  * Returns the probability for sending the survey: 
  *  m;d 	percentage
  * 17;28	 10%
  * 18;0		 20%
  * 18;7		 30%
  * 18;14	 40%
  * 18;21	100%
 private function probability($participant, $m)
     $age = explode(';', age_in_months_and_days($participant->dateofbirth));
     $month = $age[0];
     $day = $age[1];
     if ($month < $m) {
         return $day < 28 ? 0 : 10;
     } else {
         return $day < 7 ? 20 : ($day < 14 ? 30 : ($day < 21 ? 40 : 100));
 /** Downloads all completed participations for a specific experiment */
 public function download($experiment_id)
     // Retrieve the participations and convert to .csv
     $participations = $this->participationModel->get_participations_by_experiment($experiment_id);
     // Add headers to the csv array (later used in fputscsv)
     $csv_array = array();
     $csv_array[] = array(lang('part_number'), lang('gender'), lang('age_at_participation'), lang('appointment'), lang('dyslexic'), lang('multilingual'), lang('interrupted'), lang('excluded'), lang('completed'), lang('no_show'), lang('comment'));
     // Generate array for each row and put in total array
     foreach ($participations as $participation) {
         if (!$participation->completed) {
         $participant = $this->participationModel->get_participant_by_participation($participation->id);
         $csv_row = array($participation->part_number, $participant->gender, age_in_months_and_days($participant->dateofbirth, $participation->appointment), output_datetime($participation->appointment, TRUE), $participant->dyslexicparent ? $participant->dyslexicparent : lang('no'), $participant->multilingual ? lang('yes') : lang('no'), $participation->interrupted ? lang('yes') : lang('no'), $participation->excluded ? lang('yes') : lang('no'), $participation->completed ? lang('yes') : lang('no'), $participation->noshow ? lang('yes') : lang('no'), $participation->comment);
         // Add row to csv array
         $csv_array[] = $csv_row;
     // Create a new output stream and capture the result in a new object
     $fp = fopen('php://output', 'w');
     // Create a new row in the CSV file for every in the array
     foreach ($csv_array as $row) {
         fputcsv($fp, $row, ';');
     // Capture the output as a string
     $csv = ob_get_contents();
     // Close the object and the stream
     // Generate filename
     $experiment_name = $this->experimentModel->get_experiment_by_id($experiment_id)->name;
     $escaped = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_\\-]/', '_', $experiment_name);
     $filename = $escaped . '_' . mdate("%Y%m%d_%H%i", time()) . '.csv';
     // Download the file
     force_download($filename, $csv);
 /** Creates a .csv-file from a table of scores (testinvite_id -> score) */
 function scores_to_csv($test_code, $score_table, $experiment_id = NULL)
     $CI =& get_instance();
     // Retrieve the headers
     $headers = array(lang('reference_number'), lang('gender'), lang('age'), lang('age_md'), lang('dyslexicparent'), lang('multilingual'));
     if ($experiment_id) {
         array_unshift($headers, lang('part_number'));
     // Add test categories
     $test = $CI->testModel->get_test_by_code($test_code);
     $testcats = $CI->testCatModel->get_testcats_by_test($test->id, FALSE, TRUE);
     foreach ($testcats as $testcat) {
         $headers[] = $testcat->code . ' - ' . $testcat->name;
     // For N-CDI: add parent test categories
     if ($test_code == 'ncdi_wz') {
         $parent_testcats = $CI->testCatModel->get_testcats_by_test($test->id, TRUE);
         foreach ($parent_testcats as $parent) {
             $headers[] = $parent->name . ' - ' . lang('raw_score');
             $headers[] = $parent->name . ' - ' . lang('percentile');
             $headers[] = $parent->name . ' - ' . lang('language_age');
     // Add headers to the csv array (later used in fputscsv)
     $csv_array = array();
     $csv_array[] = $headers;
     // Generate array for each row and put in total array
     foreach ($score_table as $testinvite_id => $scores) {
         $testinvite = $CI->testInviteModel->get_testinvite_by_id($testinvite_id);
         $participant = $CI->testInviteModel->get_participant_by_testinvite($testinvite);
         // Add participant data
         $refnr = reference_number($participant);
         $g = $participant->gender;
         $age = age_in_months($participant, $testinvite->datecompleted);
         $agemd = age_in_months_and_days($participant->dateofbirth, $testinvite->datecompleted);
         $d = $participant->dyslexicparent ? $participant->dyslexicparent : lang('no');
         $m = $participant->multilingual ? lang('yes') : lang('no');
         $csv_row = array($refnr, $g, $age, $agemd, $d, $m);
         if ($experiment_id) {
             $participation = $CI->participationModel->get_participation($experiment_id, $participant->id);
             array_unshift($csv_row, $participation->part_number);
         // Add score data
         foreach ($testcats as $testcat) {
             $score = isset($scores[$testcat->id]) ? $scores[$testcat->id] : '';
             array_push($csv_row, $score);
         // For N-CDI: total score data
         if ($test_code == 'ncdi_wz') {
             $totals = create_ncdi_score_array($test, $testinvite, TRUE);
             foreach ($totals as $total) {
                 array_push($csv_row, $total['score'], $total['percentile'], $total['age']);
         // Add row to csv array
         $csv_array[] = $csv_row;
     // Create a new output stream and capture the result in a new object
     $fp = fopen('php://output', 'w');
     // Create a new row in the CSV file for every in the array
     foreach ($csv_array as $row) {
         fputcsv($fp, $row, ';');
     // Capture the output as a string
     $csv = ob_get_contents();
     // Close the object and the stream
     return $csv;
    echo lang('appointment');
    echo output_datetime($participation->appointment);
    echo lang('age');
    echo age_in_months_and_days($participant->dateofbirth, $participation->appointment);
if (!empty($participation->completed)) {
    echo lang('part_number');
    /** Returns the participants eligible for a (non-archived) experiment, they should be:
     * - activated
     * - not already participating in the experiment
     * - not have been participating in an experiment that excludes this experiment
     * - should have been participating in an experiment that is a prerequisite for this experiment
     * - not currently having an impediment
     * - not being a "risk" participant (depending on the sort of experiment)
     * - within the age range of the experiment
    public function find_participants($experiment, $weeks_ahead = WEEKS_AHEAD)
        if ($experiment->archived) {
            return array();
        $prereqs = $this->relationModel->get_relation_ids_by_experiment($experiment->id, RelationType::Prerequisite, TRUE);
        $excludes = $this->relationModel->get_relation_ids_by_experiment($experiment->id, RelationType::Excludes, TRUE);
        $this->db->from('participant AS p', FALSE);
        $this->db->where('activated', TRUE);
        // not already participating (or cancelled)
        $this->db->where('NOT EXISTS
					(SELECT 1
					FROM 	participation AS part
					WHERE	part.participant_id = p.id
					AND 	(part.confirmed = 1 OR part.cancelled = 1)
					AND 	part.experiment_id = ' . $experiment->id . ')', NULL, FALSE);
        // should have been participating in an experiment that is a prerequisite for this experiment
        if ($prereqs) {
					(SELECT 1
					FROM 	participation AS part
					WHERE	part.participant_id = p.id
					AND 	part.completed = 1
					AND 	part.experiment_id IN (' . implode(',', $prereqs) . '))', NULL, FALSE);
        // not have been participating in an experiment that excludes this experiment
        if ($excludes) {
            $this->db->where('NOT EXISTS
					(SELECT 1
					FROM 	participation AS part
					WHERE	part.participant_id = p.id
					AND 	part.confirmed = 1
					AND 	part.experiment_id IN (' . implode(',', $excludes) . '))', NULL, FALSE);
        // not currently having an impediment
        $this->db->where('NOT EXISTS
					(SELECT 1
					FROM 	impediment AS imp
					WHERE	imp.participant_id = p.id
					AND 	(NOW() BETWEEN imp.from AND imp.to))', NULL, FALSE);
        // not being risk (depending on the sort of experiment)
        if ($experiment->dyslexic) {
            $this->db->where('multilingual', FALSE);
        if ($experiment->multilingual) {
            $this->db->where('dyslexicparent IS NULL');
        if (!($experiment->dyslexic || $experiment->multilingual)) {
            $this->db->where('multilingual', FALSE);
            $this->db->where('dyslexicparent IS NULL');
        // Get the results
        $participants = $this->db->get()->result();
        // Now check whether the participants are of correct age, from $weeks_ahead to now
        $result = array();
        foreach ($participants as $participant) {
            $age_from = explode(';', age_in_months_and_days($participant->dateofbirth, input_date('+' . $weeks_ahead . ' weeks')));
            $months_from = $age_from[0];
            $days_from = $age_from[1];
            $age_to = explode(';', age_in_months_and_days($participant->dateofbirth, input_date()));
            $months_to = $age_to[0];
            $days_to = $age_to[1];
            if ($months_from > $experiment->agefrommonths || $months_from == $experiment->agefrommonths && $days_from >= $experiment->agefromdays) {
                if ($months_to < $experiment->agetomonths || $months_to == $experiment->agetomonths && $days_to < $experiment->agetodays) {
                    array_push($result, $participant);
        return $result;
 /** Returns the age in months of the participant */
 function age_in_md_by_id($participant_id, $date = 'now')
     if (!$date) {
         return '';
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $participant = $CI->participantModel->get_participant_by_id($participant_id);
     return age_in_months_and_days($participant->dateofbirth, $date);
 public function vs_scores($test_code)
     $table = array();
     $table['cols'] = array(array('label' => lang('testcat'), 'type' => 'string'), array('label' => lang('gender'), 'type' => 'string'), array('label' => lang('age'), 'type' => 'number'), array('label' => lang('score'), 'type' => 'number'), array('label' => '50e percentiel', 'type' => 'number'));
     $rows = array();
     $testcat_ids = $this->get_testcat_ids($test_code);
     $nr = 0;
     foreach ($testcat_ids as $testcat_id) {
         $scores = $this->testCatModel->total_score_per_testinvite($testcat_id);
         foreach ($scores as $score) {
             if ($score->score > 0) {
                 $testinvite = $this->testInviteModel->get_testinvite_by_id($score->testinvite_id);
                 $participant = $this->testInviteModel->get_participant_by_testinvite($testinvite);
                 $age = explode(';', age_in_months_and_days($participant->dateofbirth, $testinvite->datecompleted));
                 $age = $age[0] + $age[1] / 31;
                 // to evenly divide over months.
                 $testcat = $this->testCatModel->get_testcat_by_id($testcat_id);
                 // FIXME: quick and dirty fix for percentiles without gender...
                 $gender = in_array($testcat->code, array('w', 'z')) ? NULL : gender_sex($participant->gender);
                 $rows[$nr][0] = array('v' => $testcat->name);
                 $rows[$nr][1] = array('v' => $gender);
                 $rows[$nr][2] = array('v' => $age);
                 $rows[$nr][3] = array('v' => intval($score->score));
                 $rows[$nr][4] = array('v' => NULL);
     $percentiles = $this->percentileModel->get_percentiles_by_testcats($testcat_ids, array(50));
     foreach ($percentiles as $percentile) {
         $testcat = $this->testCatModel->get_testcat_by_id($percentile->testcat_id)->name;
         $gender = !empty($percentile->gender) ? gender_sex($percentile->gender) : NULL;
         $rows[$nr][0] = array('v' => $testcat);
         $rows[$nr][1] = array('v' => $gender);
         $rows[$nr][2] = array('v' => $percentile->age);
         $rows[$nr][3] = array('v' => NULL);
         $rows[$nr][4] = array('v' => $percentile->score);
     //echo '<pre>' . var_dump($rows) . '</pre>';die;
     $table['rows'] = $this->flatten($rows);
     echo json_encode($table);