public function testWithKey() { $arr = arr(["name" => "Topher"]); foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { $this->assertEquals("name", $key); $this->assertEquals("Topher", $value); } }
function api() { if (arr('SCRIPT_NAME', $_SERVER) != '/backend.php' || strpos(arr('CONTENT_TYPE', $_SERVER, ''), 'application/json') === false) { return false; } $api = array_intersect_key(json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true), array_flip(array('jsonrpc', 'method', 'id', 'params'))); return $api; }
public function __toString() { $map = function ($value, $name) { return $name . '="' . addcslashes($value, '"\\') . '"'; }; $attributes = $this->attributes ? ' ' . arr($this->attributes)->map($map)->join(' ') : ''; if ($this->content != null) { return "<{$this->name}{$attributes}>{$this->content}</{$this->name}>"; } else { return "<{$this->name}{$attributes}/>"; } }
function x6main() { ?> <h1>Skin Details</h1> <p><b>Current Skin:</b><?php echo arr($_COOKIE, 'x6skin', 'win2k.gray.1024'); ?> </p> <?php if (isset($GLOBALS['AG']['x6skin'])) { hprint_r($GLOBALS['AG']['x6skin']); } else { echo "The skin was not loaded."; } }
function mainLayout(&$div) { # Add the top level item as an x4Pane so it will fade in $x4Window = html('div', $div); $x4Window->addClass('x4Window'); $x4Window->addClass('x4Pane'); $x4Window->hp['id'] = 'x4Window'; $x4Window->setAsParent(); # The first two are simple, a description # and the menu bar. These are permanent and will # be displayed for the entire time. $h1 = html('h1', $x4Window, $this->dd['description']); $h1->hp['id'] = 'x4H1Top'; # Add the menu bar $x4Window->addChild($this->menuBar($this->dd)); # Temp #ob_start(); #hprint_r($_SESSION); #$x4Window->h('div',ob_get_clean()); # This is the top level display item # $x4Display = html('div', $x4Window); $x4Display->addClass('x4Pane'); $x4Display->addClass('x4TableTop'); $x4Display->ap['xTableId'] = $this->table_id; $x4Display->hp['id'] = 'x4TableTop_' . $this->table_id; $x4Display->setAsParent(); # Create a grid for the default display $grid = $this->grid($this->dd); $grid->addClass('x4VerticalScroll1'); $x4Display->addChild($grid); # Create a container and tab bar, # $tabC = html('div', $x4Display); $tabC->addClass('x4Pane'); $tabC->addClass('x4TabContainer'); $tabCId = 'x4TabContainer_' . $this->table_id; $tabC->hp['id'] = $tabCId; $tabC->ap['xTableId'] = $this->table_id; $tabC->setAsParent(); $tabB = html('div', $tabC); $tabB->addClass('x4TabBar'); $tabB->addClass('x4Div'); $tabBId = 'x4TabBar'; $tabB->hp['id'] = $tabBId; # For now we create only one detail pane, # later on we want more # $tabid = 'tab_' . $this->dd['table_id']; $tabx = html('div', $tabC); $detail = $this->detailPane(''); $detailId = $detail->hp['id']; $detail->addClass('x4VerticalScroll2'); $tabC->addChild($detail); $span = html('a-void', $tabB, '1: Detail'); $span->hp['xAction'] = 'Ctrl1'; $span->hp['id'] = 'tabFor_' . $detailId; $span->hp['onclick'] = "\$a.byId('{$tabCId}').dispatch('{$detailId}')"; # Child table panes are added in a loop because there # may be more than one # $tabNumber = 2; foreach ($this->dd['fk_children'] as $table_id => $info) { # First break: uidisplay set to none if (trim(strtolower(arr($info, 'uidisplay', ''))) == 'none') { continue; } # Second break: user not allowed to see $perms = SessionGet('TABLEPERMSSEL'); if (!in_array($table_id, $perms)) { continue; } # Second skip: user not allowed $ddChild = ddTable($table_id, true); if ($ddChild['perms']['sel'] === 0) { continue; } $tabid = 'x4TableTop_' . $table_id; x4Data('dd.' . $table_id, $ddChild); # Make a tableTop container $tabx = html('div', $tabC); $tabx->addClass('x4Pane'); $tabx->addClass('x4TableTop'); $tabx->hp['id'] = $tabid; $tabx->ap['xTableId'] = $table_id; $tabx->setAsParent(); # Create an x4 object $chdobj = x4Object($table_id); # KFD 7/8/08, look for a "mover" box, and do an # alternate setup $table_id = $this->dd['table_id']; $uidisplay = $ddChild['fk_parents'][$table_id]['uidisplay']; if (trim($uidisplay) == 'mover') { $tabx->addChild($this->mover($ddChild, $table_id)); } else { # Add into it the grid and the detail $tabx->addChild($chdobj->grid($this->table_id)); $tabx->addChild($chdobj->detailPane($this->table_id)); } # Make the tab entry $span = html('a-void', $tabB, $tabNumber . ': ' . $ddChild['description']); $span->hp['xAction'] = 'Ctrl' . $tabNumber; $span->hp['id'] = 'tabFor_' . $tabid; $tabNumber++; $span->hp['onclick'] = "\$a.byId('{$tabCId}').dispatch('{$tabid}')"; } }
function androHTMLxrefs($table_id, $height = 300) { # Extreme basics for child tables. $this->htype = 'div'; $this->hp['x6table'] = $table_id; $this->hp['xCount'] = 0; # First bit of business is to run through and find # out if we actually have any kids. $dd = ddTable($table_id); $kids = array(); $atts = array(); foreach ($dd['fk_children'] as $table_kid => $info) { if (arr($info, 'x6xref', '') != '') { $kids[$table_kid] = $info['x6xref']; $atts[] = "{$table_kid}:{$info['x6xref']}"; } } # If no kids, set ourselves to be invisible if (count($kids) == 0) { $this->hp['style'] = 'display: none;'; return; } $this->hp['xCount'] = count($kids); $options = array('x6profile' => 'x6xrefs', 'x6table' => $table_id, 'styles' => array('overflow-y' => 'scroll')); $tabs = $this->addTabs($table_id . '_xrefs', $height, $options); $tabs->ul->hp['kids'] = implode("|", $atts); # If we are still here, we have at least one kid. Let's # put in a tab bar and start adding the kids. foreach ($kids as $kid => $x) { $pane = $tabs->addTab($dd['fk_children'][$kid]['description']); } }
function go() { $x = arr(); $x['something']->hahaha = "yeah"; return $x; }
function x6main() { $top = html('div'); $top->addClass('fadein'); $top->h('h1', 'User Options'); $height = x6cssdefine('insideheight') - x6cssHeight('h1') * 2; $pad1 = x6cssDefine('pad1'); $tabs = $top->addTabs('useroptions', $height); # -------------------------------------------------------------- # This is skin stuff # -------------------------------------------------------------- $tab1 = $tabs->addTab('Appearance'); $tab1->hp['style'] = "padding: {$pad1}px"; $file = fsDirTop() . 'templates/x6/skinsphp/x6skins.ser.txt'; $skins = unserialize(file_get_contents($file)); $select = html('select'); $cookie = arr($_COOKIE, 'x6skin', 'Default.Gray.1024'); foreach ($skins as $name => $stats) { $option = $select->h('option', $name); $option->hp['value'] = $stats; # Note that $cookie was defined above if ($cookie == $stats) { $option->hp['selected'] = 'selected'; } } $select->hp['onchange'] = 'x6ChangeSkin(this)'; ob_start(); ?> <script> window.x6ChangeSkin = function(select) { // Sourceforge 2753325 use quirksmode-supplied set cookie createCookie('x6skin',select.value,3650); //document.cookie // = "x6skin="+select.value+"; expires=12/31/2049 00:00:00;"; window.location.reload(true); } </script> <h2>Skin Selection</h2> Skin: <?php echo $select->render(); ?> <?php $tab1->setHtml(ob_get_clean()); # <------- EARLY RETURN # if (!inGroup('debugging')) { $top->render(); return; } # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Now for javascript and logging # -------------------------------------------------------------- $tab2 = $tabs->addTab('Javascript Development'); $tab2->hp['style'] = "padding: {$pad1}px"; $tab2->h('h2', 'Alternate Javascript Files'); $tab2->h('p', 'You can use this feature to debug and enhance the Andromeda Javascript files without having a complete installation. Here is how it works:'); $ul = $tab2->h('ul'); $ul->h('li', 'Use Firebug to make local copies of x6.js and androLib.js'); $ul->h('li', 'Put these files somewhere you can edit them which is also on a <i>publicly visible website</i>.'); $ul->h('li', 'Put the address of the public website here, including a trailing slash.'); $ul->h('li', '<span style="color:red">If you make a mistake and the files are not visible, this demo will stop working. Close your browser and try again.</span>'); $tab2->h('span', 'Alternate Location: '); $input = html('input'); $input->hp['size'] = 70; $input->hp['id'] = 'altjs'; $input->hp['value'] = arr($_COOKIE, 'altjs', ''); $input->code['change'] = <<<JS function(input) { createCookie('altjs',input.value); } JS; $tab2->addChild($input); $tab2->h('h2', 'Logging'); $tab2->h('p', 'Logging is by default turned off. Use the checkboxes below to turn on the various logging features.'); $a = $tab2->h('a-void', 'Detect console devices'); $a->code['click'] = <<<JS function(input) { var msg = x6consoleActivate(); if(msg==false) { alert("No console devices found, logging is disabled"); } else { alert(msg); } } JS; $tab2->br(2); $loptions = array('Server' => 'Server-Side Query Log', 'FBLite' => 'I am on IE, load Firebug Lite for me', 'Group' => 'Javascript Log Outline', 'Log' => 'Javascript Log Detail', 'Warn' => 'Warnings', 'Info' => 'Informational', 'Error' => 'Errors', 'Time' => 'Time start/end (requires firebug)'); foreach ($loptions as $loption => $description) { $input = html('input'); $input->hp['type'] = 'checkbox'; $input->hp['command'] = $loption; $input->code['click'] = <<<JS function(input) { var command = x6.p(input,'command'); var checked = input.checked; if(checked) { x6.console['enable'+command] = true; createCookie('log_'+command,1); } else { x6.console['enable'+command] = false; eraseCookie('log_'+command); } } JS; if (arr($_COOKIE, 'log_' . $loption, 0) == 1) { $input->hp['checked'] = 'checked'; } $tab2->addChild($input); $tab2->h('span', $description); $tab2->br(); if ($loption == 'Server') { $tab2->br(); } } # -------------------------------------------------------------- # End of the line # -------------------------------------------------------------- $top->render(); }
public function testVariadic() { $input = arr([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); $output = $input->toArray(); $this->assertEquals($output, array_merge(...arr($input)->chunk(1)->toArray())); }
public function testArrghOfArrgs() { $arr = arr([arr([5, 4]), arr(["a", "b"])]); $this->assertEquals([[5, 4], ["a", "b"]], $arr->toArray()); }
public function testPartition() { $input = [1, 2, 3, 4]; $this->assertEquals([[2, 4], [1, 3]], arr_partition($input, function ($item, $key) { return $item % 2 === 0; })); $result = arr($input)->partition(function ($item) { return $item % 4 === 0; })->first()->toArray(); $this->assertEquals([4], $result); }
# # ===================================================================== echo "\n<title>" . vgfGet('pageTitle') . "</title>\n"; # ===================================================================== # # The jQuery libraries always come first # # NOTICE! Andromeda has its own mini-fication system, # so do not fear all of these individual files! # # ===================================================================== # The jQuery library always comes first jsInclude('clib/jquery-1.8.3.min.js', 'JQuery is distributed under the GPL license, written by a team of programmers led by John Resig, more info at', 'Y'); $xpath = arr($_COOKIE, 'altjs', 'clib/'); $configJS = trim(configGet('js_css_debug', 'N')); if ($deprecated == 'Y') { $styles = ElementImplode('styles'); if ($styles != '') { ?> <style type="text/css"> <?php echo $styles; ?> </style> <?php } ob_start(); ElementOut('script'); $script = ob_get_clean();
function gridGeneric(&$grid, $dd, $tabPar = '', $vals2 = array()) { $table_id = $dd['table_id']; # KFD 12/18/08. If we have a tablePar and $vals2, we will # put a set of options onto the grid that # it will respect when building the inputs if ($tabPar != '') { $options = array(); foreach ($vals2 as $colname => $colvalue) { $options[$colname] = array('parentTable' => $tabPar, 'attributes' => array('xDefault' => $colvalue)); } x6debug($options); $grid->setColumnOptions($options); } # KFD 1/29/09 tell us the x6childwrites setting $grid->hp['x6childwrites'] = trim($this->dd['x6childwrites']); if (trim($this->dd['x6childwrites']) == 'Y') { $grid->hp['x6childwrites'] = 'grid'; } # KFD 11/15/08 # Nifty trick to allow different columns when viewed as # child table. If tabPar is passed in, we will pick # the projection named "child_{tabPar}" if it exists. # The first line will pull an empty result if this feature # has not been used by the programmer, which causes a fallback # to the normal uisearch approach. $uisearch = arr($dd['projections'], 'child_' . $tabPar, ''); if ($uisearch == '') { $uisearch = $dd['projections']['_uisearch']; } $aColumns = explode(',', $uisearch); foreach ($aColumns as $column) { $type_id = $dd['flat'][$column]['type_id']; $x6view = arr($dd['flat'][$column], 'x6view', ''); if ($type_id == 'text' && $x6view == '') { $dd['flat'][$column]['dispsize'] = 20; } $grid->addColumn($dd['flat'][$column]); } $gridWidth = $grid->lastColumn(); return $gridWidth; }
function x6main() { $top = html('div'); $top->hp['style'] = 'text-align: center;'; $top->addClass('fadein'); $top->h('h1', configGet('x4menutitle')); # Get some basic dimensions we will use to build the # menu system. Our basic metric is 10% of the # screen width, and then 10% of that. $pad0 = x6CssDefine('pad0'); $insidewidth = x6CssDefine('insidewidth'); $width1 = intval($insidewidth / 10); $widthl = $width1 * 3; $widthr = $width1 * 3; $width1b = intval($width1 / 2); $width2 = intval($width1 / 10); $outer = $top->h('div'); $outer->hp['id'] = 'x6menu_outer'; $outer->hp['xWidth1'] = $width1; $outer->hp['xWidth1b'] = $width1b; $outer->hp['xWidth2'] = $width2; $outer->hp['style'] = "padding: {$width1b}px {$width1}px;\n text-align: left;"; # Calculate height of inner, this forces height of outer $iHeight = x6cssDefine('insideheight'); $iHeight -= x6cssHeight('h1'); $iHeight -= $width1b * 2; $inner = $outer->h('div'); $inner->hp['id'] = 'x6menu_inner'; $inner->hp['style'] = " border: 1px solid " . x6cssDefine('bgcdark') . ";\n height: {$iHeight}px;\n padding:{$width2}px"; # calculate height of left; $lHeight = $iHeight - $width2; $leftDiv = $inner->h('div'); $leftDiv->hp['id'] = 'x6menu_left'; $leftDiv->hp['style'] = "background-color: " . x6cssDefine('bgcdark') . ";\n float: left;\n height: {$lHeight}px;\n width: {$widthl}px"; $rightDiv = $inner->h('div'); $rightDiv->hp['id'] = 'x6menu_right'; $rightDiv->hp['style'] = "position: relative; float: left; width: {$widthr}px;"; $AGMENU = SessionGet('AGMENU'); $countLeft = 1; foreach ($AGMENU as $menuid => $menuinfo) { if (count(arr($menuinfo, 'items', array())) == 0) { continue; } $h2 = $leftDiv->h('div', $countLeft . ": " . $menuinfo['description']); $h2->hp['xKey'] = $countLeft; $countLeft++; $h2->hp['id'] = 'module_' . $menuid; $h2->hp['xMenuId'] = $menuid; $h2->hp['style'] = "padding: {$width2}px"; $h2->hp['onclick'] = "x6.byId('x6menu_outer').clicked('module_{$menuid}');"; $h2->hp['onmouseover'] = "'underline'"; $h2->hp['onmouseout'] = "''"; $idLeft = $width2 * 2; $itemsDiv = $rightDiv->h('div'); $itemsDiv->hp['id'] = 'items_' . $menuid; $itemsDiv->hp['style'] = "position: absolute; top: 0; left: {$idLeft}px; display: none"; $countRight = 65; foreach ($menuinfo['items'] as $page => $pageinfo) { # Special hardcoded hack for x6 to remove some items if ($page == 'apppub') { continue; } if ($page == 'userssimple') { continue; } $pd = strtolower(chr($countRight)) . ': ' . $pageinfo['description']; $a = $itemsDiv->h('div', $pd); $a->hp['xKey'] = strtolower(chr($countRight)); $a->hp['xactive'] = 'N'; $countRight++; $a->hp['onmouseover'] = "\$('#x6menu_right .hilight').removeClass('hilight');\n \$(this).addClass('hilight')"; # DUPLICATE CODE ALERT. THIS CODE IS ALSO IN # TEMPLATES/X6/X6MENUTOP.PHP # KFD 2/20/09 Sourceforge 2616802 if ($pageinfo['uix2'] == 'Y') { $href = "?gp_page={$page}&x2=1"; } else { $href = "?x6page={$page}&x6module={$menuid}"; } $a->hp['onclick'] = "window.location='{$href}'"; $a->hp['id'] = 'page_' . $page; if (arr($pageinfo, 'spaceafter', 'N') == 'Y') { $itemsDiv->h('hr'); } } } $top->render(); }
function index_hidden_x6Dispatch($x6page, $x6file, $x6yaml, $x6profile, $x6plugin, $x6action) { # This is everything that *might* go back, make a place # for all of it $GLOBALS['AG']['x4'] = array('error' => array(), 'debug' => array(), 'notice' => array(), 'html' => array(), 'script' => array()); vgfSet('x6', true); # KFD 12/10/08, allow dynamic lookups. # if (gp('x6select', false)) { $table_id = gp('x6page'); $gpletters = gp('gpletters'); # KFD 4/11/09 Sourceforge 2753358 do real matches $matches = aFromGp('mtch_'); $rows = RowsForSelect($table_id, $gpletters, $matches, '', true); foreach ($rows as $idx => $row) { unset($rows[$idx]['skey']); foreach ($row as $col => $val) { if ($col != 'skey') { $rows[$idx][$col] = trim($val); } } } x6Data('x6select', $rows); echo json_encode_safe($GLOBALS['AG']['x4']); return; } # Make hidden variables for x6page and module hidden('x6page', $x6page); hidden('x6module', gp('x6module', 'X')); # This little bit of magic loads up the CSS information # for the current template and skin, allowing downstream # code to determine how much space they have to work with # $x6skin = arr($_COOKIE, 'x6skin', 'Default.Gray.1024'); setCookie('x6skin', $x6skin); if ($x6skin != '') { $filename = fsDirTop() . "templates/x6/skinsphp/x6skin.{$x6skin}.ser.txt"; if (file_exists($filename)) { $serialized = file_get_contents($filename); $GLOBALS['AG']['x6skin'] = unserialize($serialized); } } # If they have already defined MPPages in applib, we will # pick it up here with this global declaration. # # MPPages lists pages that may be accessed w/o login global $MPPages; if (!is_array($MPPages)) { $MPPages = array(); } $MPPages['x_home'] = 'Home Page'; $MPPages['x_login'] = '******'; $MPPages['x_noauth'] = 'Authorization Required'; $MPPages['x_password'] = "******"; $MPPages['x_mpassword'] = "******"; $MPPages['x_paypalipn'] = 'Paypal IPN'; # Session timeouts. Need to code for basic page access # and code for ajax timeouts. if (!LoggedIn() && !in_array($x6page, array_keys($MPPages))) { if (gpExists('json')) { x4Script("window.location='index.php?gp_page=x_login'"); echo json_encode($GLOBALS['AG']['x4']); } else { echo "<script>window.location='index.php?gp_page=x_login&x2=1'</script>"; } return; } # Include the basic x6 class, and set a default for # the class and the method call include 'androX6.php'; $x6class = 'androX6'; $x6method = 'x6main'; # This is the core resolution where we figure out what class # to use and what method to call. It is a little complicated # because we support 3 different kinds of pages (yaml, profile # and custom) plus calls from plugins to refresh, plus JSON # calls to do database stuff. if ($x6plugin != '') { # DEFUNCT. We don't use plugins, they were an early # idea, but profiles and androHTML classes # made them unecessary. # A plugin always wins. A call to a plugin assumes that # x6action is also specified. We are going to instantiate # the plugin and call the method named by x6action. #$x6file = ''; #$x6class = 'x6plugin'.$x6plugin; #$x6method= $x6action; #include($x6class.'.php'); } else { # No plugin means we are either using the base andromeda # class androX6, or using a custom class. We only use # a custom class if the programmer has supplied a file. # So if that file exists we load that and use it. if ($x6file != '') { $x6class = 'x6' . $x6page; include $x6class . '.php'; } # The next major decision is whether we are calling some # specific action, or loading a page. If an action was # specified that wins. if ($x6action != '') { $x6method = $x6action; } else { # KFD 12/22/08. Support for androPage! Extremely important! if (file_exists("application/{$x6page}.page.yaml")) { $x6class = 'androPage'; $x6method = 'x6main'; include 'androPage.php'; } else { # Now we must be loading a page, because no plugin was # specified and no action. At this point all that is # left to figure out is whether we load a profile or # go for the default "x6main" routine. if ($x6profile != '') { $x6method = 'profile_' . $x6profile; } else { $x6method = 'x6main'; } } # If we are loading a page, we need the x6 javascript # and the first command in jqDocReady should be to # initialize the objects so downstrem code can make # them visible. # KFD 12/23/08, see if they set a cookie for an # alternate location. # KFD 1/22/09 , Yikes! Don't do this if JSON was passed if (gp('json', '') != '1') { $xpath = arr($_COOKIE, 'altjs', 'clib/'); jsInclude($xpath . 'x6.js'); #jsInclude('clib/jquery.maskedinput-1.1.4.js'); jqDocReady('x6.init()'); } } } # Final trap. If the class is androX6 and the method # is x6main, this means an unprogrammed page: there is # no custom program file and no profile in the yaml. # So we default to the conventional profile. # # KFD 2/17/09 Sourceforge 2546056 # This means that bad page requests go to # profile_conventional(), so that is where # we trap for them. See androX6::profile_conventional() if ($x6method == 'x6main' && $x6class == 'androX6') { $x6method = 'profile_conventional'; # KFD 2/2/09. Allow fallback to x2 processing. If the # app is set for it, and a file exists, call # that instead if (configGet('x6_x2', 'N') == 'Y') { if (file_exists(fsDirTop() . 'application/' . $x6page . '.php')) { include_once 'x_table2.php'; include_once $x6page . '.php'; $x6class = $x6page; $x6method = "main"; } } } # Now everything is resolved. We know what class to instantiate # and what method to call, so go for it. ob_start(); $obj = new $x6class(); # KFD 3/30/09 Sourceforge 2697962 Do this here, so it # does not matter if androX6 or androPage $obj->hld = aFromGp('hld_'); $obj->dd = ddTable($x6page); $obj->x6page = $x6page; $obj->view = arr($obj->dd, 'viewname', ''); $obj->{$x6method}(); $HTML = ob_get_clean(); # KFD 3/20/09 Sourceforge 2697962 # Make sure programmer never has to send out # hold variables, they should go automatically if (gp('json') != 1) { if (isset($obj->hld)) { foreach ($obj->hld as $name => $value) { # KFD 3/20/09 Sourceforge 2697962 # Put out as hidden instead hidden('hld_' . $name, $value); #$inp = $top->h('input'); #$inp->hp['type'] = 'hidden'; #$inp->hp['name'] = $inp->hp['id'] = 'hld_'.$name; #$inp->hp['value'] = $value; } } } # Now if they made a "main" call, see if they want us to # send back some script as well if ($x6method == 'x6main') { if (method_exists($obj, 'x6script')) { ob_start(); $obj->x6script(); x6script(ob_get_clean()); } } # And again see if they are sending out any popups if ($x6method == 'x6main') { if (method_exists($obj, 'x6modals')) { ob_start(); $obj->x6modals(); $HTML .= ob_get_clean(); } } x6HTML('*MAIN*', $HTML); # Put errors in that were reported by database operations if (Errors()) { $errs = errorsGet(); foreach ($errs as $err) { x4Error($err); } } # CODE BELOW HERE WAS TAKEN FROM X4 UNCHANGED. # if the "json" flag is set, we return all output as JSON, # otherwise we package it up with the normal template and # return it as main content if (gp('json') == 1) { echo json_encode_safe($GLOBALS['AG']['x4']); } else { # Don't need a form in x6 mode vgaSet('NOFORM', true); # Put things where the template expects to find them vgfSet('HTML', $GLOBALS['AG']['x4']['html']['*MAIN*']); # If there was some script, add that in foreach ($GLOBALS['AG']['x4']['script'] as $script) { jqDocReady($script); } # Just before the absolute very last command is the # firing of our (currently) one and only queue jqDocReady('x6events.fireQueue("afterInit")'); # The absolute very last command is the fade in $fadeIn = "\$('.fadein').fadeIn('slow',function() { x6.initFocus(); });"; jqDocReady($fadeIn); # DUPLICATE ALERT: This code copied from # index_hidden_page() below index_hidden_template('x4'); global $J; $mainframe = $J['mainframe']; $my = $J['my']; $mosConfig_absolute_path = $J['mC_absolute_path']; $mosConfig_live_site = $J['mC_live_site']; $template_color = $J['template_color']; $template_color = 'red'; $file = $GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['root'] . '/templates/' . $mainframe->GetTemplate() . "/index.php"; include $file; } return; }
public function findTest($iduser) { $this->set("data", $this->Tests->find("all", array('conditions' => arr('Tests.')))); }
# If none, pick win2k.gray.1024 $cookie = arr($_COOKIE, 'x6skin', 'Default.Gray.1024'); ?> <link rel="stylesheet" x6skin="Y" href="templates/x6/skins/x6skin.<?php echo $cookie; ?> .css" /> <?php include 'androHTMLHead.php'; ?> <?php # KFD 12/30/08, A cookie-controlled script to load firebug lite $loadFBLite = arr($_COOKIE, 'log_FBLite', 0); if ($loadFBLite == 1) { ?> <script type='text/javascript' src='' ></script> <?php } ?> </head> <body> <div class="x6menu"> <?php include 'x6menuTop.php'; ?> </div>
$displayName = $xpath->query("/rsp/profile/displayName")->item(0)->textContent; $identifier = $xpath->query('/rsp/profile/identifier')->item(0)->textContent; $email = $xpath->query('/rsp/profile/email')->item(0)->textContent; $profile = $xpath->query("/rsp/profile/*"); foreach($profile as $item) { arr($item->nodeName); arr($item->textContent); } break; case "manage_waitinglist": $smarty_q->assign("h1", ""); $smarty_q->assign("fake_h1", _("Quotation waitinglist")); $smarty_q->assign ("quotes", quote::get_from_waitinglist()); arr(quote::get_from_waitinglist()); break; // A temporary solution to activate quotations case "manage_not_active_quotations": acl(); if (isset($_POST["manage_not_active_quotations"])) { quote::set_random_quote($_POST); } $smarty_q->assign("h1", ""); $smarty_q->assign("fake_h1", _("Activate random quote")); $smarty_q->assign("categories", category::get_categories()); $smarty_q->assign("manage_not_active_quotations", true); $quotes_temp = quote::get_random_quote(); //arr($quotes_temp); $smarty_q->assign("id", $quotes_temp[0]["id"]);
function get_tags($arr) { arr($arr); }
class = "x6modalblock" onclick = "return false"> </div> <div id="x6modal" style="display:none;" class="x6modal"> <?php $modals = arr($GLOBALS['AG'], 'modals', array()); foreach ($modals as $modal) { $modal->render(); } ?> </div> <?php # KFD 12/31/08. Restrict the query log to people who have # set the cookie and are in the 'debuggers' group $debugging = inGroup('debugging'); $cookie = arr($_COOKIE, 'log_Server', 0); if ($debugging && $cookie) { echo '<br /><div class="androQueryLog">'; echo '<div class="androQueryLogTitle"> <div style="float:left;height:20px;">Query Log</div><div style="float:right;height:20px;cursor:pointer;" onclick="showHide(\'androQueryLogItems\');">Show/Hide</div></div>'; echo '<div class="androQueryLogItems" id="androQueryLogItems">'; foreach ($GLOBALS['AG']['dbg']['sql'] as $key => $line) { echo '<div class="androQueryLogItem" style="width:auto;"><strong>Query:</strong> ' . '<div><pre style="max-width:100%;">' . $line['sql'] . '</pre></div> <div><strong>Execution time:</strong>' . number_format($line['time'], 4) . '</div> <div onclick="showHide(\'stack-' . $key . '\');" style="cursor:pointer;">More Details</div>'; echo '<div style="display:none;" id="stack-' . $key . '">'; echo "<strong>Execution Stack:</strong><pre>" . $line['stack'] . "</pre></div>"; echo "</div>"; } echo '</div></div>'; }
public function testKeepChainOnce() { $input = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; $this->assertEquals(10, arr($input)->keepOnce()->pop()->sum()); }
function format($string, $type) { return json_encode(arr(hashify(array("s" => $string, "type" => $type)))) . "\n"; }
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/"; // C# code: //var ary = { 1, 2, 3 }; // var x = 2; // ary.Select(elem => elem * x;); // PHP code: $arr = arr(1, 2, 3); $x = 2; $arr->select(eval(${new closure('$el')}->{'$el*=$x'})); class __Base__ { private function name_space($ns_parts) { $nsp = ''; foreach ($ns_parts as $part) { $nsp .= (empty($nsp) ? '' : '::') . $part; } return $nsp; } public function __construct() { $ns_parts = explode('__', get_class($this)); echo $this->name_space($ns_parts); } } class A extends __Base__ { } class A__B__C extends __Base__
} $pd = $pageinfo['description']; $li = $ul->h('li'); $a = $li->h('a', $pd); #$li->hp['onmouseover']="$(this).addClass('selected')"; #$li->hp['onmouseout'] ="$(this).removeClass('selected')"; if ($pageinfo['uix2'] == 'Y') { #$a->hp['href'] = "?gp_page=$page&x2=1"; $href = "?gp_page={$page}&x2=1"; } else { #$a->hp['href'] = "?x6page=$page"; $href = "?x6page={$page}&x6module={$menuid}"; } #$li->hp['onclick'] = "window.location='$href'"; $a->hp['href'] = "{$href}"; if (arr($pageinfo, 'spaceafter', 'N') == 'Y') { if ($count != count($menuinfo['items'])) { $li = $ul->h('li'); $li->addClass('dropdown'); $li->hp['style'] = 'cursor: auto'; $li->hr(); } } } } $ulpads->render(); if (LoggedIn()) { ?> <div style="float: right"> <a href="?x6page=menu">Menu</a>
public function get_menu($appid, $appsecret) { $arr = $this->get_access_token($appid, $appsecret); if ($arr['access_token']) { $ACCESS_TOKEN = $arr['access_token']; $url = "" . $ACCESS_TOKEN; arr($url); $arr = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), 1); return $arr; } else { return $arr; } }
function delItem2Bucket($delId) { global $bucket; arr($bucket); unset($bucket[$delId]); arr($bucket); saveBucket(); }
public static function get_new_quotes_from_zitate_de() { while (quote::zitate_de__check_if_can_fetch_quotes()) { $quote = quote::zitate_de__get_1_new_quote_from_zitate_de(); arr($quote); quote::zitate_de__insert_quote_to_database($quote); flush2(); //$i++; } }