if ($view['mb_id']) { $lvl = $board['as_level'] ? 'yes' : 'no'; $author = apms_member($view['mb_id'], $lvl); if (!$author['mb_open']) { $author['mb_email'] = ''; $author['mb_homepage'] = ''; } if ($board['bo_use_signature']) { $is_signature = true; $signature = apms_content(conv_content($author['mb_signature'], 1)); } } if ($is_signature) { $view['photo'] = $author['photo']; } else { $view['photo'] = apms_photo_url($view['mb_id']); } // 신고 $is_shingo = $board['as_shingo'] > 0 ? true : false; // Tag $is_tag = false; if ($view['as_tag']) { $tag_list = apms_get_tag($view['as_tag']); if ($tag_list) { $is_tag = true; } } // 이미지 위치 $is_img_head = $view['as_img'] ? false : true; // 상단 $is_img_tail = $view['as_img'] == "1" ? true : false;
function apms_memo_rows($sort = '') { global $g5, $member, $is_member; $list = array(); if ($is_member) { $sort = $sort ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $sql = " select a.*, b.mb_id, b.mb_nick, b.mb_email, b.mb_homepage\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom {$g5['memo_table']} a\n\t\t\t\t\tleft join {$g5['member_table']} b on (a.me_send_mb_id = b.mb_id)\n\t\t\t\t\twhere a.me_recv_mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' and a.me_read_datetime = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'\n\t\t\t\t\torder by a.me_send_datetime {$sort} "; $result = sql_query($sql); for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) { $list[$i] = $row; $list[$i]['photo'] = apms_photo_url($row['me_id']); $list[$i]['href'] = G5_BBS_URL . '/memo_view.php?me_id=' . $row['me_id'] . '&kind=recv'; $list[$i]['date'] = strtotime($row['me_send_datetime']); } } return $list; }
</div> </form> </div> <h3> <i class="fa fa-comments"></i> <?php echo number_format($total_count); ?> Comments </h3> <section class="comment-media"> <?php $cmt_cnt = count($list); for ($i = 0; $i < $cmt_cnt; $i++) { $photo = apms_photo_url($list[$i]['mb_id']); $photo = $photo ? '<img src="' . $photo . '" alt="" class="media-object">' : '<div class="media-object"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></div>'; ?> <div class="media"> <div class="photo pull-left"> <?php echo $photo; ?> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h5 class="media-heading"> <b class="font-13"><?php echo $list[$i]['name']; ?> </b> <span class="font-11 text-muted">
function apms_mkt_partner_rows($arr) { global $g5; $list = array(); //정리 $type = isset($arr['type']) && $arr['type'] ? apms_escape_string($arr['type']) : ''; $pt_list = isset($arr['pt_list']) && $arr['pt_list'] ? apms_escape_string($arr['pt_list']) : ''; $ex_pt = isset($arr['ex_pt']) && $arr['ex_pt'] ? apms_escape_string($arr['ex_pt']) : ''; $ca_id = isset($arr['ca_id']) && $arr['ca_id'] ? apms_escape_string($arr['ca_id']) : ''; $ex_ca = isset($arr['ex_ca']) && $arr['ex_ca'] ? apms_escape_string($arr['ex_ca']) : ''; $rows = isset($arr['rows']) && $arr['rows'] > 0 ? $arr['rows'] : 4; $page = isset($arr['page']) && $arr['page'] > 1 ? $arr['page'] : 1; $sort = isset($arr['sort']) && $arr['sort'] ? $arr['sort'] : ''; $no_photo = isset($arr['no_photo']) && $arr['no_photo'] ? $arr['no_photo'] : ''; $start_rows = 0; // 타입 $sql_type = $type ? "and b.it_type{$type} = '1'" : ""; // 분류 $sql_ca = $ca_id ? "and (b.ca_id like '{$ca_id}%' or b.ca_id2 like '{$ca_id}%' or b.ca_id3 like '{$ca_id}%')" : ""; $sql_ca_ex = $ex_ca ? "and (b.ca_id not like '{$ex_ca}%' and b.ca_id2 not like '{$ex_ca}%' and b.ca_id3 not like '{$ex_ca}%')" : ""; // 파트너 $sql_pt = $pt_list ? "and find_in_set(b.mk_id, '{$pt_list}')" : ""; $sql_pt_ex = $ex_pt ? "and find_in_set(b.mk_id, '{$ex_pt}')=0" : ""; // 정렬 switch ($sort) { case 'cnt': $orderby = 'cnt desc'; break; case 'qty': $orderby = 'qty desc'; break; default: $orderby = 'profit desc'; break; } $dayterm = isset($arr['dayterm']) && $arr['dayterm'] > 0 ? $arr['dayterm'] : 0; $term = isset($arr['term']) && $arr['term'] ? $arr['term'] : ''; $term = $term == 'day' && $dayterm > 0 ? $dayterm : $term; $sql_term = apms_sql_term($term, 'a.ct_select_time'); // 기간(일수,today,yesterday,month,prev) $sql_common = "from {$g5['g5_shop_cart_table']} a left join {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} b on ( a.it_id = b.it_id ) \n\t\t\t\t\twhere a.mk_id <> '' and a.ct_status = '완료' and a.ct_select = '1' {$sql_type} {$sql_ca} {$sql_ca_ex} {$sql_pt} {$sql_pt_ex} {$sql_term} "; if ($page > 1) { $row = sql_fetch(" SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `a.mk_id`) AS `cnt` {$sql_common} "); $total_count = $row['cnt']; $total_page = ceil($total_count / $rows); // 전체 페이지 계산 $start_rows = ($page - 1) * $rows; // 시작 열을 구함 } $result = sql_query(" select a.mk_id, count(*) as cnt, sum(a.mk_profit + a.mk_benefit) as profit, sum(a.ct_qty) as qty {$sql_common} group by a.mk_id order by {$orderby} limit {$start_rows}, {$rows} ", false); for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) { $list[$i] = get_member($row['mk_id']); $list[$i]['photo'] = apms_photo_url($lsit[$i]['mb_id']); if (!$list[$i]['photo'] && $no_photo) { $list[$i]['photo'] = $no_photo; // no-photo } $m = 'xp_grade' . $list[$i]['mb_level']; $list[$i]['grade'] = $xp[$m]; $list[$i]['name'] = $list[$i]['mb_open'] ? apms_sideview($list[$i]['mb_id'], get_text($list[$i]['mb_nick']), $list[$i]['mb_email'], $list[$i]['mb_homepage']) : apms_sideview($list[$i]['mb_id'], get_text($list[$i]['mb_nick']), '', ''); $list[$i]['cnt'] = $row['cnt']; $list[$i]['profit'] = $row['profit']; $list[$i]['qty'] = $row['qty']; } return $list; }
// 시작 레코드 구함 if ($from_record < 0) { $from_record = 0; } $itemuse_list = "./itemuselist.php"; $itemuse_form = "./itemuseform.php?it_id=" . $it_id . '&ca_id=' . $ca_id . '&urows=' . $urows; $itemuse_formupdate = "./itemuseformupdate.php?it_id=" . $it_id . '&ca_id=' . $ca_id . '&urows=' . $urows . '&page=' . $page; $list = array(); $sql = "select * {$sql_common} order by is_id desc limit {$from_record}, {$urows} "; $result = sql_query($sql); $iuse_num = $total_count - ($page - 1) * $urows; for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) { $list[$i] = $row; $list[$i]['is_num'] = $iuse_num; $list[$i]['is_time'] = strtotime($row['is_time']); $list[$i]['is_star'] = apms_get_star($row['is_score']); $list[$i]['is_photo'] = apms_photo_url($row['mb_id']); $list[$i]['is_href'] = './itemuselist.php?bo_table=itemuse&wr_id=' . $row['wr_id']; $list[$i]['is_edit_href'] = $itemuse_form . '&is_id=' . $row['is_id'] . '&page=' . $page . '&w=u'; $list[$i]['is_edit_self'] = $itemuse_form . '&is_id=' . $row['is_id'] . '&page=' . $page . '&w=u&move=1'; $list[$i]['is_content'] = apms_content(conv_content($list[$i]['is_content'], 1)); $hash = md5($row['is_id'] . $row['is_time'] . $row['is_ip']); $list[$i]['is_del_href'] = $itemuse_formupdate . '&is_id=' . $row['is_id'] . '&w=d&hash=' . $hash; $list[$i]['is_del_return'] = './itemuse.php?it_id=' . $it_id . '&ca_id=' . $ca_id . '&urows=' . $urows . '&page=' . $page; $list[$i]['is_btn'] = $is_admin || $row['mb_id'] == $member['mb_id'] ? true : false; $iuse_num--; } $write_pages = G5_IS_MOBILE ? $config['cf_mobile_pages'] : $config['cf_write_pages']; $list_page = './itemuse.php?it_id=' . $it_id . '&ca_id=' . $ca_id . '&urows=' . $urows . '&page='; include_once $item_skin_path . '/itemuse.skin.php'; unset($list);
// 아이콘 $icon = $wset['icon'] ? apms_fa($wset['icon']) : '<i class="fa fa-user"></i>'; // 랭킹 $rank = apms_rank_offset($wset['rows'], $wset['page']); // 리스트 for ($i = 0; $i < $list_cnt; $i++) { // 아이콘 $wr_icon = ''; if ($list[$i]['img']['src']) { $wr_icon = '<img src="' . $list[$i]['img']['src'] . '" alt="' . $list[$i]['img']['alt'] . '">'; } else { if ($list[$i]['as_icon']) { $wr_icon = apms_fa(apms_emo($list[$i]['as_icon'])); } else { if ($list[$i]['mb_id']) { $wr_icon = apms_photo_url($list[$i]['mb_id']); $wr_icon = $wr_icon ? '<img src="' . $wr_icon . '">' : ''; } } } $wr_icon = $wr_icon ? $wr_icon : $icon; // 상태 $is_choice = false; $choice_limit = (int) $list[$i]['wr_1']; // 여분필드 1 $choice_limit = $choice_limit > 0 ? $choice_limit : 1; // 여분필드 1 if ($list[$i]['as_choice_cnt'] >= $choice_limit) { $is_choice = true; $choice_icon = '<span class="tack-icon bg-orangered">완료</span>'; } else {
?> "> </td> <?php } ?> <td class="text-center font-11"> <?php echo $num; ?> </td> <?php if ($boset['img']) { $img = apms_wr_thumbnail($bo_table, $list[$i], 50, 50, false, true); // 썸네일 $img['src'] = !$img['src'] && $boset['photo'] ? apms_photo_url($list[$i]['mb_id']) : $img['src']; // 회원사진 ?> <td class="list-img text-center"> <a href="<?php echo $list[$i]['href']; ?> "> <?php if ($img['src']) { ?> <img src="<?php echo $img['src']; ?> " alt="<?php echo $img['alt'];
} else { $list[$i]['iq_question'] = '비밀글로 보호된 문의입니다.'; $list[$i]['secret'] = true; } } $list[$i]['iq_time'] = strtotime($row['iq_time']); $list[$i]['iq_edit_href'] = $itemqa_form . '&iq_id=' . $row['iq_id'] . '&page=' . $page . '&w=u'; $list[$i]['iq_edit_self'] = $itemqa_form . '&iq_id=' . $row['iq_id'] . '&page=' . $page . '&w=u&move=1'; $list[$i]['iq_ans_href'] = $itemqans_form . '&iq_id=' . $row['iq_id'] . '&page=' . $page; $list[$i]['iq_ans_self'] = $itemqans_form . '&iq_id=' . $row['iq_id'] . '&page=' . $page . '&move=1'; $hash = md5($row['iq_id'] . $row['iq_time'] . $row['iq_ip']); $list[$i]['iq_del_href'] = $itemqa_formupdate . '&iq_id=' . $row['iq_id'] . '&w=d&hash=' . $hash; $list[$i]['iq_del_return'] = './itemqa.php?it_id=' . $it_id . '&ca_id=' . $ca_id . '&qrows=' . $qrows . '&page=' . $page; $list[$i]['iq_photo'] = apms_photo_url($row['mb_id']); if ($row['pt_id']) { $list[$i]['ans_photo'] = $row['pt_id'] == $author_id ? $author_photo : apms_photo_url($row['pt_id']); } else { $list[$i]['ans_photo'] = $author_photo; } $list[$i]['answer'] = false; if (!$list[$i]['secret']) { if ($row['iq_answer']) { $list[$i]['iq_answer'] = apms_content(conv_content($list[$i]['iq_answer'], 1)); $list[$i]['answer'] = true; } } $list[$i]['iq_btn'] = $is_admin || $is_author || $row['mb_id'] == $member['mb_id'] && !$list[$i]['answer'] ? true : false; $iqa_num--; } $write_pages = G5_IS_MOBILE ? $config['cf_mobile_pages'] : $config['cf_write_pages']; $list_page = './itemqa.php?it_id=' . $it_id . '&ca_id=' . $ca_id . '&qrows=' . $qrows . '&page=';
if ($ca_id) { $qstr .= '&ca_id=' . $ca_id; } // 버튼 $view['iq_ans_href'] = $view['iq_edit_href'] = $view['iq_del_href'] = ''; if ($is_admin || $view['pt_id'] && $member['mb_id'] == $view['pt_id']) { $view['iq_ans_href'] = './itemqansform.php?it_id=' . $view['it_id'] . '&iq_id=' . $iq_id . '&page=' . $page . '&move=3'; } if ($is_admin || $view['mb_id'] && $member['mb_id'] == $view['mb_id']) { $view['iq_edit_href'] = './itemqaform.php?it_id=' . $view['it_id'] . '&iq_id=' . $iq_id . '&page=' . $page . '&w=u&move=3'; $hash = md5($view['iq_id'] . $view['iq_time'] . $view['iq_ip']); $view['iq_del_href'] = './itemqaformupdate.php?it_id=' . $view['it_id'] . '&iq_id=' . $iq_id . '&w=d&move=2&hash=' . $hash; } $view['iq_time'] = strtotime($view['iq_time']); $view['iq_photo'] = apms_photo_url($view['mb_id']); $view['iqa_photo'] = $view['pt_id'] ? apms_photo_url($view['pt_id']) : apms_photo_url($config['cf_admin']); $view['iq_question'] = apms_content(conv_content($view['iq_question'], 1)); $view['iq_answer'] = apms_content(conv_content($view['iq_answer'], 1)); $view['it_href'] = './item.php?it_id=' . $view['it_id']; // Page ID $pid = $pid ? $pid : 'iqa'; $at = apms_page_thema($pid); if (!defined('THEMA_PATH')) { include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/apms.thema.lib.php'; } $skin_row = array(); $skin_row = apms_rows('qa_' . MOBILE_ . 'rows, qa_' . MOBILE_ . 'skin, qa_' . MOBILE_ . 'set'); $skin_name = $skin_row['qa_' . MOBILE_ . 'skin']; // 스킨설정 $wset = array(); if ($skin_row['qa_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']) {
echo $search_query; ?> "><?php echo $bo_subject[$idx]; ?> 내 결과</a></strong></div> <div class="div-sep-wrap"> <div class="div-sep sep-bold"></div> </div> </div> <div class="search-media"> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($list[$idx]) && $k < $rows; $i++, $k++) { $img = apms_wr_thumbnail($list[$idx][$i]['bo_table'], $list[$idx][$i], 80, 80, false, true); // 썸네일 $img['src'] = $img['src'] ? $img['src'] : apms_photo_url($list[$idx][$i]['mb_id']); // 회원사진 if ($list[$idx][$i]['wr_is_comment']) { $comment_def = '<span class="tack-icon bg-orange">댓글</span> '; $comment_href = '#c_' . $list[$idx][$i]['wr_id']; $fa_icon = 'comment'; $txt = '[댓글] '; } else { $comment_def = ''; $comment_href = ''; $fa_icon = 'file-text-o'; $txt = ''; } ?> <div class="media"> <div class="photo pull-left">
$total_page = ceil($total_count / $rows); // 전체 페이지 계산 if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } // 페이지가 없으면 첫 페이지 (1 페이지) $from_record = ($page - 1) * $rows; // 시작 열을 구함 $sql = " select * {$sql_common} order by a.iq_id desc limit {$from_record}, {$rows} "; $result = sql_query($sql); $admin_photo = apms_photo_url($config['cf_admin']); $num = $total_count - ($page - 1) * $rows; for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) { $list[$i] = $row; $list[$i]['iq_num'] = $num; $list[$i]['iq_question'] = apms_content(conv_content($row['iq_question'], 1)); $list[$i]['iq_answer'] = apms_content(conv_content($list[$i]['iq_answer'], 1)); $list[$i]['iq_time'] = strtotime($row['iq_time']); $list[$i]['it_href'] = './item.php?it_id=' . $row['it_id']; $list[$i]['iq_photo'] = apms_photo_url($row['mb_id']); if ($row['pt_id']) { $list[$i]['ans_photo'] = $row['pt_id'] == $config['cf_admin'] ? $admin_photo : apms_photo_url($row['pt_id']); } else { $list[$i]['ans_photo'] = $admin_photo; } $list[$i]['ans_href'] = './?ap=qaform&iq_id=' . $row['iq_id'] . '&sca=' . $sca . '&save_opt=' . $opt . '&opt=' . $opt . '&page=' . $page; $num--; } $write_pages = G5_IS_MOBILE ? $config['cf_mobile_pages'] : $config['cf_write_pages']; $list_page = './?ap=' . $ap . '&sca=' . $sca . '&save_opt=' . $opt . '&opt=' . $opt . '&page='; include_once $skin_path . '/qalist.skin.php';
if (!$is_member && $config['cf_formmail_is_member']) { alert_close('회원만 이용하실 수 있습니다.'); } if ($is_member && !$member['mb_open'] && $is_admin != "super" && $member['mb_id'] != $mb_id) { alert_close('자신의 정보를 공개하지 않으면 다른분에게 메일을 보낼 수 없습니다.\\n\\n정보공개 설정은 회원정보수정에서 하실 수 있습니다.'); } $photo = ''; if ($mb_id) { $mb = get_member($mb_id); if (!$mb['mb_id']) { alert_close('회원정보가 존재하지 않습니다.\\n\\n탈퇴한 회원일 수 있습니다.'); } if (!$mb['mb_open'] && $is_admin != "super") { alert_close('정보공개를 하지 않았습니다.'); } $photo = apms_photo_url($mb_id); } $sendmail_count = (int) get_session('ss_sendmail_count') + 1; if ($sendmail_count > 3) { alert_close('한번 접속후 일정수의 메일만 발송할 수 있습니다.\\n\\n계속해서 메일을 보내시려면 다시 로그인 또는 접속하여 주십시오.'); } if (!$name) { $name = base64_decode($email); } else { $name = get_text(stripslashes($name), true); } if (!isset($type)) { $type = 0; } $type_checked[0] = $type_checked[1] = $type_checked[2] = ""; $type_checked[$type] = 'checked';
<?php if (!defined("_GNUBOARD_")) { exit; } // 개별 페이지 접근 불가 include_once G5_EDITOR_LIB; if ($is_auth) { $qa_sql = " and (a.pt_id = '' or a.pt_id = '{$mb_id}')"; } else { $qa_sql .= " and a.pt_id = '{$mb_id}'"; } $sql = " select *\n from {$g5['g5_shop_item_qa_table']} a\n left join {$g5['member_table']} b on (a.mb_id = b.mb_id)\n where iq_id = '{$iq_id}' {$qa_sql} "; $iq = sql_fetch($sql); if (!$iq['iq_id']) { alert('등록된 자료가 없습니다.', './?ap=qalist'); } $iq['iq_question'] = apms_content(conv_content($iq['iq_question'], 1)); $name = apms_sideview($iq['mb_id'], get_text($iq['iq_name']), $iq['mb_email'], $iq['mb_homepage']); $photo = apms_photo_url($iq['mb_id']); $it = apms_it($iq['it_id']); $list_href = './?ap=qalist&sca=' . $sca . '&save_opt=' . $opt . '&opt=' . $opt . '&page=' . $page; include_once $skin_path . '/qaform.skin.php';
// 댓글단계 $cmt_depth = strlen($list[$i]['wr_comment_reply']) * $depth_gap; $comment = $list[$i]['content']; ?> <div class="media" id="c_<?php echo $comment_id; ?> "<?php echo $cmt_depth ? ' style="margin-left:' . $cmt_depth . 'px;"' : ''; ?> > <?php if ($is_cmt_photo) { // 회원사진 $cmt_photo_url = apms_photo_url($list[$i]['mb_id']); $cmt_photo = $cmt_photo_url ? '<img src="' . $cmt_photo_url . '" alt="" class="media-object">' : '<div class="media-object"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></div>'; echo '<div class="photo pull-left">' . $cmt_photo . '</div>' . PHP_EOL; } ?> <div class="media-body"> <div class="media-heading"> <b><?php echo $list[$i]['name']; ?> </b> <span class="font-11 text-muted"> <span class="hidden-xs media-info"> <i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> <time datetime="<?php echo date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s+09:00', $list[$i]['date']);
} else { alert_close("자신이 등록한 상품의 문의글에 대한 답글만 가능합니다."); } } $sql = " select *\n from {$g5['g5_shop_item_qa_table']} a\n left join {$g5['member_table']} b on (a.mb_id = b.mb_id)\n where iq_id = '{$iq_id}' {$qa_sql} "; $qa = sql_fetch($sql); if (!$qa['iq_id']) { if ($move) { alert('등록된 자료가 없습니다.'); } else { alert_close('등록된 자료가 없습니다.'); } } $qa['iq_question'] = apms_content(conv_content($qa['iq_question'], 1)); $qa['name'] = apms_sideview($qa['mb_id'], get_text($qa['iq_name']), $qa['mb_email'], $qa['mb_homepage']); $qa['photo'] = apms_photo_url($qa['mb_id']); // Page ID $pid = $pid ? $pid : 'iqa'; $at = apms_page_thema($pid); if (!defined('THEMA_PATH')) { include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/apms.thema.lib.php'; } $skin_row = array(); $skin_row = apms_rows('qa_' . MOBILE_ . 'rows, qa_' . MOBILE_ . 'skin, qa_' . MOBILE_ . 'set'); $skin_name = $skin_row['qa_' . MOBILE_ . 'skin']; // 스킨설정 $wset = array(); if ($skin_row['qa_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']) { $wset = apms_unpack($skin_row['qa_' . MOBILE_ . 'set']); } // 데모
// 설정 저장------------------------------------------------------- if ($mode == "u") { apms_photo_upload($member['mb_id'], $del_mb_icon2, $_FILES); } //Save //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Page ID $pid = $pid ? $pid : ''; $at = apms_page_thema($pid); if (!defined('THEMA_PATH')) { include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/apms.thema.lib.php'; } $mb_dir = substr($member['mb_id'], 0, 2); $is_photo = is_file(G5_DATA_PATH . '/apms/photo/' . $mb_dir . '/' . $member['mb_id'] . '.jpg') ? true : false; $photo_size = $xp['xp_photo']; $myphoto = apms_photo_url($member['mb_id']); $g5['title'] = '내사진 등록/수정'; include_once G5_PATH . '/head.sub.php'; if (!USE_G5_THEME) { @(include_once THEMA_PATH . '/head.sub.php'); } $skin_path = $member_skin_path; $skin_url = $member_skin_url; // 스킨설정 $wset = G5_IS_MOBILE ? apms_skin_set('member_mobile') : apms_skin_set('member'); $setup_href = ''; if (is_file($skin_path . '/setup.skin.php') && ($is_demo || $is_admin == 'super')) { $setup_href = './skin.setup.php?skin=member'; } include_once $skin_path . '/myphoto.skin.php'; if (!USE_G5_THEME) {