$list[$i]['addr'] = $row['ad_name'] . $sep . $row['ad_tel'] . $sep . $row['ad_hp'] . $sep . $row['ad_zip1'] . $sep . $row['ad_zip2'] . $sep . $row['ad_addr1'] . $sep . $row['ad_addr2'] . $sep . $row['ad_addr3'] . $sep . $row['ad_jibeon'] . $sep . $row['ad_subject']; $list[$i]['addr'] = get_text($list[$i]['addr']); $list[$i]['ad_name'] = get_text($list[$i]['ad_name']); $list[$i]['ad_subject'] = get_text($list[$i]['ad_subject']); $list[$i]['del_href'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?w=d&ad_id=' . $row['ad_id']; $list[$i]['print_addr'] = print_address($row['ad_addr1'], $row['ad_addr2'], $row['ad_addr3'], $row['ad_jibeon']); } $action_url = G5_HTTPS_SHOP_URL . '/orderaddressupdate.php'; $write_pages = G5_IS_MOBILE ? $config['cf_mobile_pages'] : $config['cf_write_pages']; $list_page = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $qstr . '&page='; $pid = $pid ? $pid : ''; // Page ID $at = apms_page_thema($pid); include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/apms.thema.lib.php'; $skin_row = array(); $skin_row = apms_rows('order_' . MOBILE_ . 'skin, order_' . MOBILE_ . 'set'); $order_skin_path = G5_SKIN_PATH . '/apms/order/' . $skin_row['order_' . MOBILE_ . 'skin']; $order_skin_url = G5_SKIN_URL . '/apms/order/' . $skin_row['order_' . MOBILE_ . 'skin']; // 스킨설정 $wset = array(); if ($skin_row['order_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']) { $wset = apms_unpack($skin_row['order_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']); } $g5['title'] = '배송지 목록'; include_once G5_PATH . '/head.sub.php'; @(include_once THEMA_PATH . '/head.sub.php'); $skin_path = $order_skin_path; $skin_url = $order_skin_url; include_once $skin_path . '/orderaddress.skin.php'; @(include_once THEMA_PATH . '/tail.sub.php'); include_once G5_PATH . '/tail.sub.php';
if ($eimg) { $qstr .= '&eimg=' . $eimg; } // 배너이미지 if ($eimg != 's') { $eimg = 'm'; } $skin_row = array(); $skin_row = apms_rows('event_' . MOBILE_ . 'mods, event_' . MOBILE_ . 'rows, event_' . MOBILE_ . 'skin, event_' . MOBILE_ . 'set'); $skin_name = $skin_row['event_' . MOBILE_ . 'skin']; $list_mods = $skin_row['event_' . MOBILE_ . 'mods']; $list_rows = $skin_row['event_' . MOBILE_ . 'rows']; // 스킨설정 $wset = array(); if ($skin_row['event_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']) { $wset = apms_unpack($skin_row['event_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']); } // 데모 if ($is_demo) { $pid = 'iev'; @(include THEMA_PATH . '/assets/demo.config.php'); } include_once './_head.php'; $skin_path = G5_SKIN_PATH . '/apms/event/' . $skin_name; $skin_url = G5_SKIN_URL . '/apms/event/' . $skin_name; // 셋업 $setup_href = ''; if ($is_demo || $is_admin == 'super') { $setup_href = './skin.setup.php?skin=event&name=' . urlencode($skin_name); } if (!$list_mods) {
// 현재 분류와 일치체크 $cate[$i]['name'] = $row['ca_name']; $cate[$i]['cnt'] = $row2['cnt']; $cate[$i]['on'] = $row['ca_id'] === $ca_id ? true : false; } } $is_cate = $i > 0 ? true : false; $thumb_w = $ca['ca_' . MOBILE_ . 'img_width']; $thumb_h = $ca['ca_' . MOBILE_ . 'img_height']; $list_mods = $ca['ca_' . MOBILE_ . 'list_mod']; $list_rows = $ca['ca_' . MOBILE_ . 'list_row']; // 스킨설정 $list_skin = $at['list']; $wset = array(); if ($ca['as_' . MOBILE_ . 'list_set']) { $wset = apms_unpack($ca['as_' . MOBILE_ . 'list_set']); } // 데모 if ($is_demo) { @(include THEMA_PATH . '/assets/demo.config.php'); } // List $list_skin_path = G5_SKIN_PATH . '/apms/list/' . $list_skin; $list_skin_url = G5_SKIN_URL . '/apms/list/' . $list_skin; // 추가설정 $sql_apms_where = $sql_apms_orderby = ''; @(include_once $list_skin_path . '/list.head.skin.php'); $order_by = $sort != "" ? $sort . ' ' . $sortodr . ' ,' . $apms_sql_orderby . ' it_order, pt_num desc, it_id desc' : $apms_sql_orderby . ' it_order, pt_num desc, it_id desc'; // 상품 출력순서가 있다면 $where = "it_use = '1'"; if (isset($type) && $type) {
function apms_skin_set($skin, $gr_id = '') { global $g5; if (!$skin) { return; } $set = array(); $sql_group = $gr_id ? "and data_1 = '{$gr_id}'" : ''; // Check Set - type 30 $data = sql_fetch(" select * from {$g5['apms_data']} where type = '30' and data_q = '{$skin}' {$sql_group} ", false); $set = apms_unpack($data['data_set']); return $set; }
include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/thumbnail.lib.php'; $it = apms_it($it_id); $ca_id = $ca_id ? $ca_id : $it['ca_id']; $ca = sql_fetch(" select as_item_set, as_mobile_item_set from {$g5['g5_shop_category_table']} where ca_id = '{$ca_id}' "); $at = apms_ca_thema($ca_id, $ca, 1); if (!defined('THEMA_PATH')) { include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/apms.thema.lib.php'; } $item_skin = apms_itemview_skin($at['item'], $ca_id, $it['ca_id']); // 출력수 if (!$rrows || !$rmods) { $itemrows = apms_rows('irelation_' . MOBILE_ . 'mods', 'irelation_' . MOBILE_ . 'rows'); } $wset = array(); if ($ca['as_' . MOBILE_ . 'item_set']) { $wset = apms_unpack($ca['as_' . MOBILE_ . 'item_set']); } // 데모 if ($is_demo) { @(include THEMA_PATH . '/assets/demo.config.php'); } $item_skin_path = G5_SKIN_PATH . '/apms/item/' . $item_skin; $item_skin_url = G5_SKIN_URL . '/apms/item/' . $item_skin; } else { $page = 0; } $sql_common = " from {$g5['g5_shop_item_relation_table']} a left join {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} b on (a.it_id2=b.it_id) where a.it_id = '{$it_id}' and b.it_use='1' "; // 테이블의 전체 레코드수만 얻음 if ($is_item) { $total_count = $item_relation_count; } else {
$view['is_photo'] = apms_photo_url($view['mb_id']); $view['is_content'] = apms_content(conv_content($view['is_content'], 1)); $view['it_href'] = './item.php?it_id=' . $view['it_id']; // Page ID $pid = $pid ? $pid : 'iuse'; $at = apms_page_thema($pid); if (!defined('THEMA_PATH')) { include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/apms.thema.lib.php'; } $skin_row = array(); $skin_row = apms_rows('use_' . MOBILE_ . 'rows, use_' . MOBILE_ . 'skin, use_' . MOBILE_ . 'set'); $skin_name = $skin_row['use_' . MOBILE_ . 'skin']; // 스킨설정 $wset = array(); if ($skin_row['use_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']) { $wset = apms_unpack($skin_row['use_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']); } // 데모 if ($is_demo) { @(include THEMA_PATH . '/assets/demo.config.php'); } $skin_path = G5_SKIN_PATH . '/apms/use/' . $skin_name; $skin_url = G5_SKIN_URL . '/apms/use/' . $skin_name; // 셋업 $setup_href = ''; if ($is_demo || $is_admin == 'super') { $setup_href = './skin.setup.php?skin=use'; } // SEO 메타태그 $is_seometa = 'iuse'; $g5['title'] = '후기보기';
} } } $goto_url = './skin.setup.php?skin=' . urlencode($skin); if ($ca_id) { $goto_url .= '&ca_id=' . urlencode($ca_id); } if ($ev_id) { $goto_url .= '&ev_id=' . urlencode($ev_id); } if ($name) { $goto_url .= '&name=' . urlencode($name); } goto_url($goto_url); } $wset = apms_unpack($skin_set); $g5['title'] = $title . ' 스킨설정'; include_once G5_PATH . '/head.sub.php'; ?> <div id="sch_shop_frm" class="new_win bsp_new_win"> <h1><?php echo $g5['title']; ?> </h1> <form id="fsetup" name="fsetup" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="save"> <input type="hidden" name="skin" value="<?php echo $skin; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="name" value="<?php
if ($sortodr) { $qstr .= '&sortodr=' . $sortodr; } // 상품리스트 $list = array(); $skin_row = array(); $skin_row = apms_rows('myshop_' . MOBILE_ . 'mods, myshop_' . MOBILE_ . 'rows, myshop_' . MOBILE_ . 'img_width, myshop_' . MOBILE_ . 'img_height, myshop_' . MOBILE_ . 'skin, myshop_' . MOBILE_ . 'set'); $skin_name = $skin_row['myshop_' . MOBILE_ . 'skin']; $list_mods = $skin_row['myshop_' . MOBILE_ . 'mods']; $list_rows = $skin_row['myshop_' . MOBILE_ . 'rows']; $thumb_w = $skin_row['myshop_' . MOBILE_ . 'img_width']; $thumb_h = $skin_row['myshop_' . MOBILE_ . 'img_height']; // 스킨설정 $wset = array(); if ($skin_row['myshop_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']) { $wset = apms_unpack($skin_row['myshop_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']); } // 데모 if ($is_demo) { @(include THEMA_PATH . '/assets/demo.config.php'); } $skin_path = G5_SKIN_PATH . '/apms/myshop/' . $skin_name; $skin_url = G5_SKIN_URL . '/apms/myshop/' . $skin_name; if (!$list_mods) { $list_mods = 3; } if (!$list_rows) { $list_rows = 5; } $rows = $list_mods * $list_rows; // 페이지가 없으면 첫 페이지 (1 페이지)
sql_query(" ALTER TABLE `{$g5['g5_shop_item_table']}`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tADD `it_stock_sms` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `it_stock_qty` ", true); } // 추가옵션 포인트 설정 필드 추가 if (!sql_query(" select it_supply_point from {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} limit 1 ", false)) { sql_query(" ALTER TABLE `{$g5['g5_shop_item_table']}`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tADD `it_supply_point` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `it_point_type` ", true); } // 쿠폰적용안함 설정 필드 추가 if (!sql_query(" select it_nocoupon from {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} limit 1", false)) { sql_query(" ALTER TABLE `{$g5['g5_shop_item_table']}`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tADD `it_nocoupon` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `it_use` ", true); } // 스킨필드 추가 if (!sql_query(" select it_skin from {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} limit 1", false)) { sql_query(" ALTER TABLE `{$g5['g5_shop_item_table']}`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tADD `it_skin` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `ca_id3`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tADD `it_mobile_skin` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `it_skin` ", true); } //필요값 정리 $opt = apms_unpack($it['pt_opt']); $is_reserve = $default['pt_reserve_end'] > 0 && $default['pt_reserve_day'] > 0 && $default['pt_reserve_cache'] > 0 ? true : false; $is_reserve_none = $default['pt_reserve_cache'] > 0 ? false : true; list($pt_rdate, $pt_rhour, $pt_rminute) = apms_reserve_end($it['pt_reserve']); if ($default['pt_reserve_cache'] > 0) { list($pt_edate, $pt_ehour, $pt_eminute) = apms_reserve_end($it['pt_end'], 1); } $form_title = $fname . ' ' . $html_title; ?> <style> #sit_option_addfrm_btn { top:45px; } </style> <div class="local_ov01 local_ov"> <?php echo $form_title; ?>
if (!defined('THEMA_PATH')) { include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/apms.thema.lib.php'; } // 리스트 $list = array(); $skin_row = array(); $skin_row = apms_rows('search_' . MOBILE_ . 'set'); $skin_name = $default['de_' . MOBILE_ . 'search_list_skin']; $thumb_w = $default['de_' . MOBILE_ . 'search_img_width']; $thumb_h = $default['de_' . MOBILE_ . 'search_img_height']; $list_mods = $default['de_' . MOBILE_ . 'search_list_mod']; $list_rows = $default['de_' . MOBILE_ . 'search_list_row']; // 스킨설정 $wset = array(); if ($skin_row['search_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']) { $wset = apms_unpack($skin_row['search_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']); } // 데모 if ($is_demo) { @(include THEMA_PATH . '/assets/demo.config.php'); } $skin_path = G5_SKIN_PATH . '/apms/search/' . $skin_name; $skin_url = G5_SKIN_URL . '/apms/search/' . $skin_name; if (!$list_mods) { $list_mods = 3; } if (!$list_rows) { $list_rows = 1; } $items = $list_mods * $list_rows; // 페이지가 없으면 첫 페이지 (1 페이지)
sql_query(" update {$g5['board_table']} set as_set = '{$boset}' where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' ", false); } } @(include_once $board_skin_path . '/setupsave.skin.php'); // 스킨별 저장 if ($_POST['boset']['list_skin']) { $list_skin_path = $board_skin_path . '/list/' . $_POST['boset']['list_skin']; @(include_once $list_skin_path . '/setupsave.skin.php'); } if ($_POST['boset']['view_skin']) { $view_skin_path = $board_skin_path . '/view/' . $_POST['boset']['view_skin']; @(include_once $view_skin_path . '/setupsave.skin.php'); } goto_url('./board.setup.php?bo_table=' . $bo_table); } $boset = apms_unpack($board['as_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']); $g5['title'] = $board['bo_subject'] . ' 보드설정'; include_once G5_PATH . '/head.sub.php'; ?> <div id="sch_board_frm" class="new_win bsp_new_win"> <h1><?php echo $g5['title']; ?> </h1> <form id="fsetup" name="fsetup" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="save"> <input type="hidden" name="bo_table" value="<?php echo $bo_table; ?> ">
$widget_url = THEMA_URL . '/widget/' . $wname; $widget_path = THEMA_PATH . '/widget/' . $wname; } $widget_file = $widget_path . '/widget.setup.php'; } else { alert_close('값이 넘어오지 않았습니다.'); } } if (!file_exists($widget_file)) { alert_close('설정을 할 수 없는 위젯입니다.'); } // 불러오기 $row = sql_fetch("select data_set, data_1 from {$g5['apms_data']} where type = '{$type}' and data_q = '{$wid}' limit 1 "); if ($row['data_set']) { $wset = apms_unpack($row['data_set']); $wmset = apms_unpack($row['data_1']); } else { if (isset($opt) && $opt) { $wset = apms_query($opt); $wmset = isset($mopt) && $mopt ? apms_query($mopt) : $wset; } } if ($add) { // 애드온 $txt = '애드온'; $loc = $wdir ? $wdir : '/skin/addon/' . $wname; } else { $txt = '위젯'; $loc = $wdir ? $wdir : '/thema/' . THEMA . '/widget/' . $wname; } $g5['title'] = $txt . ' 설정';