private function _info() { global $Conf; $n = count($this->rank); if (!$this->info_printed && (!count($this->papersel) || $n >= count($this->papersel) || time() - $this->starttime <= 4)) { return; } $pct = round($n / count($this->papersel) * 100); if (!$this->info_printed) { if ($this->header_title) { $Conf->header($this->header_title, $this->header_id, actionBar()); } echo "<div id='foldrankcalculation' class='foldc'><div class='fn info'>Calculating ranks; this can take a while. <span id='rankpercentage'>{$pct}</span>% of ranks assigned<span id='rankdeletedpref'></span>.</div></div>"; $this->info_printed = true; } if ($n < count($this->papersel)) { echo "<script>document.getElementById('rankpercentage').innerHTML = '{$pct}'"; if ($this->deletedpref > 0) { echo ";document.getElementById('rankdeletedpref').innerHTML = ', ", round(($this->totalpref - $this->deletedpref) / $this->totalpref * 100), "% of preferences remain'"; } echo "</script>\n"; } else { echo "<script>document.getElementById('foldrankcalculation').className = 'foldo'</script>\n"; } flush(); }
function document_error($status, $msg) { global $Conf; header("HTTP/1.1 {$status}"); $Conf->header("Download", null, actionBar()); $msg && Conf::msg_error($msg); $Conf->footer(); exit; }
static function check_http_auth() { global $Conf, $Opt, $Me; assert(isset($Opt["httpAuthLogin"])); // if user signed out of HTTP authentication, send a reauth request if (isset($_SESSION["reauth"])) { unset($_SESSION["reauth"]); header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); if (is_string($Opt["httpAuthLogin"])) { header("WWW-Authenticate: " . $Opt["httpAuthLogin"]); } else { header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"HotCRP\""); } exit; } // if user is still valid, OK if ($Me->has_database_account()) { return; } // check HTTP auth if (!isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]) || !$_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]) { $Conf->header("Error", "home", actionBar()); Conf::msg_error("This site is using HTTP authentication to manage its users, but you have not provided authentication data. This usually indicates a server configuration error."); $Conf->footer(); exit; } $_REQUEST["email"] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]; if (validate_email($_REQUEST["email"])) { $_REQUEST["preferredEmail"] = $_REQUEST["email"]; } else { if (isset($Opt["defaultEmailDomain"]) && validate_email($_REQUEST["email"] . "@" . $Opt["defaultEmailDomain"])) { $_REQUEST["preferredEmail"] = $_REQUEST["email"] . "@" . $Opt["defaultEmailDomain"]; } } $_REQUEST["action"] = "login"; if (!self::check_login()) { $Conf->footer(); exit; } }
} else { SettingGroup::crosscheck($sv, $Group); $sv->report(); } } if (isset($_REQUEST["update"]) && check_post()) { do_setting_update($Sv); } if (isset($_REQUEST["cancel"]) && check_post()) { redirectSelf(); } if (!$Sv->warnings_reported) { SettingGroup::crosscheck($Sv, $Group); $Sv->report(); } $Conf->header("Settings ∕ <strong>" . SettingGroup::$all[$Group]->description . "</strong>", "settings", actionBar()); $Conf->echoScript(""); // clear out other script references echo $Conf->make_script_file("scripts/settings.js"), "\n"; echo Ht::form(hoturl_post("settings", "group={$Group}"), array("id" => "settingsform")); echo '<div class="leftmenu_menucontainer"><div class="leftmenu_list">'; foreach (SettingGroup::all() as $g) { if ($g->name === $Group) { echo '<div class="leftmenu_item_on">', $g->description, '</div>'; } else { echo '<div class="leftmenu_item">', '<a href="', hoturl("settings", "group={$g->name}"), '">', $g->description, '</a></div>'; } } echo "</div></div>\n", '<div class="leftmenu_content_container"><div class="leftmenu_content">', '<div class="leftmenu_body">'; Ht::stash_script("jQuery(\".leftmenu_item\").click(divclick)"); function doActionArea($top)
$Conf->qe("delete from PaperConflict where contactId={$reviewer} and (" . substr($del, 4) . ")"); } $Conf->update_rev_tokens_setting(false); if ($Conf->setting("pcrev_assigntime") == $Now) { $Conf->confirmMsg("Assignments saved! You may want to <a href=\"" . hoturl("mail", "template=newpcrev") . "\">send mail about the new assignments</a>."); } redirectSelf(["kind" => $qreq->kind]); } if ($qreq->update && $reviewer > 0 && check_post()) { saveAssignments($qreq, $reviewer); } else { if ($qreq->update) { Conf::msg_error("You need to select a reviewer."); } } $Conf->header("Assignments ∕ <strong>Manual</strong>", "assignpc", actionBar()); echo '<div class="psmode">', '<div class="papmode"><a href="', hoturl("autoassign"), '">Automatic</a></div>', '<div class="papmodex"><a href="', hoturl("manualassign"), '">Manual</a></div>', '<div class="papmode"><a href="', hoturl("bulkassign"), '">Bulk update</a></div>', '</div><hr class="c" />'; // Help list echo "<div class='helpside'><div class='helpinside'>\nAssignment methods:\n<ul><li><a href='", hoturl("autoassign"), "'>Automatic</a></li>\n <li><a href='", hoturl("manualassign"), "' class='q'><strong>Manual by PC member</strong></a></li>\n <li><a href='", hoturl("assign"), "'>Manual by paper</a></li>\n <li><a href='", hoturl("bulkassign"), "'>Bulk update</a></li>\n</ul>\n<hr class='hr' />\n"; if ($qreq->kind == "a") { echo "Types of PC review:\n<dl><dt>" . review_type_icon(REVIEW_PRIMARY) . " Primary</dt><dd>Mandatory, may not be delegated</dd>\n <dt>" . review_type_icon(REVIEW_SECONDARY) . " Secondary</dt><dd>Mandatory, may be delegated to external reviewers</dd>\n <dt>" . review_type_icon(REVIEW_PC) . " Optional</dt><dd>May be declined</dd></dl>\n<hr class='hr' />\n"; } echo "<dl><dt>Potential conflicts</dt><dd>Matches between PC member collaborators and paper authors, or between PC member and paper authors or collaborators</dd>\n"; if ($qreq->kind == "a") { echo "<dt>Preference</dt><dd><a href='", hoturl("reviewprefs"), "'>Review preference</a></dd>\n <dt>Topic score</dt><dd>+4 per high interest paper topic, −2 per low interest paper topic</dd>\n <dt>Desirability</dt><dd>High values mean many PC members want to review the paper</dd>\n"; } echo "</dl>\nClick a heading to sort.\n</div></div>"; if ($reviewer > 0) { echo "<h2 style='margin-top:1em'>Assignments for ", $Me->name_html_for($pcm[$reviewer]), $pcm[$reviewer]->affiliation ? " (" . htmlspecialchars($pcm[$reviewer]->affiliation) . ")" : "", "</h2>\n"; } else { echo "<h2 style='margin-top:1em'>Assignments by PC member</h2>\n";
$Graphs["procrastination"] = "Procrastination"; $Graphs["formula"] = "Formula"; } if (!count($Graphs)) { $Me->escape(); } reset($Graphs); $GraphSynonym = array("reviewerlameness" => "procrastination"); if ($Graph && isset($GraphSynonym[$Graph])) { $Graph = $GraphSynonym[$Graph]; } if (!$Graph || !isset($Graphs[$Graph])) { redirectSelf(array("g" => key($Graphs))); } // Header and body $Conf->header("Graphs", "graphbody", actionBar()); $Conf->echoScript(""); echo $Conf->make_script_file("scripts/d3.min.js", true); echo $Conf->make_script_file("scripts/graph.js"); function echo_graph() { echo '<div id="hotgraph" style="position:relative;max-width:960px;margin-bottom:4em"></div>', "\n"; } // Procrastination report if ($Graph == "procrastination") { echo "<h2>Procrastination</h2>\n"; echo_graph(); $rt = new ReviewTimes($Me); $Conf->echoScript('jQuery(function () { hotcrp_graphs.procrastination("#hotgraph",' . json_encode($rt->json()) . '); })'); } // Formula experiment
} if (($count = cvtint(@$_REQUEST["n"], -1)) <= 0) { $count = $DEFAULT_COUNT; } $count = min($count, $MAX_COUNT); if (($offset = cvtint(@$_REQUEST["offset"], -1)) < 0 || $offset >= $count) { $offset = 0; } if ($offset == 0 || $page == 1) { $start = ($page - 1) * $count; $offset = 0; } else { $start = ($page - 2) * $count + $offset; } $nlinks = 4; $Conf->header("Log", "actionlog", actionBar()); $wheres = array(); $Eclass["q"] = $Eclass["pap"] = $Eclass["acct"] = $Eclass["n"] = $Eclass["date"] = ""; $_REQUEST["q"] = trim(defval($_REQUEST, "q", "")); $_REQUEST["pap"] = trim(defval($_REQUEST, "pap", "")); $_REQUEST["acct"] = trim(defval($_REQUEST, "acct", "")); $_REQUEST["n"] = trim(defval($_REQUEST, "n", "{$DEFAULT_COUNT}")); $_REQUEST["date"] = trim(defval($_REQUEST, "date", "now")); if ($_REQUEST["pap"]) { $Search = new PaperSearch($Me, array("t" => "all", "q" => $_REQUEST["pap"], "allow_deleted" => true)); if (count($Search->warnings)) { $Conf->warnMsg(join("<br />\n", $Search->warnings)); } $pl = $Search->paperList(); if (count($pl)) { $where = array();
} else { if (!$MiniMe->check_password($_REQUEST["password"])) { $MergeError = "That password is incorrect."; } else { if ($MiniMe->contactId == $Me->contactId) { $Conf->confirmMsg("Accounts successfully merged."); go(hoturl("index")); } else { crpmerge($MiniMe); } } } } } } $Conf->header("Merge accounts", "mergeaccounts", actionBar()); if ($MergeError) { Conf::msg_error($MergeError); } else { $Conf->infoMsg("You may have multiple accounts registered with the " . Conf::$gShortName . " conference; perhaps " . "multiple people asked you to review a paper using " . "different email addresses. " . "If you have been informed of multiple accounts, " . "enter the email address and the password " . "of the secondary account. This will merge all the information from " . "that account into this one. "); } echo "<form method='post' action=\"", hoturl_post("mergeaccounts"), "\" accept-charset='UTF-8'>\n"; // Try to prevent glasses interactions from screwing up merges echo Ht::hidden("actas", $Me->contactId); ?> <table class='form'> <tr> <td class='caption'>Email</td> <td class='entry'><input type='text' name='email' size='50'
if (count($tokeninfo)) { $Conf->infoMsg(join("<br />\n", $tokeninfo)); } redirectSelf(); } if (isset($_REQUEST["token"]) && check_post() && !$Me->is_empty()) { change_review_tokens(); } if (isset($_REQUEST["cleartokens"])) { $Me->change_review_token(false, false); } if ($Me->privChair) { require_once "adminhome.php"; } $title = $Me->is_empty() || isset($_REQUEST["signin"]) ? "Sign in" : "Home"; $Conf->header($title, "home", actionBar()); $xsep = " <span class='barsep'>·</span> "; if ($Me->privChair) { echo "<div id='clock_drift_container'></div>"; } // Sidebar echo "<div class='homeside'>"; echo "<noscript><div class='homeinside'>", "<strong>HotCRP requires Javascript.</strong> ", "Many features will work without Javascript, but not all.<br />", "<a style='font-size:smaller' href=''>Report bad compatibility problems</a></div></noscript>"; // Conference management and information sidebar echo '<div class="homeinside">'; if ($Me->is_manager()) { $links = array(); if ($Me->privChair) { $links[] = '<a href="' . hoturl("settings") . '">Settings</a>'; $links[] = '<a href="' . hoturl("users", "t=all") . '">Users</a>'; }
if (isset($_REQUEST["setvote"])) { $Conf->confirmMsg("Votes saved."); } else { $Conf->confirmMsg("Ranking saved. To view it, <a href='" . hoturl("search", "q=order:" . urlencode($tag)) . "'>search for “order:{$tag}”</a>."); } } } if ((isset($_REQUEST["setvote"]) || isset($_REQUEST["setrank"])) && $Me->is_reviewer() && check_post()) { setTagIndexes(); } $pastDeadline = !$Conf->time_review(null, $Me->isPC, true); if (!$Conf->time_review_open() && !$Me->privChair) { Conf::msg_error("The site is not open for review."); go(hoturl("index")); } $Conf->header("Offline reviewing", "offline", actionBar()); if ($Me->is_reviewer()) { if (!$Conf->time_review_open()) { $Conf->infoMsg("The site is not open for review."); } $Conf->infoMsg("Use this page to download a blank review form, or to upload review forms you’ve already filled out."); if (!$Me->can_clickthrough("review")) { PaperTable::echo_review_clickthrough(); } } else { $Conf->infoMsg("You aren’t registered as a reviewer or PC member for this conference, but for your information, you may download the review form anyway."); } echo "<table id='offlineform'>"; // Review forms echo "<tr><td><h3>Download forms</h3>\n<div>"; if ($Me->is_reviewer()) {
$Conf->echoScript("fold('mail',null)"); } } function complete_assignment($callback) { global $Me; $assignset = new AssignmentSet($Me, false); $assignset->parse($_POST["file"], get($_POST, "filename"), assignment_defaults(), $callback); $SSel = SearchSelection::make(make_qreq(), $Me); $assignset->restrict_papers($SSel->selection()); return $assignset->execute(true); } if (isset($_REQUEST["saveassignment"]) && check_post() && (isset($_REQUEST["cancel"]) || isset($_POST["file"]) && get($_POST, "assignment_size_estimate") < 1000 && complete_assignment(null))) { /*redirectSelf()*/ } $Conf->header("Assignments ∕ <strong>Bulk update</strong>", "bulkassign", actionBar()); echo '<div class="psmode">', '<div class="papmode"><a href="', hoturl("autoassign"), '">Automatic</a></div>', '<div class="papmode"><a href="', hoturl("manualassign"), '">Manual</a></div>', '<div class="papmodex"><a href="', hoturl("bulkassign"), '">Bulk update</a></div>', '</div><hr class="c" />'; // Help list echo "<div class='helpside'><div class='helpinside'>\nAssignment methods:\n<ul><li><a href='", hoturl("autoassign"), "'>Automatic</a></li>\n <li><a href='", hoturl("manualassign"), "'>Manual by PC member</a></li>\n <li><a href='", hoturl("assign"), "'>Manual by paper</a></li>\n <li><a href='", hoturl("bulkassign"), "' class='q'><strong>Bulk update</strong></a></li>\n</ul>\n<hr class='hr' />\nTypes of PC review:\n<dl><dt>" . review_type_icon(REVIEW_PRIMARY) . " Primary</dt><dd>Mandatory, may not be delegated</dd>\n <dt>" . review_type_icon(REVIEW_SECONDARY) . " Secondary</dt><dd>Mandatory, may be delegated to external reviewers</dd>\n <dt>" . review_type_icon(REVIEW_PC) . " Optional</dt><dd>May be declined</dd></dl>\n</div></div>"; // upload review form action if (isset($_POST["bulkentry"]) && trim($_POST["bulkentry"]) === "Enter assignments") { unset($_POST["bulkentry"]); } if (isset($_GET["upload"]) && check_post() && (isset($_POST["bulkentry"]) && $_POST["bulkentry"] || fileUploaded($_FILES["bulk"]))) { flush(); while (@ob_end_flush()) { /* do nothing */ } if (fileUploaded($_FILES["bulk"])) { $text = file_get_contents($_FILES["bulk"]["tmp_name"]); $filename = $_FILES["bulk"]["name"];
} } } if (isset($_REQUEST["scoresort"]) && ($_REQUEST["scoresort"] == "A" || $_REQUEST["scoresort"] == "V" || $_REQUEST["scoresort"] == "D")) { $Conf->save_session("scoresort", $_REQUEST["scoresort"]); } if ($_REQUEST["t"] == "pc") { $title = "Program committee"; } else { if (str_starts_with($_REQUEST["t"], "#")) { $title = "#" . substr($_REQUEST["t"], 1) . " program committee"; } else { $title = "Users"; } } $Conf->header($title, "accounts", actionBar()); $pl = new ContactList($Me, true); $pl_text = $pl->table_html($_REQUEST["t"], hoturl("users", ["t" => $_REQUEST["t"]]), $tOpt[$_REQUEST["t"]], 'uldisplay.$'); // form echo "<div class='g'></div>\n"; if (count($tOpt) > 1) { echo "<table id='contactsform' class='tablinks1'>\n<tr><td><div class='tlx'><div class='tld1'>"; echo Ht::form_div(hoturl("users"), array("method" => "get")); if (isset($_REQUEST["sort"])) { echo Ht::hidden("sort", $_REQUEST["sort"]); } echo Ht::select("t", $tOpt, $_REQUEST["t"], array("id" => "contactsform1_d")), " ", Ht::submit("Go"), "</div></form>"; echo "</div><div class='tld2'>"; // Display options echo Ht::form_div(hoturl("users"), array("method" => "get")); foreach (array("t", "sort") as $x) {
if ($type > 2) { echo '<hr class="c" />', "</div>\n"; } } function textinput($name, $value, $size, $id = false, $password = false) { return '<input type="' . ($password ? "password" : "text") . '" name="' . $name . '" ' . ($id ? "id=\"{$id}\" " : "") . 'size="' . $size . '" value="' . $value . '" />'; } function create_modes($hlbulk) { echo '<div class="psmode">', '<div class="', $hlbulk ? "papmode" : "papmodex", '">', Ht::js_link("New account", "fold('bulk',true,9)"), '</div><div class="', $hlbulk ? "papmodex" : "papmode", '">', Ht::js_link("Bulk update", "fold('bulk',false,9)"), '</div></div><hr class="c" style="margin-bottom:24px" />', "\n"; } if ($newProfile) { $Conf->header("User update", "account", actionBar("account")); } else { $Conf->header($Me->email == $Acct->email ? "Profile" : "Account profile", "account", actionBar("account", $Acct)); } $useRequest = !$Acct->has_database_account() && isset($_REQUEST["watchcomment"]); if ($UserStatus->nerrors) { $need_highlight = $useRequest = true; } if (!$UserStatus->nerrors && @$Conf->session("freshlogin") === "redirect") { $Conf->save_session("freshlogin", null); $ispc = $Acct->is_pclike(); $msgs = array(); $amsg = ""; if (!$Me->firstName && !$Me->lastName) { $msgs[] = "enter your name" . ($Me->affiliation ? "" : " and affiliation"); } else { if (!$Me->affiliation) { $msgs[] = "enter your affiliation";
$scoreselector["-" . $f->id] = "low {$f->name_html} scores"; } } if ($scoreselector["+overAllMerit"] === "") { unset($scoreselector["+overAllMerit"], $scoreselector["-overAllMerit"]); } $scoreselector["x"] = "(no score preference)"; // download proposed assignment if (isset($Qreq->saveassignment) && isset($Qreq->download) && isset($Qreq->assignment)) { $assignset = new AssignmentSet($Me, true); $assignset->parse($Qreq->assignment); $x = $assignset->unparse_csv(); downloadCSV($x->data, $x->header, "assignments", ["selection" => true, "sort" => SORT_NATURAL]); } $Error = array(); $Conf->header("Assignments ∕ <strong>Automatic</strong>", "autoassign", actionBar()); echo '<div class="psmode">', '<div class="papmodex"><a href="', hoturl("autoassign"), '">Automatic</a></div>', '<div class="papmode"><a href="', hoturl("manualassign"), '">Manual</a></div>', '<div class="papmode"><a href="', hoturl("bulkassign"), '">Bulk update</a></div>', '</div><hr class="c" />'; class AutoassignerInterface { private $atype; private $atype_review; private $reviewtype; private $discordertag; private $autoassigner; private $start_at; private $live; public $ok = false; public function check() { global $Error, $Qreq; $atypes = array("rev" => "r", "revadd" => "r", "revpc" => "r", "lead" => true, "shepherd" => true, "prefconflict" => true, "clear" => true, "discorder" => true);
exit; } // set options to view if (isset($_REQUEST["redisplay"])) { $pfd = " "; foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, 4) == "show" && $v) { $pfd .= substr($k, 4) . " "; } } $Conf->save_session("pfdisplay", $pfd); redirectSelf(); } $pldisplay = displayOptionsSet("pfdisplay"); // Header and body $Conf->header("Review preferences", "revpref", actionBar()); $Conf->infoMsg($Conf->message_html("revprefdescription")); // search $search = new PaperSearch($Me, array("t" => "rable", "urlbase" => hoturl_site_relative_raw("reviewprefs", "reviewer={$reviewer}"), "q" => defval($_REQUEST, "q", "")), $reviewer); $pl = new PaperList($search, ["sort" => true, "list" => true, "row_id_pattern" => "p#", "foldtype" => "pf", "reviewer" => $reviewer_contact], make_qreq()); $pl_text = $pl->table_html("editReviewPreference", array("class" => "pltable_full", "table_id" => "foldpl", "attributes" => array("data-fold-session" => "pfdisplay.\$"), "footer_extra" => "<div id='plactr'>" . Ht::submit("update", "Save changes", array("class" => "hb")) . "</div>", "list_properties" => ["revprefs" => true])); // DISPLAY OPTIONS echo "<table id='searchform' class='tablinks1'>\n<tr><td>"; // <div class='tlx'><div class='tld1'>"; $showing_au = !$Conf->subBlindAlways() && strpos($pldisplay, " au ") !== false; $showing_anonau = (!$Conf->subBlindNever() || $Me->privChair) && strpos($pldisplay, " anonau ") !== false; echo Ht::form_div(hoturl("reviewprefs"), array("method" => "get", "id" => "redisplayform", "class" => $showing_au || $showing_anonau && $Conf->subBlindAlways() ? "fold10o" : "fold10c")), "<table>"; if ($Me->privChair) { echo "<tr><td class='lxcaption'><strong>Preferences:</strong> </td><td class='lentry'>"; $prefcount = array(); $result = $Conf->qe("select contactId, count(preference) from PaperReviewPreference where preference!=0 group by contactId");
HelpTopic::register("ranking", "Ranking", "PC members can rank papers using tags."); HelpTopic::register("formulas", "Formulas", "Create and display formulas in search orders."); if (!isset($_REQUEST["t"]) && preg_match(',\\A/(\\w+)\\z,i', Navigation::path())) { $_REQUEST["t"] = substr(Navigation::path(), 1); } $topic = defval($_REQUEST, "t", "topics"); if ($topic == "syntax") { $topic = "keywords"; } if (!isset(HelpTopic::$list[$topic])) { $topic = "topics"; } if ($topic === "topics") { $Conf->header("Help", "help", actionBar()); } else { $Conf->header("Help ∕ <strong>" . HelpTopic::$list[$topic]->name . "</strong>", "help", actionBar()); } function _alternateRow($caption, $entry, $next = null) { global $rowidx; if ($caption) { $below = ""; if (is_array($caption)) { list($caption, $below) = $caption; } if (!preg_match('/<a/', $caption)) { $anchor = strtolower(preg_replace('/\\W+/', "_", $caption)); $caption = '<a class="qq" name="' . $anchor . '" href="#' . $anchor . '">' . $caption . '</a>'; } echo '<tr><td class="sentry nw" colspan="2">', '<h4 class="helppage">', $caption, '</h4>', $below, '</td></tr>', "\n"; $rowidx = null;
$_REQUEST["subject"] = $null_mailer->expand($template["subject"]); $_REQUEST["emailBody"] = $null_mailer->expand($template["body"]); } // Set recipients list, now that template is loaded $recip = new MailRecipients($Me, @$_REQUEST["recipients"], $papersel, @$_REQUEST["newrev_since"]); // Warn if no papers match if (isset($papersel) && count($papersel) == 0 && !isset($_REQUEST["loadtmpl"]) && !isset($_REQUEST["psearch"]) && $recip->need_papers()) { Conf::msg_error("No papers match that search."); unset($papersel); unset($_REQUEST["check"]); unset($_REQUEST["send"]); } if (isset($_REQUEST["monreq"])) { $Conf->header("Monitor external reviews", "mail", actionBar()); } else { $Conf->header("Mail", "mail", actionBar()); } $subjectPrefix = "[" . Conf::$gShortName . "] "; class MailSender { private $recip; private $sending; private $started = false; private $group; private $groupable = false; private $mcount = 0; private $mrecipients = array(); private $mpapers = array(); private $cbcount = 0; private $mailid_text = ""; function __construct($recip, $sending)
<?php // deadlines.php -- HotCRP deadline reporting page // HotCRP is Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Eddie Kohler and Regents of the UC // Distributed under an MIT-like license; see LICENSE require_once "src/initweb.php"; // *** NB If you change this script, also change the logic in index.php *** // *** that hides the link when there are no deadlines to show. *** $dl = $Me->my_deadlines(); if (get($_REQUEST, "ajax")) { $dl->ok = true; $Conf->ajaxExit($dl); } // header and script $Conf->header("Deadlines", "deadlines", actionBar()); echo "<p>These deadlines determine when various conference\nsubmission and review functions can be accessed."; if ($Me->privChair) { echo " As PC chair, you can also <a href='", hoturl("settings"), "'>change the deadlines</a>."; } echo "</p>\n\n<dl>\n"; function printDeadline($time, $phrase, $description) { global $Conf; echo "<dt><strong>", $phrase, "</strong>: ", $Conf->printableTime($time, "span"), "</dt>\n", "<dd>", $description, $description ? "<br />" : "", "</dd>"; } // If you change these, also change Contact::has_reportable_deadline(). if (get($dl->sub, "reg")) { printDeadline($dl->sub->reg, "Paper registration deadline", "You can register new papers until this deadline."); } if (get($dl->sub, "update")) { printDeadline($dl->sub->update, "Paper update deadline", "You can upload new versions of your paper and change other paper information until this deadline.");