function _device_field__poller_id($field_name, $field_value = "", $field_id = 0) { require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/sys/html_form.php"); require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/poller/poller_info.php"); ?> <tr class="field alt"> <td width="50%"> <span class="title"><?php echo _("Default Poller");?></span><br> <?php echo _("Choose the default poller to handle this hosts request.");?> </td> <td colspan="2"> <?php form_dropdown($field_name, array_rekey(api_poller_list(), "id", "name"), "", "", $field_value, "", "");?> </td> </tr> <?php }
function pollers() { $current_page = get_get_var_number("page", "1"); global $colors, $poller_actions, $input_types; $menu_items = array( "enable" => _("Enable"), "disable" => _("Disable"), "delete" => _("Delete") ); $filter_array = array(); /* search field: filter (searches device description and hostname) */ if (isset_get_var("search_filter")) { $filter_array["filter"] = array("name" => get_get_var("search_filter"), "hostname" => get_get_var("search_filter")); } /* clean up sort_column string */ if (isset_get_var("sort_column")) { $filter_array["sort_column"] = get_get_var("sort_column"); }else{ $filter_array["sort_column"] = "name"; } /* clean up sort_direction string */ if (isset_get_var("sort_direction")) { $filter_array["sort_direction"] = get_get_var("sort_direction"); }else{ $filter_array["sort_direction"] = "ASC"; } /* get a list of all devices on this page */ $pollers = api_poller_list($filter_array, $current_page, read_config_option("num_rows_device")); /* get the total number of devices on all pages */ $total_rows = api_poller_total_get($filter_array); /* generate page list */ $url_string = build_get_url_string(array("search_filter")); $url_page_select = get_page_list($current_page, MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, read_config_option("num_rows_device"), $total_rows, "pollers.php" . $url_string . ($url_string == "" ? "?" : "&") . "page=|PAGE_NUM|"); form_start("pollers.php"); $box_id = "1"; html_start_box("<strong>" . _("Pollers") . "</strong>", "pollers.php?action=edit", $url_page_select); $display_text = array( "name" => array(_("Name"), "ASC"), "hostname" => array(_("Hostname"), "ASC"), "run_state" => array(_("Status"), "ASC"), "cur_time" => array(_("Last Time"), "DESC"), "min_time" => array(_("Min Time"), "DESC"), "max_time" => array(_("Max Time"), "DESC"), "avg_time" => array(_("Avg Time"), "DESC"), "active" => array(_("Enabled"), "ASC"), "last_update" => array(_("Last Run Date"), "ASC")); html_header_sort_checkbox($display_text, $filter_array["sort_column"], $filter_array["sort_direction"], $box_id); $i = 0; if (sizeof($pollers) > 0) { foreach ($pollers as $poller) { ?> <tr class="item" id="box-<?php echo $box_id;?>-row-<?php echo $poller["poller_id"];?>" onClick="display_row_select('<?php echo $box_id;?>',document.forms[0],'box-<?php echo $box_id;?>-row-<?php echo $poller["poller_id"];?>', 'box-<?php echo $box_id;?>-chk-<?php echo $poller["poller_id"];?>')" onMouseOver="display_row_hover('box-<?php echo $box_id;?>-row-<?php echo $poller["poller_id"];?>')" onMouseOut="display_row_clear('box-<?php echo $box_id;?>-row-<?php echo $poller["poller_id"];?>')"> <td class="title"> <a href="pollers.php?action=edit&poller_id=<?php print $poller["id"];?>"><?php print $poller["name"];?></a> </td> <td> <?php echo $poller["hostname"];?> </td> <td> <?php echo $poller["run_state"];?> </td> <td> <?php echo $poller["cur_time"];?> </td> <td> <?php echo $poller["min_time"];?> </td> <td> <?php echo $poller["max_time"];?> </td> <td> <?php echo $poller["avg_time"];?> </td> <td> <?php echo ($poller["active"] == "on" ? _("Yes") : _("No"));?> </td> <td> <?php echo $poller["last_update"];?> </td> <td class="checkbox" align="center"> <input type='checkbox' name='box-<?php echo $box_id;?>-chk-<?php echo $poller["poller_id"];?>' id='box-<?php echo $box_id;?>-chk-<?php echo $poller["poller_id"];?>' title="<?php echo $poller["name"];?>"> </td> </tr> <?php } }else{ ?> <tr class="empty"> <td colspan="6"> <?php echo _("No Pollers Found.");?> </td> </tr> <?php } html_box_toolbar_draw($box_id, "0", "9", (sizeof($filter_array) == 0 ? HTML_BOX_SEARCH_INACTIVE : HTML_BOX_SEARCH_ACTIVE), $url_page_select); html_end_box(false); html_box_actions_menu_draw($box_id, "0", $menu_items); html_box_actions_area_create($box_id); form_hidden_box("action_post", "poller_list"); form_end(); }