* Weizan is NOT a free software, it under the license terms, visited http://www.qdaygroup.com/ for more details. */ defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied'); $dos = array('shortcut'); $do = in_array($do, $dos) ? $do : 'shortcut'; if ($do == 'shortcut') { $templates = array(); $path = IA_ROOT . '/app/themes/quick'; if (is_dir($path)) { if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($templatepath = readdir($handle))) { $ext = pathinfo($templatepath); $ext = $ext['extension']; if ($templatepath != '.' && $templatepath != '..' && !empty($ext)) { $pathinfo = pathinfo($templatepath); $templates[] = $pathinfo['filename']; } } } } $template = $_GPC['file']; $template = in_array($template, $templates) ? $template : 'default'; load()->model('app'); $_W['quickmenu']['menus'] = app_navs('shortcut', $multiid); if (empty($_W['quickmenu']['menus'])) { $_W['quickmenu']['menus'] = array(array('name' => '菜单一', 'css' => array('icon' => array('icon' => 'fa-home'))), array('name' => '菜单二', 'css' => array('icon' => array('icon' => 'fa-book'))), array('name' => '菜单三', 'css' => array('icon' => array('icon' => 'fa-pencil'))), array('name' => '菜单四', 'css' => array('icon' => array('icon' => 'fa-cog'))), array('name' => '菜单五', 'css' => array('icon' => array('icon' => 'fa-flag')))); } $_W['quickmenu']['template'] = '../quick/' . $template; template('../default/common/header'); template('../default/common/footer'); }
<?php /** * [WeEngine System] Copyright (c) 2014 WE7.CC * WeEngine is NOT a free software, it under the license terms, visited http://www.we7.cc/ for more details. */ defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied'); load()->model('app'); $title = $_W['account']['name'] . '微站'; $navs = app_navs('profile'); load()->func('tpl'); $profile = mc_fetch($_W['member']['uid']); if (!empty($_W['openid'])) { $map_fans = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT tag FROM ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND openid = :openid', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':openid' => $_W['openid'])); if (!empty($map_fans)) { if (is_base64($map_fans)) { $map_fans = base64_decode($map_fans); } if (is_serialized($map_fans)) { $map_fans = iunserializer($map_fans); } if (!empty($map_fans) && is_array($map_fans)) { empty($profile['nickname']) ? $data['nickname'] = $map_fans['nickname'] : ''; empty($profile['gender']) ? $data['gender'] = $map_fans['sex'] : ''; empty($profile['residecity']) ? $data['residecity'] = $map_fans['city'] ? $map_fans['city'] . '市' : '' : ''; empty($profile['resideprovince']) ? $data['resideprovince'] = $map_fans['province'] ? $map_fans['province'] . '省' : '' : ''; empty($profile['nationality']) ? $data['nationality'] = $map_fans['country'] : ''; empty($profile['avatar']) ? $data['avatar'] = rtrim($map_fans['headimgurl'], '0') . 132 : ''; if (!empty($data)) { mc_update($_W['member']['uid'], $data); }
if ($name == 'index') { load()->model('site'); $position = 1; $title = $_W['account']['name']; $navs = app_navs($position); $cover = pdo_fetch("SELECT description, title, thumb FROM " . tablename('cover_reply') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND module = 'wesite'", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $_share_content = $cover['description']; $title = $cover['title']; $_share_img = $cover['thumb']; } elseif ($name == 'mc') { $title = '个人中心'; $position = 2; if (empty($_W['uid']) && empty($_W['openid'])) { message('非法访问,请重新点击链接进入个人中心!'); } $navs = app_navs($position); if (!empty($navs)) { foreach ($navs as $row) { $menus[$row['module']][] = $row; } foreach ($menus as $module => $row) { if (count($row) <= 2) { $menus['other'][$module] = $row; unset($menus[$module]); } } } } elseif ($name == 'list') { header("Location: " . url('mobile/module/list', array('name' => 'site', 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'cid' => $_GPC['cid']))); exit; } elseif ($name == 'detail') {
$setting = pdo_fetch('SELECT styleid,id,quickmenu FROM ' . tablename('site_multi') . ' WHERE uniacid =:uniacid AND id = :id ', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':id' => $setting['default_site'])); $templates_id = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT templateid FROM ' . tablename('site_styles') . ' WHERE id = :id', array(':id' => $setting['styleid'])); $template = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('site_templates') . ' WHERE id = :id ', array(':id' => $templates_id)); $sql = "SELECT rid FROM " . tablename('cover_reply') . ' WHERE `module` = :module AND uniacid = :uniacid AND multiid = :multiid'; $pars = array(); $pars[':module'] = 'site'; $pars[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $pars[':multiid'] = $setting['id']; $cover = pdo_fetch($sql, $pars); if (!empty($cover['rid'])) { $keywords = pdo_fetchall("SELECT content FROM " . tablename('rule_keyword') . " WHERE rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $cover['rid'])); } load()->model('app'); $home_navs = app_navs('home', $setting['id']); $profile_navs = app_navs('profile'); $shortcut_navs = app_navs('shortcut', $setting['id']); $quickmenu = iunserializer($setting['quickmenu']); $quickmenu = !empty($quickmenu) ? $quickmenu : array(); $slides = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('site_slide') . " WHERE uniacid = '{$_W['uniacid']}' AND multiid = {$default_site} ORDER BY displayorder DESC, id DESC "); foreach ($slides as $key => $value) { $slides[$key]['thumb'] = tomedia($value['thumb']); } } if ($do == 'mc') { $title = '会员功能概况'; $accounts = uni_accounts($_W['uniacid']); foreach ($accounts as $acid => &$account) { $num = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(fanid) FROM ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' WHERE acid=:acid AND follow=1 ', array(':acid' => $acid)); $account['fansnum'] = intval($num); } $uniaccount = uni_fetch();
<?php /** * [WeEngine System] Copyright (c) 2014 WE7.CC * WeEngine is NOT a free software, it under the license terms, visited http://www.we7.cc/ for more details. */ defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied'); load()->model('app'); $multiid = intval($_GPC['t']); $title = $_W['page']['title'] . '微站'; $navs = app_navs('home', $multiid); $share_tmp = pdo_fetch('SELECT title,description,thumb FROM ' . tablename('cover_reply') . ' WHERE uniacid = :aid AND multiid = :id', array(':aid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':id' => $multiid)); $_share['imgUrl'] = tomedia($share_tmp['thumb']); $_share['desc'] = $share_tmp['description']; $_share['title'] = $share_tmp['title']; template('home/home');
function init_quickmenus($multiid = 0) { global $_W, $controller, $action; $quickmenu = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT quickmenu FROM ' . tablename('site_multi') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND id = :id', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':id' => $multiid)); $quickmenu = iunserializer($quickmenu); if (!empty($quickmenu)) { $acl = array(); $acl['home'] = array('home'); if (is_array($acl[$controller]) && in_array($action, $acl[$controller]) || in_array(IN_MODULE, $quickmenu['enablemodule'])) { $tpl = !empty($quickmenu['template']) ? $quickmenu['template'] : 'default'; $_W['quickmenu']['menus'] = app_navs('shortcut', $multiid); $_W['quickmenu']['template'] = '../quick/' . $tpl; } } }