<?php $timeStart = microtime(true); session_start(); if (empty($_SESSION)) { exit(header("Location: ../../index.php")); } require_once $_SESSION['File_Root'] . '/Kernel/Include.php'; require_once $_SESSION['File_Root'] . '/HTML/Header.php'; redirectToLogin($accountID, $linkRoot); redirectToBattle($verifyBattle, $linkRoot); hasAdmin($accountAccess); $newsTitle = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($_POST['newsTitle'])); $newsMessage = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($_POST['newsMessage'])); $newsAccountPseudo = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($_POST['newsAccountPseudo'])); addNews($bdd, $newsTitle, $newsMessage, $newsAccountPseudo); ?> <?php echo $anews13; ?> <br> <form method="POST" action="index.php"> <input class="btn btn-success" type="submit" value="Ok"> </form> <br/> <?php require_once $_SESSION['File_Root'] . '/HTML/Footer.php';
<?php include 'adminheader.php'; ?> <html> <div id="formdiv"> <?php if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { print '<div class="msg" style="width: 90%">'; if (isset($_POST['addNews'])) { addNews(); } print '</div>'; } ?> <h1>lägg till en ny nyhet</h1> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="inputdiv"> <input type="text" name="news_title" placeholder="Titel" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['news_title'])) { echo htmlentities($_POST['news_title']); } ?> "><br> </div>
INNER JOIN $table[playerfleet_ships] ON $table[playerfleet].id = $table[playerfleet_ships].fleet_id WHERE ($table[playerfleet].action = 'attack' OR $table[playerfleet].action = 'defend') OR ($table[playerfleet].action = 'home' AND $table[playerfleet].action_start > '0') GROUP BY $table[playerfleet].id"; $res_emptyfleets = mysql_query($sql_emptyfleets); $num_emptyfleets = @mysql_num_rows($res_emptyfleets); if ($num_emptyfleets > 0) { while ($rec_emptyfleets = mysql_fetch_array($res_emptyfleets)) { if (($rec_emptyfleets['amount'] == 0)) { $sql_delfleet = "DELETE FROM $table[playerfleet] WHERE `id` = '$rec_emptyfleets[id]'"; $sql_delfleetships = "DELETE FROM $table[playerfleet_ships] WHERE `fleet_id` = '$rec_emptyfleets[id]'"; mysql_query($sql_delfleet) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_query($sql_delfleetships) or die(mysql_error()); addNews($rec_emptyfleets['player_id'], 'Combat', 'Lost fleet', 'Staff from the intelligence center reports a lost fleet.<br /> The fleets identification number was '.$rec_emptyfleets['id'].'.'); appendPlayerLog($rec_emptyfleets['player_id'], 'Found empty fleet ('.$rec_emptyfleets['id'].'), and removed it.', ''); } } } /* find empty fleetship entrys, and delete them.. */ $sql_fleetshipe = "DELETE FROM $table[playerfleet_ships] WHERE `amount` <= '0'"; mysql_query($sql_fleetshipe); /* find fleets which should already be returning, but aint doing it.. */ $slowest_traveltime = 0; $sql_findreturning = "SELECT `id`, `player_id`, `target_id`, `action`, `action_start`, `action_time`, `sent_tick` FROM `$table[playerfleet]`
$date = time() - $_SESSION["timediff"]; if (empty($title)) { $title = "No Title"; } if (empty($text)) { $text = "No Text"; } $message = array(); if ($news_id) { $message["id"] = $news_id; } $message["username"] = $username; if ($username == $GEDCOM) { $_SESSION['clearcache'] = true; } $message["date"] = $date; $message["title"] = $title; $message["text"] = $text; if (addNews($message)) { print $pgv_lang["news_saved"]; } } else { if ($action == "delete") { if (deleteNews($news_id)) { print $pgv_lang["news_deleted"]; } } } } print "<center><br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"if (window.opener.refreshpage) window.opener.refreshpage(); window.close();\">" . $pgv_lang["close_window"] . "</a><br /></center>"; print_simple_footer();
$target_xyz = getXYZ($target_id); $player_xyz = getXYZ($playerdata['id']); $eta_bonus = 0; if (($target_xyz[0] == $player_xyz[0]) && ($target_xyz[1] == $player_xyz[1])) { $eta_bonus = 10; } elseif ($target_xyz[0] == $player_xyz[0]) { $eta_bonus = 5; } $traveltime -= $eta_bonus; $starttick = $current_tick + $traveltime; $sql_sendfleet = "UPDATE $table[playerfleet] SET `action` = '$action', `target_id` = '$target_id', `action_start` = '$starttick', `action_time` = '$action_time', `sent_tick` = '$current_tick' WHERE `id` = '$fleet_id'"; if ($action == 'attack') { $xyz = getXYZ($playerdata['id']); addNews($target_id, 'Combat', 'Incoming hostile fleet', getRulernameById($playerdata['id']).' of '.getPlanetnameById($playerdata['id']).' from '.$xyz[0].':'.$xyz[1].':'.$xyz[2].' is sending a hostile fleet to your planet.<br>The ETA for this fleet is '.$traveltime.'.'); } if ($action == 'defend') { $xyz = getXYZ($playerdata['id']); addNews($target_id, 'Combat', 'Incoming friendly fleet', getRulernameById($playerdata['id']).' of '.getPlanetnameById($playerdata['id']).' from '.$xyz[0].':'.$xyz[1].':'.$xyz[2].' is sending a friendly fleet to your planet.<br>The ETA for this fleet is '.$traveltime.'.'); } } mysql_query($sql_sendfleet) or die(mysql_error()); switch ($action) { case 'attack': $error = 1; break; case 'defend': $error = 2; break; case 'home'; $error = 3; break; } }
$galaxy_data = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql_galaxydata)); $res_type = secureData($_POST['res_type']); $donate_to = securedata($_POST['donate_to']); $amount = secureData($_POST['amount']); $fund_arrkey = 'fund_'.$res_type; $player_arrkey = 'res_'.$res_type; if (($playerdata['id'] != $galaxy_data['commander_id']) && ($playerdata['id'] != $galaxy_data['moe_id'])) { $error = 106; } if ($amount <= 0) { $error = 103; } if ($galaxy_data[$fund_arrkey] < $amount) { $error = 104; } if ($donate_to <= 0) { $error = 105; } if ($error < 100) { $sql_donateplayer = "UPDATE $table[players] SET `$player_arrkey` = `$player_arrkey` + '$amount' WHERE `id` = '$donate_to'"; mysql_query($sql_donateplayer) or die(mysql_error()); addNews($donate_to, 'Donation', 'Recieved donation', 'You recieved a donation from the galactic fund.<br />The donation is '.$amount.' of '.$res_type.'.'); $sql_updatefund = "UPDATE $table[galaxy] SET `$fund_arrkey` = `$fund_arrkey` - '$amount' WHERE `id` = '$playerdata[galaxy_id]'"; mysql_query($sql_updatefund) or die(mysql_error()); } } setCommander($galaxy_id); $sql_galaxydata = "SELECT `id`, `x`, `y`, `topic`, `image_url`, `commander_id`, `moc_id`, `mow_id`, `moe_id`, `fund_steel`, `fund_crystal`, `fund_erbium`, `fund_titanium`, `private`, `password` FROM $table[galaxy] WHERE `id` = '$galaxy_id'"; $GALAXY_INFO = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql_galaxydata)); switch($error) { case 1: $msg = "Succesfully sent massmail to $num_galmembers players."; break;
$playerdata[$arrkey] -= $amount; if ($donate_to == 'fund') { $gal_colname = 'fund_'.$res_type; $sql_donategfund = "UPDATE $table[galaxy] SET `$gal_colname` = `$gal_colname` + '$amount' WHERE `id` = '$playerdata[galaxy_id]'"; mysql_query($sql_donategfund) or die(mysql_error()); if ($moe_id = getMOE($playerdata['galaxy_id'])) { $c = getXYZ($playerdata['id']); addNews($moe_id, 'Donation','Galactic fund donation', 'The galactic fund recieved a donation from '.$playerdata['rulername'].' of '.$playerdata['planetname'].' ('.$c[0].':'.$c[1].':'.$c[2].').<br />The donation is '.parseInteger($amount).' of '.$res_type.'.'); } $error = 3; } if ($donate_to > 0) { $sql_donateplayer = "UPDATE $table[players] SET `$arrkey` = `$arrkey` + '$amount' WHERE `id` = '$donate_to'"; mysql_query($sql_donateplayer) or die(mysql_error()); $c = getXYZ($playerdata['id']); addNews($donate_to, 'Donation', 'Recieved donation', 'You recieved a donation from '.$playerdata['rulername'].' of '.$playerdata['planetname'].' ('.$c[0].':'.$c[1].':'.$c[2].').<br />The donation is '.parseInteger($amount).' of '.$res_type.'.'); $error = 4; } if ($error == 0) { $error = 103; } updatePlayerData($playerdata['id'], $playerdata); } } switch($error) { case 1: $msg = "Succesfully altered the titanium factory production process."; break; case 2: /* Msg was set above. */ break; case 3: $msg = 'Donated resources to the galactic fund.';
$editscs = "Event has been successfully updated in the database !"; } if (isset($_POST['deleteevent'])) { $evntid = $_POST['eventname']; $modified_by = $_SESSION['admin']; deleteevent($evntid, $modified_by); $dltdscs = "Event has been successfully deleted !"; } if (isset($_POST['addnews'])) { $content = $_POST['content']; $heading = $_POST['heading']; $link = $_POST['link']; $added_by = $_SESSION['admin']; $eventid = $_POST['event_id_news']; if ($heading && $content) { addNews($content, $heading, $link, $eventid, $added_by); $newsmsg = "News has been successfully added to the database!"; } else { $newsmsg = "Content and Heading both fields are required!"; } } if (isset($_POST['deletenews'])) { deleteNews($_POST['news_heading'], $_SESSION['admin']); $newsdelmsg = "News has been deleted!"; } //footer flush(); ob_flush(); ob_end_clean(); ?> <script type ="text/javascript" src="css/jquery.js"></script>
echo '<input type="hidden" name="gedcom_id" value="' . $news['gedcom_id'] . '">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="date" value="' . $news['date'] . '">'; echo '<table>'; echo '<tr><th style="text-align:left;font-weight:900;" dir="auto;">' . WT_I18N::translate('Title:') . '</th><tr>'; echo '<tr><td><input type="text" name="title" size="50" dir="auto" autofocus value="' . $news['title'] . '"></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><th valign="top" style="text-align:left;font-weight:900;" dir="auto;">' . WT_I18N::translate('Entry text:') . '</th></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<textarea name="text" class="html-edit" cols="80" rows="10" dir="auto">' . WT_Filter::escapeHtml($news['text']) . '</textarea>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td><input type="submit" value="' . WT_I18N::translate('save') . '"></td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</form>'; break; case 'save': $message = array(); if ($news_id) { $message['id'] = $news_id; } $message['user_id'] = $user_id; $message['gedcom_id'] = $gedcom_id; $message['date'] = $date; $message['title'] = $title; $message['text'] = $text; addNews($message); $controller->addInlineJavascript('window.opener.location.reload();window.close();'); break; case 'delete': deleteNews($news_id); $controller->addInlineJavascript('window.opener.location.reload();window.close();'); break; }
/** * Import users etc. from index files * */ function import() { global $INDEX_DIRECTORY, $TBLPREFIX, $pgv_lang, $GEDCOMS, $GEDCOM, $gBitDb; if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "authenticate.php") == false) { $this->impSuccess = false; return; } else { require $INDEX_DIRECTORY . "authenticate.php"; $countold = count($users); $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}users"); foreach ($users as $username => $user) { if ($user["editaccount"] == "1") { $user["editaccount"] = "Y"; } else { $user["editaccount"] = "N"; } //-- make sure fields are set for v4.0 DB if (!isset($user["firstname"])) { if (isset($user["fullname"])) { $parts = explode(' ', trim($user["fullname"])); $user["lastname"] = array_pop($parts); $user["firstname"] = implode(" ", $parts); } else { $user["firstname"] = ''; $user["lastname"] = ''; } } if (!isset($user["comment"])) { $user["comment"] = ''; } if (!isset($user["comment_exp"])) { $user["comment_exp"] = ''; } if (!isset($user["sync_gedcom"])) { $user["sync_gedcom"] = 'N'; } if (!isset($user["relationship_privacy"])) { $user["relationship_privacy"] = 'N'; } if (!isset($user["max_relation_path"])) { $user["max_relation_path"] = '2'; } if (!isset($user["auto_accept"])) { $user["auto_accept"] = 'N'; } if ($user_id = create_user($user['username'], $user['password'])) { set_user_setting($user_id, 'firstname', $user["firstname"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'lastname', $user["lastname"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'email', $user["email"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'theme', $user["theme"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'language', $user["language"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'contactmethod', $user["contactmethod"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'defaulttab', $user["defaulttab"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'comment', $user["comment"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'comment_exp', $user["comment_exp"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'pwrequested', $user["pwrequested"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'reg_timestamp', $user["reg_timestamp"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'reg_hashcode', $user["reg_hashcode"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'loggedin', $user["loggedin"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'sessiontime', $user["sessiontime"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'max_relation_path', $user["max_relation_path"]); set_user_setting($user_id, 'sync_gedcom', $user["sync_gedcom"] ? 'Y' : 'N'); set_user_setting($user_id, 'relationship_privacy', $user["relationship_privacy"] ? 'Y' : 'N'); set_user_setting($user_id, 'auto_accept', $user["auto_accept"] ? 'Y' : 'N'); set_user_setting($user_id, 'canadmin', $user["canadmin"] ? 'Y' : 'N'); set_user_setting($user_id, 'visibleonline', $user["visibleonline"] ? 'Y' : 'N'); set_user_setting($user_id, 'editaccount', $user["editaccount"] ? 'Y' : 'N'); set_user_setting($user_id, 'verified', $user["verified"] ? 'yes' : 'no'); set_user_setting($user_id, 'verified_by_admin', $user["verified_by_admin"] ? 'yes' : 'no'); foreach (array('gedcomid', 'rootid', 'canedit') as $var) { if ($user[$var]) { foreach (unserialize(stripslashes($user[$var])) as $gedcom => $id) { set_user_gedcom_setting($user_id, $gedcom, $var, $id); } } } AddToLog("added user -> {$user['username']} <-"); } } if ($countold == get_user_count()) { $this->impSuccess = true; } else { $this->impSuccess = false; } } if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "messages.dat") == false) { $this->msgSuccess = false; } else { $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}messages"); $messages = array(); $fp = fopen($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "messages.dat", "rb"); $mstring = fread($fp, filesize($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "messages.dat")); fclose($fp); $messages = unserialize($mstring); foreach ($messages as $newid => $message) { $gBitDb->query("INSERT INTO {$TBLPREFIX}messages (m_id, m_from, m_to, m_subject, m_body, m_created) VALUES (?, ? ,? ,? ,? ,?)", array($newid, $message["from"], $message["to"], $message["subject"], $message["body"], $message["created"])); } $this->msgSuccess = true; } if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "favorites.dat") == false) { $this->favSuccess = false; print $pgv_lang["um_nofav"] . "<br /><br />"; } else { $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}favorites"); $favorites = array(); $fp = fopen($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "favorites.dat", "rb"); $mstring = fread($fp, filesize($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "favorites.dat")); fclose($fp); $favorites = unserialize($mstring); foreach ($favorites as $newid => $favorite) { $res = addFavorite($favorite); if (!$res || DB::isError($res)) { $this->errorMsg = "<span class=\"error\">Unable to update <i>Favorites</i> table.</span><br />\n"; return; } } $this->favSuccess = true; } if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "news.dat") == false) { $this->newsSuccess = false; } else { $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}news"); $allnews = array(); $fp = fopen($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "news.dat", "rb"); $mstring = fread($fp, filesize($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "news.dat")); fclose($fp); $allnews = unserialize($mstring); foreach ($allnews as $newid => $news) { $res = addNews($news); if (!$res) { $this->errorMsg = "<span class=\"error\">Unable to update <i>News</i> table.</span><br />\n"; return; } } $this->newsSuccess = true; } if (file_exists($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "blocks.dat") == false) { $this->blockSuccess = false; } else { $gBitDb->query("DELETE FROM {$TBLPREFIX}blocks"); $allblocks = array(); $fp = fopen($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "blocks.dat", "rb"); $mstring = fread($fp, filesize($INDEX_DIRECTORY . "blocks.dat")); fclose($fp); $allblocks = unserialize($mstring); foreach ($allblocks as $bid => $blocks) { $username = $blocks["username"]; $gBitDb->query("INSERT INTO {$TBLPREFIX}blocks (b_id, b_username, b_location, b_order, b_name, b_config) VALUES (?, ? ,? , ?, ?, ?)", array($bid, $blocks["username"], $blocks["location"], $blocks["order"], $blocks["name"], serialize($blocks["config"]))); } $this->blockSuccess = true; } }
$mainimagesrc = trim($_FILES['news_mainimagesrc']['name']); $mainimagedesc = trim($_POST['imagedesc']); $summary = trim($_POST['summary']); $content = trim($_POST['content']); $keywords = trim($_POST['keywords']); $required = array("title", "author", "summary", "content"); foreach ($required as $require) { $value = trim($_POST[$require]); if (!has_value($value)) { $errors[$require] = ucfirst($require) . " can't be blank."; } } $max_lengths = array("title" => 100, "author" => 30, "summary" => 200, "keywords" => 20); max_length($max_lengths); if (empty($errors)) { $uploadNewsPost = addNews($title, $author, $mainimagesrc, $mainimagedesc, $summary, $content, $keywords); $message = $uploadNewsPost; } } ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>EDFC | Admin - Add a News Post</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/normalize.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/foundation.css" /> <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:400,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css"/></head> <body>
function generateBattleReports($target_id, $shipdata, $af, $df) { $af_pids = $af->getPlayerIds(); foreach ($af_pids as $pid) { $br_a = ""; $br_a = getBRHtmlStart($target_id, 'Attackers', true); $br_d = ""; $br_d = getBRHtmlStart($target_id, 'Defenders', false); for ($i = 0; $i < count($shipdata); $i++) { $total_amount = $af->getTotalShipOldAmount($shipdata[$i]['id']); $total_losses = $af->getTotalShipLosses($shipdata[$i]['id']); $shipcol = $af->getPlayerShipCollection($shipdata[$i]['id'], $pid); if ($shipcol) { if ($shipcol->getLostShips() == 0) { $your_amount = $shipcol->getAmount(); } else { $your_amount = $shipcol->getOldAmount(); } $your_losses = $shipcol->getLostShips(); } else { $your_amount = 0; $your_losses = 0; } $br_a .= getBRHtml($shipdata[$i]['name'], true, $total_amount, $total_losses, $your_amount, $your_losses); if ($df) { $total_amount = $df->getTotalShipOldAmount($shipdata[$i]['id']); $total_losses = $df->getTotalShipLosses($shipdata[$i]['id']); $br_d .= getBRHtml($shipdata[$i]['name'], false, $total_amount, $total_losses, 0, 0); } } $br_a .= getBRHtmlEnd(); $br_d .= getBRHtmlEnd(); $complete_battlereport = $br_a.'<br />'.$br_d; addNews($pid, 'Combat', 'Battle report', $complete_battlereport); } if ($df) { $df_pids = $df->getPlayerIds(); if (!in_array($target_id, $df_pids)) { array_push($df_pids, $target_id); } foreach ($df_pids as $pid) { $br_a = ""; $br_a = getBRHtmlStart($target_id, 'Attackers', false); $br_d = ""; $br_d = getBRHtmlStart($target_id, 'Defenders', true); for ($i = 0; $i < count($shipdata); $i++) { $total_amount = $df->getTotalShipOldAmount($shipdata[$i]['id']); $total_losses = $df->getTotalShipLosses($shipdata[$i]['id']); $shipcol = $df->getPlayerShipCollection($shipdata[$i]['id'], $pid); if ($shipcol) { if ($shipcol->getLostShips() == 0) { $your_amount = $shipcol->getAmount(); } else { $your_amount = $shipcol->getOldAmount(); } $your_losses = $shipcol->getLostShips(); } else { $your_amount = 0; $your_losses = 0; } $br_d .= getBRHtml($shipdata[$i]['name'], true, $total_amount, $total_losses, $your_amount, $your_losses); if ($af) { $total_amount = $af->getTotalShipOldAmount($shipdata[$i]['id']); $total_losses = $af->getTotalShipLosses($shipdata[$i]['id']); $br_a .= getBRHtml($shipdata[$i]['name'], false, $total_amount, $total_losses, 0, 0); } } $br_a .= getBRHtmlEnd(); $br_d .= getBRHtmlEnd(); $complete_battlereport = $br_d.'<br />'.$br_a; addNews($pid, 'Combat', 'Battle report', $complete_battlereport); } } }
<html> <?php include 'header.php'; ?> <body> <?php include 'functions.php'; ?> <?php include 'connectdb.php'; ?> <?php //Getting data from the former page via POST method $status = $_POST["status"]; $title = $_POST["title"]; $content = $_POST["content"]; //Status of the post translating into a numeric value if ($status == 'Taslak') { $status = 0; } else { $status = 1; } //Adding news to the db addNews($status, $title, $content); //Redirect to news page header("Location: news.php"); ?> </body> </html>
$link[] = array('href' => 'weixin.php?act=qiandao', 'text' => '签到管理'); sys_msg('操作成功', 0, $link); } else { $sign = $db->getRow("select * from " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('weixin_signconf') . " where cid=1"); $smarty->assign('sign', $sign); $smarty->display('weixin/qiandao_add.html'); } break; case "addkey": $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); if ($_POST) { require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_image.php'; $diy_type = intval($_POST['diy_type']) == 2 ? 2 : 1; $_POST['description'] = $_POST["description{$diy_type}"]; $_POST['title'] = $_POST['title'] ? $_POST['title'] : " "; $diy_value = "article_" . addNews(); $key = getstr($_POST['key']); $keys = getstr($_POST['keys']); $keyname = getstr($_POST['keyname']); if ($id > 0) { $ret = $db->query("UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('weixin_keywords') . " SET `diy_value`='{$diy_value}',`key`='{$key}',`keys`='{$keys}',`keyname`='{$keyname}',`diy_type`={$diy_type} WHERE `id`={$id}"); } else { $ret = $db->query("INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('weixin_keywords') . " \r\n\t\t\t\t(`diy_value`,`key`,`keys`,`keyname`,`diy_type`,`jf_type`,`jf_num`,`jf_maxnum`,`clicks`) VALUE \r\n\t\t\t\t('{$diy_value}','{$key}','{$keys}','{$keyname}','{$diy_type}',0,0,0,0)"); } $link[] = array('href' => 'weixin.php?act=addkey', 'text' => '继续添加'); $link[] = array('href' => 'weixin.php?act=keywords&t=1', 'text' => '关键字管理'); sys_msg('操作成功', 0, $link); } else { $smarty->assign('action_link', array('text' => "关键字管理", 'href' => 'weixin.php?act=keywords&t=1')); $smarty->assign('ur_here', "添加自定义回复"); if ($id > 0) {
if ($lost_ships > 0) { $sql_updship1 = "UPDATE $table[playerunit] SET `amount` = `amount` - '$lost_ships' WHERE `unit_id` = '$ship_id' AND `player_id` = '$player_id'"; appendPlayerLog($player_id, 'Updating ship('.$ship_id.') total amount (dec. with: '.$lost_ships.'). Updated because they where lost in battle (as defender).', ''); mysql_query($sql_updship1) or die(mysql_error()); } if ($new_amount <> $old_amount) { $sql_updship2 = "UPDATE $table[playerfleet_ships] SET `amount` = '$new_amount' WHERE `ship_id` = '$ship_id' AND `player_id` = '$player_id' AND `fleet_id` = '$fleet_id'"; appendPlayerLog($player_id, 'Updating ship('.$ship_id.') fleet amount (new amount: '.$new_amount.'). Updated because they where lost in battle (as defender).', ''); mysql_query($sql_updship2) or die(mysql_error()); } } } } $asteroid_report = getARHtmlStart(); $asteroid_report .= getARHtml('Steel', $p['roid_steel'], ($p['roid_steel'] - $new['roid_steel'])); $asteroid_report .= getARHtml('Crystal', $p['roid_crystal'], ($p['roid_crystal'] - $new['roid_crystal'])); $asteroid_report .= getARHtml('Erbium', $p['roid_erbium'], ($p['roid_erbium'] - $new['roid_erbium'])); $asteroid_report .= getARHtml('Unused', $p['roid_unused'], ($p['roid_unused'] - $new['roid_unused'])); $ar_total = $p['roid_steel'] + $p['roid_crystal'] + $p['roid_erbium'] + $p['roid_unused']; $ar_totalnew = $new['roid_steel'] + $new['roid_crystal'] + $new['roid_erbium'] + $new['roid_unused']; $asteroid_report .= getARHtml('Total', $ar_total, ($ar_total - $ar_totalnew)); $asteroid_report .= getARHtmlEnd(); addNews($id, 'Battle', 'Asteroid losses', $asteroid_report); $time_end = getmicrotime(); $time = $time_end - $time_start; //debug('The battle ran for '.$time.' seconds.'); } ?>
} //-- delete the cache files for the welcome page blocks require_once PGV_ROOT . 'includes/index_cache.php'; clearCache(); $logline = AddToLog("Gedcom configuration " . $INDEX_DIRECTORY . $FILE . "_conf.php" . " updated"); $gedcomconfname = $FILE . "_conf.php"; check_in($logline, $gedcomconfname, $INDEX_DIRECTORY); if (!$errors) { $gednews = getUserNews($FILE); if (count($gednews) == 0) { $news = array(); $news["title"] = "#default_news_title#"; $news["username"] = $FILE; $news["text"] = "#default_news_text#"; $news["date"] = client_time(); addNews($news); } if ($source == "upload_form") { $check = "upload"; } elseif ($source == "add_form") { $check = "add"; } elseif ($source == "add_new_form") { $check = "add_new"; } if (!isset($bakfile)) { $bakfile = ""; } if ($source !== "") { header("Location: " . encode_url("uploadgedcom.php?action={$source}&check={$check}&step=2&GEDFILENAME={$GEDFILENAME}&path={$path}&verify=verify_gedcom&bakfile={$bakfile}", false)); } else { header("Location: editgedcoms.php");
} else { $errors[] = 'status'; } // validate tag if (isset($_POST['tag'])) { $tag = $_POST['tag']; } else { $errors[] = 'tag'; } if (empty($errors)) { $targetava = '../images/news/' . $myAvatar; $targetbanner = '../images/news/' . $myBanner; move_uploaded_file($_FILES['myAvatar']['tmp_name'], $targetava); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['myBanner']['tmp_name'], $targetbanner); // add record $result = addNews($uid, $type_id, $title, $myAvatar, $myBanner, $content, $status); if (mysqli_affected_rows($dbc) == 1) { // add tag $result = get_last_rc(); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 1) { $news = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $news_id = $news['news_id']; } // split tag $tags = explode(',', $tag); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tags); $i++) { $tag = trim($tags[$i]); // check tag exist $rs = get_tag_item_by_key($tag); // tag not exist if (mysqli_num_rows($rs) == 0) {
$post_method = addslashes($_POST['recipe_method']); $getRecords = getRecords($post_recipes_name); if ($_POST['btn-add-recipes'] == "Save Changes" || $_POST['btn-add-recipes'] == "Save Changes & Exit") { $checkName = getName($post_recipes_name); if ($checkName['rows'] > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i <= $getRecords['rows']; $i++) { $recipe_name = cleanurl($post_recipes_name . randomchr()); } } else { $recipe_name = cleanurl($post_recipes_name); } $uploads_dir = '../files/uploads/recipes_image/'; $userfile_name = str_replace(array('(', ')', ' '), '_', $_FILES['upload_recipes_1']['name']); $userfile_tmp = $_FILES['upload_recipes_1']['tmp_name']; $prefix = 'recipes_image-'; $prod_img = $uploads_dir . $prefix . $userfile_name; move_uploaded_file($userfile_tmp, $prod_img); $slider_image = $prefix . $userfile_name; $filename = "files/uploads/recipes_image/" . $slider_image; addNews($post_category_recipes, $post_recipes_name, $filename, $post_recipes_date, $post_ingredients, $post_sauce, $post_method, cleanurl($recipe_name), 'Visible', 'top'); if ($_POST['btn-add-recipes'] == "Save Changes & Exit") { ?> <script> location.href = "http://<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . get_dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "/recipe-detail/" . cleanurl($recipe_name); ?> "; </script> <?php } }
<!-- Start #main --> <div id="main"> <div class="content"> <?php if (isset($_GET['action'])) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'add') { if (isset($_POST['subject'])) { addNews($_POST['subject'], $_POST['message'], $user['username']); } ?> <div class="content-header"> <h4><a href="?p=admin">Main Menu</a> / <a href="?p=admin&sub=news">News</a> / Add News</h4> </div> <!-- .content-header --> <div class="main-content"> <form method="POST" action="?p=admin&sub=news&action=add" class="form label-inline"> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="addnews"> <table> <thead> <tr> <th><center><?php echo $lang['add_news']; ?> </center></th> </tr> </thead> </table> <br /> <!-- Subject --> <div class="field">