public static function handleAddContact() { //login user or display loginForm with errors $first_name = $_POST["first_name"]; $last_name = $_POST["last_name"]; $location = $_POST["location"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; $comments = $_POST["comments"]; if (!add_contact(array("first_name" => $first_name, "last_name" => $last_name, "location" => $location, "email" => $email, "comments" => $comments))) { self::displayAddContactForm(array("error" => "Error inserting contact to list")); } else { //redirect to homepage on success header("Location: /contacts.php?action=list"); } }
$emails = get_person_contact($organization_id, 8); $email = mysql_fetch_assoc($emails); if ($email) { if ($_POST["organization_mail"] != $email["CONTACT_STRING"]) { del_contact($email['ID']); if (!empty($_POST["organization_mail"])) { add_contact($organization_id, $_POST["organization_mail"], '', 8); } } } else { if (!empty($_POST["organization_mail"])) { add_contact($organization_id, $_POST["organization_mail"], '', 8); } } $webs = get_person_contact($organization_id, 7); $web = mysql_fetch_assoc($webs); if ($web) { if ($_POST["organization_web"] != $web["CONTACT_STRING"]) { del_contact($web['ID']); if (!empty($_POST["organization_web"])) { add_contact($organization_id, $_POST["organization_web"], '', 7); } } } else { if (!empty($_POST["organization_web"])) { add_contact($organization_id, $_POST["organization_web"], '', 7); } } set_updatetime($id); header('Location:../view/detail_organization.php?id=' . $id); // back page
function install_step_5() { include_config('inc_connect_install'); include_lcm('inc_meta'); include_lcm('inc_access'); global $lcm_lang_left, $lcm_lang_right; // Either leave the form completely empty, or fill in everything if (_request('username') || _request('name_first') || _request('name_last') || _request('email')) { $_SESSION['form_data']['name_first'] = _request('name_first'); $_SESSION['form_data']['name_middle'] = _request('name_middle'); $_SESSION['form_data']['name_last'] = _request('name_last'); $_SESSION['form_data']['username'] = _request('username'); $_SESSION['form_data']['password'] = _request('password'); $_SESSION['form_data']['password_confirm'] = _request('password_confirm'); $_SESSION['form_data']['email'] = _request('email'); $_SESSION['form_data']['getnews'] = _request('getnews'); // Test mandatory fields, sorry for the ugly code $mandatory = array('name_first' => 'person_input', 'name_last' => 'person_input', 'username' => 'authoredit_input', 'password' => 'authorconf_input', 'password_confirm' => 'authorconf_input', 'getnews' => 'install_input'); foreach ($mandatory as $mn => $str) { if (!_request($mn)) { $_SESSION['errors'][$mn] = _T($str . '_' . $mn) . ' ' . _T('warning_field_mandatory'); } } if (_session('password') != _session('password_confirm')) { $_SESSION['errors']['password'] = _T('login_warning_password_dont_match'); } if (count($_SESSION['errors'])) { return install_step_4(); } $query = "SELECT id_author FROM lcm_author WHERE username='******'username') . "'"; $result = lcm_query($query); unset($id_author); while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { $id_author = $row['id_author']; } // If user exists, allow to reset a forgotten password, which is possible // by deleting inc_connect.php and re-installing (it does not affect the DB). if ($id_author) { $query = "UPDATE lcm_author " . "SET name_first = '" . _session('name_first') . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tname_middle = '" . _session('name_middle') . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tname_last = '" . _session('name_last') . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tusername = '******'username') . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tdate_update = NOW(),\n\t\t\t\t\talea_actuel = '', \n\t\t\t\t\talea_futur = FLOOR(32000*RAND()), \n\t\t\t\t\tstatus = 'admin'\n\t\t\t\t WHERE id_author = " . $id_author; lcm_query_db($query); } else { $query = "INSERT INTO lcm_author " . "(name_first, name_middle, name_last, username, prefs, cookie_recall, pgp, " . "password, alea_actuel, alea_futur, status, date_update, date_creation)" . "VALUES (" . "'" . _session('name_first') . "'," . "'" . _session('name_middle') . "'," . "'" . _session('name_last') . "'," . "'" . _session('username') . "'," . "'', '', '', " . "'temp'," . "''," . "FLOOR(32000*RAND())," . "'admin'," . "NOW()," . "NOW()" . ")"; lcm_query_db($query); $id_author = lcm_insert_id('lcm_author', 'id_author'); } // // Set password // $class_auth = 'Auth_db'; include_lcm('inc_auth_db'); $auth = new $class_auth(); if (!$auth->init()) { lcm_log("pass change: failed auth init: " . $auth->error); $_SESSION['errors']['password'] = $auth->error; return install_step_4(); } if (!$auth->newpass($id_author, _session('username'), _session('password'))) { $_SESSION['errors']['password'] = $auth->error; } if (count($_SESSION['errors'])) { return install_step_4(); } // // Set e-mail for author // if (_session('email')) { include_lcm('inc_contacts'); if (!is_existing_contact('author', $id_author, 'email_main', _session('email'))) { add_contact('author', $id_author, 'email_main', _session('email')); } // Insert email as main system administrator write_meta('email_sysadmin', _session('email')); } } else { // Test if an administrator already exists $number_admins = get_number_admins(); if (!$number_admins) { $_SESSION['errors']['generic'] = _T('install_warning_no_admins_exist'); return install_step_4(); } } $site_address = read_meta('site_address'); if (!$site_address) { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $HTTP_HOST; // Replace -> $site_address = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (!$site_address) { $site_address = $_ENV['PHP_SELF']; } // [ML] unsure $site_address = preg_replace("/\\/[^\\/]+\\.php\$/", "/", $site_address); $site_address = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $site_address; write_meta('site_address', $site_address); } // Force regeneration of metas, just in case.. $lcm_meta_cache = 'inc_meta_cache.php'; if (isset($_SERVER['LcmDataDir'])) { $lcm_meta_cache = $_SERVER['LcmDataDir'] . '/' . $lcm_meta_cache; } else { $lcm_meta_cache = 'inc/data/' . $lcm_meta_cache; } @unlink($lcm_meta_cache); write_metas(); // Finalise installation $lcm_config_prefix = isset($_SERVER['LcmConfigDir']) ? $_SERVER['LcmConfigDir'] : 'inc/config'; if (!@rename($lcm_config_prefix . '/inc_connect_install.php', $lcm_config_prefix . '/inc_connect.php')) { copy($lcm_config_prefix . '/inc_connect_install.php', $lcm_config_prefix . '/inc_connect.php'); @unlink($lcm_config_prefix . '/inc_connect_install.php'); } // If requested, send registration request to News mailing-list if (_request('getnews') == 'yes') { if (_session('email') && is_valid_email(_session('email'))) { send_email("*****@*****.**", "subscribe", "subscribe", _session('email')); send_email("*****@*****.**", "[lcm-news] subscribe " . _session('email'), "[lcm-news] subscribe " . _session('email')); } } install_html_start('AUTO', '', 5); echo "<h3><small>" . _T('install_step_last') . "</small></h3>\n"; echo "<div class='box_success'>\n"; echo "<p><b>" . _T('install_info_application_ready') . "</b></p>\n"; echo '<p align="center">' . _T('install_info_do_not_forget') . "</p>\n"; if (_request('getnews') == 'yes') { echo '<p align="' . $lcm_lang_left . '">' . _T('install_info_subscribe_may_fail') . "</p>\n"; } echo '<p align="' . $lcm_lang_left . '">' . _T('install_info_more_about_software', array("url" => '<a class="content_link" href=""></a>')) . "</p>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; echo "<form action='index.php' method='post'>\n"; echo "<div align='" . $lcm_lang_right . "'>" . "<button type='submit' name='Next'>" . _T('button_next') . " >></button> " . "</div>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; install_html_end(); }
<?php session_start(); require_once '../file-includes.php'; $postdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); $request = json_decode($postdata); $info = array(); $info[] = fix_string($request->name); $info[] = fix_string($request->address); $info[] = fix_string($request->number); $info[] = fix_string($request->email); $userID = get_userID_session(); add_contact($info, $userID);
} //echo $organization_id; if (isset($_POST["organization_tel"]) && !empty($_POST["organization_tel"]) && $organization_id != 0) { // echo $organization_tel = $_POST["organization_tel"]; if (isset($_POST["organization_tel_comment"]) && !empty($_POST["organization_tel_comment"])) { $organization_tel_comment = $_POST["organization_tel_comment"]; add_contact($organization_id, $organization_tel, $organization_tel_comment, 6); } else { add_contact($organization_id, $organization_tel, '', 6); } } if (isset($_POST["organization_mail"]) && !empty($_POST["organization_mail"]) && $organization_id != 0) { $organization_mail = $_POST["organization_mail"]; add_contact($organization_id, $organization_mail, '', 8); } if (isset($_POST["organization_web"]) && !empty($_POST["organization_web"]) && $organization_id != 0) { $organization_web = $_POST["organization_web"]; add_contact($organization_id, $organization_web, '', 7); } if (isset($_POST["organization_fax"]) && !empty($_POST["organization_fax"]) && $organization_id != 0) { $organization_fax = $_POST["organization_fax"]; if (isset($_POST["organization_fax_comment"]) && !empty($_POST["organization_fax_comment"])) { $organization_fax_comment = $_POST["organization_fax_comment"]; add_contact($organization_id, $organization_fax, $organization_fax_comment, 9); } else { add_contact($organization_id, $organization_fax, '', 9); } } echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; echo "window.close();"; echo "</script>";
$fb = mysql_fetch_assoc($fbs); if ($fb) { if ($_POST["facebook"] != $fb["CONTACT_STRING"]) { del_contact($fb['ID']); if (!empty($_POST["facebook"])) { add_contact($id, $_POST["facebook"], '', 5); } } } else { if (!empty($_POST["facebook"])) { add_contact($id, $_POST["facebook"], '', 5); } } $lines = get_person_contact($id, 4); $line = mysql_fetch_assoc($lines); if ($line) { if ($_POST["line"] != $line["CONTACT_STRING"]) { del_contact($line['ID']); if (!empty($_POST["line"])) { add_contact($id, $_POST["line"], '', 4); } } } else { if (!empty($_POST["line"])) { add_contact($id, $_POST["line"], '', 4); } } set_updatetime($id); echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; echo "window.close();"; echo "</script>";
function update_contacts_request($type_person, $id_of_person) { // This will be useful later, to check mandatory/optional contacts $all_contact_kwg = get_kwg_all('contact'); // // Update existing contacts // if (isset($_REQUEST['contact_value'])) { $contacts = $_REQUEST['contact_value']; $c_ids = $_REQUEST['contact_id']; $c_types = $_REQUEST['contact_type']; // // Check if the contacts provided are really attached to the person // or else the user can provide a form with false contacts. // $all_contacts = get_contacts($type_person, $id_of_person); for ($cpt = 0; isset($c_ids[$cpt]) && $c_ids[$cpt]; $cpt++) { $valid = false; foreach ($all_contacts as $c) { if ($c['id_contact'] == $c_ids[$cpt]) { $valid = true; } } if (!$valid) { lcm_panic("Invalid modification of existing contact detected."); } } for ($cpt = 0; isset($c_ids[$cpt]); $cpt++) { // Check first to see if the contact is mandatory $kwg = get_kwg_from_id($c_types[$cpt]); $delete_allowed = true; if ($kwg['policy'] == 'mandatory') { // XXX Having policy == 'mandatory' but quantity = many // really makes a mess, and is not handled. $delete_allowed = false; } if (_request('del_contact_' . $c_ids[$cpt])) { if ($delete_allowed) { lcm_debug("Contact DEL: {$type_person}, {$id_of_person}, " . $c_ids[$cpt], 1); delete_contact($c_ids[$cpt]); } else { $_SESSION['errors']['upd_contact_' . $cpt] = _T('warning_field_mandatory'); } } else { if (!$delete_allowed && !$contacts[$cpt]) { $_SESSION['errors']['upd_contact_' . $cpt] = _T('warning_field_mandatory'); } else { lcm_debug("Contact UPD: {$type_person}, {$id_of_person}, " . $c_ids[$cpt] . ' = ' . $contacts[$cpt], 1); $err = update_contact($c_ids[$cpt], $contacts[$cpt]); if ($err) { $_SESSION['errors']['upd_contact_' . $cpt] = $err; } } } } } // // New contacts // if (isset($_REQUEST['new_contact_value'])) { $cpt = 0; $new_contacts = $_REQUEST['new_contact_value']; $c_type_names = $_REQUEST['new_contact_type_name']; while (isset($new_contacts[$cpt])) { // Process only new contacts which have a value if ($new_contacts[$cpt]) { // And make sure that they have a "type of contact" if ($c_type_names[$cpt]) { lcm_debug("Contact NEW: {$type_person}, {$id_of_person}, Name = " . $c_type_names[$cpt] . ', ' . $new_contacts[$cpt], 1); $err = add_contact($type_person, $id_of_person, $c_type_names[$cpt], $new_contacts[$cpt]); if ($err) { $_SESSION['errors']['new_contact_' . $cpt] = $err; } } else { $_SESSION['errors']['new_contact_' . $cpt] = "Please specify the type of contact."; // TRAD } } $cpt++; } } // // Check if all mandatory contacts were provided // $all_contacts = get_contacts($type_person, $id_of_person); foreach ($all_contact_kwg as $c) { if ($c['policy'] == 'mandatory') { $found = false; foreach ($all_contacts as $a) { if ($a['name'] == $c['name'] && trim($a['value'])) { $found = true; } } if (!$found) { $_SESSION['errors']['contact_' . $c['name']] = _Ti($c['title']) . _T('warning_field_mandatory'); } } } }
if (isset($_POST["organization_fax"]) && !empty($_POST["organization_fax"])) { $organization_fax = $_POST["organization_fax"]; if (isset($_POST["organization_fax_comment"]) && !empty($_POST["organization_fax_comment"])) { $organization_fax_comment = $_POST["organization_fax_comment"]; add_contact($o_id, $organization_fax, $organization_fax_comment, 9); } else { add_contact($o_id, $organization_fax, '', 9); } } if (isset($_POST["organization_web"]) && !empty($_POST["organization_web"])) { $organization_web = $_POST["organization_web"]; add_contact($o_id, $organization_web, '', 7); } if (isset($_POST["organization_mail"]) && !empty($_POST["organization_mail"])) { $organization_mail = $_POST["organization_mail"]; add_contact($o_id, $organization_mail, '', 8); } if (isset($_POST["chinahouse_name"]) || !empty($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_VILLAGE"]) || !empty($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_VILLAGE_TH"]) || !empty($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_DISTRICT"]) || !empty($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_DISTRICT_TH"])) { $chinahouse_name = ""; $chinahouse_village_id = 0; $chinahouse_amphur_id = 0; $chinahouse_district_id = 0; $chinahouse_province_id = 0; $chinahouse_tel = ""; if (isset($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_NAME"]) && !empty($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_NAME"])) { $chinahouse_name = $_POST["CHINAHOUSE_NAME"]; } if (isset($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_VILLAGE"]) && !empty($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_VILLAGE"]) || isset($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_VILLAGE_TH"]) && !empty($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_VILLAGE_TH"])) { $chinahouse_village_id = get_chinahouse_id($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_VILLAGE"], $_POST["CHINAHOUSE_VILLAGE_TH"]); } if (isset($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_AMPHUR"]) && !empty($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_AMPHUR"]) || isset($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_AMPHUR_TH"]) && !empty($_POST["CHINAHOUSE_AMPHUR_TH"])) {
<?php session_start(); include "config.php"; include "db.php"; dbconnect() or send_err_mail("Cannot connect to server" . mysql_error(), $PHP_SELF); $user_id = $_SESSION[vis_user_id]; $organiser_id = $_SESSION[vis_organiser_id]; $contact_rln_id = add_contact($parent_contact_id, $contact_id); echo $contact_rln_id;
connect_database(); $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $data_id = $_POST["id"]; if (isset($_POST["tel"]) && !empty($_POST["tel"])) { $tel = $_POST["tel"]; if (isset($_POST["tel_comment"]) && !empty($_POST["tel_comment"])) { $tel_comment = $_POST["tel_comment"]; add_contact($data_id, $tel, $tel_comment, 1); } else { add_contact($data_id, $tel, "", 1); } } if (isset($_POST["moblie"]) && !empty($_POST["moblie"])) { $moblie = $_POST["moblie"]; add_contact($data_id, $moblie, '', 2); } if (isset($_POST["email"]) && !empty($_POST["email"])) { $email = $_POST["email"]; add_contact($data_id, $email, '', 3); } if (isset($_POST["line"]) && !empty($_POST["line"])) { $line = $_POST["line"]; add_contact($data_id, $line, '', 4); } if (isset($_POST["facebook"]) && !empty($_POST["facebook"])) { $facebook = $_POST["facebook"]; add_contact($data_id, $facebook, '', 5); } echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; echo "window.close();"; echo "</script>";
} if (!checkdate($_POST['month'], $_POST['day'], $_POST['year']) || mktime(0, 0, 0, $_POST['month'], $_POST['day'], $_POST['year']) > mktime() || !checkdate($_POST['nc_month'], $_POST['nc_day'], $_POST['nc_year']) || $_POST['nc_type'] !== 'brak' && mktime(0, 0, 0, $_POST['month'], $_POST['day'], $_POST['year']) > mktime(0, 0, 0, $_POST['nc_month'], $_POST['nc_day'], $_POST['nc_year'])) { display_warning('Wprowad¼ poprawn± datê!'); exit; } $data = array(); if (!isset($_POST['contact_id'])) { $data['organisation_id'] = $_POST['organisation_id']; $data['user_id'] = $_SESSION['valid_user_id']; $data['project_id'] = $_POST['project_id']; $warning[true] = 'Dodanie kontaktu zakoñczone sukcesem!'; $warning[false] = 'Dodanie kontaktu zakoñczone niepowodzeniem!'; } else { $data['contact_id'] = $_POST['contact_id']; $warning[true] = 'Edycja kontaktu zakoñczona sukcesem!'; $warning[false] = 'Edycja kontaktu zakoñczona niepowodzeniem!'; } $data['type'] = "'" . $_POST['type'] . "'"; $data['date'] = "'" . $_POST['year'] . '-' . $_POST['month'] . '-' . $_POST['day'] . "'"; $data['contact_person'] = "'" . $_POST['contact_person'] . "'"; $data['contact_function'] = "'" . $_POST['contact_function'] . "'"; $data['comments'] = "'" . str_replace("\r", '', $_POST['comments']) . "'"; $data['aim_id'] = $_POST['aim_id']; $data['next_contact_type'] = $_POST['nc_type'] == 'brak' ? 'null' : "'" . $_POST['nc_type'] . "'"; $data['next_contact_date'] = $_POST['nc_type'] == 'brak' ? 'null' : "'" . $_POST['nc_year'] . '-' . $_POST['nc_month'] . '-' . $_POST['nc_day'] . "'"; if (!isset($_POST['contact_id']) && contact_exists($data)) { display_warning('Kontakt zosta³ ju¿ dodany!'); exit; } display_warning($warning[add_contact($data)]);
print_myaddressbook_page(); break; case "edit": echo '<h2>Kontakty - edycja</h2>'; print_editcontact_page(); break; case "editsave": update_contact(); header("Location: ./index.php?kat=addressbook&id=view"); break; case "addcontact": echo '<h2>Kontakty - dodaj nowy kontakt</h2>'; print_addcontact_page(); break; case "addcontactsave": add_contact(); header("Location: ./index.php?kat=addressbook&id=view"); break; case "delcontact": delete_contact(); header("Location: ./index.php?kat=addressbook&id=view"); break; } break; case "mytasks": echo '<h2>Historia zadań</h2>'; print_mytasks_page(); break; case "users": if ($_SESSION['access_level'] == 100) { switch ($id) {
} switch ($action) { case 'getAllContacts': $contacts = get_all_contacts_by_uid($uid); echo json_encode($contacts); break; case 'getAllGroups': $groups = get_all_groups_by_uid($uid); echo json_encode($groups); break; case 'addContact': if (!isset($_POST['contactName']) || !isset($_POST['telephones']) || !isset($_POST['remark']) || !isset($_POST['groupId'])) { echo $invalid_request; exit; } $res = add_contact($_POST['contactName'], $_POST['telephones'], $_POST['remark'], $uid, $_POST['groupId']); $response['errno'] = $res == 1 ? 0 : 1; $response['msg'] = $res == 1 ? '' : '添加联系人失败'; echo json_encode($response); break; case 'deleteContact': if (!isset($_POST['contactId'])) { echo $invalid_request; exit; } $res = delete_contact_by_id($_POST['contactId'], $uid); $response['errno'] = $res == true ? 0 : 1; $response['msg'] = $res == 1 ? '' : '删除联系人失败'; echo json_encode($response); break; case 'updateContact':