 * Invite a user as a contributor via POST vars.
 * AJAX handler for adding users.
function annowf_invite_user()
    check_ajax_referer('anno_create_user', '_ajax_nonce-create-user');
    // Array for json response
    $data_array = array('code' => '', 'message' => '', 'user' => '');
    // Only allow entering of email addresses, so a user can't create 'bobisdumb' as the username
    $user_id = anno_invite_contributor($_POST['user_email'], $_POST['user_email']);
    // Error creating user
    if (is_wp_error($user_id)) {
        $data_array['code'] = 'error';
        $data_array['message'] = $user_id->get_error_message();
    } else {
        //Pass the username back so it can be added as whatever role (co_author, reviewer) via JS.
        $data_array['code'] = 'success';
        $data_array['message'] = _x('User has been created and added', 'status message for user creation', 'anno');
        $users = get_users(array('include' => array($user_id), 'fields' => array('user_login')));
        if (!empty($users) && is_array($users)) {
            $data_array['user'] = $users[0]->user_login;
    echo json_encode($data_array);
  * Creates users, whose credentials were created in get_author_mapping. Maps newly created users.
 function create_users()
     $create_users = $this->allow_create_users();
     if ($create_users) {
         $new_users = $this->new_user_credentials;
         foreach ($new_users as $i => $user_creds) {
             $old_id = $user_creds['old_id'];
             $extra = array('display_name' => $this->authors[$old_id]['author_display_name'], 'first_name' => $this->authors[$old_id]['author_first_name'], 'last_name' => $this->authors[$old_id]['author_last_name']);
             // Create the user, send them an email.
             $user_id = anno_invite_contributor($user_creds['user_login'], $user_creds['user_email'], $extra);
             // All checks for validity (username/email existance) have occured in get_author_mapping.
             // This should not produce an error under any normal circumstance, but just in case.
             if (is_wp_error($user_id) || empty($user_id)) {
                 $user_id = get_current_user_id();
             } else {
                 // Keep track of the created users so we can
                 // import their meta information on import
                 $this->created_users[$old_id] = $user_id;
             $this->processed_authors[$old_id] = $user_id;
             $this->author_mapping[$old_id] = $user_id;