     * Эта функция использует "некрасивые" URL-пераметры. Ее нужно переписать
     * @param array $cats
     * @param array $prodIDs
     * @param array $propVals
     * @param array $carID
     * @return string
    function getTitleFromParams($cats = 0, $prodIDs = 0, $propVals = 0, $carID = 0)
        if (!$cats) {
            $cats = _varByPattern('/c-\\d+/');
        if (!$prodIDs) {
            $prodIDs = _varByPattern('/p-\\d+/');
        if (!$propVals) {
            $propVals = _varByPattern('/propVal-\\d+/');
        if (!$carID) {
            $carID = _var('carID');
        $shownCats = array();
        $shownProds = array();
        $shownProps = array();
        $resArray = array();
        foreach ($cats as $pageID) {
            if (!in_array($pageID, $shownCats)) {
                $metaData = $this->getMetaData($pageID);
                $resArray['cats'][] = $metaData['Title'] ? $metaData['Title'] : $metaData['ShortTitle'];
                $shownCats[] = $pageID;
        foreach ($propVals as $prop) {
            $val = explode('_', $prop);
            if (!in_array($val[0], $shownCats)) {
                $metaData = $this->getMetaData($val[0]);
                $resArray['cats'][] = $metaData['Title'] ? $metaData['Title'] : $metaData['ShortTitle'];
                $shownCats[] = $val[0];
        if ($carID) {
            $query = 'SELECT pm_as_cars.carName, pm_as_cars.carModel,
				            FROM pm_as_cars, pm_as_autocreators 
				            WHERE pm_as_cars.plantID = pm_as_autocreators.plantID 
				                AND pm_as_cars.carID = \'' . $carID . '\'';
            $result = mysql_query($query);
            $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
            $resArray['other'][] = $row['plantName'] . ' ' . ($row['carName'] ? $row['carModel'] . $row['carName'] : $row['carModel']);
        foreach ($prodIDs as $prodID) {
            if (!in_array($prodID, $shownProds)) {
                $query = 'SELECT * FROM pm_as_producer WHERE accPlantID=\'' . $prodID . '\'';
                $result = mysql_query($query);
                $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
                $resArray['other'][] = $row['accPlantName'];
                $shownProds[] = $prodID;
        foreach ($propVals as $prop) {
            $val = explode('_', $prop);
            if (!in_array($val[1], $shownProps)) {
                $resArray['other'][] = $val[1];
                $shownProps[] = $val[0];
        			if ( empty($resArray) ) {
        			} else {
        if (!empty($resArray['other']) || !empty($resArray['cats'])) {
            if (count($resArray['other']) || count($resArray['cats'])) {
                $str = trim(implode(", ", $resArray['cats'])) . (count($resArray['other']) && count($resArray['cats']) ? ': ' : '') . implode(', ', $resArray['other']);
            return $str;
        } else {
            return '';
 function getItemsListByPageID($pageID, &$branch)
     global $structureMgr, $templatesMgr;
     $prodIDs = _varByPattern('/p-\\d+/');
     $propVals = _varByPattern('/propVal-\\d+/');
     $res = "";
     $pager = "";
     $topContent = $structureMgr->getData($pageID);
     $metaData = $structureMgr->getMetaData($pageID);
     $from = _get("from");
     $to = _get("to");
     $propID = _get("propID");
     $order = _get("order");
     $filterTpl = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/" . "Catalogue/filterMenu.html");
     $br = $structureMgr->getChildrenDataTypesForPageID($this->getParentPageID($pageID), 1);
     //echo $pageID;
     $catFilter = "";
     $propsArray = array();
     $bsIDArray = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($branch); $i++) {
         $bsID = $branch[$i]["sID"];
         $URL = $structureMgr->getPathByPageID($branch[$i]["sID"], false);
         $chCount = $structureMgr->getChildrenCount($branch[$i]["sID"]);
         if ($chCount > 0) {
             $catFilter .= "<img src=\"/images/arr_gray2.gif\" width=\"7\" height=\"9\"  alt=\"\" /><a  href=\"?c-{$i}={$bsID}\" >" . $branch[$i]["Title"] . " ({$chCount})</a><br/>\n";
         $bsIDArray[] = $bsID;
     $subCats = $this->getSubCategoris($this->getParentPageID($pageID), $bsIDArray, $this->FILTER_CONSTANT_ARRAY[$pageID]['otherParamId']);
     foreach ($subCats as $key => $value) {
         $propsArray[$key] = $value;
     $pageIDList = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($br); $i++) {
         $pageIDList[] = $br[$i]["sID"];
     $prodList = array();
     if (count($pageIDList) > 0) {
         $prodList = $structureMgr->getProducersByPageIDList($pageIDList);
     $prods = "";
     foreach ($prodList as $prodItem) {
         $prods .= "<option value=\"" . $prodItem[0] . "\" " . (in_array($prodItem[0], $prodIDs) ? "selected" : "") . ">" . $prodItem[1] . "</option>";
     $filterTpl = str_replace("%prods%", $prods, $filterTpl);
     $propsValues = "";
     foreach ($propsArray as $propsArrayItem) {
         $propsValues .= "<option value=\"" . $propsArrayItem['propListID'] . "\" " . ($propsArrayItem['propListID'] == $propID ? "selected" : "") . ">" . $propsArrayItem['propValue'] . "</option>";
     $filterTpl = str_replace("%propsValues%", $propsValues, $filterTpl);
     $filterTpl = str_replace("%filter_result%", $this->FILTER_CONSTANT_ARRAY[$pageID]['result'], $filterTpl);
     $filterTpl = str_replace("%from%", $from, $filterTpl);
     $filterTpl = str_replace("%to%", $to, $filterTpl);
     //$filterTpl = str_replace("%ShortTitle%", $ShortTitle, $filterTpl);
     //$filterTpl = str_replace("%actionUrl%", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $filterTpl);
     $props = array();
     $filterArray = array();
     $podborArray = array();
     $hidenInputArray = array();
     foreach ($propVals as $key => $value) {
         if ($value) {
             $param = explode("_", $value);
             $props['props'][] = "pp.propValue = '" . $param[1] . "' && s.pms_sID = '" . $param[0] . "'";
             //$props['p.accCatID'][] = $param[0];
             $podborArray['prop'][] = $param[1];
             $filterArray[] = $key . "=" . $value;
             $hidenInputArray[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $key . '" value="' . $value . '">' . "\n";
     foreach ($prodIDs as $key => $value) {
         if ($value) {
             $props['prods'][] = "ap.accPlantID = '" . $value . "'";
             $filterArray[] = $key . "=" . $value;
             $query = "SELECT * FROM pm_as_producer WHERE accPlantID='" . $value . "'";
             $result = mysql_query($query);
             $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
             $podborArray['prod'][] = $row['accPlantName'];
             $hidenInputArray[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $key . '" value="' . $value . '">';
     if (count($podborArray)) {
         $catFilter = "<p><img src=\"/images/arr_gray2.gif\" width=\"7\" height=\"9\"  alt=\"\" />" . implode(', ', $podborArray['prod']) . " " . (count($podborArray['prod']) && count($podborArray['prop']) ? ":" : "") . " " . implode(', ', $podborArray['prop']) . "</p>" . "\n<p>" . $catFilter . "</p>";
     if (count($hidenInputArray)) {
         $catFilter .= implode("\n", $hidenInputArray);
     $filterTpl = str_replace("%catFilter%", $catFilter, $filterTpl);
     $filter = $_SERVER['QUERY_STR'];
     $filter .= "&amp;" . implode("&amp;", $filterArray);
     $pNum = $structureMgr->getPageNumberByPageID($pageID);
     $URL = $structureMgr->getPathByPageID($pageID, false);
     $carIDFilter = _var("carID");
     if ("" == $carIDFilter) {
         $carIDFilter = "0";
     $producerIDFilter = _var("producerID");
     $prodIDFilter = _varByPattern('/p-\\d+/');
     $perPage = GetCfg("Catalogue.perPage");
     $startFrom = ($pNum - 1) * $perPage;
     $endAt = $startFrom + $perPage - 1;
     $cnt = count($branch);
     if ($endAt >= $cnt) {
         $endAt = $cnt - 1;
     $pagesCount = ceil($cnt / $perPage);
     if ($pagesCount < $pNum) {
         trigger_error("Invalid pageNumber [{$pNum} of {$pagesCount}] - possibly hacking or serious change in DB", PM_ERROR);
     } else {
         if ($pagesCount > 1) {
             $tpl = $templatesMgr->getTemplate(-1, GetCfg("TemplatesPath") . "/" . "pager.html");
             $purePager = "";
             $filter = "";
             if ($carIDFilter != "" && count($prodIDFilter) == 0) {
                 $filter .= "carID={$carIDFilter}";
             if ($producerIDFilter != "") {
                 if ($filter) {
                     $filter .= "&amp;";
                 $filter .= "producerID={$producerIDFilter}";
             } else {
                 if (count($prodIDFilter) > 0) {
                     foreach ($prodIDFilter as $prod => $_p) {
                         if ($filter) {
                             $filter .= "&amp;";
                         $filter .= "{$prod}={$_p}";
             $cats = _varByPattern('/c' . $carIDFilter . '-\\d+/');
             if (count($cats) > 0) {
                 foreach ($cats as $cat => $v) {
                     if ($filter) {
                         $filter .= "&amp;";
                     $filter .= "{$cat}={$v}";
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagesCount; $i++) {
                 if ($i > 1) {
                     $purePager .= " - ";
                     $u = $URL . "/page" . $i;
                 } else {
                     $u = $URL;
                 if ($filter) {
                     $u .= "?" . $filter;
                 if ($i == $pNum) {
                     $purePager .= $i;
                 } else {
                     $purePager .= "<a href=\"{$u}\" class=\"levm\">" . $i . "</a>";
             $pager = str_replace("%links%", $purePager, $tpl);
             $filterTpl = str_replace("%links%", "Страницы: " . $purePager, $filterTpl);
         } else {
             $filterTpl = str_replace("%links%", "", $filterTpl);
         for ($i = $startFrom; $i <= $endAt; $i++) {
             switch ($branch[$i]["DataType"]) {
                 case "CatItem":
                     $items = true;
                     $ci = $this->getCatItemByPageID($branch[$i]["sID"]);
                     $style = $i > $startFrom ? "mid" : "up";
                     $res .= $this->getFilledItemTemplate($ci, $style);
     return " {$filterTpl}\n              <div class=\"items\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#DCDDE0\" class=\"items-table\">\n              {$res}\n              </table></div>\n              <img src=\"/images/pix.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\" alt=\"\"  />\n              {$pager}\n              ";
    function getTitleFromParamsTranslit($cats = 0, $prodIDs = 0, $propVals = 0, $carID = 0)
        if (!$cats) {
            $cats = _varByPattern('/c-\\d+/');
        if (!$prodIDs) {
            $prodIDs = _varByPattern('/p-\\d+/');
        if (!$propVals) {
            $propVals = _varByPattern('/propVal-\\d+/');
        if (!$carID) {
            $carID = _var('carID');
        $shownCats = array();
        $shownProds = array();
        $shownProps = array();
        $resArray = array();
        foreach ($cats as $pageID) {
            if (!in_array($pageID, $shownCats)) {
                $metaData = $this->getMetaData($pageID);
                $resArray['cats'][] = $metaData['Title'] ? $metaData['Title'] : $metaData['ShortTitle'];
                $shownCats[] = $pageID;
        foreach ($propVals as $prop) {
            $val = explode('_', $prop);
            if (!in_array($val[0], $shownCats)) {
                $metaData = $this->getMetaData($val[0]);
                $resArray['cats'][] = $metaData['Title'] ? $metaData['Title'] : $metaData['ShortTitle'];
                $shownCats[] = $val[0];
        if ($carID) {
            $query = 'SELECT pm_as_cars.carName, pm_as_cars.carModel,
				            FROM pm_as_cars, pm_as_autocreators
				            WHERE pm_as_cars.plantID = pm_as_autocreators.plantID
				                AND pm_as_cars.carID = "' . $carID . '"';
            $result = mysql_query($query);
            $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
            $resArray['other'][] = $row['plantName'] . ' ' . ($row['carName'] ? $row['carModel'] . $row['carName'] : $row['carModel']);
        foreach ($prodIDs as $prodID) {
            if (!in_array($prodID, $shownProds)) {
                $query = 'SELECT * FROM pm_as_producer WHERE accPlantID="' . $prodID . '"';
                $result = mysql_query($query);
                $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
                $resArray['other'][] = $row['accPlantName'];
                $shownProds[] = $prodID;
        foreach ($propVals as $prop) {
            $val = explode('_', $prop);
            if (!in_array($val[1], $shownProps)) {
                $resArray['other'][] = $val[1];
                $shownProps[] = $val[0];
        if (isset($resArray['cats']) && count($resArray['cats'])) {
            $str = trim(implode(', ', $resArray['cats']));
            if (!empty($resArray['other']) && count($resArray['other'])) {
                foreach ($resArray['other'] as $key => $val) {
                    $query = sprintf("SELECT propValue FROM pm_as_parts_properties WHERE propValueTranslit = '%s' LIMIT 1", $val);
                    $result = mysql_query($query);
                    if (0 != mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                        $resArray['other'][$key] = mysql_result($result, 0);
                $str .= ': ' . implode(', ', $resArray['other']);
            return $str;
        } else {
            return '';