} $my_rsos[] = $my_rs; } else { $my_rsos[] = ''; } } $useroutils = ''; $useroutils .= '<hr />'; if ($posterdata['uid'] != 1 and $posterdata['uid'] != '') { $useroutils .= '<a class="list-group-item text-primary" href="user.php?op=userinfo&uname=' . $posterdata['uname'] . '" target="_blank" title="' . translate("Profile") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-2x fa-user"></i> ' . translate("Profile") . '</a>'; } if ($user) { $useroutils .= '<a class="list-group-item text-primary" href="powerpack.php?op=instant_message&to_userid=' . $posterdata["uname"] . '" title="' . translate("Send internal Message") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-2x fa-envelope-o"></i> ' . translate("Send internal Message") . '</a>'; } if ($posterdata['femail'] != '') { $useroutils .= '<a class="list-group-item text-primary" href="mailto:' . anti_spam($posterdata['femail'], 1) . '" target="_blank" title="' . translate("Email") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-at fa-2x"></i> ' . translate("Email") . '</a>'; } if ($posterdata['url'] != '') { if (strstr('http://', $posterdata['url'])) { $posterdata['url'] = 'http://' . $posterdata['url']; } $useroutils .= '<a class="list-group-item text-primary" href="' . $posterdata['url'] . '" target="_blank" title="' . translate("Visit this Website") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-2x fa-external-link"></i> ' . translate("Visit this Website") . '</a>'; } if ($posterdata['mns']) { $useroutils .= '<a class="list-group-item text-primary" href="minisite.php?op=' . $posterdata['uname'] . '" target="_blank" target="_blank" title="' . translate("Visit the Mini Web Site !") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-2x fa-desktop"></i> ' . translate("Visit the Mini Web Site !") . '</a>'; } echo ' <div class="row"> <a name="' . $forum . $topic . $myrow['post_id'] . '"></a>'; if ($count + 2 == $mycount) { echo '<a name="last-post"></a>';
function Q_spambot() { // Idée originale, développement et intégration - Gérald MARINO alias neo-machine // Rajout brouillage anti_spam() : David MARTINET, alias Boris (2011) // Other stuff : Dev 2012 global $user; $asb_question = array('4 - (3 / 1)' => 1, '7 - 5 - 0' => 2, '2 + (1 / 1)' => 3, '2 + (1 + 1)' => 4, '3 + (0) + 2' => 5, '3 + (9 / 3)' => 6, '4 + 3 - 0' => 7, '6 + (0) + 2' => 8, '8 + (5 - 4)' => 9, '0 + (6 + 4)' => 10, '(5 * 2) + 1' => 11, '6 + (3 + 3)' => 12, '1 + (6 * 2)' => 13, '(8 / 1) + 6 ' => 14, '6 + (5 + 4)' => 15, '8 + (4 * 2)' => 16, '1 + (8 * 2)' => 17, '9 + (3 + 6)' => 18, '(7 * 2) + 5' => 19, '(8 * 3) - 4' => 20, '7 + (2 * 7)' => 21, '9 + 5 + 8' => 22, '(5 * 4) + 3' => 23, '0 + (8 * 3)' => 24, '1 + (4 * 6)' => 25, '(6 * 5) - 4' => 26, '3 * (9 + 0)' => 27, '4 + (3 * 8)' => 28, '(6 * 4) + 5' => 29, '0 + (6 * 5)' => 30); // START ALEA mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); // choix de la question $asb_index = mt_rand(0, count($asb_question) - 1); $ibid = array_keys($asb_question); $aff = $ibid[$asb_index]; // translate $tab = explode(' ', str_replace(')', '', str_replace('(', '', $aff))); $al1 = mt_rand(0, count($tab) - 1); $aff = str_replace($tab[$al1], translate($tab[$al1]), $aff); // mis en majuscule if ($asb_index % 2) { $aff = ucfirst($aff); } // END ALEA //Captcha - si GD if (function_exists("imagepng")) { $aff = "<img src=\"getfile.php?att_id=" . rawurlencode(encrypt($aff . " = ")) . "&apli=captcha\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" />"; } else { $aff = "" . anti_spam($aff . " = ", 0) . ""; } $tmp = ''; if (!isset($user)) { $tmp = ' <div class="form-group row"> <div class="col-sm-9"> <label class="form-control-label text-danger" for="asb_reponse">' . translate("Anti-Spam / Thank to reply to the question :") . ' ' . $aff . '</label> </div> <div class="col-sm-2 col-md-2 text-xs-right"> <input class="form-control" type="text" name="asb_reponse" maxlength="2" onclick="this.value" /> <input type="hidden" name="asb_question" value="' . encrypt($ibid[$asb_index] . ',' . time()) . '" /> </div> </div>'; } else { $tmp = ' <input type="hidden" name="asb_question" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="asb_reponse" value="" />'; } return $tmp; }
function makebranch($parcat, $table, $level, $maxlevel, $max_post_id, $clas, $idtog) { global $imgtmpPI, $imgtmpNE; global $smilies, $theme, $forum, $forum_type, $allow_bbcode, $allow_to_post, $forum_access, $Mmod, $topic, $lock_state, $userdata; global $allow_upload_forum, $att, $anonymous, $short_user, $last_read, $toggle; settype($result, 'string'); $my_rsos = array(); $count = 0; settype($idtog, 'integer'); $list = $table[$parcat]; while (list($key, $val) = each($list)) { $myrow = unserialize($val); if ($level != '0') { if ($level == 1) { $clas = 'collapse col-sm-11 offset-sm-1'; $idtog = $idtog . ($count + 1); } else { $idtog = $idtog . $count; } } else { $idtog = $level + 1 . ($count + 1); // $idtog = $forum.$topic.$myrow['post_id'].'y'; } $posterdata = get_userdata_from_id($myrow['poster_id']); $posts = $posterdata['posts']; $socialnetworks = array(); $posterdata_extend = array(); $res_id = array(); $my_rs = ''; if (!$short_user) { $posterdata_extend = get_userdata_extend_from_id($myrow['poster_id']); include 'modules/reseaux-sociaux/reseaux-sociaux.conf.php'; if ($posterdata_extend['M2'] != '') { $socialnetworks = explode(';', $posterdata_extend['M2']); foreach ($socialnetworks as $socialnetwork) { $res_id[] = explode('|', $socialnetwork); } sort($res_id); sort($rs); foreach ($rs as $v1) { foreach ($res_id as $y1) { $k = array_search($y1[0], $v1); if (false !== $k) { $my_rs .= '<a class="mr-1" href="'; if ($v1[2] == 'skype') { $my_rs .= $v1[1] . $y1[1] . '?chat'; } else { $my_rs .= $v1[1] . $y1[1]; } $my_rs .= '" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-' . $v1[2] . ' fa-2x text-primary"></i></a> '; break; } else { $my_rs .= ''; } } } $my_rsos[] = $my_rs; } else { $my_rsos[] = ''; } } $useroutils = ''; $useroutils .= '<hr />'; if ($posterdata['uid'] != 1 and $posterdata['uid'] != '') { $useroutils .= '<a class="list-group-item text-primary" href="user.php?op=userinfo&uname=' . $posterdata['uname'] . '" target="_blank" title="' . translate("Profile") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-2x fa-user"></i> ' . translate("Profile") . '</a>'; } if ($user) { $useroutils .= '<a class="list-group-item text-primary" href="powerpack.php?op=instant_message&to_userid=' . $posterdata["uname"] . '" title="' . translate("Send internal Message") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-2x fa-envelope-o"></i> ' . translate("Send internal Message") . '</a>'; } if ($posterdata['femail'] != '') { $useroutils .= '<a class="list-group-item text-primary" href="mailto:' . anti_spam($posterdata['femail'], 1) . '" target="_blank" title="' . translate("Email") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-at fa-2x"></i> ' . translate("Email") . '</a>'; } if ($posterdata['url'] != '') { if (strstr('http://', $posterdata['url'])) { $posterdata['url'] = 'http://' . $posterdata['url']; } $useroutils .= '<a class="list-group-item text-primary" href="' . $posterdata['url'] . '" target="_blank" title="' . translate("Visit this Website") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-2x fa-external-link"></i> ' . translate("Visit this Website") . '</a>'; } if ($posterdata['mns']) { $useroutils .= '<a class="list-group-item text-primary" href="minisite.php?op=' . $posterdata['uname'] . '" target="_blank" target="_blank" title="' . translate("Visit the Mini Web Site !") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-2x fa-desktop"></i> ' . translate("Visit the Mini Web Site !") . '</a>'; } echo ' <div id="tog_' . $idtog . '" class="row ' . $clas . '"> <a name="' . $forum . $topic . $myrow['post_id'] . '"></a>'; if ($myrow['post_id'] == $max_post_id) { echo '<a name="last-post"></a>'; } echo ' <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="card"> <div class="card-header">'; if ($smilies) { if ($posterdata['user_avatar'] != '') { if (stristr($posterdata['user_avatar'], "users_private")) { $imgtmp = $posterdata['user_avatar']; } else { if ($ibid = theme_image("forum/avatar/" . $posterdata['user_avatar'])) { $imgtmp = $ibid; } else { $imgtmp = "images/forum/avatar/" . $posterdata['user_avatar']; } } echo ' <a style="position:absolute; top:1rem;" tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-html="true" data-title="' . $posterdata['uname'] . '" data-content=\'' . member_qualif($posterdata['uname'], $posts, $posterdata['rank']) . '<br /><div class="list-group">' . $useroutils . '</div><hr />' . $my_rsos[$count] . '\'><img class=" btn-secondary img-thumbnail img-fluid n-ava" src="' . $imgtmp . '" alt="' . $posterdata['uname'] . '" /></a>'; } } echo ' <span style="position:absolute; left:6em;" class="text-muted"><strong>' . $posterdata['uname'] . '</strong></span>'; echo '<span class="float-xs-right">'; if ($myrow['image'] != '') { if ($ibid = theme_image("forum/subject/" . $myrow['image'])) { $imgtmp = $ibid; } else { $imgtmp = "images/forum/subject/" . $myrow['image']; } echo '<img class="n-smil" src="' . $imgtmp . '" alt="" />'; } else { echo '<img class="n-smil" src="' . $imgtmpPI . '" alt="" />'; } echo '</span> </div>'; $message = stripslashes($myrow['post_text']); echo ' <div class="card-block"> <div class="card-text pt-1">'; $date_post = convertdateTOtimestamp($myrow['post_time']); if ($last_read != '') { if ($last_read <= $date_post and $userdata[3] != '' and $last_read != "0" and $userdata[0] != $myrow['poster_id']) { echo ' <img src="' . $imgtmpNE . '" alt="" />'; } } echo ' </div> <div class="card-text pt-1">'; if ($allow_bbcode and $forum_type != 6 and $forum_type != 5) { $message = smilie($message); $message = aff_video_yt($message); } if ($forum_type == '6' or $forum_type == '5') { highlight_string(stripslashes($myrow['post_text'])) . '<br /><br />'; } else { echo str_replace('[addsig]', '<div class="n-signature">' . nl2br($posterdata['user_sig']) . '</div>', $message); } if ($att > 0) { $post_id = $myrow['post_id']; echo '<div class="card-text">'; echo display_upload("forum_npds", $post_id, $Mmod); echo '</div>'; } echo ' </div> </div> <div class="card-footer"> <div class="row"> <div class=" col-sm-6 text-muted small">' . post_convertdate($date_post) . '</div> <div class=" col-sm-6 text-xs-right">'; if ($forum_access != 9) { if ($allow_to_post) { echo aff_pub_in($lock_state, $topic, $forum, $myrow['post_id'], 1); } if ($Mmod or $posterdata['uid'] == $userdata[0] and !$lock_state and $posterdata['uid'] != '') { echo '<a class="mr-1" href="editpost.php?post_id=' . $myrow["post_id"] . '&topic=' . $topic . '&forum=' . $forum . '&arbre=1" title="' . translate("Edit") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-edit fa-lg"></i></a>'; if ($allow_upload_forum) { $PopUp = win_upload("forum_npds", $myrow['post_id'], $forum, $topic, "popup"); echo '<a class="mr-1" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="window.open(' . $PopUp . ');" title="' . translate("Files") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-download fa-lg"></i></a>'; } } if ($allow_to_post and !$lock_state and $posterdata['uid'] != '') { echo '<a class="mr-1" href="replyH.php?topic=' . $topic . '&forum=' . $forum . '&post=' . $myrow['post_id'] . '&citation=1" title="' . translate("Quote") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-quote-left fa-lg"></i></a>'; } echo '<a class="mr-1" href="prntopic.php?forum=' . $forum . '&topic=' . $topic . '&post_id=' . $myrow['post_id'] . '" title="' . translate("Print") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-print fa-lg"></i></a>'; if ($Mmod) { echo '<a class="mr-1" href="topicadmin.php?mode=viewip&topic=' . $topic . '&post=' . $myrow['post_id'] . '&forum=' . $forum . '&arbre=1" title="IP" data-toggle="tooltip" ><i class="fa fa-laptop fa-lg"></i></a>'; if (!$myrow['post_aff']) { echo ' <a href="topicadmin.php?mode=aff&topic=' . $topic . '&post=' . $myrow['post_id'] . '&ordre=1&forum=' . $forum . '&arbre=1" title="' . translate("Show this post") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-eye text-danger fa-lg"></i></a> '; } else { echo ' <a href="topicadmin.php?mode=aff&topic=' . $topic . '&post=' . $myrow['post_id'] . '&ordre=0&forum=' . $forum . '&arbre=1" title="' . translate("Hide this post") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash fa-lg "></i></a> '; } } } echo ' </div> </div> </div>'; if (isset($table[$key]) and ($maxlevel > $level + 1 or $maxlevel == '0')) { echo ' <div><a class="float-xs-right" data-toggle="collapse" href="#tog_' . $idtog . '" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls=""><i class="togglearbr-icon fa fa-level-down fa-2x"></i></a></div>'; //unset ($idtog); $result .= makebranch($key, $table, $level + 1, $maxlevel, $max_post_id, $clas, $idtog); } echo ' </div> </div> </div>'; $count++; } return $result; }
} else { $imgtmpLP = "images/forum/icons/lock_post.gif"; } do { $posterdata = get_userdata_from_id($myrow['poster_id']); $posts = $posterdata['posts']; $useroutils = ''; $useroutils .= '<hr />'; if ($posterdata['uid'] != 1 and $posterdata['uid'] != "") { $useroutils .= '<a href="user.php?op=userinfo&uname=' . $posterdata['uname'] . '" target="_blank" title="' . translate("Profile") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-user"></i> ' . translate("Profile") . '</a>'; } if ($posterdata['uname'] != $anonymous) { $useroutils .= '<br /><a href="powerpack.php?op=instant_message&to_userid=' . $posterdata["uname"] . '" title="' . translate("Send internal Message") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-envelope-o"></i> ' . translate("Send internal Message") . '</a>'; } if ($posterdata['femail'] != "") { $useroutils .= '<br /><a href="mailto:' . anti_spam($posterdata['femail'], 1) . '" target="_blank" title="' . translate("Email") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-at fa-lg"></i> ' . translate("Email") . '</a>'; } if ($posterdata['url'] != "") { if (strstr("http://", $posterdata['url'])) { $posterdata['url'] = "http://" . $posterdata['url']; } $useroutils .= '<br /><a href="' . $posterdata['url'] . '" target="_blank" title="' . translate("Visit this Website") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-external-link"></i> ' . translate("Visit this Website") . '</a>'; } if ($posterdata['mns']) { $useroutils .= '<br /><a href="minisite.php?op=' . $posterdata['uname'] . '" target="_blank" target="_blank" title="' . translate("Visit the Mini Web Site !") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-desktop"></i> ' . translate("Visit the Mini Web Site !") . '</a>'; } echo ' <div class="row"> <a name="' . $forum . $topic . $myrow['post_id'] . '"></a>'; if ($count + 2 == $mycount) { echo '<a name="last-post"></a>';
function userinfo($uname) { global $NPDS_Prefix; global $user, $sitename, $smilies, $short_user, $site_font; global $name, $email, $url, $bio, $user_avatar, $user_from, $user_occ, $user_intrest, $user_sig, $user_journal; $uname = removeHack($uname); $result = sql_query("SELECT uid, name, femail, url, bio, user_avatar, user_from, user_occ, user_intrest, user_sig, user_journal, mns FROM " . $NPDS_Prefix . "users WHERE uname='{$uname}'"); list($uid, $name, $femail, $url, $bio, $user_avatar, $user_from, $user_occ, $user_intrest, $user_sig, $user_journal, $mns) = sql_fetch_row($result); if (!$uid) { header("location: index.php"); } global $cookie; include "header.php"; include_once "functions.php"; $email = removeHack($femail); $name = stripslashes(removeHack($name)); $url = removeHack($url); $bio = stripslashes(removeHack($bio)); $user_from = stripslashes(removeHack($user_from)); $user_occ = stripslashes(removeHack($user_occ)); $user_intrest = stripslashes(removeHack($user_intrest)); $user_sig = nl2br(removeHack($user_sig)); $user_journal = stripslashes(removeHack($user_journal)); $op = "userinfo"; if (stristr($user_avatar, "users_private")) { $direktori = ''; } else { global $theme; $direktori = "images/forum/avatar/"; if (function_exists("theme_image")) { if (theme_image("forum/avatar/blank.gif")) { $direktori = "themes/{$theme}/images/forum/avatar/"; } } } $my_rsos = array(); $socialnetworks = array(); $posterdata_extend = array(); $res_id = array(); $my_rs = ''; if (!$short_user) { $posterdata_extend = get_userdata_extend_from_id($uid); include 'modules/reseaux-sociaux/reseaux-sociaux.conf.php'; if ($posterdata_extend['M2'] != '') { $socialnetworks = explode(';', $posterdata_extend['M2']); foreach ($socialnetworks as $socialnetwork) { $res_id[] = explode('|', $socialnetwork); } sort($res_id); sort($rs); foreach ($rs as $v1) { foreach ($res_id as $y1) { $k = array_search($y1[0], $v1); if (false !== $k) { $my_rs .= '<a class="mr-1" href="'; if ($v1[2] == 'skype') { $my_rs .= $v1[1] . $y1[1] . '?chat'; } else { $my_rs .= $v1[1] . $y1[1]; } $my_rs .= '" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-' . $v1[2] . ' fa-2x text-primary"></i></a> '; break; } else { $my_rs .= ''; } } } $my_rsos[] = $my_rs; } else { $my_rsos[] = ''; } } $posterdata = get_userdata_from_id($uid); $useroutils = ''; if ($user) { $useroutils .= '<a class=" text-primary mr-1" href="powerpack.php?op=instant_message&to_userid=' . $posterdata["uname"] . '" ><i class="fa fa-2x fa-envelope-o" title="' . translate("Send internal Message") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"></i></a> '; } if ($posterdata['femail'] != '') { $useroutils .= '<a class=" text-primary mr-1" href="mailto:' . anti_spam($posterdata['femail'], 1) . '" target="_blank" ><i class="fa fa-at fa-2x" title="' . translate("Email") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"></i></a> '; } if ($posterdata['url'] != '') { if (strstr('http://', $posterdata['url'])) { $posterdata['url'] = 'http://' . $posterdata['url']; } $useroutils .= '<a class=" text-primary mr-1" href="' . $posterdata['url'] . '" target="_blank" ><i class="fa fa-2x fa-external-link" title="' . translate("Visit this Website") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"></i></a> '; } if ($posterdata['mns']) { $useroutils .= '<a class=" text-primary mr-1" href="minisite.php?op=' . $posterdata['uname'] . '" target="_blank" target="_blank" ><i class="fa fa-2x fa-desktop" title="' . translate("Visit the Mini Web Site !") . '" data-toggle="tooltip"></i></a> '; } echo ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-2"><img src="' . $direktori . $user_avatar . '" class=" rounded-circle center-block" /></div> <div class="col-sm-10"> <h2>' . translate("User") . ' <span class="text-muted">' . $uname . '</span></h2>'; if ($uname !== $cookie[1]) { echo $useroutils; } echo $my_rsos[0]; if ($uname == $cookie[1]) { // <h3>'.translate("Welcome to").' '.$sitename.'</h3> echo ' <p class="lead">' . translate("This is your personal page") . '</p>'; } echo ' </div> </div> <hr />'; if ($uname == $cookie[1]) { nav($mns); } echo ' <div class="card card-block"> <div class="row">'; if ($posterdata_extend['C7'] != '') { echo ' <div class="col-md-6">'; } else { echo ' <div class="col-md-12">'; } include "modules/sform/extend-user/aff_extend-user.php"; echo ' </div>'; if ($posterdata_extend['C7'] != '') { $content = ''; include 'modules/geoloc/geoloc_conf.php'; $content .= ' <div class="col-md-6"> <div id="map_user" style="width:100%; height:400px;"></div>'; $content .= ' <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var map_u, map_b, mapdivu = document.getElementById("map_user"), mapdivbl = document.getElementById("map_bloc"); function geoloc_loaduser() { icon_u = { path: fontawesome.markers.USER, scale: ' . $acg_sc . ', strokeWeight: ' . $acg_t_ep . ', strokeColor: "' . $acg_t_co . '", strokeOpacity: ' . $acg_t_op . ', fillColor: "' . $acg_f_co . '", fillOpacity: ' . $acg_f_op . ', }; icon_bl = { url: "' . $ch_img . $img_mbgb . '", size: new google.maps.Size(' . $w_ico_b . ',' . $h_ico_b . '), origin: new google.maps.Point(0, 0), anchor: new google.maps.Point(0, 0), scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(' . $w_ico_b . ', ' . $h_ico_b . ') }; //==> carte du bloc if (document.getElementById("map_bloc")) { map_b = new google.maps.Map(mapdivbl,{ center: new google.maps.LatLng(45, 0), zoom :3, zoomControl:false, streetViewControl:false, mapTypeControl: false, disableDoubleClickZoom: true }); map_b.setMapTypeId(google.maps.MapTypeId.' . $cartyp_b . '); function createMarkerB(point_b) { var marker_b = new google.maps.Marker({ position: point_b, map: map_b, icon: icon_bl }) return marker_b; } //== Fonction qui traite le fichier JSON == $.getJSON("modules/geoloc/include/data.json", {}, function(data){ $.each(data.markers, function(i, item){ var point_b = new google.maps.LatLng(item.lat,item.lng); var marker_b = createMarkerB(point_b); }); }); }; //<== carte du bloc map_u = new google.maps.Map(mapdivu,{ center: new google.maps.LatLng(' . $posterdata_extend['C7'] . ', ' . $posterdata_extend['C8'] . '), zoom :7, zoomControl:true, streetViewControl:true, mapTypeControl: true, scrollwheel: false, disableDoubleClickZoom: true }); map_u.setMapTypeId(google.maps.MapTypeId.' . $cartyp_b . '); function createMarkerU(point_u) { var marker_u = new google.maps.Marker({ position: point_u, map: map_u, title: "' . $uname . '", icon: icon_u }) return marker_u; } var point_u = new google.maps.LatLng(' . $posterdata_extend['C7'] . ',' . $posterdata_extend['C8'] . '); var marker_u = createMarkerU(point_u); } $(document.body).attr("onload", "geoloc_loaduser()"); //]]> </script>'; $content .= '<div class="mt-1"><a href="modules.php?ModPath=geoloc&ModStart=geoloc"><i class="fa fa-globe fa-lg"></i> [french]Carte[/french][english]Map[/english][chinese]地图[/chinese]</a>'; if ($admin) { $content .= ' <a href="admin.php?op=Extend-Admin-SubModule&ModPath=geoloc&ModStart=admin/geoloc_set"><i class="fa fa-cogs fa-lg"></i> [french]Admin[/french] [english]Admin[/english] [chinese]Admin[/chinese]</a>'; } $content .= '</div></div>'; $content = aff_langue($content); echo $content; } echo ' </div> </div>'; /* if ($uname == $cookie[1]) { echo ' <div class="card text-xs-center"> <div class="card-header"> <img src="'.$direktori.$user_avatar.'" class="n-ava thumbnail" /> <p class="card-text card-title "></p> </div> <div class="card-block"> <h3 class="card-title">'.$name.' <span class="text-muted">alias</span> '.$uname.'</h3> <p class="card-text">You can contact me @ '.$email.'</p> <p class="card-text">Don not forget to visit <a href="'.$url.'" class="oo">my web-site</a>'; if ($mns) {echo ' OR my <a href="minisite.php?op='.$uname.'" target="_blank">'.translate("Mini-Web site").'</a>';} echo ' </p> </div> <div class="card-footer text-muted"> '.$user_sig.' </div> </div>'; }; */ echo ' <br /> <h4>' . translate("Online journal for") . ' ' . $uname . '.</h4> <div id="online_user_journal" class="card card-block mb-1">' . $user_journal . '</div>'; $file = ''; $handle = opendir('modules/comments'); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (!preg_match('#\\.conf\\.php$#i', $file)) { continue; } $topic = "#topic#"; include "modules/comments/{$file}"; $filelist[$forum] = $url_ret; } closedir($handle); echo ' <h4 class="mt-1">' . translate("Last 10 comments by") . ' ' . $uname . '.</h4> <div id="last_ten_comment" class="card card-block mb-1">'; $url = ''; $result = sql_query("SELECT topic_id, forum_id, post_text, post_time FROM " . $NPDS_Prefix . "posts WHERE forum_id<0 and poster_id='{$uid}' ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT 0,10"); while (list($topic_id, $forum_id, $post_text, $post_time) = sql_fetch_row($result)) { $url = str_replace("#topic#", $topic_id, $filelist[$forum_id]); echo '<p><a href="' . $url . '">' . translate("Posted: ") . convertdate($post_time) . '</a></p>'; $message = smilie(stripslashes($post_text)); $message = aff_video_yt($message); $message = str_replace('[addsig]', '', $message); if (stristr($message, "<a href")) { $message = preg_replace('#_blank(")#i', '_blank\\1 class=\\1noir\\1', $message); } echo nl2br($message) . '<hr />'; } echo ' </div> <h4 class="mt-1">' . translate("Last 10 news submissions sent by") . ' ' . $uname . '.</h4> <div id="last_ten_comment" class="card card-block mb-1">'; $xtab = news_aff("libre", "WHERE informant='{$uname}' ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 10", '', 10); $story_limit = 0; while ($story_limit < 10 and $story_limit < sizeof($xtab)) { list($sid, $catid, $aid, $title) = $xtab[$story_limit]; $story_limit++; echo ' <p><a href="article.php?sid=' . $sid . '">' . aff_langue($title) . '</a></p>'; } echo ' </div> <hr /> <p class="n-signature">' . $user_sig . '</p>'; include "footer.php"; }