?> <?php } ?> <?php foreach ($form as $row) { ?> <?php echo $row->isHidden() ? '' : $row->renderRow(); ?> <?php } ?> <ul class="a-ui a-controls"> <li class="a-admin-action-save"><input type="submit" value="<?php echo a_('Submit'); ?> " class="a-btn a-show-busy"></li> </ul> </form> <?php a_js_call('aPollSubmitPollForm(?)', array('form' => '#a-poll-form-' . $poll->getId(), 'container' => '#a-slot-content-' . $pageid . '-' . $name . '-' . $permid, 'url' => url_for($action))); ?> </div> </div>
<h3 class="a-map-title"><?php echo $options['title']; ?> </h3> <?php } ?> <div class="a-map" id="a-map-<?php echo "{$pageid}-{$name}-{$permid}"; ?> " style="width:<?php echo $options['width']; ?> px;height:<?php echo $options['height']; ?> px;"> <span class="a-map-address"><?php echo $options['address'] ? $options['address'] : ''; ?> </span> </div> <?php a_js_call('aMapSlot.createGoogleMap(?)', array('title' => $options['title'], 'longitude' => $options['longitude'], 'latitude' => $options['latitude'], 'zoom' => $options['zoom'], 'controls' => $options['controls'] ? array('pan' => $options['controls']['pan'], 'zoom' => $options['controls']['zoom'], 'scale' => $options['controls']['scale']) : false, 'container' => '#a-map-' . $pageid . '-' . $name . '-' . $permid)); ?> <?php }
?> <?php include_partial('aNavigation/accordion', array('nav' => $item['children'], 'draggable' => $draggable, 'maxDepth' => $maxDepth - 1, 'name' => $name, 'nest' => $nest + 1, 'dragIcon' => $dragIcon, 'class' => $class, 'active' => $active)); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($dragIcon && $draggable) { ?> <?php echo a_js_button('Drag', array('icon', 'a-drag', 'no-label', 'alt', 'no-bg')); ?> <?php } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php if ($draggable) { ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.accordionEnhancements(?)', array('name' => $name, 'nest' => $nest, 'url' => url_for('a/sortNav') . '?page=' . $item['id'])); }
<div class="a-media-footer clearfix"> <div class="a-media-library-controls a-ui bottom"> <?php include_slot('a-media-library-controls'); ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php // Media Sidebar is wrapped slot('a-subnav') include_component('aMedia', 'browser'); ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.selectOnFocus(?)', '.a-select-on-focus'); ?> <?php if ($layout['name'] != "four-up") { ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.mediaEmbeddableToggle(?)', array('selector' => '.a-media-item.a-embedded-item')); } ?> <?php if ($layout['name'] == "four-up" && !$selecting) { a_js_call('apostrophe.mediaFourUpLayoutEnhancements(?)', array('selector' => '.four-up .a-media-item.a-type-image')); }
if ($sf_params->get('module') != 'aFeedback') { use_helper('a'); ?> <div class="a-feedback-footer clearfix" id="a-feedback-footer"> <?php echo a_js_button(a_('Submit a Bug Report'), array('a-link', 'a-feedback'), 'a-feedback-link'); ?> <div class="a-feedback-form-container clearfix" id="a-feedback-form-container"> <?php include_partial('aFeedback/feedback', array('form' => new aFeedbackForm(), 'feedbackSubmittedBy' => false, 'failed' => false)); ?> </div> <?php if ($reportSubmittedBy = $sf_user->getFlash('reportSubmittedBy')) { ?> <div class="a-feedback-submitted clearfix"><span class="submitted-by"><?php echo $reportSubmittedBy; ?> </span> – <?php echo a_('Thank you for submitting a bug report.'); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php a_js_call('aFeedback.feedbackForm(?)', array('url' => url_for('aFeedback/feedback') . "?" . http_build_query(array('section' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])))); }
<li> <?php // We want to eliminate jQuery helpers, but writing this link as raw HTML is tricky because ?> <?php // of the need to quote the title option right. And link_to doesn't like '#' as a URL. So we use ?> <?php // content_tag, Symfony's lower-level helper for outputting any tag and its content programmatically ?> <?php echo content_tag('a', '<span class="icon"></span>' . (isset($label) ? a_($label) : a_("Edit")), array('href' => '#edit-slot-' . $pageid . '-' . $name . '-' . $permid, 'id' => "a-slot-edit-{$pageid}-{$name}-{$permid}", 'class' => isset($class) ? $class : 'a-btn icon a-edit', 'title' => isset($title) ? $title : a_('Edit'))); ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.slotEnableEditButton(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', $pageid, $name, $permid, url_for($slot->type . 'Slot/ajaxEditView'), aTools::getRealUrl()); ?> </li> <?php if ($controlsSlot) { ?> <?php end_slot(); ?> <?php } } ?>
<?php $w = $form['title_or_tag']; ?> <input type="radio" id="<?php echo $w->renderId(); ?> -title" name="<?php echo $w->renderName(); ?> " value="title" <?php echo $w->getValue() === "title" ? 'checked' : ''; ?> /> <h4><label for="<?php echo $w->renderId(); ?> -title"><?php echo a_('By Title'); ?> </label></h4> <div class="a-form-row blog-posts"> <?php echo $form['blog_posts']->render(); ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php a_js_call('aBlog.slotEditView(?)', array('formName' => $form->getName(), 'autocompleteUrl' => url_for("aBlogAdmin/search"), 'class' => 'blog-posts', 'selfLabelSelector' => '#' . $w->renderId() . '-title', 'debug' => false));
<?php // Compatible with sf_escaping_strategy: true $name = isset($name) ? $sf_data->getRaw('name') : null; $options = isset($options) ? $sf_data->getRaw('options') : null; $type = isset($type) ? $sf_data->getRaw('type') : null; use_helper('a'); ?> <?php include_component('a', 'area', array('name' => $name, 'refresh' => true, 'addSlot' => $type, 'preview' => false, 'options' => $options)); ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.afterAddingSlot(?)', $name); include_partial('a/globalJavascripts');
<?php use_helper('a'); use_javascript('/sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin/js/pkTagahead.js'); $options = array('choose-one' => a_('Choose Categories')); if (sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->hasCredential(aMediaTools::getOption('admin_credential'))) { ?> <?php $options['add'] = a_('+ New Category'); } a_js_call('aMultipleSelectAll(?)', $options);
echo $id; ?> " class="a-slideshow-controls blog"> <li class="a-arrow-btn icon a-arrow-left alt"><span class="icon"></span><?php echo __('Previous', null, 'apostrophe'); ?> </li> <?php if ($options['position']) { ?> <li class="a-slideshow-position"> <span class="a-slideshow-position-head">1</span> of <span class="a-slideshow-position-total"><?php echo count($aBlogPosts); ?> </span> </li> <?php } ?> <li class="a-arrow-btn icon a-arrow-right alt"><span class="icon"></span><?php echo __('Next', null, 'apostrophe'); ?> </li> </ul> <?php } ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.slideshowSlot(?)', array('debug' => true, 'slideshowSelector' => '#a-blog-slideshow-' . $id, 'slideshowItemsSelector' => '.a-blog-item', 'id' => $id, 'position' => $options['position'], 'interval' => $options['interval'], 'transition' => $options['transition'], 'duration' => $options['duration'], 'title' => $title));
slot('body_class', $body_class); ?> <?php $i = 1; ?> <?php slot('a-page-header'); ?> <?php include_partial('aMedia/mediaHeader', array('uploadAllowed' => $uploadAllowed, 'embedAllowed' => $embedAllowed)); end_slot(); ?> <div class="a-media-library"> <div class="a-media-items"> <?php include_partial('aMedia/mediaItem', array('mediaItem' => $mediaItem, 'layout' => $layout, 'i' => $i, 'selecting' => $selecting, 'autoplay' => true)); ?> </div> </div> <?php // Media Sidebar is wrapped slot('a-subnav') include_component('aMedia', 'browser'); ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.selectOnFocus(?)', '.a-select-on-focus');
<div class="a-audio-slider-wrapper"> <div class="a-audio-volume a-audio-slider" id="a-audio-volume-<?php echo $uniqueID; ?> "> <a href="#" class="a-audio-slider-handle ui-slider-handle">Volume</a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="a-audio-player-<?php echo $uniqueID; ?> " class="a-audio-player"></div> <?php if ($download) { ?> <div class="a-audio-download"><?php echo link_to(__("Download Audio File", null, 'apostrophe'), "aMediaBackend/original?" . http_build_query(array("slug" => $item->getSlug(), "format" => $item->getFormat())), array('class' => 'a-download')); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.audioPlayerSetup(?, ?)', "#a-audio-player-container-{$uniqueID}", url_for('aMediaBackend/original?' . http_build_query(array('slug' => $item->getSlug(), 'format' => $item->getFormat()))));
<?php slot("a-slot-controls-{$pageid}-{$name}-{$permid}"); ?> <?php if ($options['image']) { ?> <?php include_partial('aImageSlot/choose', array('action' => 'aButtonSlot/image', 'buttonLabel' => a_get_option($options, 'chooseLabel', a_('Choose Image')), 'label' => a_get_option($options, 'browseLabel', a_('Select an Image')), 'class' => 'a-btn icon a-media', 'type' => 'image', 'constraints' => $options['constraints'], 'itemId' => $itemId, 'name' => $name, 'slug' => $slug, 'permid' => $permid)); ?> <?php } ?> <?php include_partial('a/simpleEditWithVariants', array('pageid' => $pageid, 'name' => $name, 'permid' => $permid, 'slot' => $slot, 'page' => $page, 'controlsSlot' => false, 'label' => a_get_option($options, 'editLabel', a_('Edit')))); ?> <?php end_slot(); ?> <?php } ?> <?php include_partial('aButtonSlot/' . $options['itemTemplate'] . 'Template', array('dimensions' => $dimensions, 'constraints' => $options['constraints'], 'editable' => $editable, 'item' => $item, 'itemId' => $itemId, 'name' => $name, 'options' => $options, 'page' => $page, 'pageid' => $pageid, 'permid' => $permid, 'slot' => $slot, 'slug' => $slug, 'embed' => $embed)); ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.buttonSlot(?)', array('button' => '#a-button-' . $pageid . '-' . $name . '-' . $permid, 'rollover' => $options['rollover'] && $options['link'] ? $options['rollover'] : false));
echo $form['email_address']->renderLabel(null, array('class' => 'a-hidden')); ?> <div class="a-form-field"> <?php echo $form['email_address']->render(); ?> </div> <?php echo $form['email_address']->renderError(); ?> <div class="help"> <?php echo __('We can email you instructions to reset your password.', null, 'sf_guard'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="a-form-row submit clearfix"> <input type="submit" class="a-btn big a-submit" name="change" value="<?php echo __('Reset Password', null, 'apostrophe'); ?> " /> </div> </form> </div> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.selfLabel(?)', array('selector' => '#forgot_password_email_address', 'title' => 'Email', 'select' => true, 'focus' => true));
$variant = isset($variant) ? $sf_data->getRaw('variant') : null; $slot = isset($slot) ? $sf_data->getRaw('slot') : null; // 1.3 and up don't do this automatically (no common filter) // Note that you cannot add more JS and CSS files in an ajax slot update. You are // expected to load those with the page. This avoids a lot of chicken and egg problems // with double-loading of CSS and JS files. Prior to this commit there was code here to // include CSS and JS, however it didn't work anyway - that code was run before a_slot_body and // therefore never had anything to add use_helper('a'); a_slot_body($name, $type, $permid, $options, $validationData, $editorOpen, true); if (!$slot->isNew()) { ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.slotNotNew(?, ?, ?)', $pageid, $name, $permid); } a_js_call('apostrophe.areaUpdateMoveButtons(?, ?, ?)', url_for('a/moveSlot'), $pageid, $name); ?> <?php if (isset($variant)) { ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.slotHideVariantsMenu(?)', "#a-{$pageid}-{$name}-{$permid}-variant ul.a-variant-options"); } ?> <?php include_partial('a/globalJavascripts'); ?>
<?php if ($form->hasGlobalErrors()) { ?> <?php echo $form->renderGlobalErrors(); ?> <?php } ?> <?php foreach ($configuration->getFormFields($form, $form->isNew() ? 'new' : 'edit') as $fieldset => $fields) { ?> <?php include_partial('aCategoryAdmin/form_fieldset', array('a_category' => $a_category, 'form' => $form, 'fields' => $fields, 'fieldset' => $fieldset)); ?> <?php } ?> <?php include_partial('aCategoryAdmin/form_actions', array('a_category' => $a_category, 'form' => $form, 'configuration' => $configuration, 'helper' => $helper)); ?> </form> </div> <?php a_js_call('aMultipleSelect(?, ?)', '.a-admin-form-field-users_list', array('choose-one' => a_('Choose Users'))); a_js_call('aMultipleSelect(?, ?)', '.a-admin-form-field-groups_list', array('choose-one' => a_('Choose Groups')));
echo $data['author']; ?> </td> <td class="preview"> <?php echo $data['diff']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php $n++; } ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.historyOpen(?)', array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'versionsInfo' => $versions, 'all' => $all, 'revert' => url_for('a/revert'), 'revisionsLabel' => a_(' Revisions'))); ?> <?php if (count($versions) == 0) { ?> <tr class="a-history-item"> <td class="id"> </td> <td class="date"> <?php echo __('No history found.', null, 'apostrophe'); ?> </td> <td class="editor"> </td>
?> -inactive" class="inactive" style="<?php echo !$active ? '' : 'display: none'; ?> "> <?php echo a_js_button(a_($settings['label']), array('alt', 'icon', 'a-unchecked', 'no-bg'), $id . '-button'); ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.slotEnableVariantButton(?)', array('buttonId' => $id . '-button', 'slotContentId' => "a-slot-content-{$pageid}-{$name}-{$permid}", 'variant' => $variant, 'slotFullId' => "{$pageid}-{$name}-{$permid}", 'url' => url_for('a/setVariant?' . http_build_query(array('id' => $pageid, 'name' => $name, 'permid' => $permid, 'variant' => $variant))))); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </li> <?php if (!$slot->isNew()) { ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.menuToggle(?)', array('button' => '#a-' . $pageid . '-' . $name . '-' . $permid . '-variant-options-toggle', 'classname' => 'a-options-open', 'overlay' => false)); ?> <?php } ?> <?php }
"><span class="icon"></span><?php echo __('Previous', null, 'apostrophe'); ?> </li> <?php if ($options['position']) { ?> <li class="a-slideshow-position"> <span class="a-slideshow-position-head">1</span> of <span class="a-slideshow-position-total"><?php echo count($items); ?> </span> </li> <?php } ?> <li class="a-arrow-btn icon a-arrow-right<?php echo $options['arrows'] === 'alt' ? ' alt' : ''; ?> "><span class="icon"></span><?php echo __('Next', null, 'apostrophe'); ?> </li> </ul> <?php } ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.slideshowSlot(?)', array('debug' => false, 'id' => $id, 'position' => $options['position'], 'interval' => $options['interval'], 'transition' => $options['transition'], 'duration' => $options['duration'], 'title' => $title));
<?php } else { ?> <?php include_partial('a/language'); ?> <?php // You can easily turn off the 'Log In' link via app.yml ?> <?php if (sfConfig::get('app_a_login_link', true)) { ?> <li class="a-login-login last"> <?php echo a_button(a_('Login'), url_for('@sf_guard_signin'), array('a-login-button'), 'a-login-button'); ?> <div id="a-login-form-container" class="a-ui a-options a-login-form-container dropshadow"> <?php include_component('a', 'signinForm'); ?> </div> </li> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.menuToggle(?)', array('button' => '#a-login-button', 'classname' => 'a-options-open', 'overlay' => true, 'focus' => '#signin_username')); ?> <?php } } ?> </ul>
<?php } ?> <?php if ($infinite) { // Normal Areas ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.areaHighliteNewSlot(?)', array('pageId' => $pageid, 'slotName' => $name)); ?> <?php if ($options['arrows']) { ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.areaUpdateMoveButtons(?, ?, ?)', url_for('a/moveSlot'), $pageid, $name); ?> <?php } ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.menuToggle(?)', array('button' => '#a-add-slot-' . $pageid . '-' . $name, 'classname' => 'a-options-open', 'overlay' => false)); ?> <?php } ?> <?php }
<hr class="a-hr" /> <div class="delete preview section a-form-row"> <?php $engine = $a_event->findBestEngine(); ?> <?php aRouteTools::pushTargetEnginePage($engine); ?> <?php echo link_to('<span class="icon"></span>' . a_('Preview'), 'a_blog_post', array('preview' => 1) + $a_event->getRoutingParams(), array('class' => 'a-btn icon a-search lite a-align-left', 'rel' => 'external')); ?> <?php aRouteTools::popTargetEnginePage($engine->engine); ?> <?php if ($a_event->userHasPrivilege('delete')) { ?> <?php echo link_to('<span class="icon"></span>' . a_('Delete'), 'a_event_admin_delete', $a_event, array('class' => 'a-btn icon a-delete alt lite a-align-right', 'method' => 'delete', 'confirm' => a_('Are you sure you want to delete this event?'))); ?> <?php } ?> </div> </form> <?php a_js_call('aBlogEnableForm(?)', array('update-labels' => $updateLabels, 'reset-url' => url_for('@a_event_admin_update?' . http_build_query(array('id' => $a_event->id, 'slug' => $a_event->slug))), 'editors-choose-label' => a_('Choose Editors'), 'categories-choose-label' => a_('Choose Categories'), 'categories-add' => $sf_user->hasCredential('admin'), 'categories-add-label' => a_('+ New Category'), 'popularTags' => $popularTags, 'existingTags' => $existingTags, 'template-change-warning' => a_('You are changing templates. Be sure to save any changes to the content at right before saving this change.')));
?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.slotRemoveVariantClass(?, ?)', '#a-slot-' . $id, $variant); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.slotApplyVariantClass(?, ?)', '#a-slot-' . $id, $variant); ?> <?php } ?> <?php // It's OK to show the variants menu once we've saved something ?> <?php if (!$slot->isNew()) { ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.slotShowVariantsMenu(?)', '#a-slot-' . $id); ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php }
<a href="<?php echo url_for('@sf_guard_forgot_password'); ?> " class="a-forgot-password"><?php echo __('Forgot your password?', null, 'sf_guard'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php if (isset($routes['sf_guard_register'])) { ?> <a href="<?php echo url_for('@sf_guard_register'); ?> " class="a-register-password"><?php echo __('Want to register?', null, 'sf_guard'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </form> </div> <?php a_js_call('$("#signin_username").focus();');
} else { ?> <input type="image" src="/apostrophePlugin/images/a-special-blank.gif" class="submit a-search-submit" value="Search Pages" alt="Search" title="Search"/> <?php } ?> </div> <?php /* Removed the cancel button because everyone kept clicking cancel instead of search. If you want to get back to media click the media heading. ?> <div class="a-form-row cancel" id="a-media-video-add-by-embed-form-submit"> <?php echo link_to('<span class="icon"></span>'.a_("Cancel"), 'aMedia/resume', array("class" => "a-btn icon a-cancel")) ?> </div> <?php //*/ ?> </form> </div> <?php if (isset($pager)) { ?> <?php include_partial('aMedia/videoSearch', array('url' => $url, 'pager' => $pager, 'service' => $service)); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.selfLabel(?)', array('selector' => '#a-media-search-services .a-search-field', 'title' => a_('Search')));
<?php if (!isset($itemFormScripts)) { // TODO: When Categories and Tags are updated to use our inline JS widgets, these scripts can get removed ?> <?php include_partial('aMedia/itemFormScripts'); } ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.menuToggle(?)', array('button' => '#a-media-replace-image-' . $i, 'classname' => '', 'overlay' => false)); a_js_call('apostrophe.mediaReplaceFileListener(?)', array('menu' => '#a-media-replace-image-' . $i, 'input' => '.a-form-row.replace input[type="file"]', 'message' => a_('This file will be replaced after you click save.'), 'fileLabel' => a_('New file: '))); ?> <?php if ($sf_request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.mediaAjaxSubmitListener(?)', array('form' => '#a-media-edit-form-' . $i, 'descId' => $form['description']->renderId(), 'url' => $formAction, 'update' => '#a-media-item-' . $item->getId() . ' .a-media-item-information')); } ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.radioToggleButton(?)', array('field' => '#a-media-editor-' . $i . ' .a-form-row.permissions > .a-form-field', 'opt1Label' => 'public', 'opt2Label' => 'hidden')); ?> <?php // include pkTagahead for the taggable widget use_javascript('/sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin/js/pkTagahead.js');
<?php echo $form['title']->render(array('class' => 'big')); ?> </div> <?php echo $form['title']->renderError(); ?> </div> <div class="a-form-row"> <ul class="a-ui a-controls"> <li><?php echo a_anchor_submit_button(a_('Create'), array('a-show-busy')); ?> </li> <li><?php echo a_js_button(a_('Cancel'), array('icon', 'a-cancel', 'a-options-cancel', 'alt')); ?> </li> </ul> </div> </form> <?php a_js_call('aBlogEnableNewForm()'); a_js_call('apostrophe.menuToggle(?)', array('button' => '.a-blog-new-post-button', 'classname' => 'a-options-open', 'overlay' => false, 'focus' => '#a_blog_new_post_title')); ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.selfLabel(?)', array('selector' => '#a_blog_new_post_title', 'title' => a_('Title'), 'persistentLabel' => true));
// This div is replaced by JS ?> <div class="a-page-permissions-widget clearfix" id="a-page-permissions-groups"></div> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.enablePermissions(?)', array('id' => 'a-page-permissions-groups', 'hiddenField' => 'a_settings_settings_edit_groups', 'name' => 'groups', 'removeLabel' => a_('Remove'), 'addLabel' => a_('+ Add a Group'), 'data' => array(array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Guests & Editors', 'selected' => true, 'extra' => true), array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'Faculty'), array('id' => 3, 'name' => 'Deans')), 'extra' => true, 'extraLabel' => a_('add / delete pages'), 'applyToSubpagesLabel' => a_('apply to subpages'), 'hasSubpages' => $hasSubpages)); ?> </div> <div class="a-page-permissions-section clearfix"> <h4><label><?php echo a_('Individuals'); ?> </label></h4> <?php // This div is replaced by JS ?> <div class="a-page-permissions-widget clearfix" id="a-page-permissions-individuals"></div> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.enablePermissions(?)', array('id' => 'a-page-permissions-individuals', 'hiddenField' => 'a_settings_settings_edit_individuals', 'name' => 'individuals', 'removeLabel' => a_('Remove'), 'addLabel' => a_('+ Add an Individual'), 'data' => array(array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'dick', 'selected' => true, 'extra' => true), array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'jane'), array('id' => 3, 'name' => 'larry')), 'extra' => true, 'extraLabel' => a_('add / delete pages'), 'applyToSubpagesLabel' => a_('apply to subpages'), 'hasSubpages' => $hasSubpages)); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } a_js_call('apostrophe.enablePermissionsToggles()');
$form = isset($form) ? $sf_data->getRaw('form') : null; $embed = isset($embed) ? $sf_data->getRaw('embed') : null; $dimensions = isset($dimensions) ? $sf_data->getRaw('dimensions') : null; $item = isset($item) ? $sf_data->getRaw('item') : null; ?> <?php use_helper('a'); ?> <h4 class="a-slot-edit-title"><?php echo a_('Inset Area Body'); ?> </h4> <div class="a-form-row a-hidden"> <?php echo $form->renderHiddenFields(); ?> </div> <?php if ($options['value']) { echo $form['value']->render(); echo $form['value']->renderError(); } ?> <?php a_js_call('apostrophe.slotEnhancements(?)', array('slot' => '#a-slot-' . $pageid . '-' . $name . '-' . $permid, 'editClass' => 'a-options'));
// otherwise, use the slot's own label ?> <?php $label = $areaLabel ? $areaLabel : a_('Add') . ' ' . $info['label']; ?> <?php } ?> <?php $buttonClass = $singleSlot ? array('a-add-slot', 'icon', 'big', $info['class']) : array('alt', 'icon', 'no-bg', 'slot', $info['class']); ?> <?php $buttonId = 'a-area-' . $id . '-' . $name . '-add-' . $info['class'] . '-slot-button'; ?> <?php echo a_js_button($label, $buttonClass, $buttonId); ?> <?php echo a_js_call('apostrophe.areaEnableAddSlotChoice(?)', array('url' => url_for("a/addSlot") . '?' . http_build_query(array('name' => $name, 'id' => $id, 'type' => $type, 'actual_url' => $sf_request->getUri())), 'pageId' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'buttonId' => $buttonId, 'debug' => false)); ?> <?php if (!$singleSlot) { ?> </li> <?php } ?> <?php }