public function addSpider($json) { ajax_echo_r ($json); if ($json->ID>0) { foreach ($json as $k=>$v) { if ($k!="ID") { $sql_set .= "`".$k."`='".$v."', "; } } $sql_set = substr($sql_set,0,strlen($sql_set)-2); $sql = " UPDATE `spiderman` SET ".$sql_set." WHERE `ID` = '".$json->ID."' ; "; $ret=$this->db->exec($sql); // save the new GalleryID to the parent object's table $this->addEvent('SpiderUpdated','tasks','ID',$json->ID,$json->ID); } else { foreach ($json as $k=>$v) { if ($k!="ID") { $sql_insert .= "`".$k."`, "; $sql_values .= "'".$v."', "; } } $sql_insert = substr($sql_insert,0,strlen($sql_insert)-2); $sql_values = substr($sql_values,0,strlen($sql_values)-2); $sql=" INSERT INTO `spiderman` (".$sql_insert.") VALUES (".$sql_values.") ; "; $ret=$this->db->exec($sql); // save the new GalleryID to the parent object's table $this->addEvent('SpiderAdded','tasks','ID',$ret->lastInsertID,$ret->lastInsertID); } // echo $sql; echo_r ($ret); return $ret->lastInsertID; }
public function sms() { // the main sub in our application include_once("model/transport.php"); // connect to the Settings if(!isset($_SESSION)) session_start(); $action = getvariablereq('action'); // get action from the request $data = getvariablereq('data' ); // get JSON data from the request $t = $this->model->getStats('common'); echo "Report date: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."<br>"; $phones_first = array(); $phones_second = array(); $users=$this->model->getUsersSms(); $this->model->resetUsersFirstSms(); // ajax_echo_r ($users); foreach ($users as $user) { if ($user->Phone) { $user->Phone = str_replace("+7", "8", $user->Phone); $user->Phone = str_replace( "-", "", $user->Phone); if ($user->FirstSms) { $phones_first[] .= $user->Phone; } else { $phones_second[] .= $user->Phone; } } } $info = "Всего собственников ".$t->objects_total.", из них новых ".$t->objects_yesterday.". Всего покупателей ".$t->customers_total.", из них новых ".$t->customers_yesterday.". "; // $info.= "Потенциальных сделок ".$t->handshakes_auto.". "; $info.= "Сделок на этой неделе ".$t->handshakes_thisweek." (осталось сделать ".($t->handshakes_thisweek_plan - $t->handshakes_thisweek).")."; echo $info; $api = new Transport($this->settings); $params_first = array( "text" => "Привет, это СМСка от Изума. ".$info ); $params_second = array( "text" => "Доброе утро. Изум-информ сообщает: ".$info ); // $phones_first = array('89376411426'); // $phones_second = array('89276047754'); ajax_echo_r ($phones_first); ajax_echo_r ($phones_second); $send_first = $api->send($params_first ,$phones_first); $send_second = $api->send($params_second ,$phones_second); ajax_echo_r ($send_first); ajax_echo_r ($send_second); if ($send['code'] == 1) { // echo 'Отправлено '.$send['colSendAbonent'].', не отправлено'; } else { // echo $send['descr']; } }
ini_set('max_execution_time', 1800); include_once ("../model/legacy.php"); session_start(); $f = unserialize(file_get_contents('data/rb_project_916609_livetmr.dat')); foreach ($f->tasklists as $tl) { echo "<div><a href='javascript:;' onclick='toggle(".$tl->id.");'>".$tl->id."-".$tl->name."</a><br><div class=content id='".$tl->id."'><hr>"; if ($tl->tasks) { foreach ($tl->tasks as $t) { echo "<div>".$t->name."<br>".$t->first_comment->body_html; foreach ($t->recent_comments as $c) { echo "<div>".$c->body_html."</div>"; } echo "</div><hr>"; } } echo "</div></div>"; // echo "<hr>"; } echo "<hr>"; ajax_echo_r($f); ?> </body> </html>
function counter() { $this->model->addVisit($_REQUEST); ajax_echo_r ($_REQUEST); addtologEx($_REQUEST, "counter.log"); }
public function exec($sql) { // execute query $this->openConnection(); if ($this->DBH) { // if we connected $ret = new stdClass(); $sql = $this->sqlreplace($sql); try { // echo ("SQL:--".$sql."--"); // file_put_contents('data/logs/SQL-exec.txt', $sql."\n", FILE_APPEND); // write to log in case of errors $ret->rowsAffected = $this->DBH->exec($sql); } catch(PDOException $e) { if ($settings->displaydberrors!="0") { echo "exec - Error in SQL: <br>\n".nl2br($sql)."<br>\n".$e->getMessage()."<br>"; ajax_echo_r ($e->getMessage()."<br>\n"); debug_print_backtrace(); } @mkdirr('data/logs'); file_put_contents('data/logs/PDOErrors.txt', $e->getMessage()."\n", FILE_APPEND); // write to log in case of errors } $ret->lastInsertID = $this->DBH->lastInsertId(); return $ret; } $this->closeConnection(); }
function preview() { ajax_echo_r(htmlentities($this->template)); }