function aff_config()
    global $config;
    config_set_notebook_comment('Affiliates', 'affiliate program configuration');
    add_config_field('aff.payout_methods', 'Accepted Payout methods', 'multi_select', "affiliate can choose a method for payout comissions.<br />\n    If nothing will be selected, comissions will not be included to automated<br />\n    payout report.\n    ", "Affiliates", '', '', '', array('store_type' => 1, 'options' => aff_get_payout_methods()));
    add_config_field('aff.aff_commission', 'Affiliate commission for first payment', 'integer', "affiliate comissions for first payment, ex.: 1.5 or 2.5%", "Affiliates", '', '', '');
    add_config_field('aff.aff_commission_rec', 'Affiliate commission for the following payments', 'integer', "affiliate comissions for the following payments, ex.: 1.5 or 2.5%", "Affiliates", '', '', '');
    add_config_field('aff.aff_commission2', '2 Tier - Affiliate commission for the first payment', 'integer', 'affiliate comissions for referrer of the affiliate, can be set to<br />
                 percentage of commission received by immediate affiliate only, ex.: 1.5 or 15%<br />
                 in first case 2 tier affiliate will get USD 1.5 for each sale,<br />
                 in second case 2 tier affiliate will receive 15% of all related<br />
                 affiliate commissions', "Affiliates", '', '', '');
    add_config_field('aff.aff_commission_rec2', '2 Tier - Affiliate commission for the following payments', 'integer', 'affiliate comissions for referrer of the affiliate, can be set to<br />
                 percentage of commission received by immediate affiliate only, ex.: 1.5 or 15%<br />
                 in first case 2 tier affiliate will get USD 1.5 for each sale,<br />
                 in second case 2 tier affiliate will receive 15% of all related<br />
                 affiliate commissions', "Affiliates", '', '', '');
    add_config_field('aff.cookie_lifetime', 'Affiliate cookie lifetime', 'integer', "how long (in days) store cookies about referrer.<br />\n    So if customer will return to the site later, comission will be<br />\n    paid to referring affiliate.\n    ", "Affiliates", '', '', '', array('default' => 365));
    add_config_field('aff.only_first', 'Pay only first commission', 'checkbox', "affiliate will get commision only for first purchase.<br />\n    In case of recurring payments, only one (first) commission will<br />\n    be generated.\n    ", "Affiliates", '', '', '', array('store_type' => 1));
    add_config_field('aff.do_not_pay_for_free_subscriptions', 'Do not give commision for free subscriptions', 'select', "sale commission will not be credited to affiliate account<br />\n    if user subscribed to free subscription. Of course, it only affects<br />\n    'fixed' affiliate commissions.\n    ", "Affiliates", '', '', '', array('store_type' => 1, 'options' => array('' => 'Give Commission even for free subscriptions', 1 => 'Do not give commissions for free subscriptions')));
    add_config_field('aff.signup_type', 'Affiliates Signup Type', 'select', "affiliate will get commision only for first purchase.<br />\n    In case of recurring payments, only one (first) commission will<br />\n    be generated.\n    ", "Affiliates", '', '', '', array('store_type' => 1, 'options' => array('' => 'Default - user have to click link to become affiliate', 1 => 'All new members automatically become affiliates', 2 => 'Only admin can enable user as an affiliate')));
    add_config_field('aff.mail_sale_admin', 'E-Mail commission to admin', 'checkbox', "when new sale commission credited to affiliate account<br />\n    send an e-mail message to admin\n    ", "Affiliates", '', 'email_checkbox_get', '', array('store_type' => 1));
    add_config_field('aff.mail_sale_user', 'E-Mail commission to customer', 'checkbox', "when new sale commission credited to affiliate account<br />\n    send an e-mail message to affiliate\n    ", "Affiliates", '', 'email_checkbox_get', '', array('store_type' => 1));
    add_config_field('aff.mail_signup_user', 'Send Signup E-Mail to Affiliate', 'checkbox', "send email when affiliate will signup\n    ", "Affiliates", '', 'email_checkbox_get', '', array('store_type' => 1));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'PHP Include';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'paypal plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('protect.php_include.redirect', 'Redirect after logout', 'text', "enter full URL, starting from http://<br />\n    keep empty for redirect to site homepage", $notebook_page);
add_config_field('protect.php_include.remember_login', 'Remember Login', 'select', "allow remember login/password in cookies", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('protect.php_include.remember_auto', 'Always remember', 'select', "if set to Yes, don't ask customer - always remember", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('protect.php_include.remember_period', 'Remember period', 'integer', "cookie will be stored for ... days", $notebook_page, 'validate_integer', '', '', array('default' => 60));
if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
*     Author: Alex Scott
*      Email: alex@cgi-central.net
*        Web: http://www.cgi-central.net
*    Details: securepay payment plugin config
*    FileName $RCSfile$
*    Release: 3.1.8PRO ($Revision: 1785 $)
* Please direct bug reports,suggestions or feedback to the cgi-central forums.
* http://www.cgi-central.net/forum/
* aMember PRO is a commercial software. Any distribution is strictly prohibited.
global $config;
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/securepay.php";
$notebook_page = "SecurePay";
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, $notebook_page . ' configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.securepay.host', 'SecurePay Host', 'text', "Your SecurePay host (e.g. https://www.securepay.com/secure1/index.asp).", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.securepay.timeout', 'SecurePay Timeout', 'text', "Custom timeout value in seconds, default 120 seconds.", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.securepay.merchant_id', 'SecurePay Default Merchant Identifier', 'text', "Your default SecurePay Merchant Identifier (usually a number, e.g. 123456).", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.securepay.debug', 'Test Mode Enabled', 'select', "Set to No after you complete testing.", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('payment.securepay.avsreq', 'AVS Check', 'select', "Use AVS system check (The AVS system used by SecurePay.Com supports the United States)", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'Do not use AVS Check', 1 => 'Full AVS (both street address and zip code)', 2 => 'AVS only, Full AVS but do not authorize the Credit Card', 3 => 'Credit Card Authorization and Zip Code AVS Only', 4 => 'AVS with Zip Code only, do not authorize the Credit Card')));
cc_core_add_config_items('securepay', $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
*     Author: Alex Scott
*      Email: alex@cgi-central.net
*        Web: http://www.cgi-central.net
*    Details: cc_demo payment plugin config
*    FileName $RCSfile$
*    Release: 3.1.8PRO ($Revision: 1785 $)
* Please direct bug reports,suggestions or feedback to the cgi-central forums.
* http://www.cgi-central.net/forum/
* aMember PRO is a commercial software. Any distribution is strictly prohibited.
global $config;
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
$notebook_page = "CCDemo";
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, $notebook_page . ' configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.cc_demo.merchant_id', 'CCDemo Merchant ID', 'text', "just to demonstrate a configuration item", $notebook_page, '');
cc_core_add_config_items('cc_demo', $notebook_page);
*    Details: google checkout payment plugin config
*    FileName $RCSfile$
*    Release: 3.2.3PRO ($Revision: 5000 $)
* Please direct bug reports,suggestions or feedback to the cgi-central forums.
* http://www.cgi-central.net/forum/
* aMember PRO is a commercial software. Any distribution is strictly prohibited.
global $config;
$notebook_page = "Google Checkout";
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, $notebook_page . ' configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
$features = array('title' => '', 'description' => '');
$pl =& instantiate_plugin('payment', 'google_checkout');
if (is_object($pl)) {
    $features = $pl->get_plugin_features();
add_config_field('payment.google_checkout.merchant_id', 'Google Checkout Default Merchant Identifier', 'text', "Your default Google Checkout Merchant Identifier (usually a number, e.g. 123456).", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.google_checkout.merchant_key', 'Google Checkout Default Merchant Key', 'text', "Your default Google Checkout Merchant Key.", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.google_checkout.currency', 'Currency', 'text', "Your default Google Checkout Currency.<br />Technical limitations of the current service: USD (US dollars) is the only valid currency.", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'USD'));
add_config_field('payment.google_checkout.sandbox', 'Sandbox testing', 'select', "Set to No after you complete testing.", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('payment.google_checkout.debug', 'Test Mode Enabled', 'select', 'will log all IPN postback messages to aMember CP -> Error/Debug Log', $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('payment.google_checkout.allow_create', 'Allow create new accounts', 'select', 'aMember will create member (if not exists) when &lt;new-order-notification&gt; received', $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field("payment.google_checkout.title", "Payment system title", 'text', "to be displayed on signup.php and member.php pages", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => $features['title']));
add_config_field("payment.google_checkout.description", "Payment system description", 'text', "to be displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => $features['description']));
add_config_field("payment.google_checkout.reattempt", 'Reattempt on Failure', 'text', "Enter list of days to reattempt failed credit card charge, for example: 3,8<br />\n <br />\n The reattempting failed payments option allows you to reattempt failed<br />\n payments before cancelling the subscription. Scheduled payments may fail<br />    \n due to several reasons, including insufficient funds. Payments will be<br />\n reattempted 3 days after the failure date. If it fails again, we will try once<br />\n more 5 days later (it is for sample above: 3,8). Failure on this last attempt<br />\n leads to cancellation of the subscription.<br />\n <br />\n NOTE: this time user will have FREE access to your site. If it is not acceptable<br />\n for your site, please don't enable this feature", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array('' => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('payment.google_checkout.resend_postback', 'Resend Postback', 'textarea', "all IPN posts will be resent to specified URL,<br />\n     you may need it for third-party affiliate script, for example<br />\n     DON'T ENTER URL OF aMember Google checkout script HERE!<br />\n     KEEP IT BLANK IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANS", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => "", 'cols' => 40));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Locaweb';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Locaweb plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.locaweb.identificacao', 'Identificacao', 'text', "Code for the Locaweb e-commerce service", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.locaweb.secret', 'Security Code', 'text', "Securyty Code that you set in your AlerPay account", $notebook_page, '', '', '');
add_config_field('payment.locaweb.testing', 'Test Mode Enabled', 'select', "set to No after you complete testing", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('payment.locaweb.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Locaweb'));
add_config_field('payment.locaweb.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Pay by credit card/debit card - Visa/Mastercard'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'DotPay';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'DotPay plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.dotpay.seller_id', 'Your DotPay Seller ID', 'integer', "your DotPay installation ID", $notebook_page, 'validate_integer');
add_config_field('payment.dotpay.lang', 'Payment Language', 'select', "this defines the language which will be used during the payment process", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array('pl' => 'Polish', 'en' => 'English', 'de' => 'German', 'it' => 'Italian', 'fr' => 'Frencz', 'es' => 'Spanish', 'cz' => 'Czech', 'ru' => 'Russian')));
add_config_field('payment.dotpay.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'DotPay'));
add_config_field('payment.dotpay.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'textarea', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Pay by credit card/debit card - Visa, Diners Club, MasterCard/EuroCard, JCB, PBK Styl, PolCard, VISA ELECTRON of the banks: Inteligo, Deutsche Bank PBC and Millenium'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Offline';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'paypal plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.offline.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Offline Payment'));
add_config_field('payment.offline.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Offline Payment'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Free';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Free payment plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.free.admin_approval', 'Require admin approval for new payments', 'checkbox', "", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array());
add_config_field('payment.free.mail_admin', 'Send E-Mail to admin about new subscription', 'checkbox', "", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array());

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'ProBilling';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, '');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.probilling.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'ProBilling'));
add_config_field('payment.probilling.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Accept credit cards, e-checks and support 900 billing'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'PayPal NVP';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Paypal NVP configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
global $config;
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
add_config_field('payment.paypal_nvp.business', 'Merchant ID', 'text', "your PayPal account PRIMARY email address", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.paypal_nvp.api_user', 'API Username', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.paypal_nvp.api_pass', 'API Password', 'password_c', "your API Password (it is different<br />\n                  from your PayPal account password)", $notebook_page, 'validate_password', '', '', array('store_type' => 3));
add_config_field('payment.paypal_nvp.api_sig', 'API Signature', 'textarea', "it is a long string of characters from PayPal, copy&paste - it is one-line!", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('size' => 40));
add_config_field('payment.paypal_nvp.testing', 'Sandbox testing', 'select', "you have to signup here <a href='http://developer.paypal.com/'>developer.paypal.com</a><br />\n    to use this feature", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => "", 'options' => array('' => 'No', '1' => 'Yes')));
cc_core_add_config_items('paypal_nvp', $notebook_page);

$notebook_page = 'PayPal Pro';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'paypal plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.paypal_pro.business', 'Merchant ID', 'text', "your PayPal account PRIMARY email address", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.paypal_pro.api_user', 'API Username', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.paypal_pro.api_pass', 'API Password', 'password_c', "your API Password (it is different<br />\n                  from your PayPal account password)", $notebook_page, 'validate_password', '', '', array('store_type' => 3));
add_config_field('payment.paypal_pro.api_sig', 'API Signature', 'textarea', "it is a long string of characters from PayPal, copy&paste - it is one-line!", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('size' => 40));
add_config_field('payment.paypal_pro.testing', 'Sandbox testing', 'select', "you have to signup here <a href='http://developer.paypal.com/'>developer.paypal.com</a><br />\n    to use this feature", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => "", 'options' => array('' => 'No', '1' => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('payment.paypal_pro.locale', 'PayPal Language Code', 'text', nl2br("This field allows you to configure PayPal page language\n    that will be displayed when customer is redirected from your website\n    to PayPal for payment. By default, this value is empty, then PayPal\n    will automatically choose which language to use. Or, alternatively,\n    you can specify for example: en (for english language), or fr\n    (for french Language) and so on. In this case, PayPal will not choose\n    language automatically. <br />\n    Default value for this field is empty string"), $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => "", 'size' => 10));
if (class_exists('payment_paypal_pro')) {
    $pl =& instantiate_plugin('payment', 'paypal_pro');
cc_core_add_config_items('paypal_pro_cc', $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Euro Bank Payment';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Manual Euro Bank plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.manual_euro_bank.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Manual Euro Bank Payment'));
add_config_field('payment.manual_euro_bank.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Manual Payment'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'passwordcall';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'passwordcall plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.webmaster_id', 'Deine passwordcall.de Webmaster ID', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.aname_id1', 'Angebot Nr1: Titel/&Uuml;berschrift', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.tarif_id1', 'Angebot Nr1: passwordcall.de Tarif, "T4" oder "T5" eintragen!', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.angebots_id1', 'Angebot Nr1: Angebots ID, Siehe passwordcall.de unter Link Generieren', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.product_id1', 'Angebot Nr1: Product ID, siehe amember CP Manage Products', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.aname_id2', 'Angebot Nr2: Titel/&Uuml;berschrift', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.tarif_id2', 'Angebot Nr2: passwordcall.de Tarif, "T4" oder "T5" eintragen!', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.angebots_id2', 'Angebot Nr2: Angebots ID, Siehe passwordcall.de unter Link Generieren', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.product_id2', 'Angebot Nr2: Product ID, siehe amember CP Manage Products', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.aname_id3', 'Angebot Nr3: Titel/&Uuml;berschrift', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.tarif_id3', 'Angebot Nr3: passwordcall.de Tarif, "T4" oder "T5" eintragen!', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.angebots_id3', 'Angebot Nr3: Angebots ID, Siehe passwordcall.de unter Link Generieren', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.product_id3', 'Angebot Nr3: Product ID, siehe amember CP Manage Products', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.aname_id4', 'Angebot Nr4: Titel/&Uuml;berschrift', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.tarif_id4', 'Angebot Nr4: passwordcall.de Tarif, "T4" oder "T5" eintragen!', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.angebots_id4', 'Angebot Nr4: Angebots ID, Siehe passwordcall.de unter Link Generieren', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.product_id4', 'Angebot Nr4: Product ID, siehe amember CP Manage Products', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'PasswordCall'));
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Phonecall Payment - Only Germany, Austria and Switzerland'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'AnyLink';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'AnyLink plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.anylink.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'AnyLink'));
add_config_field('payment.anylink.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'all major credit cards accepted'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'FirstPay.Net';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'FirstPay  configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
global $config;
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
add_config_field('payment.firstpay.login', 'FirstPay.Net  merchant', 'text', "The Visa/Mastercard merchant number assigned <br/>to each individual merchant, starting with '4154...'", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.firstpay.secret', 'Secret ID', 'text', "A secret merchant identifier that will be issued <br />by FirstPay.Net to each merchant.", $notebook_page, '');
cc_core_add_config_items('firstpay', $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'mod_auth_mysql';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'mod_auth_mysql Integration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('protect.mod_auth_mysql.db', 'mod_auth_mysql Db and Tablename', function_exists('amDb') ? 'dbprefix' : 'text', "database name (if other database) plus mod_auth_mysql table<br />\n    name, like <i>mod_auth_mysql.users</i><br />\n    here <i>mod_auth_mysql</i> is database, and tables with users named as <i>users</i><br />\n    Please backup your table FIRST! aMember will manage it exclusively and<br />\n    if user is not present in aMember database, it will be removed from<br />\n    mod_auth_mysql table.\n    ", $notebook_page, 'validate_mod_auth_mysql_db');
function validate_mod_auth_mysql_db($field, $vars)
    global $db;
    $v = $vars[$field['name']];
    $v = $db->escape($v);
    mysql_query("SELECT username,passwd,groups FROM {$v} LIMIT 1");
    if (mysql_errno()) {
        return "{$field['title']} - incorrect value. Error: " . mysql_error();

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
global $config;
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
$notebook_page = "Manual CC Processing";
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, $notebook_page . ' configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.manual_cc.notification', 'Singup Notification', 'select', "How to notify about new user signup", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(1 => 'Send to email', 2 => 'Save to Member fields', 3 => 'Email and Save'), 'default' => 3));
cc_core_add_config_items('manual_cc', $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'ClickAndBuy';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'ClickAndBuy plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.clickandbuy.purchase_code', 'Your ClickAndBuy Purchase Link code', 'text', "your ClickAndBuy Purchase Link code <b><i>pe2lstz7ep13r0</i></b> from URL like<br />\n    ( http://premium-<b>pe2lstz7ep13r0</b>.eu.clickandbuy.com/clickandbuy.php )<br />\n    It is set up by your Account Support Manager, who will notify you of the exact URL.", $notebook_page);
add_config_field('payment.clickandbuy.seller_id', 'Your ClickAndBuy Seller ID', 'text', "your ClickAndBuy Seller ID", $notebook_page, 'validate_integer');
add_config_field('payment.clickandbuy.tm_password', 'Your ClickAndBuy TM Password', 'password_c', "your ClickAndBuy Transaction Manager Password", $notebook_page);
add_config_field('payment.clickandbuy.disable_second_confirmation', 'Disable Second Confirmation', 'checkbox', "For testing only!!! Enable it in case of 'Soap Request Fault' error.<br />\n    The Second Confirmation procedure enables you to ensure that a transaction is only evaluated<br />\n    as successful if the transaction was actually able to be created in the ClickandBuy system.", $notebook_page);
add_config_field('payment.clickandbuy.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'ClickAndBuy'));
add_config_field('payment.clickandbuy.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Pay by ClickandBuy'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'PaySbuy';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'PaySbuy plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.paysbuy.merchant_id', 'Your PaySbuy Merchant ID', 'text', "Username or Login email", $notebook_page);
add_config_field('payment.paysbuy.currency', 'PaySbuy Currency', 'select', 'currency for PaySbuy gateway', $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array('' => '- use default -', '840' => 'US Dollar', '036' => 'Australian Dollar', '826' => 'POUND STERLING', '124' => 'Canadian Dollar', '208' => 'Danish Krone', '978' => 'EURO', '344' => 'HongKong Dollar', '356' => 'Indian Rupee', '392' => 'YEN(100)', '554' => 'Newzealand Dollar', '578' => 'Norwegien Krone', '702' => 'Singapore Dollar', '752' => 'Swedish Krone', '756' => 'Swiss Franc')));
add_config_field('payment.paysbuy.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'PaySbuy'));
add_config_field('payment.paysbuy.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => "Make payments with PaySbuy - it's fast, free and secure!"));
    array('options' => array(
        'USD'      => 'US Dollar',
        'AUD'      => 'Australian Dollar',
        'GBP'      => 'POUND STERLING',
        'CAD'      => 'Canadian Dollar',
        'DKK'      => 'Danish Krone',
        'EUR'      => 'EURO',
        'HKD'      => 'HongKong Dollar',
        'INR'      => 'Indian Rupee',
        'JPY'      => 'YEN(100)',
        'NZD'      => 'Newzealand Dollar',
        'NOK'      => 'Norwegien Krone',
        'SGD'      => 'Singapore Dollar',
        'SEK'      => 'Swedish Krone',
        'CHF'      => 'Swiss Franc'

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'BluePay';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'BluePay configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
global $config;
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
add_config_field('payment.bluepay.account_id', 'BluePay account ID', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.bluepay.secret', 'Secret Key', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.bluepay.test', 'Test Mode Enabled', 'select', "set to No after you complete testing", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
cc_core_add_config_items('bluepay', $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = '1ShoppingCart/MCSSL';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, '1ShoppingCart/MCSSL Integration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.1shoppingcart.merchant_id', 'Merchant ID', 'text', "your 1ShoppingCart merchant ID#", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.1shoppingcart.postback_password', 'PostBack Password', 'password_c', "you must set the same value in 1ShoppingCart control panel", $notebook_page, 'validate_password', '', '', array('store_type' => 3));
add_config_field('payment.1shoppingcart.api_key', 'API Key', 'text', "Required only for 1SC in from of aMember", $notebook_page, '');
if (class_exists('payment_1shoppingcart')) {
    $pl =& instantiate_plugin('payment', '1shoppingcart');

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Icepay';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Icepay plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.icepay.merchkey', 'Your Icepay Merchant number', 'text', "A unique assigned code identifying the<br />\n\tmerchant under which transactions will<br />\n\tbe processed", $notebook_page);
add_config_field('payment.icepay.secret', 'Your Icepay Encryption code', 'text', "", $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'PlugNPay';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'plugnpay configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.plugnpay.login', 'plugnpay login', 'text', "your PlugNPay Username", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.plugnpay.domain', 'plugnpay Payment Domain',
    'text', "your secure payment server domain - assigned by PlugNPay",
add_config_field('payment.plugnpay.app_level', 'AVS approval Level', 'select', " Please see AVS Specifications in PlugNPay for level details.", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(-1 => '-1', 0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6), 'default' => '1'));
add_config_field('payment.plugnpay.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'PlugNPay'));
add_config_field('payment.plugnpay.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Credit Card Payment'));
add_config_field('payment.plugnpay.currency', 'plugnpay Currency', 'select', 'default plugnpay Currency', $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array('aud' => 'Australian dollars', 'cad' => 'Canadian dollars', 'chf' => 'Swiss francs', 'eur' => 'Euro', 'gbp' => 'Pounds', 'jpy' => 'Yen', 'usd' => 'US Dollars', 'jmd' => 'Jamaican Dollar'), 'default' => 'usd'));
if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
*     Author: Alex Scott
*      Email: alex@cgi-central.net
*        Web: http://www.cgi-central.net
*    Details: logiccommerce payment plugin config
*    FileName $RCSfile$
*    Release: 3.1.8PRO ($Revision: 1785 $)
* Please direct bug reports,suggestions or feedback to the cgi-central forums.
* http://www.cgi-central.net/forum/
* aMember PRO is a commercial software. Any distribution is strictly prohibited.
global $config;
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/logiccommerce.inc.php";
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
$notebook_page = "LogicCommerce";
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, $notebook_page . ' configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.logiccommerce.merchant_id', 'LogicCommerce Merchant ID', 'text', "your logiccommerce 9-digit merchant id", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.logiccommerce.customer_id', 'LogicCommerce Customer ID', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.logiccommerce.zone_id', 'LogicCommerce Zone ID', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.logiccommerce.username', 'LogicCommerce Username', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
cc_core_add_config_items('logiccommerce', $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Mollie';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Mollie plugin configuration');
add_config_field('payment.mollie.id', 'Your Mollie Partner ID', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
*     Author: Alex Scott
*      Email: alex@cgi-central.net
*        Web: http://www.cgi-central.net
*    Details: ipayment payment plugin config
*    FileName $RCSfile$
*    Release: 3.1.8PRO ($Revision: 3271 $)
* Please direct bug reports,suggestions or feedback to the cgi-central forums.
* http://www.cgi-central.net/forum/
* aMember PRO is a commercial software. Any distribution is strictly prohibited.
global $config;
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
$notebook_page = "IPayment";
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, $notebook_page . ' configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.ipayment.account_id', 'IPayment Account ID', 'text', "your ipayment account id", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.ipayment.user_id', 'IPayment Account ID', 'text', "your ipayment user id", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.ipayment.pass', 'IPayment Transaction Password', 'text', "ask IPayment support about", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.ipayment.actionpass', 'IPayment Admin Action Password', 'text', "ask IPayment support about, it should be long string", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.ipayment.currency', 'Default Currency', 'text', "ISO alpha order currency code, <br/>\n\tfor example: EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, :", $notebook_page);
cc_core_add_config_items('ipayment', $notebook_page);
 * Copyright (C) 2010 Kencinnus, LLC. All rights reserved.
 * This file may not be distributed by anyone outside of
 * Kencinnus, LLC or authorized contractors as specified.
 * Purchasers of this plugin can modify it for the site
 * it is installed on.
 * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING
 * All support wuestions regarding this plugin should be sent to:
 *		http://kencinnus.com/contact
 * (See amthankyou.inc.php for revision history.)
if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'amThankYou';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'amThankYou v3.2.3.1');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('protect.amthankyou.debug', 'Debug?', 'checkbox', 'Debug statements are written to the error log.', $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('protect.amthankyou.enjoytext', 'Text For Please Enjoy Phrase Above Product Links', 'textarea', "This is the text that is displayed at the top of the Thank You page before the list of product links.", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('store_type' => 1, 'default' => 'Please enjoy the products you have purchased<br />today by clicking on a link below...'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'TripleDeal';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'TripleDeal plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.merchant_name', 'Your TripleDeal Merchant Name', 'text', "your TripleDeal merchant name", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.merchant_password', 'Your TripleDeal Merchant Password', 'password_c', "your TripleDeal merchant password", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.profile', 'Your TripleDeal Profile', 'text', "your TripleDeal profile", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'OnlyCreditCards'));
add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.debugmode', 'Debug Mode Enabled', 'select', "Set to No after you complete testing.", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'TripleDeal'));
add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Credit Card Payment'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'htpasswd';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, '');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('protect.htpasswd.use_plain_text', 'Use Plain Text', 'select', "set to Yes on the Windows platform, set to No otherwise", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('protect.htpasswd.add_htpasswd', 'Add another .htpasswd',
    'text', "add content of another .htpasswd file to generated file",