\'%s\'', addslashes($result_items[$_k]['dealer_bn'])); // 获取到货品的goods_id 因为有人来商品链接要用到 2009-12-16 11:12 wubin $sSql = 'SELECT,i.price, i.product_id,p.goods_id FROM sdb_order_items AS i LEFT JOIN sdb_products AS p ON p.product_id = i.product_id WHERE\'' . $result_items[$_k]['dealer_bn'] . '\' and i.order_id=' . $orderid; $aProduct = $this->db->selectrow($sSql); // 如果产品被删除除的话 产品信息从sdb_order_items上取 2010-01-26 18:56 wubin if (empty($aProduct)) { $sSql = 'SELECT,i.price, i.product_id, FROM sdb_order_items AS i LEFT JOIN sdb_supplier_pdtbn AS s ON s.local_bn = WHERE s.source_bn=\'' . $_item['supplier_bn'] . '\' and i.order_id=' . $orderid; $aProduct = $this->db->selectrow($sSql); // 更新sdb_order_items 2010-01-28 14:46 wubin 将原订单的货BN号更新成最新的BN $sSql = "SELECT product_id FROM sdb_products WHERE bn ='" . $result_items[$_k]['dealer_bn'] . "'"; $aTemp = $this->db->selectrow($sSql); // 如果能在数据库中找到对应的货品数据,将订单的bn,product_id 更新 if ($aTemp) { $aTemp['bn'] = $result_items[$_k]['dealer_bn']; $rs = $this->db->exec("SELECT * FROM sdb_order_items WHERE order_id='" . $orderid . "' AND bn='" . $aProduct['bn'] . "'"); $sSql = $this->db->getUpdateSql($rs, $aTemp); $this->db->exec($sSql); } unset($aProduct['bn']); } $result_items[$_k] = array_merge((array) $aProduct, $result_items[$_k]); // 更新货品成本价 wubin 2009-09-15 14:29:12 $oCostSync->updateAloneProductCost($aProduct['product_id'], $_item['po_price']); } $_sql = sprintf('select bn as dealer_bn,nums,supplier_id from sdb_order_items where order_id=%s and bn in(%s)', $orderid, implode(',', $_where_bns)); $_order_items = $this->db->select($_sql); $_order_items = array_change_key($_order_items, 'dealer_bn'); $result_total_amount = 0; //总价 foreach ($result_items as $_k => $_item) { //如果货品已经指定为某个供应商货品, if ($_order_items[$_item['dealer_bn']]['supplier_id'] !== null) { $result_items[$_k]['store'] += $_order_items[$_item['dealer_bn']]['nums']; } //通过更新的库存计算amount if ($_item['stock'] <= 0) { $result_items[$_k]['stock'] = 0; } $result_items[$_k]['amount'] = $bns[$_item['supplier_bn']] * $_item['po_price']; $result_total_amount += $result_items[$_k]['amount']; //如果库存为''/null 则将库存状态置为-1 if ($_item['stock'] == null || $_item['stock'] == '') { $result_items[$_k]['stock'] = -1; } $_data = array('store' => $result_items[$_k]['stock'] != -1 ? $result_items[$_k]['stock'] : null); $_sql = sprintf('SELECT * FROM sdb_products WHERE bn=\'%s\'', addslashes($_item['dealer_bn'])); $rs = $this->db->exec($_sql); $_sql = $this->db->getUpdateSql($rs, $_data); $this->db->exec($_sql); } $result_items = array_change_key($result_items, 'dealer_bn'); $result = array('items' => $result_items, 'store_status' => $store_mark, 'total_amount' => $result_total_amount); return $result; }