文件: 1039.php 项目: rwruss/ib3
     // Save new slot to city information
     fseek($unitFile, $cityID * $defaultBlockSize + 36);
     fwrite($unitFile, pack('i', $cityDat[10]));
 addDataToSlot($gamePath . '/gameSlots.slt', $cityDat[10], pack('i', $newID), $slotFile);
 echo '<p>New unit ID is ' . $newID . '<br>';
 // add a task to the town as an "in progress" task
 // Create a new task to be processed.
 $taskFile = fopen($gamePath . '/tasks.tdt', 'r+b');
 $parameters = pack('i*', intval($postVals[1] / 2) * 2, intval($postVals[2] / 2) * 2, 1, time(), $buildPts[0], 0, 2, $cityID, 0, $cityID, $newID, $postVals[3]);
 $newTask = createTask($taskFile, $parameters);
 //createTask($taskFile, $taskIndex, $duration, $parameters, $gamePath, $slotFile)
 echo '<p>Parameters:';
 print_r(unpack('i*', $parameters));
 addDataToSlot($gamePath . '/gameSlots.slt', $cityDat[21], pack('i', $newTask), $slotFile);
 // this is for adding to a map slot -> addtoSlotGen($gamePath.'/gameSlots.slt', $cityDat[21], pack('i', $taskIndex), $slot_file, 40) // function addtoSlotGen($slot_handle, $check_slot, $addData, $slot_file, $slotSize)
 // add the building to the map file at the specified location
 $mapSlot = floor($postVals[2] / 120) * 120 + floor($postVals[1] / 120);
 $mapSlotFile = fopen($gamePath . '/mapSlotFile.slt', 'r+b');
 //$mapSlot->addItem($mapSlotFile, pack('i*', $townID, 1), $mLoc); // file, bin value, loc
 $mSlotItem = new blockSlot($mapSlot, $mapSlotFile, 404);
 //$mSlotItem->addItem($newID, $mapSlotFile);
 $mLoc = sizeof($mSlotItem->slotData);
 for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($mSlotItem->slotData); $i += 2) {
     if ($mSlotItem->slotData[$i] == 0) {
         $mLoc = $i;
 $mSlotItem->addItem($mapSlotFile, pack('i*', $newID, 1), $mLoc);
文件: 1004.php 项目: rwruss/ib3
 $startLocation = [4800 + $pGameID, 5260 + $pGameID];
 //$pGameID = $_SESSION['gameIDs'][$_GET['gid']];
 $gameSlot = fopen($gamePath . "/gameSlots.slt", "r+b");
 // Create player character
 $newCharID = $unitIndex;
 $unitIndex += 4;
 fseek($unitFile, $newCharID * $defaultBlockSize);
 fwrite($unitFile, pack("i*", $startLocation[0], $startLocation[1], 1, 4, $postVals[1], $postVals[1], 1, 0, 0, 1));
 //fseek($unitFile, $newCharID*$defaultBlockSize+36);
 //fwrite($unitFile, pack("i*", , 1, 1, $pGameID, $pGameID, 1, 1, 1)); // first name, second name, honoriffic, A controller, R controller, x Loc, yLoc
 fseek($unitFile, $newCharID * $defaultBlockSize + $unitBlockSize - 1);
 fwrite($unitFile, pack("C", 0));
 // Add character to player slot
 $charSlot = startASlot($gameSlot, $gamePath . "/gameSlots.slt");
 addDataToSlot($gamePath . "/gameSlots.slt", $charSlot, pack("i", $newCharID), $gameSlot);
 echo 'Char slot is ' . $charSlot . '<br>';
 // Make a position slot to hold this character's leadership position in the town
 $positionSlot = startASlot($gameSlot, $gamePath . "/gameSlots.slt");
 fseek($unitFile, $newCharID * $defaultBlockSize + 48);
 fwrite($unitFile, pack('i', $positionSlot));
 // Create map slot file IF it doesn't already exist
 $mapSlotFile = fopen($gamePath . '/mapSlotFile.slt', 'r+b');
 //fseek($mapSlotFile, 120*90*404-4);
 //fwrite($mapSlotFile, pack('i', 0));
 $mapSlotNum = floor($startLocation[1] / 120) * 120 + floor($startLocation[0] / 120);
 echo 'Record units at slot' . $mapSlotNum;
 $mapSlot = new blockSlot($mapSlotNum, $mapSlotFile, 404);
 /// start, file, size
 // Create a unit slot for the player
 $unitSlot = startASlot($gameSlot, $gamePath . "/gameSlots.slt");
文件: 1011.php 项目: rwruss/ib3
fseek($gameSlotFile, 39);
fwrite($gameSlotFile, pack("C", 0));
fseek($gameSlotFile, 0);
//Create list of players in game
$pGameID = 1;
$newFile = fopen("../games/" . $newGameId . "/players.Dat", "wb");
fwrite($newFile, pack("i*", $_SESSION['playerId'], -1));
// Update parameters file
$paramFile = fopen("../games/" . $newGameId . "/params.ini", "r+b");
fwrite($paramFile, pack("N", time()));
fseek($paramFile, 199);
fwrite($paramFile, pack("C", 0));
// add Game ID to player game list
if ($gameSlot[1] == 0) {
    echo "get new Slot";
    $uSlot = fopen("../users/userSlots.slt", "r+b");
    $newSlot = startASlot($uSlot, "../users/userSlots.slt");
    fseek($uDatFile, $_SESSION['playerId'] * 500 + 8);
    fwrite($uDatFile, pack("N", $newSlot));
    addDataToSlot("../users/userSlots.slt", $newSlot, pack("N", $newGameId), $uSlot);
} else {
    echo "Add game to slot";
    $uSlot = fopen("../users/userSlots.slt", "r+b");
    addDataToSlot("../users/userSlots.slt", $gameSlot[1], pack("N", $newGameId), $uSlot);
文件: 1050.php 项目: rwruss/ib3
 } else {
     echo 'Major lock error';
 fseek($unitFile, $newID * $defaultBlockSize);
 fwrite($unitFile, pack('i*', $cityDat[1], $cityDat[2], 0, 9, $cityID, $cityID, 0, 1, 1, $postVals[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, $cityID, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, $bldgType[11]));
 // Verify that city building slot exists and create one if needed.
 if ($cityDat[17] == 0) {
     // Need to create a new slot
     echo 'Making a new slot';
     $cityDat[17] = startASlot($slotFile, $gamePath . '/gameSlots.slt');
     //startASlot($slot_file, $slot_handle)
     fseek($unitFile, $cityID * $defaultBlockSize + 64);
     fwrite($unitFile, pack('i', $cityDat[17]));
 // Record new building in city buildign slot
 addDataToSlot($gamePath . '/gameSlots.slt', $cityDat[17], pack('i', $newID), $slotFile);
 //writeBlocktoSlot($gamePath.'/gameSlots.slt', $cityDat[17], pack('i*', 0, $newID), $slotFile, 40); // function writeBlocktoSlot($slotHandle, $checkSlot, $addData, $slotFile, $slotSize)
 echo '<p>New unit ID is ' . $newID . '<br>';
 // add a task to the town as an "in progress" task
 // Create a new task to be processed.
 $buildingPoints = explode(',', $bldgType[2]);
 $taskFile = fopen($gamePath . '/tasks.tdt', 'r+b');
 $parameters = pack('i*', $cityDat[1], $cityDat[2], 1, time(), $buildingPoints[0], 0, 2, $cityID, 0, $cityID, $newID, $postVals[1]);
 $newTask = createTask($taskFile, $parameters);
 //createTask($taskFile, $taskIndex, $duration, $parameters, $gamePath, $slotFile)
 echo '<p>Parameters:';
 print_r(unpack('i*', $parameters));
 // Record task in city task list
 // Verify that slot exists and create one if needed.
 if ($cityDat[21] == 0) {