  * @param $aLinks
  * @param $sFile
  * @return mixed
 public function onWpPluginActionLinks($aLinks, $sFile)
     if ($sFile == $this->getPluginBaseFile()) {
         $sSettingsLink = '<a href="' . admin_url("admin.php") . '?page=' . $this->getSubmenuId('plugin') . '">' . _wptb__('Settings') . '</a>';
         array_unshift($aLinks, $sSettingsLink);
     return $aLinks;
function printOptionsPageHeader($insSection = '')
    $sLinkedIcwp = '<a href="http://icwp.io/3a" target="_blank">iControlWP</a>';
    echo '<div class="page-header">';
    echo '<h2><a id="pluginlogo_32" class="header-icon32" href="http://icwp.io/2k" target="_blank"></a>';
    $sBaseTitle = sprintf(_wptb__('WordPress Twitter Bootstrap (from %s)'), $sLinkedIcwp);
    if (!empty($insSection)) {
        echo sprintf('%s :: %s', $insSection, $sBaseTitle);
    } else {
        echo $sBaseTitle;
    echo '</h2></div>';
function printFeatureSummaryBlock($fOn, $sName, $sSettingsHref = '', $sInnerSpanSize = 4)
    $sFeatureSummaryBlockNameTemplates = '%s : <span class="feature-enabled-text">%s</span>';
    $sOn = _wptb__('On');
    $sOff = _wptb__('Off');
	<div class="span<?php 
    echo $sInnerSpanSize;
 feature-summary-block state-<?php 
    echo strtolower($fOn ? $sOn : $sOff);
    echo str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($sName));
		<div class="row-fluid">
			<div class="feature-icon span3">
				<div class="span8 offset1">
					<a class="btn btn-<?php 
    echo $fOn ? 'success' : 'warning';
    echo empty($sSettingsHref) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : sprintf('href="%s"', $sSettingsHref);
    echo empty($sSettingsHref) ? _wptb_e('See Below') : _wptb_e('Go To Settings');
		<div class="feature-name">
    echo sprintf($sFeatureSummaryBlockNameTemplates, $sName, $fOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF');
  * @param $oPluginVo
 public function __construct($oPluginVo)
     $this->sFeatureName = _wptb__('Bootstrap LESS');
     $this->sFeatureSlug = 'bootstrapless';
  * @return array
 protected function getOptionsDefinitions()
     $aGeneral = array('section_title' => _wptb__('General Plugin Options'), 'section_options' => array(array('auto_update_minor_releases', '', 'Y', 'checkbox', 'Automatic Updates', 'Plugin Automatically Updates For Minor Releases', 'When enabled, will only update the plugin for minor releases (typically bug-fixes) - that is, releases where the Twitter Bootstrap version does not change.'), array('hide_dashboard_rss_feed', '', 'N', 'checkbox', 'Hide RSS News Feed', 'Hide the iControlWP Blog news feed from the Dashboard', 'Hides our news feed from inside your Dashboard.'), array('enable_upgrade_admin_notice', '', 'Y', 'checkbox', _wptb__('Plugin Notices'), _wptb__('Display Notices For Updates'), _wptb__('Disable this option to hide certain plugin admin notices about available updates and post-update notices')), array('delete_on_deactivate', '', 'N', 'checkbox', _wptb__('Delete Plugin Settings'), _wptb__('Delete All Plugin Settings Upon Plugin Deactivation'), _wptb__('Careful: Removes all plugin options when you deactivate the plugin'))));
     $aOptionsDefinitions = array($aGeneral);
     return $aOptionsDefinitions;

include_once dirname(__FILE__) . ICWP_DS . 'icwp_options_helper.php';
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . ICWP_DS . 'widgets' . ICWP_DS . 'icwp_widgets.php';
$sLatestVersionBranch = '2.x.x';
$sOn = _wptb__('On');
$sOff = _wptb__('Off');

<div class="wrap">
	<div class="bootstrap-wpadmin <?php 
echo isset($icwp_sFeatureSlug) ? $icwp_sFeatureSlug : '';
		<div class="row">
			<div class="span12">
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/icwp-wptb-state_summary.php';
echo printOptionsPageHeader($icwp_sFeatureName);