  * Output the inline css to head or after the element in case it is loaded via ajax
 function css()
     $uid = $this->data['uid'];
     $css = '';
     $pt_color = $this->opt('pt_color') ? $this->opt('pt_color') : '';
     //** Set background color of the section
     if (!empty($pt_color)) {
         $css .= ".{$uid} .btn-fullcolor, .{$uid} .plan-column.featured .subscription-price .inner-cell{background-color:{$pt_color}}";
         $css .= ".{$uid} .btn-fullcolor:hover{background-color:" . adjustBrightness($pt_color, 20) . "}";
         $css .= ".{$uid} .plan-column .plan-title {color:{$pt_color}}";
     return $css;
 public function toJsonEvent()
     if (is_object($this->start_at)) {
         $start = $this->start_at;
     } else {
         $start = new \DateTime($this->start_at);
     $end = clone $start;
     $end->modify(sprintf('+%d minutes', $this->duration));
     $user = Auth::user();
     $start2 = clone $start;
     $start2->modify('-2 days');
     $canManage = $user->isSuperAdmin() || $this->booking->user_id == $user->id && $start2->format('Y-m-d') >= date('Y-m-d');
     $className = sprintf('booking-%d', $this->ressource_id);
     $ofuscated_title = $this->booking->title;
     if ($this->booking->is_private && !$user->isSuperAdmin() && $this->booking->user_id != $user->id) {
         $ofuscated_title = 'Réservé';
         $className .= sprintf(' booking-ofuscated-%d', $this->ressource_id);
     } else {
         $className .= ' booking';
     $backgroundColor = $this->ressource->booking_background_color;
     $borderColor = adjustBrightness($this->ressource->booking_background_color, -32);
     $textColor = adjustBrightness($this->ressource->booking_background_color, -128);
     if ($end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') < date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
         $backgroundColor = hexColorToRgbWithTransparency($backgroundColor, '0.4');
         $borderColor = hexColorToRgbWithTransparency($borderColor, '0.4');
         $textColor = hexColorToRgbWithTransparency($textColor, '0.4');
         $className .= ' booking-completed';
     if ($user->isSuperAdmin()) {
         $time = new PastTime();
         $time->user_id = $this->booking->user_id;
         $time->ressource_id = $this->ressource_id;
         $time->date_past = $this->start_at;
         $time->time_start = $this->start_at;
         $time->time_end = strtotime(sprintf('+ %d minutes', $this->duration), is_object($this->start_at) ? $this->start_at->getTimestamp() : strtotime($this->start_at));
         $is_accounted = PastTime::query()->where('user_id', $time->user_id)->where('ressource_id', $time->ressource_id)->where('date_past', $time->date_past)->where('time_start', $time->time_start)->where('time_end', $time->time_end)->count() > 0;
     } else {
         $is_accounted = false;
     return array('title' => $ofuscated_title, 'start' => $start->format('c'), 'end' => $end->format('c'), 'booking_id' => $this->booking->id, 'id' => $this->id, 'user_id' => $this->booking->user_id, 'is_private' => (bool) $this->booking->is_private, 'is_accounted' => (bool) $is_accounted, 'is_open_to_registration' => (bool) $this->is_open_to_registration, 'description' => (string) $this->booking->content, 'canDelete' => (bool) $canManage, 'editable' => (bool) $canManage, 'backgroundColor' => $backgroundColor, 'borderColor' => $borderColor, 'textColor' => $textColor, 'ressource_id' => $this->ressource->id, 'className' => $className);

$secondary_color = '#12C3EE';


$lighter_color = adjustBrightness($primary_color, 20);
$light_color = adjustBrightness($primary_color, 50);
$lightest_color = adjustBrightness($primary_color, 100);
$dark_color = adjustBrightness($primary_color, -50);

.btn.btn-color, input[type="submit"]{
        background:{!! $primary_color !!} !important;

    h2 i{
        color:{!! $primary_color; !!};

  color: <?php 
echo adjustBrightness($background_color, -150);
.picker__button--today[disabled]:hover {
  background: <?php 
echo adjustBrightness($background_color, -10);
  border-color: <?php 
echo adjustBrightness($background_color, -10);
  color: <?php 
echo adjustBrightness($background_color, -25);
  cursor: default;
.picker__button--today[disabled]:before {
  border-top-color: <?php 
echo adjustBrightness($background_color, -75);

/* ==========================================================================
   ========================================================================== */
 function dynamic_styles($theme_settings)
     $hex_color = ThemeHelper::getThemeSetting(@$theme_settings->color, '');
     if (empty($hex_color)) {
         $hex_color = '#98cb00';
     $color = $hex_color;
     $lighter_color = adjustBrightness($hex_color, 20);
     $style = "";
     $style .= ".theme_color_background, #signup-form .panel-heading, .post .post-img h3, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a, #home-hero button, .block .block-contents p.date .label.label-success, .btn.btn-primary, .navbar-nav.navbar-right li.signup-desktop a, .second-nav.navbar-default .navbar-nav li.active a, .second-nav.navbar-default .navbar-nav li a:hover, .vjs-default-skin .vjs-play-progress, .vjs-default-skin .vjs-volume-level{ background: {$color}; }";
     $style .= ".btn.btn-primary, .form-control:focus, .second-nav.navbar-default .navbar-nav li:hover, .second-nav.navbar-default .navbar-nav li.active{ border-color:{$color}; }";
     $style .= ".post .post-img h6, #home-hero button:hover{ background: {$lighter_color}; }";
     $style .= ".theme_color, a, .page a, footer ul li a, .home footer ul li a{ color:{$color}; }";
     $style .= "footer ul li a:hover, .home footer ul li a:hover{ color:{$lighter_color}; }";
     return $style;
* define the shortcodes
function get_rest_data($atts, $content = null, $tag)
    switch ($tag) {
        case "resmio-name":
            $src = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $name = $src["api_restaurant_name"];
            return $name;
        case "resmio-street":
            $src = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $street = $src["api_address_street"];
            return $street;
        case "resmio-zipcode":
            $src = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $zip = $src["api_address_zip"];
            return $zip;
        case "resmio-city":
            $src = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $city = $src["api_address_city"];
            return $city;
        case "resmio-address":
            $src = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $street = $src["api_address_street"];
            $zipcode = $src["api_address_zip"];
            $city = $src["api_address_city"];
            return $street . "<br>" . $zipcode . " " . $city;
        case "resmio-phone":
            $src = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $phone = $src["api_contact_phone"];
            return $phone;
        case "resmio-email":
            $src = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $email = $src["api_contact_email"];
            return $email;
        case "resmio-contact":
            $src = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $phone = $src["api_contact_phone"];
            $email = $src["api_contact_email"];
            if (!empty($phone)) {
                $phone_1 = "<img class='phone'></img>&nbsp;" . $phone . "<br>";
            if (!empty($email)) {
                $email_1 = "<img class='email'></img>&nbsp;" . $email;
            return $phone_1 . $email_1;
        case "resmio-facebook":
            $src = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $facebook = $src["api_social_facebook"];
            return $facebook;
        case "resmio-googleplus":
            $src = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $google = $src["api_social_google"];
            return $google;
        case "resmio-social":
            $src = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $facebook = $src["api_social_facebook"];
            $google = $src["api_social_google"];
            if (!empty($facebook)) {
                $facebook_1 = "<img class='facebook'></img>&nbsp;" . $facebook . "<br>";
            if (!empty($google)) {
                $google_1 = "<img class='google-plus'></img>&nbsp;" . $google;
            return $facebook_1 . $google_1;
        case "resmio-openinghours":
            $src = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $openingDays1 = $src["api_openh_r1_left"];
            $openingHours1 = $src["api_openh_r1_right"];
            $openingDays2 = $src["api_openh_r2_left"];
            $openingHours2 = $src["api_openh_r2_right"];
            $openingDays3 = $src["api_openh_r3_left"];
            $openingHours3 = $src["api_openh_r3_right"];
            $openingDays4 = $src["api_openh_r4_left"];
            $openingHours4 = $src["api_openh_r4_right"];
            $openingDays5 = $src["api_openh_r5_left"];
            $openingHours5 = $src["api_openh_r5_right"];
            $openingDays6 = $src["api_openh_r6_left"];
            $openingHours6 = $src["api_openh_r6_right"];
            $openingDays7 = $src["api_openh_r7_left"];
            $openingHours7 = $src["api_openh_r7_right"];
            if (!empty($openingDays1) & !empty($openingHours1)) {
                $openDay[0] = "<tr style='border:none;'><td style='border:none; padding:0px;'>" . $openingDays1;
                $openHour[0] = "</td><td style='border:none; padding:0px;'>&nbsp;" . $openingHours1 . "</td></tr>";
            if (!empty($openingDays2) & !empty($openingHours2)) {
                $openDay[1] = "<tr style='border:none;'><td style='border:none; padding:0px;'>" . $openingDays2;
                $openHour[1] = "</td><td style='border:none; padding:0px;'>&nbsp;" . $openingHours2 . "</td></tr>";
            if (!empty($openingDays3) & !empty($openingHours3)) {
                $openDay[2] = "<tr style='border:none;'><td style='border:none; padding:0px;'>" . $openingDays3;
                $openHour[2] = "</td><td style='border:none; padding:0px;'>&nbsp;" . $openingHours3 . "</td></tr>";
            if (!empty($openingDays4) & !empty($openingHours4)) {
                $openDay[3] = "<tr style='border:none;'><td style='border:none; padding:0px;'>" . $openingDays4;
                $openHour[3] = "</td><td style='border:none; padding:0px;'>&nbsp;" . $openingHours4 . "</td></tr>";
            if (!empty($openingDays5) & !empty($openingHours5)) {
                $openDay[4] = "<tr style='border:none;'><td style='border:none; padding:0px;'>" . $openingDays5;
                $openHour[4] = "</td><td style='border:none; padding:0px;'>&nbsp;" . $openingHours5 . "</td></tr>";
            if (!empty($openingDays6) & !empty($openingHours6)) {
                $openDay[5] = "<tr style='border:none;'><td style='border:none; padding:0px;'>" . $openingDays6;
                $openHour[5] = "</td><td style='border:none; padding:0px;'>&nbsp;" . $openingHours6 . "</td></tr>";
            if (!empty($openingDays7) & !empty($openingHours7)) {
                $openDay[6] = "<tr style=''><td style=' padding:0px;'>" . $openingDays7;
                $openHour[6] = "</td><td style='padding:0px;'>&nbsp;" . $openingHours7 . "</td></tr>";
            return "<table style='width: auto; border:none; margin:0px;'><tbody>" . $openDay[0] . $openHour[0] . $openDay[1] . $openHour[1] . $openDay[2] . $openHour[2] . $openDay[3] . $openHour[3] . $openDay[4] . $openHour[4] . $openDay[5] . $openHour[5] . $openDay[6] . $openHour[6] . "</tbody></table>";
        case "resmio-description":
            $src = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $descr = $src["api_descr"];
            return $descr;
        case "resmio-button":
            $id = get_option('resmio-facility-id');
            $srcBtnBG = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $resmioBtnBG = $srcBtnBG["resmio-color-picker-button-background"];
            $srcBtnText = get_option('resmio_admin_menu_api_options');
            $resmioBtnText = $srcBtnText["resmio-color-picker-button-text"];
            $resmioBtnBGLighten = adjustBrightness($resmioBtnBG, 10);
            $resmioBtnBGDarken = adjustBrightness($resmioBtnBG, -10);
            if ($resmioBtnBG != '' && $resmioBtnText != '') {
                $buttonCode = '
                    <style type="text/css" media="all">
                        .resmio-button .btn {
                          background-color: ' . $resmioBtnBG . ';
                          background-image: linear-gradient(top,' . $resmioBtnBGLighten . ',' . $resmioBtnBG . ');
                          background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,' . $resmioBtnBGLighten . ',' . $resmioBtnBG . ');
                          background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top,' . $resmioBtnBGLighten . ',' . $resmioBtnBG . ');
                          background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top,' . $resmioBtnBGLighten . ',' . $resmioBtnBG . ');
                          background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top,' . $resmioBtnBGLighten . ',' . $resmioBtnBG . ');
                          border-style: 1px solid ' . $resmioBtnBGLighten . ';
                          border-color: ' . $resmioBtnBGLighten . ';
                          color: ' . $resmioBtnText . ';
                        .resmio-button .btn:hover, .resmio-button .btn:focus {
                          background-color: ' . $resmioBtnBGDarken . ';
                          background-image: linear-gradient(top,' . $resmioBtnBG . ',' . $resmioBtnBGDarken . ');
                          background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,' . $resmioBtnBG . ',' . $resmioBtnBGDarken . ');
                          background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top,' . $resmioBtnBG . ',' . $resmioBtnBGDarken . ');
                          background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top,' . $resmioBtnBG . ',' . $resmioBtnBGDarken . ');
                          background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top,' . $resmioBtnBG . ',' . $resmioBtnBGDarken . ');
                          border-style: 1px solid ' . $resmioBtnBG . ';
                          border-color: ' . $resmioBtnBG . ';
                          color: ' . $resmioBtnText . ';
            $buttonCode .= '<script data-resmio-button="' . $id . '">
                                (function(d, s) {
                                    var js, rjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
                                    js = d.createElement(s);
                                    js.src = "//static.resmio.com/static/de/button.js";
                                    js.async = true;
                                    rjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, rjs); }(document, "script")
            return $buttonCode;
        case "resmio-widget":
            $id = get_option('resmio-facility-id');
            $widgetCode = '<div id="resmio-' . $id . '"></div>
                            <script>(function(d, s) {
                                var js, rjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
                                js = d.createElement(s);
                                js.src = "//static.resmio.com/static/de/widget.js#id=' . $id . '&width=275px&height=400px";
                                rjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, rjs);
                            }(document, "script"));
            return $widgetCode;
function dynamic_styles($settings)
    $primary_color = $settings->primary_color ? $settings->primary_color : '#EE222E';
    $secondary_color = $settings->secondary_color ? $settings->secondary_color : '#12C3EE';
    $lighter_color = adjustBrightness($primary_color, 20);
    $light_color = adjustBrightness($primary_color, 50);
    $lightest_color = adjustBrightness($primary_color, 100);
    $dark_color = adjustBrightness($primary_color, -50);

	<style type="text/css">

    echo $settings->custom_css;

		.btn.btn-color, input[type="submit"]{
    echo $primary_color;

		h2 i{
    echo $primary_color;


		.btn.btn-radio {
			background: <?php 
    echo $lighter_color;

		.btn.btn-radio.active {
    echo $primary_color;

		#nprogress .bar {
    echo $primary_color;

		#nprogress .spinner-icon {
    echo $primary_color;
    echo $primary_color;
		#nprogress .peg {
			box-shadow: 0 0 10px <?php 
    echo $primary_color;
, 0 0 5px <?php 
    echo $primary_color;

		.nav .caret, .nav>li>a, .navbar .navbar-nav>.active>a, .nav a:hover .caret{
    echo $primary_color;
    echo $primary_color;
    echo $primary_color;

		.navbar-nav>li>a.upload-btn, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav>li>a:hover
    echo $primary_color;

		.active .nav-border-bottom{
    echo $primary_color;

    echo $primary_color;

		a.spcl-button.color {
    echo $primary_color;

		.dropdown-menu>li>a:hover, .dropdown-menu>li>a:focus{
    echo $primary_color;

		ul.tags li a{
    echo $primary_color;

		div.tagsinput span.tag{
			border:1px solid <?php 
    echo $primary_color;
    echo $lighter_color;

    echo $primary_color;

    echo $light_color;

    echo $dark_color;

		.pagination>li>span, .pagination>.active>span, .pagination>li>a:hover, .pagination>.active>span:hover{
    echo $light_color;

		.pagination>li>span:hover, .pagination>.disabled>span{
    echo $lightest_color;
    echo $dark_color;

		.pagination>li>a, .pagination>li>span, .pagination>.disabled>span, .pagination>.disabled>a, .pagination>.disabled>a:hover, .pagination>.disabled>a:focus, .pagination>.active>a, .pagination>.active>span, .pagination>.active>a:hover, .pagination>.active>span:hover, .pagination>.active>a:focus, .pagination>.active>span:focus{
			border:1px solid <?php 
    echo $primary_color;

		div.tagsinput span.tag a{
    echo $dark_color;

		a.spcl-button.color:hover {
    echo $lighter_color;

		.btn.btn-prev:hover, .btn.btn-next:hover{
    echo $primary_color;

		/********** SECONDARY COLOR **********/
    echo $secondary_color;

    echo $secondary_color;

		a, a:hover, a:focus{
    echo $secondary_color;

		.user-menu p {
    echo $secondary_color;

		#next_media li a div.active, #next_media li a:hover div{
    echo $secondary_color;

		.admin-block.active, .admin-block:hover{
    echo $primary_color;

    echo $dark_color;
    echo $primary_color;

		.ouro:after {
    echo $primary_color;

		.ouro {
    echo $light_color;

		h2.subheader i{
    echo $dark_color;

    echo $dark_color;

 function dynamic_styles($theme_settings)
     $hex_color = ThemeHelper::getThemeSetting(@$theme_settings->color, '');
     if (empty($hex_color)) {
         $hex_color = '#1C76B6';
     $color = $hex_color;
     $lighter_color = adjustBrightness($hex_color, 20);
     $style = "";
     $style .= "#signup-form .panel-heading, .btn-primary, .navbar-default, .navbar-nav.navbar-right li.signup-desktop a, #home-hero, #subscribers_only button, .block-contents p.date .label.label-success, .post .post-img h3, .theme_color_background, .vjs-default-skin .vjs-play-progress, .vjs-default-skin .vjs-volume-level{ background:{$color}; }";
     $style .= ".form-control:focus, .btn-primary{ border-color:{$color}; }";
     $style .= "h3, .block .block-contents h2 a, footer ul li a, .page a, ul.pages li a, .home footer ul li a, .block.list .block-contents h2 a{ color:{$color}; }";
     $style .= ".btn-primary:hover, .btn-primary:active, .post .post-img h6{ background:{$lighter_color}; }";
     $style .= ".btn-primary:hover, .btn-primary:active{ border-color:{$lighter_color}; }";
     $style .= ".block .block-contents h2 a:hover, footer ul li a:hover, .page a:hover, ul.pages li a:hover, .home footer ul li a:hover{ color:{$lighter_color}; }";
     return $style;
 function add_custom_styles()
     $options = get_option('teccc_options');
     wp_enqueue_style('custom-style', get_template_directory_uri() . 'style.css');
     $custom_css = "";
     foreach ($options['terms'] as $term) {
         $bg_color = $options[$term[0] . '-border'];
         $custom_css .= '
   .gradient-' . $term[0] . ' {
   background-color: ' . $bg_color . ';
   background: -webkit-linear-gradient(' . adjustBrightness($bg_color, -40) . ', ' . $bg_color . ');
   background: -o-linear-gradient(' . adjustBrightness($bg_color, -40) . ', ' . $bg_color . ');
   background: -moz-linear-gradient(' . adjustBrightness($bg_color, -40) . ', ' . $bg_color . ');
   background: linear-gradient(' . adjustBrightness($bg_color, -40) . ', ' . $bg_color . ');
   background-repeat: repeat-x;
   filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=\'#FFA25F00\', endColorstr=\'#FFEE8C00\', GradientType=0)";
   .text-' . $term[0] . '{
     color: ' . $bg_color . '
     wp_add_inline_style('custom-style', $custom_css);

//** Set colors or defaults
$primaryColor = isset($data['style_options']['primary_color']) ? $data['style_options']['primary_color'] : '#ed2437';
$secondaryColor = isset($data['style_options']['secondary_color']) ? $data['style_options']['secondary_color'] : '#000000';
$sectionIconColor = isset($data['style_options']['section_icon_color']) ? $data['style_options']['section_icon_color'] : '#e5e5e5';
$sectionIconBackground = isset($data['style_options']['section_icon_background']) ? $data['style_options']['section_icon_background'] : '#e5e5e5';
$paragraphColor = isset($data['style_options']['default_text_color']) ? $data['style_options']['default_text_color'] : '#999999';
$bordersColor = isset($data['style_options']['borders_color']) ? $data['style_options']['borders_color'] : '#e4e4e4';
$metaColor = adjustBrightness($paragraphColor, 50);
//** What if it's black?
$metaColor2 = adjustBrightness($paragraphColor, -50);
//** What if it's black?
echo "\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .woocommerce-ordering select, .woocommerce-page .woocommerce-ordering select {border-color:{$bordersColor};}\r\n\r\n\t\t.single-product.woocommerce .woocommerce-review-link:before { color:{$bordersColor}; }\r\n\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .zn_inner_product_header, .woocommerce .zn_add_to_cart {border:1px solid {$bordersColor};}\r\n\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .star-rating span:before, .woocommerce-page .star-rating span:before, \r\n\t\t.woocommerce ul.products li.product a.add_to_cart_button, \r\n\t\t.woocommerce ul.products li.product a.add_to_cart_button:before,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .woocommerce-review-link,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .posted_in a,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce table.shop_table tbody .product-subtotal span,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page table.shop_table tbody .product-subtotal span,\r\n\t\t.order-total .amount,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .myaccount_user a,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .addresses a,\r\n\t\t.zn_shop_icon:before,\r\n\t\t.menu-item-shop-cart .widget_shopping_cart_content .cart_list.product_list_widget li a\r\n\t\t{ \r\n\t\t\tcolor:{$primaryColor}; \r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .star-rating:before,.woocommerce-page .star-rating:before { color: {$bordersColor}; }\r\n\t\t.woocommerce ul.products li.product .price,.woocommerce-page ul.products li.product .price, .woocommerce div.product p.price,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce #content .quantity input.qty, .woocommerce .quantity input.qty, .woocommerce-page #content .quantity input.qty, .woocommerce-page .quantity input.qty,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .posted_in,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce #review_form #respond label,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce table.shop_table , .cart_totals, .variations label,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .reset_variations,\r\n\t\t.product_list_widget ins .amount,\r\n\t\t.quantity .amount,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce.widget_shopping_cart .total strong,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce ul.products li.product a, \r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page ul.products li.product a \r\n\t\t{ \r\n\t\t\tcolor:{$secondaryColor};  \r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t/* BUTTONS */\r\n\t\t.woocommerce #content input.button.alt,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce #respond input#submit.alt,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce a.button.alt,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce button.button.alt,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce input.button.alt,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page #content input.button.alt,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page #respond input#submit.alt,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page a.button.alt,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page button.button.alt,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page input.button.alt,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce #review_form #respond .form-submit input, \r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page #review_form #respond .form-submit input,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .woocommerce-error,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .woocommerce-info,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .woocommerce-message,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page .woocommerce-error,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page .woocommerce-info,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page .woocommerce-message,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page ul.page-numbers li span.current,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page ul.page-numbers li:hover a,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .cart .button,\r\n\t\t.shop_page .page-title:after, .related.products > h2:after, .upsells.products > h2:after,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page .cart-collaterals .cart_totals > h2:after,\r\n\t\t.shipping_calculator > h2:after,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .cart-collaterals .shipping_calculator .button, \r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page .cart-collaterals .shipping_calculator .button,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce input[type=submit],\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-range,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-range,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle, \r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .widget_price_filter .price_slider_amount .button, \r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page .widget_price_filter .price_slider_amount .button,\r\n\t\t.menu-item-shop-cart .widget_shopping_cart_content .buttons > a\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tbackground-color: {$primaryColor};\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t.woocommerce #content input.button.alt:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce #respond input#submit.alt:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce a.button.alt:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce button.button.alt:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce input.button.alt:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page #content input.button.alt:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page #respond input#submit.alt:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page a.button.alt:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page button.button.alt:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page input.button.alt:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce #review_form #respond .form-submit input:hover, \r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page #review_form #respond .form-submit input:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .cart .button:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .cart-collaterals .shipping_calculator .button:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page .cart-collaterals .shipping_calculator .button:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce input[type=submit]:hover,\r\n\t\t.woocommerce .widget_price_filter .price_slider_amount .button:hover, \r\n\t\t.woocommerce-page .widget_price_filter .price_slider_amount .button:hover,\r\n\t\t.menu-item-shop-cart .widget_shopping_cart_content .buttons > a:hover\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tbackground-color: {$secondaryColor};\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t.widget.widget_product_categories li a:hover {\r\n\t\t\tborder-left-color: {$primaryColor};\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t.widget_shopping_cart_content,\r\n\t\t.menu-item-shop-cart .cart_message {\r\n\t\t\tborder-top-color: {$primaryColor};\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t";
 function dynamic_styles($theme_settings)
     $hex_color = ThemeHelper::getThemeSetting(@$theme_settings->color, '');
     if (empty($hex_color)) {
         $hex_color = '#E52D27';
     $color = $hex_color;
     $lighter_color = adjustBrightness($hex_color, 20);
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     $style = "";
     $style .= ".btn-primary, #featured_loader, #subscribers_only button, .block .block-contents .label-success, .post .post-img h3, #signup-form .panel-heading, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a .border-bottom, #main-content h3.header, .navbar-default .navbar-nav>.open>a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav>.open>a:focus, .theme_color_background, .vjs-default-skin .vjs-play-progress, .vjs-default-skin .vjs-volume-level{ background:" . $color . " }";
     $style .= ".btn-primary, .form-control:focus{ border-color:" . $color . " }";
     $style .= "footer ul li a, .home footer ul li a, .navbar-header .menu-toggle i, .video-details h3 span i, .block .block-contents h2 a, .page a, ul.pages li a, h3, ul.pages a:hover, a:focus, a:active{ color:" . $color . " }";
     $style .= "footer ul li a:hover, .home footer ul li a:hover{ color:" . $darker_color . " }";
     $style .= ".btn-primary:hover, .btn-primary:active, .btn-primary:focus, .post .post-img h6{ background:" . $darker_color . " }";
     $style .= ".btn-primary:hover, .btn-primary:active, .btn-primary:focus{ border-color:" . $darker_color . " }";
     return $style;
 public function getLabelCssAttribute()
     return sprintf('background-color: %s; color: %s; border: 1px solid %s; margin-right: 10px; opacity: 0.75', $this->booking_background_color, adjustBrightness($this->booking_background_color, -128), adjustBrightness($this->booking_background_color, -32));
function st_overDeliver($pageID, $campaign_pageID = NULL)
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     				<link href="' . plugins_url('css/animate-css/animate.css', __FILE__) . '" rel="stylesheet">';
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     				<script type="text/javascript" src="' . plugins_url('js/plugins/jquery.easing.1.3.js', __FILE__) . '"></script>
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            $content_inside = '
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         <h1 class="head_txt">' . $squeeze_head . '</h1>
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											<div class="col-sm-12">
											 <h1 class="head_txt">' . $squeeze_head . '</h1>
											' . do_shortcode($squeeze_body) . '
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                $media = '&nbsp;';
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                $media = '<div class="animated fadeIn" style="margin:100px 0 0 0; width:100%; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56%; height:0;"><iframe style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $st_media_yt_id . '?autoplay=1&showinfo=0&controls=0&rel=0" allowtransparency="true" style="background: #FFFFFF;"> </iframe></div> ';
            $form_left = '<div class="col-sm-6" style="padding-left:0; padding-right:0;">
									' . @$media . '
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                $media = '&nbsp;';
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    switch ($form_type) {
        case 'aweber':
            $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT field_name, field_value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  FROM " . ST_PG_FORM . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHERE pageID = " . $pageID);
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									<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="' . $aw_back_url . '">
									<input type="hidden" name="meta_message" value="1" /> 
									<input type="hidden" name="meta_required" value="' . @$name_inc . 'email" /> 
									<input type="hidden" name="meta_forward_vars" value="0" /> 
									' . @$name_get . '
								    <div class="form-group">
									 <label for="InputEmail" style="color:' . $form_text_color . ';">Email</label>
									 <input type="text" class="form-control" name="email" id="InputEmail" placeholder="Enter email">
        case 'getresponse':
            $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT field_name, field_value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  FROM " . ST_PG_FORM . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHERE pageID = " . $pageID);
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                    $getresponse_back_url = $field_value;
                if ($field_name == 'emailOnly') {
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                $name_get = '<div class="form-group">
									 <label for="InputName" style="color:' . $form_text_color . ';">Name</label>
									 <input type="text" name="name" class="form-control" id="InputName" placeholder="Enter name">
            } else {
                $name_get = '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="Friend">';
            $form_output = '<input type="hidden" name="campaign_token" value="' . $getresponse_list_id . '">
									<input type="hidden" name="thankyou_url" value="' . $getresponse_back_url . '">
									' . @$name_get . '
								    <div class="form-group">
									 <label for="InputEmail" style="color:' . $form_text_color . ';">Email</label>
									 <input type="text" class="form-control" name="email" id="InputEmail" placeholder="Enter email">
        case 'mailchimp':
            $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT field_name, field_value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  FROM " . ST_PG_FORM . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHERE pageID = " . $pageID);
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                $field_value = $row->field_value;
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                if ($field_name == 'list_id') {
                    $mailchimp_list_id = $field_value;
                if ($field_name == 'emailOnly') {
                    $email_only = $field_value;
            $form_action = $mailchimp_post_url;
            if ($email_only != 'on') {
                $name_get = '<div class="form-group">
									 <label for="InputName" style="color:' . $form_text_color . ';">Name</label>
									 <input type="text" name="FNAME" class="form-control" id="InputName" placeholder="Enter name">
            $form_output = '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $mailchimp_list_id . '">
									' . @$name_get . '
								    <div class="form-group">
									 <label for="InputEmail" style="color:' . $form_text_color . ';">Email</label>
									 <input type="text" class="form-control" name="EMAIL" id="InputEmail" placeholder="Enter email">
        case 'gvo':
            $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT field_name, field_value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  FROM " . ST_PG_FORM . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHERE pageID = " . $pageID);
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                $field_name = $row->field_name;
                $field_value = $row->field_value;
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                    $gvo_campaign_id = $field_value;
                if ($field_name == 'form_id') {
                    $gvo_form_id = $field_value;
                if ($field_name == 'emailOnly') {
                    $email_only = $field_value;
            $form_action = ST_GVO;
            if ($email_only != 'on') {
                $name_get = '<div class="form-group">
									 <label for="InputName" style="color:' . $form_text_color . ';">Name</label>
									 <input type="text" name="FirstName" class="form-control" id="InputName" placeholder="Enter name">
            $form_output = '<input type="hidden" name="CampaignCode" value="' . $gvo_campaign_id . '">
									<input type="hidden" name="FormId" value="' . $gvo_form_id . '">
									' . @$name_get . '
								    <div class="form-group">
									 <label for="InputEmail" style="color:' . $form_text_color . ';">Email</label>
									 <input type="text" class="form-control" name="Email" id="InputEmail" placeholder="Enter email">
        case 'arpreach':
            $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT field_name, field_value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  FROM " . ST_PG_FORM . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHERE pageID = " . $pageID);
            foreach ($result as $row) {
                $field_name = $row->field_name;
                $field_value = $row->field_value;
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                if ($field_name == 'emailOnly') {
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									 <label for="InputName" style="color:' . $form_text_color . ';">Name</label>
									 <input type="text" name="first_name" class="form-control" id="InputName" placeholder="Enter name">
                $name_inc = 'name,';
            $form_output = @$name_get . '
								    <div class="form-group">
									 <label for="InputEmail" style="color:' . $form_text_color . ';">Email</label>
									 <input type="text" class="form-control" name="email_address" id="InputEmail" placeholder="Enter email">
        case 'custom':
            $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT field_type, field_label, field_name, field_value\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \t\t\t\t FROM " . ST_PG_FORM . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \t\t\t\t WHERE pageID = " . $pageID);
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($result as $row) {
                $field_type = $row->field_type;
                $field_label = $row->field_label;
                $field_name = $row->field_name;
                $field_value = $row->field_value;
                switch ($field_type) {
                    case 'post':
                        $form_action = $field_value;
                    case 'hidden':
                        $form_output .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $field_name . '" value="' . $field_value . '">';
                    case 'text':
                        $form_output .= '<div class="form-group">';
                        $form_output .= '<label for="Input' . $field_label . '" style="color:' . $form_text_color . ';">' . $field_label . '</label>';
                        $form_output .= '<input class="form-control" type="text" id="Input' . $field_label . '" name="' . $field_name . '" value="' . $field_value . '">';
                        $form_output .= '</div>';
    $social_output = st_getSocialLinks($social_set, $icon_color, $form_bg_color);
    if ($smart_button == '0') {
        $form_button = '<style>
								  background: ' . $form_btn_color . ';
								  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(' . $form_btn_color . ', ' . $form_btn_color_g1 . '); /* For Safari 5.1 to 6.0 */
								  background: -o-linear-gradient(' . $form_btn_color . ', ' . $form_btn_color_g1 . '); /* For Opera 11.1 to 12.0 */
								  background: -moz-linear-gradient(' . $form_btn_color . ', ' . $form_btn_color_g1 . '); /* For Firefox 3.6 to 15 */
								  background: linear-gradient(' . $form_btn_color . ', ' . $form_btn_color_g1 . '); /* Standard syntax */

        $form_button .= '<button type="submit" class="btn animated pulse" id="sd-btn" style="' . @$large_selected . ' ' . @$one_selected . ' color:' . $form_btn_txt_color . '; border-color:' . $form_btn_border . ';">' . $form_btn_txt . '</button>';
    } else {
        $form_button = '<button type="submit" class="animated pulse" id="sd-btn" style="background:url(' . plugins_url('images/Extras/buttons/', __FILE__) . $smart_button . ') no-repeat !important; height:83px; width:213px; padding:0 !important; border:none !important;"></button>';
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/squeeze-template.php';
    echo $st_squeeze_template;
 * Button
function registerButton($atts, $content)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array("size" => 'normal', "color" => "#ffffff", "background" => "#1acad0", "radius" => "3px", "type" => "flat", "link" => "#", "newwindow" => "true", "icon" => ""), $atts));
    $darker_side = adjustBrightness($background, -30);
    $t = '';
    if ($newwindow == "true") {
        $t = "target='_BLANK'";
    $query = '';
    switch ($type) {
        case 'classic':
            $query = "background-color:{$background};color:{$color};border-radius:{$radius};border-color:{$darker_side}";
        case 'gradient':
            $query = "background-color:{$background};color:{$color};border-radius:{$radius};border-color:{$darker_side}";
        case 'gloss':
            $query = "background-color:{$background};color:{$color};border-radius:{$radius};border-color:{$darker_side}";
        case 'flat':
            $query = "background-color:{$background};color:{$color};border-radius:{$radius}";
    if ($icon != "") {
        $icon = "<i class='{$icon}'></i>";
    $button = "<a href='{$link}' {$t} class='ioa-button button-{$size}  button-shader-{$type}' style='{$query}'><span> {$icon} " . $content . "</span><span class='underlay' style='background:{$darker_side};border-radius:{$radius}'></span></a>";
    return $button;
echo $zn_main_color;

/* Hover Background color - Main Color */
.cart-container .buttons .button.wc-forward:hover,
.woocommerce a.button:hover,
.woocommerce button.button:hover,
.woocommerce button.button.alt:hover,
.woocommerce input.button:hover,
.woocommerce input#button:hover,
.woocommerce #review_form #submit:hover
{ background-color: <?php 
echo adjustBrightness($zn_main_color, 20);

/**** END Background Color - Main Color ****/

/* Border - Main Color */
.acc--style4 .acc-tgg-button .acc-icon,
.kl-ioscaption--style4 .more:before,
  outline: none;
.picker__button--clear:before {
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;
  height: 0;
.picker__button--today:before {
  content: " ";
  margin-right: .45em;
  top: -0.05em;
  width: 0;
  border-top: 0.66em solid <?php 
echo adjustBrightness($main_color, -50);
  border-left: .66em solid transparent;
.picker__button--clear:before {
  content: "\D7";
  margin-right: .35em;
  top: -0.1em;
  color: #ee2200;
  vertical-align: top;
  font-size: 1.1em;

/* ==========================================================================
文件: cb-css.php 项目: shuramita/dhsd
}#middle .widget .top_title.titles {
background: none!important;
line-height: 25px;
height: 33px;
font-weight: bold!important;
font-size: 18px;
padding: 0;
padding-left: 6px;
if ($color_master != '') {
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    $color_master_w = adjustBrightness($color_master, '35');
    $color_master_d = adjustBrightness($color_master, '-25');
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    $color_master_d3 = adjustBrightness($color_master, '-85');
.footer-lower a ,.footer .cb4_recent_posts .col1 h3 a:hover, .footer .cb2_recent_posts .col2 h3 a:hover, .footer .cb4_recent_posts .col3 h3 a:hover, .footer .cb4_recent_posts .col4 h3 a:hover,
.footer .more:hover,.skin-text, .skin-text a, a.skin-text,ul.cb-menu li a.cb-menu-search i,.top_list li.current,.top_list li:hover,.top_story_details a,
.top_story_details i,.aligt h1 a:hover, .aligt h2 a:hover, .aligt h3 a:hover, .aligt h4 a:hover, .aligt h5 a:hover, .aligt h1.in a:hover, .aligt h2.in a:hover, .aligt h3.in a:hover, .aligt h4.in a:hover, .aligt h5.in a:hover,
a.bttn:hover, .bttn:hover, .submit:hover, .bttn_big:hover, button:hover, input.bttn:hover, .submit:hover, a.more_cat:hover, .button:hover,.products .price,
#order_review .amount, #order_review .shipping td,.woocommerce #payment label,ul.cb-menu li.current-menu-item>a, ul.cb-menu li.current_page_item>a,
ul.cb-menu ul li a:hover,ul.cb-menu li a:hover, ul.cb-menu li:hover, ul.cb-menu li:hover>a,.vote_author .pos,.hot_content a:hover,.normal li .lired,#breadcrumbs i,
.woocommerce div.product span.price, .woocommerce-page div.product span.price, .woocommerce #content div.product span.price, .woocommerce-page #content div.product span.price, .woocommerce div.product p.price, .woocommerce-page div.product p.price, .woocommerce #content div.product p.price, .woocommerce-page #content div.product p.price

    echo $color_master;
//** Meta colors
printf($lightParagraphColorString, $metaColor, '');
$customStyles = isset($data['style_options']['custom_colors']) ? $data['style_options']['custom_colors'] : array();
if (!empty($customStyles)) {
    foreach ($customStyles as $customStyle) {
        $customPrimaryColor = isset($customStyle['custom_primary_color']) ? $customStyle['custom_primary_color'] : '#ed2437';
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        $customParagraphColor = isset($customStyle['custom_text_color']) ? $customStyle['custom_text_color'] : '#999999';
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        $styleName = '.zn_cs_' . preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/", "", $stylePrettyName);
        $customMetaColor = adjustBrightness($customParagraphColor, -30);
        //** What if it's black?
        printf($primaryColorString, $customPrimaryColor, $styleName);
        printf($secondaryColorString, $customSecondaryColor, $styleName);
        printf($paragraphColorString, $customParagraphColor, $styleName);
        printf($sectionBackgroundString, $customSectionBkg, $styleName);
        printf($bordersColorString, $customBorderBkg, $styleName);
        printf($lightParagraphColorString, $customMetaColor, $styleName);
echo '.format-standard .article_type { background-color: ' . (isset($data['blog_options']['standard_post_color']) ? $data['blog_options']['standard_post_color'] : '#7647a7') . '}', PHP_EOL;
echo '.format-video .article_type { background-color: ' . (isset($data['blog_options']['video_post_color']) ? $data['blog_options']['video_post_color'] : '#feb027') . '}', PHP_EOL;
echo '.format-gallery .article_type { background-color: ' . (isset($data['blog_options']['gallery_post_color']) ? $data['blog_options']['gallery_post_color'] : '#27b5fe') . '}', PHP_EOL;
echo '.format-quote .article_type, .blog_latest article.format-quote { background-color: ' . (isset($data['blog_options']['quote_post_color']) ? $data['blog_options']['quote_post_color'] : '#ed2437') . '}', PHP_EOL;
echo '.format-audio .article_type { background-color: ' . (isset($data['blog_options']['audio_post_color']) ? $data['blog_options']['audio_post_color'] : '#fe4527') . '}', PHP_EOL;
function custom_theme_color()
    $custom_theme_color = get_theme_mod('custom_theme_color');
    if ($custom_theme_color != '#40BC69' && $custom_theme_color != '') {
		<style type="text/css">
			a {
				color: <?php 
        echo $custom_theme_color;
			a, .logo a:hover, .featured-text h2 a.f-title-anchor:hover, .trefoil-box a.f-icon, .trefoil-anchor, .sfooter-box a, p.form-submit input[type='submit'], .search-form .search-submit, .user_comment i.fa, .slick-prev, .slick-next  {
				color: <?php 
        echo $custom_theme_color;
			.sf-menu a:hover, .current-menu-item a, .current_page_item a, .ift-button {
				background: <?php 
        echo $custom_theme_color;
			.sfooter-box h4, p.form-submit input[type='submit'], .search-form .search-submit, .search-form .search-submit:hover, .user_detail {
			    border-color: <?php 
        echo $custom_theme_color;
			div.footer-menu-social ul li div.circle{
				-webkit-text-shadow: 0 0 0 <?php 
        echo $custom_theme_color;
, 0 35px 0 #fff;
				-moz-text-shadow: 0 0 0 <?php 
        echo $custom_theme_color;
, 0 35px 0 #fff;
				-ms-text-shadow: 0 0 0 <?php 
        echo $custom_theme_color;
, 0 35px 0 #fff;
				-o-text-shadow: 0 0 0 <?php 
        echo $custom_theme_color;
, 0 35px 0 #fff;
				text-shadow: 0 0 0 <?php 
        echo $custom_theme_color;
, 0 35px 0 #fff;
        adjustBrightness($custom_theme_color, -50);
            $inpval = array('id' => uniqid('ioa_accordion_'));
            $mods = explode('[inp]', $value);
            foreach ($mods as $m) {
                if ($m != "") {
                    $te = explode('[ioas]', $m);
                    $inpval[$te[0]] = $te[1];
            $values[] = $inpval;
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
    $end_gr = $value['pr_color'];
    $start_gr = adjustBrightness($value['pr_color'], 80);
    $code = "\r\n                     background: -webkit-gradient(left, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(" . $end_gr . "), to(" . $start_gr . "));\r\n                     background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, " . $start_gr . ", " . $end_gr . ");\r\n                     background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, " . $start_gr . ", " . $end_gr . ");\r\n                     background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, " . $start_gr . ", " . $end_gr . ");\r\n                     background: -o-linear-gradient(left, " . $start_gr . ", " . $end_gr . ");\r\n                    ";
				<div class="progress-bar">
					<h6 class='progress-bar-title' itemprop="name"><?php 
    echo stripslashes($value['pr_label']);
					<div class="filler" style="<?php 
    echo $code;
" data-fill="<?php 
    echo $value['pr_value'];
"><span itemprop="spatial"> <i class="icon icon-sort-down"></i> <?php 
    echo $value['pr_value'] . ' ' . $w['unit'];

$dominant_color = "#44aacc";
if (get_option(SN . '_global_color')) {
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$args = array(__("Headings & Body Font Settings", 'ioa') => array(array("label" => "Body Stylings", "matrix" => array("div.inner-super-wrapper   " => array("prop" => "font-family", "label" => __("Body Font Family", 'ioa'), "default" => "Open Sans"), ".custom-font " => array("prop" => "font-family", "label" => __("Titles Font Family", 'ioa'), "default" => "Open Sans"), ".custom-font1 " => array("prop" => "font-family", "label" => __("RAD Titles Font Family", 'ioa'), "default" => "Open Sans"), 'div.inner-super-wrapper' => array("prop" => "parent-background-color,background-image", "label" => __("Fixed Container Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), ".page-wrapper  a" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Links Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#333333"), ".page-wrapper  a:hover" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Links Hover Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#333333"), "div.inner-super-wrapper " => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Body Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#444444"), "div.inner-super-wrapper  " => array("prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("Body Font Size", 'ioa'), "default" => "13px"), "div.inner-super-wrapper    " => array("prop" => "line-height", "label" => __("Body Line Height", 'ioa'), "default" => "1.9"))), array("label" => "Heading Stylings", "matrix" => array(".page-wrapper h1" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("H1 Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#596a67"), ".page-wrapper h2" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("H2 Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#596a67"), ".page-wrapper h3" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("H3 Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#596a67"), ".page-wrapper h4" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("H4 Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#596a67"), ".page-wrapper h5" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("H5 Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#596a67"), ".page-wrapper h6" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("H6 Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#596a67"), ".page-wrapper h1 " => array("prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("H1 Font Size", 'ioa'), "default" => "48px"), ".page-wrapper h2 " => array("prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("H2 Font Size", 'ioa'), "default" => "36px"), ".page-wrapper h3 " => array("prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("H3 Font Size", 'ioa'), "default" => "32px"), ".page-wrapper h4 " => array("prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("H4 Font Size", 'ioa'), "default" => "24px"), ".page-wrapper h5 " => array("prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("H5 Font Size", 'ioa'), "default" => "18px"), ".page-wrapper h6 " => array("prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("H6 Font Size", 'ioa'), "default" => "15px"), ".page-wrapper h1  " => array("prop" => "font-weight", "label" => __("H1 Font Weight", 'ioa'), "default" => "600"), ".page-wrapper h2  " => array("prop" => "font-weight", "label" => __("H2 Font Weight", 'ioa'), "default" => "600"), ".page-wrapper h3  " => array("prop" => "font-weight", "label" => __("H3 Font Weight", 'ioa'), "default" => "600"), ".page-wrapper h4  " => array("prop" => "font-weight", "label" => __("H4 Font Weight", 'ioa'), "default" => "600"), ".page-wrapper h5  " => array("prop" => "font-weight", "label" => __("H5 Font Weight", 'ioa'), "default" => "600"), ".page-wrapper h6  " => array("prop" => "font-weight", "label" => __("H6 Font Weight", 'ioa'), "default" => "600")))), __("Boxed Stylings", 'ioa') => array(array("label" => "Page Background", "matrix" => array("div.super-wrapper " => array("prop" => "parent-background-color,background-image", "label" => __("Main Container ", 'ioa'), "default" => "#fafafa")))), __("Compact Menu Area", 'ioa') => array(array("label" => "Compact Bar Stylings", "matrix" => array("div.compact-bar" => array("prop" => "parent-background-color,background-image", "label" => __("Compact Area ", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"))), array("label" => "Compact Bar Menu Stylings", "matrix" => array("div.compact-bar ul.menu li a" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Menu Link Color ", 'ioa'), "default" => "#999999"), "div.compact-bar ul.menu li a " => array("prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("Menu Link Font Size ", 'ioa'), "default" => "13px"), "div.compact-bar ul.menu li a  " => array("prop" => "font-family", "label" => __("Menu Link Font Size ", 'ioa'), "default" => "Open Sans"), "div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu li:hover>a" => array("state" => "hover", "prop" => "color", "default" => "#ffffff", "label" => __("Menu Link Hover Color ", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu div.hoverdir-wrap span.hoverdir" => array("default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true, "prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Animated Hover Background Color", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu-bar  .menu>li.current_page_item>a,div.compact-bar  .menu-bar  .menu>li.current-menu-ancestor>a,div.compact-bar  .menu-bar  .menu>li.menu-active>a,\tdiv.compact-bar .menu-bar  .menu>li.current-menu-item>a" => array("default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true, "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Active Menu Color", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar .menu > li > a span.menu-arrow" => array("default" => "16px", "prop" => "top", "label" => __("Menu Arrow Distance From Top", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.current_page_item > a > span.spacer, div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.current-menu-ancestor > a > span.spacer, div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.menu-active > a > span.spacer, div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.current-menu-item > a > span.spacer" => array("default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true, "prop" => "border-color", "label" => __("Active Menu Bottom Color", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.current_page_item > a > span.spacer, div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.current-menu-ancestor > a > span.spacer, div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.menu-active > a > span.spacer, div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.current-menu-item > a > span.spacer " => array("default" => '2px', "prop" => "border-bottom-width", "label" => __("Active Menu Bottom Line Thickness", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.current_page_item > a > span.spacer, div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.current-menu-ancestor > a > span.spacer, div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.menu-active > a > span.spacer, div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.current-menu-item > a > span.spacer  " => array("default" => 'solid', "prop" => "border-bottom-style", "label" => __("Active Menu Bottom Line Style", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.current_page_item > a > span.spacer, div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.current-menu-ancestor > a > span.spacer, div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.menu-active > a > span.spacer, div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu > li.current-menu-item > a > span.spacer   " => array("default" => '8px', "prop" => "bottom", "label" => __("Active Menu Bottom Line Distance", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu-bar  .menu>li.current_page_item:hover>a,div.compact-bar  .menu-bar  .menu>li.current-menu-ancestor:hover>a,div.compact-bar  .menu-bar  .menu>li.menu-active:hover>a, div.compact-bar .menu-bar  .menu>li.current-menu-item:hover>a" => array("default" => "#ffffff", "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Active Menu Hover Color", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar div.menu-bar  .menu li .sub-menu > li.current-menu-parent > a, div.compact-bar div.menu-bar  .menu li .sub-menu > li.current-menu-ancestor > a,div.compact-bar div.menu-bar  .menu li .sub-menu li.current-menu-item>a ,  div.compact-bar div.menu-bar  .menu li .sub-menu li.current_page_item>a " => array("default" => "#ffffff", "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Active Sub Menu Item Color", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar .menu-bar .sub-menu > li.current-menu-parent > a, div.compact-bar .menu-bar .sub-menu > li.current-menu-ancestor > a,div.compact-bar .menu-bar .sub-menu li.current-menu-item a ,  div.compact-bar .menu-bar .sub-menu li.current_page_item a" => array("default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true, "prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Active Sub Menu Item Background Color", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar .menu-bar ul.menu li ul.sub-menu , div.compact-bar div.sub-menu" => array("default" => "#ffffff", "prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Dropdown Background Color", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu li .sub-menu li a" => array("default" => "#8b989a", "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Dropdown Menu Items Color", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar .menu-bar .menu li .sub-menu li:hover>a" => array("default" => "#111111", "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Dropdown Menu Items Hover Color", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar div.sub-menu > div h6 a" => array("default" => "#515d5e", "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Megamenu Headings Link Color", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar div.sub-menu > div h6 a " => array("default" => "13px", "prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("Megamenu Headings Font Size", 'ioa')), "div.compact-bar div.sub-menu > div h6" => array("default" => "#eeeeee", "prop" => "border-bottom-color", "label" => __("Megamenu Headings Border Color", 'ioa'))))), __('Common Stylings', 'ioa') => array(array("label" => "Slider Controls", "matrix" => array("div.quartz-controls-wrap > a" => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Arrows Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "div.quartz-controls-wrap > a " => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Arrows Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#444444"))), array("label" => "Gallery Controls", "matrix" => array(".seleneGallery div.selene-controls-wrap a" => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Arrows Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), ".seleneGallery div.selene-controls-wrap a " => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Arrows Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#444444"))), array("label" => "Filter Menu", "matrix" => array("div.ioa-menu > span" => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Filter Label Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true), "div.ioa-menu > span  " => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Filter Label Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "div.ioa-menu a" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Filter Icon Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "div.ioa-menu a  " => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Filter Icon Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => adjustBrightness($dominant_color, -30), "sync" => true, "dark" => true), "div.ioa-menu ul" => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Dropdown Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => adjustBrightness($dominant_color, -30), "sync" => true, "dark" => true), "div.ioa-menu ul " => array("prop" => "border-left-color", "label" => __("Dropdown Border Left Color", 'ioa'), "default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true), "div.ioa-menu ul li" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Dropdown Text Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "div.ioa-menu ul li div.hoverdir-wrap span.hoverdir,div.ioa-menu ul li.active " => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Hover & Active 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"label" => __("Progress Bar Color", 'ioa'), "default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true), "#nprogress .peg" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Progress Bar Tip Color", 'ioa'), "default" => adjustBrightness($dominant_color, -30), "sync" => true, "dark" => true))), array("label" => "Social Icons Stylings", "matrix" => array("ul.top-area-social-list li a" => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Icons Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#fbfbfb"))), array("label" => "WPML Selector Stylings", "matrix" => array("a.wpml-lang-selector" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Switch Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "a.wpml-lang-selector " => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Switch Backgrond Color", 'ioa'), "default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true), "div.wpml-selector:hover a.wpml-lang-selector" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Switch Hover Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "div.wpml-selector:hover 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ul li a:hover " => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Menu Item Hover  Background Color ", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"))), array("label" => "Search Area Stylings", "matrix" => array("div.ajax-search-pane" => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Search Bar Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "a.ajax-search-close" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Close Icon Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#cccccc"), "div.ajax-search-pane div.form input[type=text]" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Search Text Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#657079"), "div.search-results ul li div.desc a.more,div.search-results ul li a.view-all" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Button Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "div.search-results ul li div.desc a.more,div.search-results ul li a.view-all " => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Button Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true), "div.search-results ul 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"#f1f1f1"), "#top-bar h6.tagline,#top-bar div.top-text" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Top Bar Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#777777"), "#top-bar div.top-text a" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Top Bar Text Area Link Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#444444"), "#top-bar a.ajax-search-trigger" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Top Bar Search Icon Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#888888"), "#top-bar a.ajax-search-trigger.active" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Top Bar Active Search Icon Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "#top-bar a.ajax-search-trigger.active " => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Top Bar Active Search Icon Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true), "#top-bar ul.top-area-social-list li a" => array("prop" => "border-right-color", "label" => __("Social Icons Right Border Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#f1f1f1"), "#top-bar ul.top-area-social-list li a " => array("prop" => "border-left-color", "label" => __("Social Icons Border Left Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "#top-bar ul.top-area-social-list" => array("prop" => "border-left-color", "label" => __("Social Icons Parent Border Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#f1f1f1"))), array("label" => "Top Bar Menu Stylings", "matrix" => array("#top-bar ul.menu li a" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Menu Link Color ", 'ioa'), "default" => "#777777"), "#top-bar ul.menu li a " => array("prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("Menu Font Size", 'ioa'), "default" => "12px"), "#top-bar ul.menu li a  " => array("prop" => "font-weight", "label" => __("Menu Font Weight", 'ioa'), "default" => "400"), "#top-bar ul.menu li a   " => array("prop" => "font-family", "label" => __("Menu Font Family", 'ioa'), "default" => "Open Sans"), "#top-bar  .menu > li > a span.menu-arrow" => array("prop" => "top", "label" => __("Menu Arrow Distance From Top", 'ioa'), "default" => "13px"), "#top-bar .menu-bar .menu li:hover>a" => array("state" => "hover", "prop" => "color", "default" => "#ffffff", "label" => __("Menu Link Hover Color ", 'ioa')), "#top-bar .menu-bar .menu div.hoverdir-wrap span.hoverdir" => array("default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true, "prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Animated Background Color", 'ioa')), "#top-bar .menu-bar  .menu>li.current_page_item>a,#top-bar .menu-bar  .menu>li.current-menu-ancestor>a,#top-bar .menu-bar  .menu>li.menu-active>a,\t#top-bar  .menu-bar .menu>li.current-menu-item>a " => array("default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true, "prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Active Menu Background Color", 'ioa')), "#top-bar .menu-bar  .menu>li.current_page_item>a,#top-bar .menu-bar  .menu>li.current-menu-ancestor>a,#top-bar .menu-bar  .menu>li.menu-active>a,\t#top-bar  .menu-bar .menu>li.current-menu-item>a" => array("default" => "#ffffff", "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Active Menu Color", 'ioa')), "#top-bar div.menu-bar  .menu li .sub-menu > 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"label" => __("Dropdown Menu Items Color", 'ioa')), "#top-bar .menu-bar .menu .sub-menu li:hover>a" => array("default" => "#ffffff", "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Dropdown Menu Items Hover Color", 'ioa')), "#top-bar .menu-bar .menu  li .sub-menu div.hoverdir-wrap span.hoverdir" => array("default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true, "prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Dropdown Animated Background Color", 'ioa')), "#top-bar div.sub-menu > div h6 a" => array("default" => "#515d5e", "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Megamenu Headings Link Color", 'ioa')), "#top-bar div.sub-menu > div h6 a" => array("default" => "13px", "prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("Megamenu Headings Link Font Size", 'ioa')), "#top-bar div.sub-menu > div h6" => array("default" => "#eeeeee", "prop" => "border-bottom-color", "label" => __("Megamenu Headings Border Color", 'ioa')))), array("label" => "Main Menu Area Bar Stylings", "matrix" => array("div.top-area-wrapper" => array("prop" => "parent-background-color,background-image", "label" => __("Main Area ", 'ioa'), "default" => "#fcfcfc"), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area " => array("prop" => "border-color", "label" => __("Main Menu Area Border Top Color ", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), " .top-area-wrapper div.top-area h6.tagline, .top-area-wrapper  div.top-area div.top-text" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Main Area Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#333333"), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area div.top-text a" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Main Area Text Area Link Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#666666"), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area a.ajax-search-trigger" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Main Area Search Icon Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#aaa"), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area a.ajax-search-trigger " => array("prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("Main Area Search Icon Font Size", 'ioa'), "default" => "14px"), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area a.ajax-search-trigger.active" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Main Area Active Search Icon Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area a.ajax-search-trigger.active " => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Main Area Active Search Icon Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true))), array("label" => "Main Area Menu Stylings", "matrix" => array(".top-area-wrapper div.top-area  .menu>li>a" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Menu Link Color ", 'ioa'), "default" => "#666666"), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area  .menu>li>a " => array("prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("Menu Link Font Size ", 'ioa'), "default" => "13px"), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area  .menu>li>a  " => array("prop" => "font-family", "label" => __("Menu Link Font Family ", 'ioa'), "default" => "Open Sans"), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area  .menu>li>a   " => array("prop" => "font-weight", "label" => __("Menu Link Font Weight ", 'ioa'), "default" => "400"), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area .menu-bar .menu li:hover>a" => array("state" => "hover", "prop" => "color", "default" => "#ffffff", "label" => __("Menu Link Hover Color ", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area .menu-bar .menu div.hoverdir-wrap span.hoverdir" => array("default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true, "prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Animated Area Background Color", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper .menu-wrapper .menu li span.spacer" => array("default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true, "prop" => "border-color", "label" => __("Active Menu Line Border Color", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area .menu-bar .menu-bar  .menu>li.current_page_item>a,.top-area-wrapper div.top-area  .menu-bar  .menu>li.current-menu-ancestor>a,.top-area-wrapper div.top-area  .menu-bar  .menu>li.menu-active>a,\t.top-area-wrapper div.top-area .menu-bar  .menu>li.current-menu-item>a" => array("default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true, "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Active Menu Color", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper .menu > li > a span.menu-arrow" => array("default" => "12px", "prop" => "top", "label" => __("Menu Arrow Distance From Top", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper .menu-wrapper .menu li span.spacer " => array("default" => '2px', "prop" => "border-bottom-width", "label" => __("Active Menu Bottom Line Thickness", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper .menu-wrapper .menu li span.spacer  " => array("default" => 'solid', "prop" => "border-bottom-style", "label" => __("Active Menu Bottom Line Style", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper .menu-wrapper .menu li span.spacer   " => array("default" => '8px', "prop" => "bottom", "label" => __("Active Menu Bottom Line Distance", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area .menu-bar .menu-bar  .menu>li.current_page_item:hover>a,.top-area-wrapper div.top-area  .menu-bar  .menu>li.current-menu-ancestor:hover>a,.top-area-wrapper div.top-area  .menu-bar  .menu>li.menu-active:hover>a, .top-area-wrapper div.top-area .menu-bar  .menu>li.current-menu-item:hover>a" => array("default" => "#ffffff", "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Active Menu Hover Color", 'ioa')), "div.top-area-wrapper div.top-area div.menu-bar .sub-menu > li.current-menu-parent > a, div.top-area-wrapper div.top-area div.menu-bar .sub-menu > li.current-menu-ancestor > a,div.top-area-wrapper div.top-area div.menu-bar .sub-menu li.current-menu-item>a ,  div.top-area-wrapper div.top-area div.menu-bar .sub-menu li.current_page_item>a " => array("default" => "#ffffff", "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Active Sub Menu Item Color", 'ioa')), "div.top-area-wrapper .menu-bar .sub-menu > li.current-menu-parent > a, div.top-area-wrapper .menu-bar .sub-menu > li.current-menu-ancestor > a,div.top-area-wrapper .menu-bar .sub-menu li.current-menu-item>a ,  div.top-area-wrapper .menu-bar .sub-menu li.current_page_item>a" => array("default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true, "prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Active Sub Menu Item Background Color", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area .menu-bar ul.menu li.relative ul.sub-menu , .top-area-wrapper div.top-area div.sub-menu" => array("default" => "#ffffff", "prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Dropdown Background Color", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area .menu-bar .sub-menu li a" => array("default" => "#888888", "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Dropdown Menu Items Color", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area .menu-bar ul.sub-menu li:hover>a" => array("default" => "#ffffff", "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Dropdown Menu Items Hover Color", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area .menu-bar .menu  li .sub-menu div.hoverdir-wrap span.hoverdir" => array("default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true, "prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Dropdown Animated Background Color", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area div.sub-menu > div h6 a" => array("default" => "#444444", "prop" => "color", "label" => __("Megamenu Headings Link Color", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area div.sub-menu > div h6 a" => array("default" => "13px", "prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("Megamenu Headings Link Font Size", 'ioa')), ".top-area-wrapper div.top-area div.sub-menu > div h6" => array("default" => "#f4f4f4", "prop" => "border-bottom-color", "label" => __("Megamenu Headings Border Color", 'ioa')))), array("label" => "Bottom Head Area  Stylings", "matrix" => array("div.bottom-area div.top-area" => array("prop" => "parent-background-color,background-image", "label" => __("Bottom Area ", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "div.bottom-area div.top-area " => array("prop" => "border-top-color", "label" => __("Bottom Area Border Top Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#f5f5f5"), "div.bottom-area div.top-area h6.tagline,div.bottom-area div.top-area div.top-text" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Bottom Area Text Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#333333"), "div.bottom-area div.top-area div.top-text a" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Bottom Area Text Area Link Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#666666"), "div.bottom-area div.top-area a.ajax-search-trigger" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Bottom Area Search Icon Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#aaa"), "div.bottom-area div.top-area a.ajax-search-trigger.active" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Bottom Area Active Search Icon Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "div.bottom-area div.top-area a.ajax-search-trigger.active " => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Bottom Area Active Search Icon Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true))), array("label" => "Bottom Head Area Menu Stylings", "matrix" => array("div.bottom-area div.top-area  .menu>li>a" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Menu Link Color ", 'ioa'), "default" => "#84888d"), "div.bottom-area div.top-area  .menu>li>a " => array("prop" => "font-size", "label" => __("Menu Link Font Size ", 'ioa'), "default" => "13px"), "div.bottom-area 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"#ffffff"), "div.featured-column ul li a.read-more:hover" => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Button Hover Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#494949"), "div.featured-column ul li a.read-more:hover " => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Button Hover Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "div.featured-column ul li div.inner-item-wrap div.desc" => array("prop" => "border-color", "label" => __("Item Description Border Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#f4f4f4"))), array("label" => "Product Gallery", "matrix" => array("div.portfolio-gallery div.gallery-desc h4 " => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Title Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => $dominant_color, "sync" => true), "div.portfolio-gallery div.gallery-desc h4 a" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Title Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "div.portfolio-gallery div.gallery-desc div.caption" => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Caption Background Color", 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"#46759b"), '.hoverable .hover i ' => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Hover Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), 'ul.posts li div.image a.hover' => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Posts Grid Hover Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#46759b"), 'ul.posts-grid div.extras i,ul.posts-grid div.extras' => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Posts Grid Extras Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#46759b"), 'ul.posts-grid h2 a' => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Posts Grid Title Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#333333"), 'ul.posts-grid h2 a' => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Posts Grid Title Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#525252"), 'ul.posts-grid li div.desc' => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Posts Grid Text Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#777777"), 'ul.thumb-list div.image' => array("prop" => "border-color", "label" => __("Posts List Border Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#f4f4f4"), 'ul.thumb-list li ' => array("prop" 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"color", "label" => __("Featured Sign Up Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#ffffff"), "div.pricing-table div.featured-plan.plan ul.pricing-row li.sign-up a " => array("prop" => "background-color", "label" => __("Featured Sign Up Background Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#bf0000")))), __('Sitemap Stylings', 'ioa') => array(array("label" => "Sitemap Stylings", "matrix" => array("div.sitemap h2" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Sitemap Heading Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#596a67"), "div.sitemap h2 " => array("prop" => "border-color", "label" => __("Sitemap Heading Border Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#dddddd"), "div.sitemap h5" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Sitemap Heading Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#666666"), "div.sitemap ul li a" => array("prop" => "color", "label" => __("Sitemap Link Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#444444"), "div.sitemap ul li" => array("prop" => "border-color", "label" => __("List Border Color", 'ioa'), "default" => "#eeeeee")))), __("404 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